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The Pack's Mate
The Pack's Mate
The Pack's Mate
Ebook25 pages24 minutes

The Pack's Mate

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When Gracie meets a group of gorgeous men eager for her attention, she’s not sure what to do. Maybe they need glasses? Why flirt with a chubby girl like her when they can probably score someone hot? Then the sexy guys reveal the truth – they’re werewolves who will stop at nothing to claim Gracie as their mate.

This 5700 word story contains graphic sex between a bbw and three sexy werewolves. Includes gang bang, rough sex and oral sex.


Breathing like I’m about to drown, I touch my chest and try to calm my nerves. The black wolf looks at me and licks its chops. White teeth flash speckled with blood.

Two other sets of eyes bore through me as they edge their way closer and closer. Keelan crouches as if he’s going to pounce. His white coat shines as a flash of lightning illuminates the park for an instant. Jacob slowly walks towards me. His coat brown with coppery streaks.

My body shakes uncontrollably and I get up and run. Throwing Adrian’s heavy jacket behind me. Three howls cut the air as I near the edge of the park. I look behind me. All three close at my heels. If I make it to the street there’s bound to be someone there. I hope. Would they pursue me even then?

Before I reach the street Adrian knocks me to the ground. The other wolves bite and nip at my arms. Teeth grip the edge of my jeans and I’m dragged back into the park. I cover my face as the three beasts tear my clothes to shreds.

PublisherCarrie Kelly
Release dateMay 16, 2013
The Pack's Mate

Carrie Kelly

Carrie Kelly lives in Washington and writes sexy erotic romance with lively heroines and smoking hot heroes. She started writing romance when she lost her main source of income as a freelance writer – and it was the best decision she’s ever made! Besides writing, she spends time with her lovely cats, travels and enjoys wearing ridiculously girly clothes.

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    The Pack's Mate - Carrie Kelly

    The Pack’s Mate

    Copyright 2013 by Carrie Kelly

    Published by Smashwords

    Cover Art:

    © ingimage

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All rights reserved.

    All characters in this story are made up by the author. They aren’t based on any real people.

    I shudder as I enter the diner then sigh with relief as the warm air wraps around me like a blanket. Drops of rain water fall from my hair and I run my fingers through the damp curls.

    The smell of food wafts through the room and my stomach grumbles.

    A short and stocky man approaches me with a smile. Hello! And how are you today? he asks.

    Fine, I stammer.

    Is it just you?

    I frown and nod. Yeah, just me.

    This way. Would you prefer a booth or a table?

    Booth, I say and follow.

    I glance around, noticing no other customers save three men at a small table. Each one looks up at me from his plate and I turn my head away.

    Sitting at the booth, I move into the corner.

    The stocky waiter plants a menu in front of me. What can I get you started with?

    I lick my lips. "I just want the number seven, the steak well done, fries instead of a baked potato and

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