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Pirates of Tezomea Episode 6: Sexy Mad Science
Pirates of Tezomea Episode 6: Sexy Mad Science
Pirates of Tezomea Episode 6: Sexy Mad Science
Ebook42 pages40 minutes

Pirates of Tezomea Episode 6: Sexy Mad Science

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Lazarus and Kynthia aren't the only ones to discover a castle in the middle of the wilderness. Romance author and explorer Danni was sent an invitation she couldn't refuse. Will this be just a boring reunion between old school chums, or is there a nefarious plot afoot? Find out in part 6 of The Pirates of Tezomea.

Release dateMay 21, 2013
Pirates of Tezomea Episode 6: Sexy Mad Science

Doug and Neesa Chapman

Neesa and Doug are a loving married couple living in a modest apartment in Greensboro, North Carolina. They spend as much free time as they can either writing, walking their dog, camping, or going to various sci-fi and fantasy conventions.

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    Pirates of Tezomea Episode 6 - Doug and Neesa Chapman

    Pirates of Tezomea: Episode 6

    Sexy Mad Science

    By Doug and Neesa Chapman

    Published by Dragons Entwined Studio on Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Doug and Neesa Chapman



    Danni stood on the deck of her airship. The Perfect Penmanship bobbed, tethered to the strangest dock she had encountered in her travels. The landing area jutted up from a sea of fog, barely visible among the rolling wisps. Captain Skye stood protectively behind Danni, watching the group of men at the landing suspiciously. The raven haired captain had sharp features, and eyes that roved the details around her, cataloging everything with predatory precision. Danni's captain was Pard, so her senses were sharp and accurate.

    Skye snorted. I should come with you, the captain of her vessel insisted. They look like trouble. All of them are thugs except the guy in front. He just looks loopy.

    Don't mommy me, Skye. When the Pard hissed her indignation, Danni continued trying to sooth Skye's wounded pride. Alexander is an old friend from college. He graduated a year ahead of me. He sent a letter through my publisher. It was very cordial. I'll be perfectly safe in his presence, I assure you. Besides, you'll just be bored. We're probably going to sit around sipping tea and talking about the alma mater.

    Danni, was this the same school where that Lazarus fellow went? The one that always makes you so grumpy.

    Danni frowned, Skye, why did you have to bring him up. You’re going to ruin a perfectly pleasant reunion.

    Just asking.

    Yes, Danni grumbled. Lazarus would have graduated with him, if he had been allowed to finish school, but he wasn't, and I don't want to talk about it any more.

    Suit yourself. said Skye. I'll keep the engine primed in case we need to make a hasty escape.

    Danni rolled her eyes, but she knew arguing with the stubborn woman was useless. Once a Pard got an idea in their head, it took moving the world to change their point of view. Captain Skye was no different.

    The Pard had fought staunch racism to earn her pilots license, but had discovered finding a job and eventually owning her own ship, were almost insurmountable agendas. She never gave up, though she had suffered bouts of inebriation to deal her unfair circumstances.

    Danni had found her in a bar, running up a tab she could barely pay. If Danni cared what others thought, she would no doubt be dubious about hiring a Pard to pilot her ship. Pard were known for their quick tempers, and stubborn personalities. What most people didn't know about the Pard, was their undying loyalty to those who have shown them kindness. The tab had been outrageous, but by paying it, Danni had earned herself a captain who was not only loyal, but stronger than any person she knew.

    Danni made her way down the rope gangplank, and away from the safety of her ship. It swayed, but she held firmly to the ropes, and made it across without any mishaps. The feel of steady land under her instead of the swaying airship was disorienting. She leaned on her walking stick, trying to ignore the wobble in her legs. Her illness was slowly

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