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The Bird
The Bird
The Bird
Ebook232 pages3 hours

The Bird

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Stormy Terrebonne's life is about to change forever. A cardinal, a prince, and magic acorn soup are only the beginning.

She soon finds herself being whisked away from all she's ever known to save an entire race of people known as Trobodytes.

How? By killing an evil wizard named Bordash Bladeslinger.

But not all is as it seems. Stormy has a handful of friends, and she's not sure they aren't enemies in disguise.

Fantastical twists to the fairy tales you know and love abound in this tale of quests, witches, wizards, and a strange race of people known as Trobodytes. Suitable for those age thirteen and up, this young adult crossover fantasy novel is packed to the gills with action, adventure, and love.

PublisherJo Michaels
Release dateMay 24, 2013
The Bird

Jo Michaels

Jo Michaels loves writing novels that make readers gasp in horror, surprise, and disbelief. While her browser search history has probably landed her on a list somewhere, she still dives into every plot with gusto, hoping "the man" will realize she's a writer and not a psychopath about to go on a rampage. Her favorite pastimes are reading, watching Investigation Discovery, and helping other authors realize their true potential through mentoring. She's penned the award-winning Pen Pals and Serial Killers series and the best-selling educational book for children, Writing Prompts for Kids, which has rocketed the kids that use it into several awards of their own.Most of Jo's books feature the places she's lived: Louisiana, Tennessee, and Georgia. That's given her a special amount of insight to what makes those locations tick. Her works are immersive and twisty, and she wouldn't want it any other way.

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    The Bird - Jo Michaels

    The Bird

    by Jo Michaels


    The Bird

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Jo Michaels

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Published by Jo Michaels.

    Cover design by Jo Michaels.

    Edited by Crystal Lee.


    To Mike:

    Our love knows no bounds. You are truly a prince.

    We will have our Happily Ever After.

    To my mom:

    You mean so much to me. Thank you for all your wisdom and support.

    To Sandi:

    I hope you enjoy the nuances of this book. You inspired me in so many ways.

    Thank you for all your support.



    Chapter One – Meeting the Bird

    Chapter Two – The Offer

    Chapter Three – Thirteen

    Chapter Four – Trogon

    Chapter Five – Bordash Bladeslinger

    Chapter Six – A ReQuest for Information

    Chapter Seven – Elves, Dwarves, and Leprechauns

    Chapter Eight – Leprechauns Lilliputians

    Chapter Nine – Death of a Queen

    Chapter Ten – Almost Alone

    Chapter Eleven – Stormy

    Chapter Twelve – Lea

    Chapter Thirteen – It’s a Life or Death Situation

    Chapter Fourteen – Bark

    Chapter Fifteen – Lea’s Lamentations

    Chapter Sixteen – Bad Dudes

    Chapter Seventeen – The Plan

    Chapter Eighteen – The Battle

    Chapter Nineteen – Crime and Punishment

    Chapter Twenty – Beginnings Endings

    About the Author


    Chapter One – Meeting the Bird

    As the sun began its journey into the sky, Stormy watched it with intensity. Somehow it seemed brighter, like it knew that day would be different. She sighed and lifted her coffee to her lips, blowing the steam away. A tentative sip later, she relaxed into the chair as the warm liquid made its way down her throat and made her feel at home.

    Her thoughts turned to the reason she was there and a great wave of sadness passed over her. Mom only had about two months of life left, and Stormy wasn’t sure she’d be able to stand it when the family matriarch died. They’d been through so much together and butted heads so many times it was ridiculous. But the love was there, and that’s what mattered. Stormy’s eyes misted up as the memories of chilly Christmas mornings and pushes on the old tire swing played through her head.

    A bright red cardinal, with a very black mask, perched in a bush nearby and cocked his head to the side as if to say, Hello. What are you doing sitting on my porch?

    She laughed softly and spoke to it. Hi, yourself. Your porch, eh? I bet you’re a happy bird this morning. It looks like it’s gonna be a beautiful day. Why are you up so early? Oh, right, she snorted, the early bird gets the worm, huh? Another chuckle escaped her lips and she wondered if she was losing it. After all, who in their right mind would talk to an animal?

    It hopped out of the bush and onto the railing nearby; again, cocking its head at her.

    Well, aren’t you a brave little thing?

    In answer, the bird chirped.

    Shaking her head, she smirked at the bird and went in for more. You want to know what I’m doing here and who I am?

    It chirped a few more times.

    Stormy mumbled, Well, might as well talk to it. It’s not like I can look any crazier than I already do. She admired the bird for a moment before really starting to talk. She rolled her eyes at herself. Okay, you want to know why? I’ll tell you. Listen up, because I’m only saying this once. I got a phone call a couple of weeks ago, telling me my mother only had a few months to live, and I needed to come see her. So I got on a plane and flew out here to spend some time in her company. As always, she hasn’t held back her opinions of me, and I’m beginning to regret flying all the way to Missouri. Not to mention my long walk this morning just to procure a cup of freaking coffee—because she doesn’t drink it, therefore has no pot.

    The cardinal pranced around on the railing and hopped from foot-to-foot in a little dance before chirping at her again.

    Oh, you want more?

    Another chirp and a fanning of the tail feathers. Stormy’s eyes went wide and her lips pursed as she whistled her surprise at the bird’s animated reaction. Her right shoulder rolled forward inching her closer to the intriguing creature.

    Okay then. I’m sleeping on the most uncomfortable bed known to man, my cell phone died right after I arrived, and I have no laptop because it was consumed by the blue screen of death. I’m stuck out here with my thoughts, and I’m talking to a bird; which, by all accounts, makes me nuttier than a Mr. Goodbar. I miss my dogs, my kids, and my life back home in New Jersey—did you recognize the accent? Now I’m facing losing someone I love dearly, but who doesn’t seem to notice I love her. I guess I figured flying out here would be enough to show her how much I care. I feel like my whole forty-five years have meant nothing. Stormy sighed and blinked back tears. But you don’t want to hear this. She rolled her eyes and swiped a hand through the air, disgusted with her own whining.

    Stormy noticed a movement out the side of her eye and whipped her head around to find a spider descending from the eaves with its legs wagging as if in terror it would fall. A horrible thought occurred to her as the cardinal stared at the insect as well.

    Please don’t eat it, she pleaded.

    When the cardinal shivered, extended its wings, opened its beak, and mimicked throwing up, she laughed out loud.

    "You are a clever bird!"

    After fluffing its feathers and managing to look indignant, the bird cocked its head again and gave a short chirp before hopping along the railing toward the steps.

    Stormy blinked and sighed. Leaving now? Okay, it was nice talking to you!

    It hopped back, bowed with wings extended, chirped again, then turned and walked deliberately back toward the steps.


    The bird hung its head and seemed to sigh. Then, it repeated its movements.

    You want me to follow you. Is that it?

    It danced around a moment in a lively jig then flew around her head before landing back on the porch railing and hopping back toward the steps again.

    Stormy eased out of her chair and walked that way.

    At her movement, the bird flew to the lowest branch of a nearby tree and chirped.

    Again, she followed.

    This pattern continued until they were a good way from the house in a dense thicket of trees.

    When they reached a small clearing teeming with dandelions, the bird landed on the ground and began to shake.

    Oh my! Are you…

    In a flash of light, Stormy found herself face-to-face with a handsome young man with short black hair, hazel green eyes, and skin that glowed like a god’s. He bowed to her and said, Thank you for coming. We’ve been waiting for you to return for a long time now.

    She couldn’t move or speak. Her feet seemed to have been cemented in place and her mouth felt like it was full of glue.

    He smiled, revealing perfect teeth, and asked, "Are you surprised? Really? Have you ever seen a true cardinal behave that way?"

    Stormy shook her head.

    "I need you to accompany me right now. We have no time left to lose. My mother asked that I bring you to her so she can explain what’s going on and why we’re in great need of your help. Will you come with me?" He extended a hand.

    Without thinking, and still quite unable to speak, she placed her hand in his and nodded.

    Eventually, you’re going to need to speak. He grinned. I’m Michael.

    Hello. She managed to squeak out the word but even to her it sounded lame. Clearing her throat, she tried once more. I’m sorry. Hello, Michael, it’s nice to meet you.

    His grip on her hand tightened for a moment with a light squeeze. I’m the one who should be sorry. I imagine I gave you quite a fright when I changed.

    No. You just surprised me is all. I’m difficult to scare.

    Michael’s eyes sparkled with appreciation, and his grateful smile was so heartwarming it took her breath away. He straightened his back and nodded.

    Where are we going?

    To my home. You’ll see. It’s not far.

    Stormy allowed herself to be dragged through the trees toward the pond. When they arrived, she took note of the dying tree growing near the water, remembering how she used to play on its branches when she was a kid. To her surprise, he headed straight for it.

    Once they got close, he released her hand and said, Stay right here for a moment.

    She did as she was told and watched him walk over to the tree and wave his hand in front of the trunk, near the water. A gasp escaped her lips when the water rose to reveal an elegant set of stairs with a gold banister that led down into the ground.

    Michael returned and offered his hand again. Shall we? he asked.

    Her head moved up and down of its own accord and she placed her hand in his, hoping he didn’t mind the perspiration. Despite her display of bravado, she was feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything she was seeing and her palms had begun to sweat.

    When he was looking the other way, she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding before that moment. With her heart hammering in her chest, she accompanied him down the golden stairs. As they descended, she could hear the water above, rushing back into place. She was trapped.

    As her feet moved forward, her eyes adjusted to the new light. It was a bit dimmer than above and had a more golden tone to it. She glanced down at her arms and turned them over, admiring how bronzed they appeared. Thinking it must do wonders for the skin, she wondered how often someone would have to be exposed to it to look like Michael. She felt the heat rise into her face.

    She looked up, and was overwhelmed by the spiral staircase before her, reaching far into the open air above them. She wondered how much longer they’d have to go when suddenly they were standing in front of a large, gilded door.

    Michael reached his hand up, placed it on the handle, and murmured something too low for her to hear. Slowly, the door opened away from them to reveal a city so large and beautiful, it took her breath away.

    Her hand flew to the base of her throat and she gasped as her eyes flew around, trying to take it all in at once.

    Every path was paved in silver and gold. Trees stood tall and proud with golden leaves and deep purple trunks. The air was a perfect temperature, and the absence of the Missouri humidity was nothing short of a relief. Silver, gold, and jeweled rooftops sparkled in every direction. But the crowning glory of this world was the biggest castle Stormy could ever have imagined. It seemed every road and path terminated at the gates, and its visage seemed to glow with a powerful aura.

    He turned, looked at her face, and gave a low chuckle before saying, Welcome to Trogon. Quite a change from that drab world you come from, isn’t it?

    She nodded. Yes. It’s so beautiful.

    It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been all over the world. I think you’re going to like it here. Come on, we have to speak with Mother. He pressed forward, dragging Stormy along behind him. When she lagged, looking at this or exclaiming over that, he would cut her off and tell her they needed to hurry; there would be time for admiring things later.

    As they approached the castle, she grew apprehensive about meeting his mother. She asked questions: What is it your mother does? Why does she want to see me? How come no one knows about this place? What do you eat here?

    Every question she asked was answered with, Mother will answer your questions when we arrive. Come on, along with a pull on the hand he still held.

    They arrived at the castle gates and the guards bowed. Welcome back, your Majesty.

    She was baffled. He was royalty! That meant his mother must be the Queen! Stormy’s hands perspired again as her nerves gave a strong jangle.

    He walked right up to the doors of the castle and thrust them open with gusto. Every guard bowed as they passed and some gave Stormy a look that could only be interpreted as hopeful.

    She wondered what she’d gotten herself into.

    When they reached the throne room, her legs were worn out and she was tired of not receiving any answers. Her temper rose and her body grew warm with anger. She fought off the urge to glare at him.

    Michael deposited her at the foot of the dais and barked a command, Kneel before the Queen.

    Stormy’s rage flared and she replied, "No. She’s not my queen, and I don’t know her from Eve. I want answers to my questions, dammit! Now."

    He sighed and knelt before the woman sitting on the single throne atop the platform. I have brought her, most honored Mother, as requested.

    Stormy looked at the woman and sized her up. Eyes that sparked with power and humor in a dazzling green color, could’ve been emeralds set in the woman’s perfectly round face. Jet black hair was lying in a long braid over her shoulder that almost reached her ankles. On her head was a thin circlet of gold with tiny silver leaves and pink colored apples adorning the sides. Her dress seemed to be made of the night sky, complete with sparkling silver stars. Above all, this woman radiated power from her very being, and before Stormy realized what she was doing, she dropped to her knees in reverence.

    See, child? She has come around. There is no need for an ill temper. When the queen smiled, the light about her grew brighter. Please rise; both of you. This is not a time for formalities. We’ve wasted precious years already.

    They stood.

    She turned to Stormy. Hello, darling girl, we’ve been searching for you a long time.

    Why? What’s all this about? Who are you? What do you want with me? Stormy demanded as her mind raced through possibilities. Her heart pounded in her chest as she wondered if she was intended as a human sacrifice of some kind.

    The queen threw back her head and laughed. It was a tinkling sound that reverberated around the room and put Stormy right at ease. I’ve been thinking on how to tell you this. I don’t have time to explain every detail, so I’m going to give you a quick overview. Will that suit you for now? We have a lot to do and little time to do it in.

    Stormy sighed and crossed her arms. I suppose it’ll have to. Her resolve was melting and she asked her inner conscious if perhaps the queen had some weird power that

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