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Alice's Dragon
Alice's Dragon
Alice's Dragon
Ebook70 pages42 minutes

Alice's Dragon

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Dragon Charmer—taking care of your pesky dragon problem—for a price.

Business is good for Alice, right until her dragon goes crazy and bites off her arm. To make matters worse, a tall, dark stranger kills the cash-cow dragon before her eyes.

Instead of dying from her wounds, Alice finds herself under the tender care of Bade, a gentle-handed Bulgarian far from home with secrets in his satchel.

If they can scratch each others backs, the secrets might live on and Alice might still have a job. She’s never backed down from a challenge, but she’s in for more than she bargained for with the tall, dark stranger.

Release dateMay 27, 2013
Alice's Dragon

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    Alice's Dragon - Stephanie Beck

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    Alice’s Dragon

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2013 by Stephanie Beck

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-536-9

    Cover art by Tibbs Design

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    Also by Stephanie Beck

    1Night Stand Series

    Panties Optional

    The Edge

    Smut Therapy

    Searching for Smut

    Smut Interrupted


    Home to Hellas

    Writing as Stephanie J Grace

    Felines and Flowers

    Easy Peasy

    Alice’s Dragon

    The Challenge Series


    Stephanie Beck


    For my dragon-chasing friends.

    Chapter One

    Alice stepped up to the gate and shook her fist into the cool night air. Henry, you dirty son of a bitch. Give me my money.

    Their small cove community belonged only to itself, and though he had no real power, Lord Henry claimed jurisdiction, which meant he needed to pay her.

    For generations the residents of the Island of Aden had lived a sequestered existence, taking on the rugged, independent nature of their homeland. After the last few hurricanes, fewer and fewer ships came by for fear of getting marooned. More people left than were born. It was only a matter of time before the population died out entirely. Alice was happily stuck, as was Henry. Only, she would last longer than the cheap, decrepit fart.

    When the old man lumbered out of his stately stone home, a small satchel in his hand, Alice hid her sigh of relief. She’d expected him to balk, as he had the month before, with fairly justified cause. The dragon she distracted had seen more ferocious days. His scales flaked and he’d lost another two teeth. Terrifying didn’t quite describe him, but she’d done her job and the village remained unravaged. Therefore, she had earned her pay.

    Limping and holding his robes closed, Henry reached her, his scowl lit by the torch the young servant beside him carried. Neither appeared happy to see her.

    You couldn’t come at a proper time, could you, Dragon Charmer?

    I never do, she chirped, accepting the offered money sack.

    I can’t wait for this to be done, Henry muttered.

    Done? Oh, my lord, this will never be done. As long as there are dragons, you’ll need a charmer, and I’m the last of my line.

    Henry perked up. Yes, and the dragon is the last of his. There hasn’t been a new one in decades. We won’t be needing you.

    You’ll always need me, Alice snapped. If he dies, another will take his place. Don’t expect me to come and help you for free when your shit is on fire.

    The wicked sparkle in his eye gave her a bad feeling in her gut. "Whatever you say, Dragon Charmer, but if I were you I’d consider a new vocation. Charmers and slayers are no longer necessary in the modern

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