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Home Remedies for Cold Sores: Natural Cold Sore Remedies that Work
Home Remedies for Cold Sores: Natural Cold Sore Remedies that Work
Home Remedies for Cold Sores: Natural Cold Sore Remedies that Work
Ebook60 pages18 minutes

Home Remedies for Cold Sores: Natural Cold Sore Remedies that Work

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Cold sores are a very common problem suffered by a good majority of people today. They are fluid-filled blisters that burst and then crust over to form the sore. They usually form, often in clusters, on the mouth, nose, and especially around the lips. They are caused by a viral infection known as herpes simplex.

All though cold sores are highly contagious, and most of us are exposed to the herpes simplex by the age of 5, many people form and carry an immunity to it.

Cold sores usually manifest themselves as painful mouth ulcers when the body and immune system is stressed, run down, and/or depressed. They most often appear when the immune system is dealing with other infections such as a cold, when it is stressed because of cold weather, or when it is otherwise weak. Many women get cold sores during menstruation. Children are the majority of sufferers from this problem and can benefit greatly from the information found in this manual.

Once you have developed a cold sore, you may carry the virus for the rest of your life, and attacks may appear during extreme changes in weather, and while being run down.

The most obvious and common symptoms of cold sores are pain and soreness, crusting blisters, cracking, and weeping, particularly when the sores are located in the corner of the mouth. Remember that they are highly infectious, so make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after any contact and use a personal towel, washcloth, and soap.

A lot of time, energy, research and love went into the making of this manual; and it is the purpose of this manual to provide you with the easiest, safest and healthiest home remedies for cold sores.

It is my hope that you, the reader, achieve the solution to your problem, and I know that you will have great success once you have applied these simple natural remedies for cold sores.

PublisherConnie Bus
Release dateMay 30, 2013
Home Remedies for Cold Sores: Natural Cold Sore Remedies that Work

Connie Bus

"Safe and natural home remedies for everyone, for less than the price of a cup o' joe." Not-so-modern medicine is expensive and focuses on getting rid of (or worse, covering up) symptoms rather than healing the individual who is sick. Often times, the side effects are worse than the original problem. What you need (and what Connie Bus provides) is safer and more natural home remedies that not only treat the problem but also prevent it, and promote a healthy body and mind. Connie writes her books for average folks who are looking for better solutions and a healthier lifestyle. What separates her from other publishers is her ability to provide complex information in a straightforward manner that anyone can understand and use. Her genuine care for people and dedication to providing only honest, proven, and safe solutions is what matters most. In her spare time she likes bicycling, reading, writing, and spending time with her family. If you would like to know more, check out her books. Her love and compassion shows through her writing.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent resource on cold sores. Well written and organized. I will save this as a reference tool. Thank you.

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Home Remedies for Cold Sores - Connie Bus

Home Remedies for Cold Sores

Natural Cold Sore Remedies that Work

By Connie Bus

Copyright 2013 Connie Bus

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Author or publisher.

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Define Success

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Jamie gets all the thanks in the world because without her, none of this would be possible. I would also like to thank The American Holistic Medicine Association, Norman Shealy M.D., Ph.D., and all those blessed souls who have contributed so much to this work, humanity and this field.


Cold sores are a very common problem suffered by a good majority of people today. They are fluid-filled blisters that burst and then crust over to form the sore. They usually form, often in clusters, on the mouth, nose, and especially around the lips. They are caused by a viral infection known as herpes simplex. All though cold sores are highly contagious, and most of us are exposed to the herpes simplex by the age of 5, many people form and carry an immunity to it.

Cold sores usually manifest themselves as painful mouth ulcers when the body and immune system is stressed, run down,

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