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Realising Your Authority
Realising Your Authority
Realising Your Authority
Ebook180 pages3 hours

Realising Your Authority

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this book attempts to address everyone who reads it; it is a book that has conversations about realising yourself as the only one that makes your choices and decisions. I mean, who else? for heaven’s sake, there is no one else! cultivating respect for yourself and life in general does not indicate that you have to shove everybody else off the stage to ensure your theatrical debut.
we are going to look at how to learn, experience and become who we are meant to be. this we are going to do by looking at and discussing several key points affecting our human existence; ranging from something as simple as what we eat and how we eat it, to the intended meaning of our interactions as men and women on earth.
why did god put us here?
who are we in relation to god?
what is spirituality and how do we use it?
what are the criteria of living life as a human? are there powers we are unaware of and are able to use to our advantage?

this book attempts to answer these questions and more. it, however, wastes no time with multi-step plans and quick fixes – it speaks simply on how to be god on earth.

Cutting to the chase of who you are is found in what you are.

Release dateJun 4, 2013
Realising Your Authority

Jacques Ractliffe

Jacques Ractliffe was born in December 1971 and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. Jacques is a Life-Force channeler who actively promotes people to achieve their own highest authority and knowing within their own lives. ‘To knowingly put one’s innermost thoughts and feelings out there to be judged and interpreted by, not only friends and colleagues, but also strangers is probably one of the scariest things anybody can face – you know, like that dream where you walk naked through the street or amongst your friends and teachers in school; everything hanging out for their looky-see; for herein lies the ultimate judgement of yourself by the rest of humanity. The truth is that this ultimate judgement is simply superficial and transparent. The reality of it is that one can only be truly comfortable and honest with oneself if you are irrevocably you.’ My passion in life is to know how to make things work in one’s personal life and with God/Divinity. I am an empath and Usui Reiki master, author and service manager. As my natural instinct is that of a teacher, I find writing a natural expression system for Universal channelings.

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