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Buying His Silence (Slave to His Whims - Book 2)
Buying His Silence (Slave to His Whims - Book 2)
Buying His Silence (Slave to His Whims - Book 2)
Ebook39 pages39 minutes

Buying His Silence (Slave to His Whims - Book 2)

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Waking the next morning to find Damien still beside her, Angel can hardly believe that the night before was not some terribly hot and sexy dream. The man of her dreams has spent the night, and he certainly made his stay memorable. And Damien is far from done. In a playful mood, he forces Angel to play his sexy games, no letting her find any satisfaction until he gives her permission. It's a turn on, and Angel eagerly plays along, feeling her lust for the man teasing her reaching new highs with every passing moment.

As a reward for playing his teasing, sensual games so well, Damien finally gives Angel permission to find her release as he takes her on the kitchen table. But before she can tumble over that edge, they are interrupted by Carl letting himself into her apartment. Embarrassed, Angel tries to make Damien stop, but he doesn't care about an audience, and forces her to finish while Carl watches.

But the day's fun is far from over. Concerned that Carl will let their secret spill to the wrong person, Damien offers to buy his letting Carl have Angel as well. When she protests, Damien forces her to make the hardest decision of her life: play his game his way, or let him walk away forever. Can Angel let the man of her dreams walk away so easily or will she cave to Damien's demands once more?

**This sexy, sensual, hot romance is meant for adult readers, 18 years and older, only. Contained within are plenty of adult situations, language, and explicit sexual content.

** This is the second book of the "Slave to His Whims" series. You can still enjoy Damien and Angel's adventures without reading the first one, but it's highly recommended that you read that one as well. Enjoy!

PublisherEden Devoe
Release dateJun 7, 2013
Buying His Silence (Slave to His Whims - Book 2)

Eden Devoe

I've always known I wanted to become a writer. Even before I could hold a pencil, I was making up wild, elaborate tales for anyone who would listen. And as soon as I could write down more than my ABC's, I was entertaining my friends and family. The passion for the written word has not dimmed as I have gotten older, but life doesn't always turn out the way you expect. Finally able to have platform for my writing, I'm happy to share my passion with the world. I write a mix of everything, but currently, I'm very passionate about writing erotica and romance stories. Some of the stories are set in real life, and some are set in the world of supernatural beings and fantasy worlds, but all are filled with lots of steamy sex and passion. My stories are suitable for adults only, and it's so much better that way. I love to hear from readers, so don't hesitate to contact me if you want. You can find me on twitter: @edendevoe, or you can send me an email:

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    Book preview

    Buying His Silence (Slave to His Whims - Book 2) - Eden Devoe

    Buying His Silence

    Slave to His Whims - Book 2

    By Eden Devoe

    Text copyright 2013 Eden Devoe Books

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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    *This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance

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    *This book is intended for adults only.

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    of the publisher, Eden Devoe Books.

    Table of Contents

    Buying His Silence

    Bonus Excerpt from Mistress Tali

    Other books by Eden

    Connect with Eden

    About the Author: From Eden

    Buying His Silence

    Warm hands on my belly startled me from a pleasant sleep. I gasped in surprise and tried to pull away, confused for a long moment. A deep chuckle from behind me stalled me in my tracks. I recognized the sound immediately, and knew it was Damien. I relaxed as memories of the night before surfaced in my still sleepy mind. I had thought it all an extremely pleasant dream, but now I realized it hadn't been in my imagination at all. With a deep sigh of contentment, I shifted closer to him, smiling as he wrapped his arms tightly around me, squeezing me against him.

    Good morning, beautiful, he cooed in my ear, planting a light kiss on my neck, making me giggle.

    Morning, I replied in a small voice.

    That was some night, last night, he said with a soft growl, squeezing me a little tighter. I could feel his erection pressing against my butt, and it made me instantly horny. We were both still naked, and the press of his hot skin against me was making me exceptionally wet. I wanted him inside of me. As if sensing my needs, he reached between us and guided himself inside of me, groaning deeply as he did. He began to thrust slowly, making me moan softly. You like it when I'm inside you, don't you? he whispered in my ear.

    I nodded fiercely, not trusting my voice in that moment.

    Good, he continued, because I like it too. He sped up his thrusting just a little. We're going to play just a little now, he told me in a soft voice. I'm going to tease you for a few minutes, and then we're going to get up and you'll make us breakfast.


    And if you're a good girl, he said, cutting off my protest before

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