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Erotic Vignettes III
Erotic Vignettes III
Erotic Vignettes III
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Erotic Vignettes III

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I know I should not be thinking of my cousin this way, but dam is she hot and it doesn't help matters any that we are stuck sleeping in the same bed on this camping trip.

Release dateJun 8, 2013
Erotic Vignettes III

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    Erotic Vignettes III - Trixie T

    Erotic Vignettes III

    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright June 8, 2013 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Kissing Cousins

    I’ve been sleeping with my cousin since we were babies and for the most part I have not thought twice about it. I certainly would not have even have given it a second thought on this camping trip either except that her sleeping bag has gotten soaked, which means she is having to snuggle in mine.

    This is the fifteenth year that our families have made this annual camping trip and as it is a three bedroom cabin that they own Liz and I have been sleeping on the twin bed in the smallest of the three bedrooms for as long as I can remember.

    This year, like any other year would not have been a problem for I liked my cousin. In fact, she has always been my best friend. She is one of the few girls that really gets me, just as I get her. I suppose that is natural since we pretty well grew up together. We are comfortable around each other and more often than not we tell each other what we wished we could tell others, or things that we want to keep secret from our parents.

    The problem with this year is that I have not seen Liz in about a year. This is unusual for us as for most of our lives our parents lived next to one another. That changed a year ago. Neither one of us was happy about it so when we saw each other yesterday we were full of hugs and kisses.

    That was when it hit me. My cousin has grown up right before my eyes and I didn’t even notice it. That growing up was not all in the last year either, for I have been watching my cousin dress and undress for fifteen years and had thought nothing of it. Liz started growing breasts at thirteen and by fourteen she was already well endowed and I got to see those tits of her in all their glory hundreds of times and yet how little I paid attention to them or to how she was changing.

    I mean how can a person miss a five foot nine inch wavy chocolate brown haired forty inch D busted girl in the first place is beyond reasoning. Even if you could miss that there is no explaining how a person could miss the thirty-six inch waist and flaring thirty-eight inch hips or the round ass that Liz loves to show off with her tight pants.

    Therefore, when I took her in my arms yesterday we were full of hugs and kisses and it all came crashing down. My cousin had grown up right before my eyes and my cousin was sexy as hell.

    Last night we had crawled into our separate sleeping bags that we had thrown onto our shared twin bed and talked long into the night. We had a lot to catch up on and we did a whole lot of it. After we had finally said goodnight I spent a good hour or so thinking about her. My thoughts kept going back to how I could ever have missed seeing her grow from girl to woman.

    Today was no better for me. The day had started hot so by early afternoon I was down to my shorts and Liz in her bikini. Bikini’s that small should be illegal. It barely covered her nipples for fuck sakes and the bottoms left move of her round ass cheeks showing than not. Her parents just shook their heads at her bikini, whereas I spent most of the afternoon hiding my hard-on.

    The problem I was having with my hard-on did not get any better when I dragged her into the cold water and we began a wrestling match. I have to say that my hands were not the only hands that took hold of something they should not have gotten a hold of and the couple of times that I ripped her top away to expose a cold stiffen nipple was purely accident.

    The storm had hit use early this evening and by the time Liz or I realized we had our window open her sleeping bag had been soaked. So this evening when we had finally called it a night our parents had already been asleep for over an hour and because we have never thought of it otherwise I talked to and watched Liz as she undressed and then as she threw on a t-shirt for a nightie.

    The problem is that it is no longer as it has always been. The sight of her body in her bikini was still haunting me as was the sight of that two-inch cold stiffen nipple so when she undressed tonight I was paying particular attention to her. Sure she kept her back mostly to me, not out of modesty for she has given me more frontal views then I can count. It just so happened that she had to turn around for her t-shirt is all and dam it if her pink bikini panties barely cover any more of her ass than the bikini had earlier today.

    Of course her sleeping bag is soaked so she has to crawl into mine and all the time I am praying that she does not come up against my staggering hard-on.

    A twin bed is a tight fit for the two of us on the best of days and even though it feels bigger with the two of us sharing the sleeping bag we still have to snuggle up pretty dam close. Close enough that she has decided to rest her head on my shoulder and press her body against my side as we do our usual late night pillow talk before saying goodnight.

    The turn of our conversation is not helping either nor does the question Liz asks.

    So how many girls did you fuck this year? Liz asks.

    A half dozen. And such is our comfort around each other that I don’t even try to lie, besides she would probably know it if I did.

    Get out!

    Truth or at least I tried to fuck a half dozen. Too long to explain tonight. Let’s just say it is part of the problem at having a big cock and you how many guys did you fuck?

    There was one the one guy.

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