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The Alien Sphere Trilogy
The Alien Sphere Trilogy
The Alien Sphere Trilogy
Ebook634 pages9 hours

The Alien Sphere Trilogy

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A trilogy with three high quality action-packed novels of explorers encountering mind-bending alien artifacts from beyond space and time!
In The Alien Sphere scientists stumble upon a mysterious metallic sphere with a pulsating vibration, and unlock it to reveal its forces by the manipulation of gravitational forces are suspending a black hole, and while experimenting on the black hole an accident occurs and scientists enter it and travel out beyond the realms of space and time into a mind-bending universe.
In The Alien Artifact an entity/transcendent in an alien artifact from beyond space and time crashes into the Earth, and explorers uncover the ancient alien artifact after it has been buried away for millions of years, with the voyager inside, waiting to be revived.
In The Lost Alien Artifact a secret chamber is buried away in a castle with something of alien origins inside, waiting to be revived, with the deadliest of powers, creating the most haunted castle in existence, with gateways going beyond the universe, and a group of people are forced to stay there for a week, and are fanatical with discovering the chamber, which they think has hidden treasure.

Release dateJun 9, 2013
The Alien Sphere Trilogy

V Bertolaccini

A 21st century publisher/author famous for his unique classic mind-bending beyond space and time, alien artifact, and exploration themed science fiction, who did his first mind-boggling science fiction classic From Beyond Space and Time in 1998, who likes and writes 21st century potential blockbusters, headline action thrillers, high quality action-packed movie-style science fiction horror.

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    Book preview

    The Alien Sphere Trilogy - V Bertolaccini

    Part I

    Novel 1

    The Alien Sphere

    V Bertolaccini


    The Alien Sphere

    Chief Science Officer James Dexter struggled to focus on a distorted form of the sun, seemingly magnified, shimmering around, as his spacesuit adjusted its polarized faceplate to compensate for the extra light.

    He expected to see the Martian Space Station in the faint sky – in a vague form of a satellite with networks of translucent tunnels, with large round and square non-transparent bulges.

    The landing site, about him, had resemblances to volcanic regions in Iceland, which drew his attention away to the nearby fault line.

    Members of the crew analyzed soil samples nearby, while others inspected the shuttle, mainly for structural damage.

    Professor Burrell, a biologist/exobiologist, investigated everything, thoroughly.

    Well, Mars may be good for mining ...! Burrell conclusively muttered, through his communicator, gazing about him.

    The moon may even be better ...! Dexter replied.

    Yet why are there no proper meteor craters ...?

    The atmosphere is indicated at ninety-five percent carbon dioxide, three percent nitrogen, and the rest in traces ... he replied, pointing to a monitor on his spacesuit. Well, for one thing – though it’s surely thin air – winds here are thought to reach the forces of hurricanes ...!

    Suddenly, everyone began following Commander Strachan as he led the crew away, in a specific direction.

    They half-heartedly followed – observing the soil and rocks – while looking out for traces of fossils and life forms within the layers of ground.

    Then Dr Selina Jackson, a zoologist/biochemist, yelled, making Dexter think that they had found the large specimens of the white worms found there (which, due to the low gravity, were thought to reach the sizes of snakes).

    He left some puzzling smashed rocks, and with wonder followed her eyes to a shape shining brightly at a mound.

    Deputy Commander Basinger, who was mainly an astrophysicist/planetary geologist, like Dexter, went to it first.

    They must’ve visited here? Basinger asked, curiously.

    Selina suspiciously examined Commander Strachan, as he was desperately trying not to respond, and was hiding something.

    Impossible! Commander Strachan announced firmly. We’d know of it! This entire section is the least checked region on Mars. We’re here to put up a flag and open the region to future explorations. It’s considered to have rare minerals – desperately needed ...

    We must have found one of their first space probes that they sent here, in the late twentieth century –

    Or even the remains of one of their rockets ...

    Yet why is it a metal sphere? And how did it become embedded like that?

    It could have fallen down – from up in orbit!

    It seems to be intact!

    All the astronauts formed a circle around it, and studied it.

    "Even if there were a proper atmosphere, and it crashed at high speed, it shouldn’t be implanted in this rock like this!" Burrell stated firmly.

    Dexter shifted in close, and Basinger touched its surface.

    This rock encrusting its surface must be at least thousands of years old! Basinger declared, gasping.

    Dexter copied him and brushed his glove over the rock encrusting its surface, and felt a pulsating vibration from something deep in its interior, as if it were alive.

    Chapter 1

    The Black Hole Experiments

    In the outer fringes of the black hole, shifting wildly about itself, within the opened up alien sphere, a metallic gleam of light was magically suspended, motionlessly in mid-air, from the surface of an electronic clock, by the scientists.

    The clock held at the end of an almost invisible cable, of translucent material, had its precision digital numbers frozen in fuzzy multidimensional forms (in a suspended cluster of partially transparent layers).

    Professor Bergman, the leading scientist, had it released further, edging it into the black hole, creating more spectacular optical effects from the clock, making it distort in twisted forms (shaping beams of light with matter like a form of glass sculpture).

    Its numbers shifted fast forward, until they froze again, and the clock almost vanished, and they stopped its progression.

    A loud cheer erupted from all of the scientists and technicians crowded into the laboratory, applauding.

    Dexter realized that it was more than a rupture in space. It had properties of suspending time! It was a hole in the fabric of space and time, and a gateway into the depths of time.

    He had staggered when he had first observed the pulsating alien sphere, when he had entered the laboratory of the UN Space Agency – where leading scientists were carrying out a series of basic experiments on it.

    They had not been able to determine its origins, so they had brought it back to the Earth, to allow leading scientists to investigate it.

    He had shuddered as he had studied its cleaned surface and perfect sphere shape, with no blemishes or openings.

    The abnormal antics of the laboratory scientists had captivated him – mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness, and fear of something! Some still repetitively studied the controls of an immense laboratory laser, with alarm – preparing themselves!

    What were they going to do? Had something gone wrong in their earlier experiments?

    A swift flash of light had exploded out, and the laser’s flickering beam had blasted into the sphere – silencing all the scientists.

    It had triggered it to unlock, open (with a deafening bang), and reveal its inner chamber, where it was – by the manipulation of gravitational forces – suspending a black hole.

    Professor Bergman calmly raised his hand, quickly giving a signal to a technician.

    As you see, he announced, it manipulates perceptions of space and time – within its outer radius! It suspends, accelerates, and suspends it. And if you’ll look – to the clock – suspended at its outer radius – it decelerates it too.

    The cable emerged outwards, pulling the clock back, with its numbers going swiftly backwards, until its numbers once again became motionless.

    And if you examined that clock, you would see that the numbers don’t move backwards!

    Dexter copied Basinger, Burrell, Selina, and the others, and clapped wildly.

    He briefly wondered if it could be a form of time machine.

    Professor Bergman! a scientist, next to him, called out. "If something fell in there, would it go on a quantum leap? Would you say that it would appear at some stage after its collapse?"

    "I personally believe that it would travel into the future. But where it ends up is not in my field of knowledge!"

    Dexter wondered if in reality the black hole was different from what they perceived. But he dismissed the idea. He did accept their philosophy!

    What are your intentions? another scientist called out, from behind the group. Are you going to send something in there?

    We have investigated it little, so far, and if we do, I can assure you that I shall have you all informed about it!

    What uses to industry do you think it may have? the scientist continued. Could science not use it? It has the power to stop time in its outer radius!

    "We do not know at present how safe it is! We shall test it much further, and we may find a use for it – as you mentioned.

    If you will take an observation of its shifting movements, which we have been studying closely over the past few days – which some of you may have observed – as its constrained pattern of movements has dramatically altered.

    Dexter examined its lethal appearance. It resembled a large black bubble of pure energy – buzzing wildly and dangerously about – ready to discharge somewhere.

    Do you believe that space is full of black holes like this? another scientist asked. Is space full of them from events such as the big bang? And how long do you think it will last?

    "There may be many, scattered throughout the universe, and a danger to any explorations of space! Thus we can study this one, and learn to detect them.

    The length of time that they exist may depend on their size and the conditions that they exist in. We just don’t know how long they last! However, I can give you other details about this one. Our fact sheets have all our findings, from our experiments, which may interest you.

    A technician entered, nervously listening to everything, and began handing the documents to the scientists at the doorway, and they queued up to the back of the laboratory.

    While Dexter stood waiting for them to finish, he sensed something peculiar, but he kept his sight on the queue, where the scientists were captivating.

    As he listened more, a gentle draught appeared, and he discontentedly tried to detect where it was coming from.

    But it increased and he realized that it was not a draught – the air was being sucked away – and he glimpsed a hideous black shadow over the floor, with a horrific emerging shape, and he stood frigid, watching the black hole crawl through the laboratory’s protective screen material.

    In an instant it vanished and reappeared across his path, and he could not escape its powerful pull, and the whole laboratory erupted into a frenzy of activity as he plunged into it – hurtling into blackness – with existence rapidly vanishing.

    Chapter 2

    The Fringes of Eternity

    In a blur, he was floating over all the stars of the universe, and tumbling through the depths of eternity – far from the nearest stars – out beyond reality.

    Obscure illuminations endlessly shifted, as he wildly spun around, with no real awareness of anything.

    A tranquil abyss flowed surreally against him.

    A shape gradually emerged, of a stretch of shininess.

    He came to, from his state of disarray, studying it.

    How had he managed to end up in such a far-out place? Where was he? How could he survive?

    He felt as though he had been falling through something, and he tried to grasp the concept, and where he had been.

    There was no longer any light of the outer universe!

    Large stars magically appeared about him, with incredible dimensions, and shone with blinding rays.

    Howling air suddenly blasted at him, and around him, and he plunged down, and he saw the night sky, swirling about him.

    He was over water, and falling out of the sky.

    He realized he could survive, and prepared himself.

    A roaring and blinding surge of water hit him, and he dived through it, swiftly sinking downwards. And he automatically put out his arms, pushing away water, stroking and tugging, pulling himself from the endless depths of water.

    Chapter 3

    The Shifting Jungle

    The rhythms of the waves, skimming over the surface of the black sand, gently brought him out of his sleep.

    He felt the warm air tenderly caressing his lifeless body.

    He had vague recollection of him swimming ashore, the night before, and then hearing Selina, screaming, and her splashes, and him pulling her ashore. Then, before he had rested, and had fallen asleep, a dog had come splashing out of the water, at them, and he had discovered that she had brought her dog, Darwin, with her, which she must have had concealed in her luggage in the laboratory.

    He watched her, with curiosity. Her laboratory jacket was ripped to pieces, and she held it around her.

    He was sure that they were the only two to go through.

    The warm colors of the red sun blazing down, and the bright celestial objects shining through the sky, turned the world about him into a wonderland.

    The stars, and color of the sun, made it apparent that they had traveled further into world’s future than he had imagined possible. He estimated the length of time that had passed as being at least many millions of years.

    What would humans have turned into over such a long time? Would there actually be anything left ...?

    With astonishment, he focused his eyes further, to view the tropical beach, with the crimson glow of the sky over it; and, at the end of the beach, he saw an immense perpendicular cliff, curving out to the sea.

    With an abominable thud, Dexter felt something crash against him, and he swiftly rolled sideways, to see a chunk of vegetation.

    He shaded his eyes, and clabbered upwards, startled at the fascinating sight behind him. A jungle of unknown variations of trees and plants went along the beach, in both directions. Many overhung the shore like palm trees, with types of fruit clustered at their tops. Some nearby plants resembled strange forms of cactuses, with animal-like hairs thickly scattered over them, instead of spines.

    The sun was blazing, and the air was turning roasting hot. Golden patches of sand, through black sand, glowed in bright red sunbeams, while the turquoise sea sparkled it.

    He stretched out his painful limbs, feeling slightly dizzy, and he turned his blank expression to a smile. He had actually survived, and he was on an island.

    Their main task now would be to find food!

    Why had he not seen any fish ...? He had to check again – there had to be some.

    Sounds of rummaging came from behind him, from something strange in the undergrowth.

    Where are we? Selina suddenly groaned, rubbing her eyes.

    We’re resting on the shore of an island!

    Why had he not seen or heard any birds? Surely there would still be forms of seabird on an island.

    There’s something peculiar about this place!

    How far in time do you think we have traveled? she asked, holding her head, looking at the bright tints of the sun.

    At present, I don’t have a clue!

    Is there anything to eat? she spoke, throwing a pebble along the sand.

    Darwin shook himself, and he ran after it. Once he reached it, he smelt about the sand, looking for things to eat.

    The sand was starting to burn the soles of their feet.

    Splashes of water sprayed over the sea, at his side.

    There’s a giant fish! Selina shouted, gaping outwards.

    A fish ...! Dexter answered, moving to the water’s edge, looking downwards. It is more like a sea snake! It looks dangerous – it has spiked jaws!

    His eyes stayed on the clear water, where the creature’s orange shape, covered in thick scales, floated by.

    The fantastic island glowed with fabulous spectral colors, in the intense red sunshine. It was fantastically surreal – there was vegetation everywhere behind the beach. Colors of nearly every conceivable variation of the entire spectrum glowed all over it, like a mind-bending cartoon. Vegetation of all shapes and sizes mingled. Loud eerie sounds appeared, from creatures within it, which he felt vibrating in his ears.

    He was sure that they were nearby, watching them, in hidden places.

    We better find spears! Dexter warned. This place could be dangerous!

    That’s probably just some bird ...! she answered, while adjusting her pieces of clothing.

    She walked to him, and she balanced herself against his side.

    There were no proper fish, but there were insect-like green plankton. He found them edible, and a good source of nutrition. The water on them tasted strange, and it was surprisingly consumable, which was peculiar, as he had not heard of a slightly salty sea.

    After a few handfuls of the plankton, they grew sickening, and he knew that they could only consume so many of them. Therefore, they searched for other things, as they silently staggered along, beside the sea. There were many types of algae, but they did not touch them – their appetites now demanded proper food.

    The coast was so unreal that he was sure that he was walking in a dream, and had consumed some form of hallucinogenic.

    Along a stretch of the beach, he saw that the vegetation still was too dense, and that they still could not enter it. Its shapes shifted continuously, as though things in it were shuffling about, with some kind of an itch. Its complexity was tremendous, and his mind could barely grasp what he was observing; and he continuously glanced into it. However, what grabbed his attention even more was that there was no wind or anything that could account for it.

    He knew that she had no explanation for it either: she was more concerned about where she was.

    To his astonishment he realized that the trees were not normal: they were mostly similar to giant plants, going up to at least fifty meters high, and others resembled immense mushroom-like plants, with feathery seeds falling from under their domed tops. In one direction they formed part of the jungle, going out as far as the eye could see.

    Distant shrieks of wild creatures came from within them.

    Dexter briskly sharpened the end of a stick of vegetation, on a sharp stone, making it pointed, and into a reasonable spear.

    It would do, until they could make something better.

    Dexter occasionally climbed up small trees, hanging over the beach, to remove some of the fruit-like vegetation growing on them. Their shapes and sizes varied greatly, and he easily pulled some off, but he needed to cut many off, with sharp stones. Some were much like coconuts, and they had to be smashed open, to reveal their nutritious contents.

    After they had tried the majority of the varieties, they started collecting the best ones.

    Suddenly, as they were about to finish, Darwin did a strange thing – he ran away at full speed, and he disappeared into part of the jungle. His loud bark then went through the vegetation.

    They swiftly left what they were doing and ran after him. It was not like him to leave when there was food about. Furthermore, if there was something dangerous, why had he been so enthusiastic to encounter it?

    The dog stood peering into a more dense part of the vegetation, trying to find a scent, as though whatever had been there had escaped. Some mysterious thing had hidden itself!

    However, he realized something even more bizarre, which he had seen and had just ignored. In a shallow pool of black mud, at his side, there was a footprint, which looked like his own. It was a faint impression, and neither of them could explain it – or even be positive that it belonged to a human.

    He did not know if humans still existed.

    Why was it a bare footprint? Had humans gone back to living in the wilderness? How many of them would there be? How dangerous were they ...?

    At their side, he spotted a newly fallen tree, creating a gap, which would allow them to get further into it.

    Once they had climbed through it, he saw that its density decreased, and that they could scramble through it.

    Their heads darted about, looking for traces of any signs of life, and anything that would indicate the presence of humans. Even though it was hard to believe that humans were on the island.

    Apes had human-like arms, hands, and feet. Could there be an animal such as this hiding in the vegetation – like a Bigfoot? As he thought about it, traces of two pairs of footprints actually appeared in the soil at his feet, and he found a clear set of them.

    What had they been doing here – at the beach? They were fresh, and they were differently sized footprints, almost identical to theirs. They had walked through to the beach, and they had gone back into the island. He was sure that they had been actually watching them, from further up the beach.

    Deep musty scents like flowers and pine mingled through the hot air, while he carefully placed his feet, treading quietly over the ground. And he crouched, ready to shelter.

    It was a mysterious jungle, and it created an extremely intense atmosphere. At any moment, he expected to see a tiger-like animal hiding in the tangle of vegetation.

    Their pace stayed slow, at a speed that they could see anything dangerous in their path, while staying hidden.

    There were no signs of them. Where were they going?

    Just ahead of him, where the footprints went, a white shape emerged in the multicolored vegetation. And he approached it cautiously, searching everywhere he could. And he saw that it was something resembling a giant egg, with size of him.

    Even though he thought of it as a form of plant, it had to be a creature – it had a white leathery skin, which pulsated ...

    It shuddered when it sensed them near to it, and they tenderly followed the prints passed it, ready to escape; and they swiftly continued away from it. He soon saw what it was that they were going to – a short distance away, there was an artificial tower, stretching high above, where its top bulged out, loomed over the trees, at least fifty meters above.

    They approached it, in stages, examining bits of it through gaps, trying to figure out what it resembled. In the distance, the shapes of shrieking creatures hung on branches.

    What do you think it is? Selina gasped, breaking the silence, as they moved into a clearing, about its base.

    It could be some sort of observation station ...!

    How old could it be ...? she uttered, looking at its black surface. If we can establish that, we may be able to establish how far we have traveled into the future!

    And how long ago a civilization existed ...!

    It’s made of a material like metal, she muttered, and it’s not corroded anywhere ...

    Dexter unsuccessfully attempted to dent and scratch its surface, and they wandered around its base, until they came to an entrance, which looked as though someone had recently opened. Its inside was dark and gloomy, and, except for a pole ladder, it was empty.

    Will we proceed ...? he asked.

    It’s to dangerous ...! she replied, looking at its leaning black shape, towering overhead, at fifty meters above.

    They must have gone up it ...!

    Where are they? she said, looking straight up, with her hand over her eyes.

    Stay here – he spoke tediously, and started to climb up the ladder pegs, into the darkness.

    The only sounds that he heard were the clangs of the ladder echoing upwards, as though he were clambering through a sewage pipe.

    The hot air drifted up from beneath him.

    There was little for him to see above.

    Sometimes he believed that he saw someone climbing down to him. He now saw Selina’s point of view, and that it was not worth it – but if he could just find one clue that would answer his queries about the world.

    A freak wind made a hollow whistle through the entrance, and died away. The temperature had to be reaching its maximum limit. He tried to imagine what was up at the top of it, but he had no evidence of anything.

    He plodded on, while the light under him grew fainter; and he realized that he had underestimated its height. He had been climbing too fast – it had exhausted him! He felt his legs give way under him. It was not a normal ladder – he had to grip the handles to stay on it – the handles were at large distances from each other, and he could not properly rest on it. He was soon hanging on for his life, with the pole swaying under him. However, he managed to rest, in a different position.

    In the blur overhead, a vague illumination became visible, and he vigorously moved towards it.

    When he reached it, he saw an entrance to a room, where faint beams of red sunlight shone, and he fell over onto its floor exhausted. Then, from somewhere in the surrounding darkness, a black shape shifted over the light.

    Chapter 4

    The Mysterious World

    A spectral shape floated over him, but his unfocused vision simultaneously altered, allowing him to see a crouching figure, looming above him.

    So you made it ...! Basinger murmured, grinning at his face. It’s Dexter!

    Wait until you see the other tower ...! Burrell spoke, as he appeared at his side, humoring him, while holding back a smile.

    Dexter reluctantly dragged himself upwards, from where he had just managed to rest.

    Come over here ...! Burrell called out, moving over a gap in its outer shell.

    Once at it, Dexter stumbled backwards, stunned at the height that it was leaning over.

    Selina’s figure was at the edge of the jungle, where she was examining the vegetation.

    Another gigantic tower was looming up in the sky in the distance, where Burrell was pointing.

    There must have been some danger in regularly climbing up the towers! Who had built them? What function had they had? Had their descendants just been energetic?

    A glance about outside showed him that the island was far more different from what he had believed that it could have been. In many directions, there were miles of jungle terrain going far into the distance.

    So what do you think it is? Burrell finally enquired.

    It might have been a communications tower.

    You may be right!

    Basinger and Burrell returned to what they had been doing, over in the darkness. Dexter followed the bulged out outer wall in the opposite direction, going in a circle. It was peculiar – it looked as though nothing had been in it – there only seemed to be the blank surroundings, and he finally arrived at where the others were standing.

    It confused him, because it was entirely empty. Had they emptied it of everything that it had contained?

    Then he saw that there was another entrance, in front of Basinger, which they were trying to open. It was at an area on the central section, where the other entrance was behind, through a wall.

    Basinger fiddled about with a type of keyhole, and stepped back bewildered.

    Dexter saw a faint gap in it, further along from them, and he pulled at part of it, sticking out. Then he pushed his fingers into the widened gap, and yanked the jammed entrance open.

    You did it! Burrell proclaimed, congratulating him.

    Would you like to go first ...? Basinger said, and held out his arm.

    Dexter immediately climbed into it, gripped its ladder, and pulled himself up.

    He was soon on its roof, over the top of the structure, where there were just curved edges around it. Its view was astonishing, especially with it dangerously sloping.

    Selina gazed at what appeared in front of her as though she thought that reality had finally gone haywire. And when she saw them she dropped the vegetation that she had been examining, and strolled towards them.

    Deputy Commander Basinger ...? she called out, extremely alarmed. What are you doing here?

    She stood studying the two of them, and she looked at their bare feet. They had also lost their shoes swimming ashore!

    They were barely recognizable to her, in the glare from the peculiar sunshine, in the strange surroundings.

    How did they get here? she spoke, looking more startled than he had ever seen her.

    And why did they not see us ...? Dexter murmured, looking at the remains of their clothes, hanging on them.

    They looked wilder, in the light. Their beards gave them an appearance of being castaways, which had been on the island for weeks.

    Was it you who saved us ...? Basinger grumbled, while he recalled something.

    What ...? Dexter answered.

    How could he have saved you? Selina continued.

    Well, both us found ourselves here – on the shore of this island –

    After I hit the water, Burrell revealed, I am sure I actually drowned ...

    Selina stared at him, searching for any signs that he was exaggerating his claims.

    What did you do once you discovered you were on this island? Dexter enquired further, thinking of a light that he had seen on the island, which had guided him to it.

    I’ll tell you ...! Basinger announced, cleaning his brow of sweat. We awoke under the cliff over there – on the beach – under it – where this vegetation stops at the cliff. We believed that there was not anything on the beach ...

    We have been surviving on sea creatures, Burrell continued. And we have been thinking of different ways to hunt animals, to survive here!

    Did anyone else follow you into the black hole? Selina asked Basinger.

    There was nobody else in the laboratory! We entered it to save some equipment, and establish what had happened. That black hole is unstable, and a menace to civilization. Its power was incredible!

    Have you any food? Burrell asked, wildly eyeing up the vegetation about them.

    Yes! Selina replied. "We have found some food!"

    Do you think that it will be safe to stay the night here? Dexter announced, thinking of solving future problems.

    Did I not tell you that we found a cave, over at the cliff?

    What will happen if the sea floods the beach?

    The sea cannot reach it – it’s too high up!

    Selina and Dexter slightly nodded their heads, and they followed Basinger, leaving towards the cliff.

    Basinger was roughly the same, but Burrell had turned wilder, to survive in the wilderness – and he savagely ate part of some type of creature, as he trailed along behind them.

    Basinger already had a map in his mind of the jungle about them. They had been exploring it, searching for food. They clearly had not noticed all the fruit-like vegetation growing at the beach.

    Basinger picked up and played with a simple animal trap, which he had made out of vegetation. He turned it around in his hands, studying it, mentally making a vastly better version.

    Basinger took them onto the beach, which went under the cliff, and they silently strolled along together, examining the water and rocks, while Darwin ran about in front of them.

    Part of the cliff, in front of them, hid the area behind it; and Darwin suddenly smelt something and ran around it.

    A high-pitched shriek instantly came from something! And, at their swift approach to it, Dexter heard the dog chasing after something.

    They then saw Darwin standing steady, rhythmically barking at a white object, at the cliff.

    What is it? Selina murmured, approaching it.

    It looks familiar! Dexter answered. Could it be a descendant of a species of seabird?

    It should be edible! Burrell grunted, almost drooling.

    Basinger gripped the ball of white fluff, while the dog jumped about at his knees, and he carefully wrapped it in the tattered remains of his jumper. Then he checked that it could not escape, and it gave out a muffled shriek.

    Darwin then splashed through the water, and pulled out a stone-shaped object; and he dropped it onto the beach. Dexter immediately saw that it was similar to a shellfish, and he knelt beside it. He swiftly exposed the inside of it, revealing a type of oyster. He considered having the dog taste it before him, but he could tell that Burrell had already eaten them, so he tried it – and vaguely liked its peculiar meaty taste. They then collected as many of them as they could carry.

    Basinger unfolded his jumper, and he showed them that the furred creature had died.

    Basinger took them to part of the cliff, where the cliff was enormous, and a straight wall of rock. And Dexter spotted a small cave, forty meters up, with a slope of rocks under it, which they could climb up.

    It’s a perfect shelter! Dexter told them, as he climbed up.

    We could build a fire in it! Selina explained, as she followed them.

    Once they were in it, he watched the sun edging towards the horizon.

    I am sure there are flint stones here ...! Selina told them.

    But can we find anything that will burn? Are there any plants about here that are flammable enough to be ignited by the sparks?

    There is plenty of dry stuff! Basinger replied.

    Basinger chipped different rocks against a rock, until he found a stone that gave off sparks.

    At the side of the cave, he collected all the dry pieces of plant, and he shredded it into tiny fluffy hairs with two rocks. Then he placed the ball of fluff on a flat rock, and he whacked the flint stone against its surface.

    The sparks sprayed out, and small wisps of smoke occasionally came from the ball of fluff, but it did not ignite.

    Burrell finally took a turn, but he soon stopped.

    Dexter tried different techniques of doing it, and he thrust the flint over a very rough edge of a rock, creating a large cluster of sparks over the fluff.

    He then gently blew the smoldering clump, until a flame ignited. And he swiftly placed it between some rocks, and he placed dry pieces of plant on it.

    They collected a large pile of many different types of vegetation.

    The stems of many plants, which they found below the cave, were dense, like the wood of bushes, and they burnt for a reasonable amount of time, allowing them to cook their food properly.

    The island grew dark, and they blissfully rested, and Dexter satisfactorily observed rain pouring down a few meters out from the cave. However, his satisfaction did not last, as cold water came rushing down, over them, and the fire, from somewhere within the dark depths of the cave, which they had not had time to explore.

    Chapter 5

    The Secret Passage

    Once the sun had started lighting the horizon, with its strange illuminations, Dexter began his observations of the stream of water – pouring out of the entrance – going down the beach.

    It was not that it had flooded in the middle of the night that annoyed him, it was the fact that he had not thought of a way of preventing it happening again; and it surely would occur again, if they did not solve the problem.

    They had to find a way to prevent it happening, or they would have to move away from the cave. The winter months would surely have a lot more rain.

    His mind only came up with the same ideas, which were not any good. It seemed a small problem, which he was exaggerating.

    He had been sure that the water was pouring through cracks in the rock, but it was apparent that there was a hole, at the bottom of the cave. He searched the ground about it, trying to find out where the hole went, and he discovered that the hole, which he believed was not any bigger than his head, was large, and mostly buried under sand and rocks.

    Once he had removed the rocks and sand about it, he was able to fit himself into it; and he saw that it sharply angled upwards, in a tunnel. Burrell followed him in, and then Darwin ran through. The dog stayed just ahead of them, as they marched on and on, ascending to somewhere upwards, through the darkness.

    Darwin eventually ran off, leaving them wondering what he would find.

    They did not have to wait long. His loud barks soon appeared from somewhere ahead of them.

    Yet the bark was a different bark, and he realized that the dog had encountered something. Yet it was strange!

    While he rushed forward, carefully listening to his constant barking, the dark gray rock began to illuminate in reddish sunshine.

    Then an entrance appeared ahead of him, where the dog’s sounds were coming from.

    They proceeded to it, looking exhausted from the climb.

    There was a short cavity, going upwards, with a pool of clear blue water at its center. The sides of the cavity went in a circle, going upwards for about three meters, to where the top of the cliff was.

    Darwin was barking crazily at the water, at the edge of the pool.

    I don’t get it ...! Burrell remarked. Darwin never barked like that before, without there being someone there ...! He virtually has paranormal senses ...!

    Dexter stared into the depths of the pool. He could clearly see through the water, but its visibility disappeared, into blackness, far down.

    The dog was barking loudly, as if there was a human in it.

    After they had calmed the dog, they climbed up to the surface, where there was a jungle, full of rotting vegetation.

    They went to the outer fringes of it, closely checking them.

    This is perfect! Burrell rationalized. This will supply us with a proper fire!

    If we can build some weapons and tools, we will be able to hunt and fix up the cave!

    What about that stream of water? Burrell continued, trying to solve the problem.

    There must be a way of stopping it. It’s the safest place for us to stay!

    He pondered over different ways that they could use to try to divert the water, and he removed a long piece of vegetation, with an appearance of a cane. It was thin but hard, and he knew that he could sharpen it into a spear.

    There shouldn’t be that much rain! he finally spoke, thinking of the tremendous temperatures that they had experienced. Therefore, we can channel the water away from the rest of the cave, and out through the entrance. Grab some vegetation – for a fire! I am starving ...!

    They instantly began work, grabbing chunks of dried out vegetation, dragging it to the cavity, and dropping it onto the embankment, beside the pool. Once a large pile had gathered in it, he cut a strong rubbery vine plant, and he wrapped it around a boulder, then he fed the other end of it down the cavity, for an easier way to get up and down.

    He edged his way down it, making sure that it could sustain more weight. They then, with some difficulty, took some of the vegetation, in bundles, through the dark tunnel.

    Once all the vegetation was neatly stacked at the side of the cave, they carried up as many shell creatures as they could collect, in their clothes. Then Dexter dug a hole at the edge of the cave, and he placed stones in a circle about it, and then he made a fire.

    Dexter devoured a feast of overcooked sea creatures, next to crackling pieces of vegetation, at the edge of the entrance, while observing the red tints of sunshine glowing from the sea. The food was one of the most welcomed meals he had eaten in a long time – even though the sea creatures could be sickening, especially when eaten in large amounts.

    He continued to realize the reality of the situation – they had in fact survived it, against a situation of certain death. What had the odds been of them making it to an island? He vaguely wondered if Selina had actually realized how lucky they had been. They now had a shelter, a pool of fresh water, and some basic food.

    He left the end of his stick in the fire, and once he had reasonably burnt it, he took it out; and he removed the ash, making it pointed and a reasonable spear, to accompany their other spears

    He searched through the tunnel for other tunnels and holes, to divert the water to, but nothing was there. If he could only produce the right tools, he might be able to chip away the lower rock, at the bottom of the cave, and make a trench. Even though the rock might be difficult to break. It would be a slow and tiresome job. The trench might have to go down as much as a meter.

    He eventually ploughed the blunt end of his spear through the sand and stones, to form a line through the cave, from the hole to the entrance. Yet, it soon became apparent, as he dug down, that he could dig deep into it, to make it into a trench, which could take a large flow of water through the cave.

    None of them had any proper clothes, for surviving in the wilderness. If it had been a cold climate, they probably would have frozen to death – the water at the least would have given them hypothermia. He was sure that the island was actually somewhere in the South Pacific. Did the end of black hole drift, or had the continents shifted? In that case, they could be anywhere!

    Nothing on the island was normal. Had they genetically adjusted everything? However, why had they changed everything so much? He had not seen any proper fruit or vegetables! Yet could they have made them to produce products – such as rubber – for industry? If so, they might be able to use them, perhaps to make clothing, and footwear.

    What would he do if they encountered mankind? Could they adapt to its new ways and civilization? Had they changed like the vegetation? Would they be deadly? Yet why had they not seen any trace of them? Surely, there had to be types of planes and ships. However, it was possible that they were at a barren region of the world.

    We must find more food! Basinger suddenly remarked, over to Selina. "We cannot survive on these sea creatures!"

    There is plenty of the fruit, over at the jungle! I think we should fix this place up. If we are going stay here, we should live properly! We could put some type of cover over the front, to shelter, at night.

    Do you think that this place has a cold winter? Burrell enquired. I think we will have to find warm things to wear, and to sleep in. This place is strange – I haven’t seen one normal animal, or anything in fact, anywhere!

    I want to get more wood! Basinger announced. There is not enough of it for tonight, and, perhaps, we can use it to seal all of the ways in here! There might be dangerous animals about that can climb into the cave. This place could be dangerous! There are tigers that can climb up trees ...!

    Once they had brought down all the vegetation needed, Basinger began to look satisfied; and he took long pieces of it, and he used them to seal the entrance.

    He secured the vegetation with various things, including fitting rocks against it, and fixing vines around it. He then fitted a large hollow stem above the fire, to release the smoke through it.

    It was night again, when they finally finished, and they sealed the way into the tunnel.

    The possibility of wild beasts existing there was now a main issue. Darwin definitely seemed to sense the presence of something! Had an animal gone into the tunnel?

    As far as he was concerned the spear was a good enough weapon; and they had blocked the hole, with a large chunk of rock, which was heavy enough to prevent animals getting in.

    Selina seemed to feel safe with the barricade being there, but she remained alert, at her dog’s vicious barks towards it.

    He engaged himself in thinking of ways of getting food, and in thinking of ways of properly securing their hideaway against wild beasts. Winter might some day edge into their lives, and he was determined to survive. Their hunting and survival techniques would have to be greatly improved. They could use bows and arrows, and hunt the furred animals that roamed the jungle. They would greatly cherish their furs, as things to keep them warm.

    He gladly viewed the morning sunshine, against the pale red shadows of the above cliff; and he squeezed through the door in the entrance. Burrell threw a large arm full of vegetation onto the smoldering ashes of the fire, and the cave soon lit up from its flames.

    They would be exploring the above island, so Dexter practiced using his spear, to get the feel of it, as their survival might depend on it.

    Once they had climbed up the tunnel, Darwin opened his jaws, and gave out a short growl, at the pool, and Dexter thought of making a rope ladder to get easy access to the top of the cliff.

    At the top, they chose a route, along the cliff, going around the dense undergrowth. And, as they followed it, it soon became clear that it would have taken them hours to make it through it – if they could in fact have hacked their way through it.

    They tracked the contours of the coastline, in the opposite direction from where they had been, when they had landed on the island. Selina wished to view the wondrous coastline, and they wished to visit a number of places. Their main intention was to find things for them to use.

    A short distance from the cave, at the bottom of a gorge, Basinger discovered bits of coal, scattered about the ground. Then, on the side of a slope, further along, he discovered a coal seam. The coal was valuable, but it was not an immense amount. Yet it proved that it might be common, and that they might find a lot more.

    Dexter was not sure if he was wasting his time searching for metals, but they continued to look for it along the bank of a stream, below a slope, which ran along the side of the cliff. However, when they went to cross it, they saw traces of iron ore – and he was sure that he could reduce the ore to iron, by subjecting it to a high temperature, with the coal.

    The amount materials that were available vastly increased. At the cliff, he saw an abundance of limestone, at the bottom of the cliff.

    They could easily remove it, in chunks, and take it to the cave. Once they had a pile of it, they could heat it on the fire and smash it into cement. They then could mix it with sand

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