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Working Man's Jesus
Working Man's Jesus
Working Man's Jesus
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Working Man's Jesus

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Great inspirational reading for men and women dealing with real life issues every day.

No fear? No anxiety? No heartache? No way! George Roger Lee is well aware that these are part of life—even for believers in Jesus Christ. In the author’s no-nonsense manner Lee invites readers to grab a coffee and look at biblical characters as they are, real men who faced real challenges.

Take Job, for instance. Family—wiped out. Health and vitality—gone. Friends, if you can call them that—spewing excessive, unhelpful advice.

And how about Samson? The guy who could have taken on any heavyweight champ and beaten him without breaking a sweat reduced to a weak, blind captive.

What about Saul of Tarsus? Well educated. Devote. Murderer.

Yet, God comes on the scene and restores and blesses Job beyond measure; empowers Samson for one last feat of superhuman strength; knocks Saul down to raise him up as Paul the Apostle, whose influence changes lives to this day.

Lee acknowledges that the challenges of life can be overwhelming. He knows firsthand what it’s like to live from paycheck to paycheck. He has seen what recession does to business. And, even now, he feels the pain of lost loved ones.

Life in the postmodern world isn’t easy. Lee acknowledges there are times life feels like hanging onto that two ton rodeo bull, trying to endure those eight eternal seconds or hitting the wall of the marathon called Life.

But even the strongest gale force winds aren’t an excuse for giving up. Readers are challenged to learn from God’s Word, wear out the knees of their blue jeans in prayer, and call on the Lord to provide the strength to win the race.

Readers are reminded they aren’t alone. Jesus does, indeed, love the working man.

PublisherRoger Lee
Release dateJun 13, 2013
Working Man's Jesus

Roger Lee

Roger Lee is the author of the Iraq volume of the new Official History of Australian Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prior to this, he was the Australian Army Historian and Head of the Australian Army History Unit from 1996 to 2016. He holds a PhD from the University of New South Wales (ADFA) and is active in World War One study groups, including being a Vice President of the Western Front Association. The author of several journal articles, The Battle of Menin Road 1917 is his third book.

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    Working Man's Jesus - Roger Lee

    Working Man’s Jesus


    Smashwords Edition

    Working Man’s Jesus

    Copyright © 2013 by Roger Lee

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of George Roger Lee. Requests for information should be addressed to George Roger Lee,

    THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    Cover design by Sterling Printing & Graphics

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Woe Is Me!

    Chapter 2: Bull Riding Storms

    Chapter 3: I Got One!

    Chapter 4: Open Mouth, Insert Boot

    Chapter 5: Worn Out Blue Jeans

    Chapter 6: Bulldozer

    Chapter 7: Jesus Loves the Working Man

    Chapter 8: Race to Win

    Chapter 9: Did I Do Something Wrong?

    Chapter 10: Jesus Is the Real Super Hero


    It would be remiss of me not to offer a word of thanks to those who helped and inspired me as I wrote Working Man’s Jesus. I thank God most of all for who He is and for what He has done in my life. While writing this book, I realized something very important: I want and need God to be my everything. No matter how the journey of this life goes, without Him, I am nothing. Without Him, I have no tomorrows.

    I want to thank my wife, who allowed me the time and encouraged me to keep writing even when I didn’t feel like it. To my son I say, I thank you and love you with all my heart. I know listening to Dad’s writings was not at the top of your wow list of things to do. But being who you are, you smiled, offered words of wisdom, and loved me all the same.

    Pastor Tony Rea, without you, I could have never written this book. No, it wasn’t only your inspired thoughts or instruction about writing but rather your heart full of God’s grace. Your example has changed my life forever. Your ministry as senior pastor at Community Christian Church has touched so many lives.

    To Senior Pastor Douglas Schmidt at Woodside Bible Church, thank you for having a vision to reach the world at any cost. Thank you for your support and friendship and thank you most of all for your godly walk that I have had the privilege of observing time and time again. You lifted me up even in moments when Satan was doing his best to pull me down.

    I also must thank my dear lifelong friend Pastor Rodney Friend. Rodney is my hero. He laid down everything he has for the cause of reaching the lost. His life has been full of fleshly disappointments and trials. Yet he never turned away from his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Rodney, you may not know it, but in this life, you will always be my champion. Because of you, my dear brother, I was able to finish this book.

    And what can I say about my brother in Christ Pastor Stacey Johnson? He is a small town pastor with a heart that could cover the world. Pastor of toilet repair one day, then preaching at a funeral the next, or leading some soul to Jesus. Stacey, you may never pastor a large church and they may never put your name up in lights, but your friendship and brotherly love have held me up in the darkest moments. You are one of the reasons I will see Jesus and my dear Candace.

    For sure I must thank the team of people who helped me page after page. Without your skills and support, this book would never have come to completion. And a special thanks to Roger Simmons and Stephanie Nickel. You may never know just how much God has used you and the impact your lives will make on others who read these pages.

    Last but not the least, I thank my brother in Christ and forever friend Pete Pappas. Your daily phone calls, our hunts together, talks about life’s ups and downs, laughter and tears have helped me on this journey we call life. No words can ever express my thanks or love for you. God knew just who and what I needed when He sent you my way.

    Thank you, God, for all these people as well as the many others who impact me day after day—even when they don’t know it. You have given me a great team. I thank all of you and most of all, I thank God for allowing me the honor of reaching out to other men with this book.

    Chapter 1

    Woe Is Me!

    Ever had a season in your life when everything was just plain miserable? Maybe you’re in one now.

    The boss tells you they’re downsizing and he’ll have to let you go. You get home and find out your son has been suspended from school. Your test results are back and the doctor says he has bad news.

    So who am I to address your problems? You already know me—even if we haven’t met face to face—because you know yourself.

    I’ve experienced hard times. Financial setbacks. Relationship challenges. Spiritual uncertainty. And during the darkest of nights, my daughter Candace, who had faced life-threatening health issues from birth, passed away while we were on a vacation cruise.

    My story is nothing new—and neither is yours. Men like you and me have been facing issues like these for thousands of years. Do you know about Job from the Old Testament? He was living the good life. He was a very successful family man. And one day he was the subject of a discussion between God and Satan. I imagine their conversation might have gone something like this.

    Hey, God, you’re pretty proud of your man Job, aren’t you?

    Very proud, God said. So proud . . . I’ll tell you what, Satan. I’ll lower my fortress walls of blessing and protection and let you toy with his life a little. You can make his life utterly miserable, but you can’t touch him.

    Satan agreed to the terms. All kinds of bombs and ballistic missiles began dropping on Job. Talk about stealth targeting! The devil hit him with everything but a nuclear blast. First, Job learned all his camels, sheep, donkeys, and oxen—more than 10,000 animals—had been stolen or killed. Not long afterward, he learned his workers had been taken as slaves or murdered. And if this wasn’t already enough bad news, our man Job learned his children and their families had been killed when a fierce wind leveled the house they were in.

    Unbelievably, Satan went before the Lord again and asked if he could have yet another go at poor Job. God agreed. Satan visited Job once again and left him covered with painful, itchy boils.

    By this time, Job had no one—no servants or family, except for his wife. His wealth had evaporated and he was left in excruciating physical pain. He had gone from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. Ever been there?

    Job cried out, I wish I had never been born. Why didn’t you simply leave me as dirt in the earth, God? I have no peace, no quietness. I have no rest, only turmoil.

    Have you ever regretted the day you were born?

    That awful day aboard ship in May 2009, I had a pretty good idea of how Job must have felt.

    So much happened to poor Job in a short time. Our miserable friend wanted nothing more than to end it all. Wouldn’t you know it? Along came Mrs. Job but not with the encouragement you might expect or hope for.

    For better or worse, huh?

    What wisdom did Job’s dearly beloved give him? Job honey, I’ve thought long and hard on the matter and I’ve concluded your life is hopeless. So, after much consideration and looking at your life insurance policy . . . (sorry, my humor; it’s not in the Bible) . . . why don’t you curse God and die?

    Her words must have stunned our man. I can imagine Job’s face said it all. I can almost hear his reply. So, let me get this straight, oh dear and caring wife. As long as things are going well, you want us to call on the great God of the heavens. Do I have that right? But now that we’ve lost everything, the best advice you can offer me is to swear at God, have a massive heart attack, and keel over dead?

    Well, a thoughtful Mrs. Job replied, since you put it that way . . . I suppose so.

    To make matters worse, along came Job’s friends. They may have been well intentioned, but they missed the mark . . . by several hundred miles.

    Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar came to save the day for good ol’ Job. Each of them had an opinion about why Job was in such a terrible state. They had lots to say, so I’ll jump ahead. Instead of encouraging and comforting him, their insights caused him to question God and His nature even more. Job’s mind was clouded and his heart crushed. He couldn’t figure out if all the calamities happened because

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