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Excursions in Daily Living... Vol 11 - Bible devotionals: Excursions in daily living - bible devotionals, #2
Excursions in Daily Living... Vol 11 - Bible devotionals: Excursions in daily living - bible devotionals, #2
Excursions in Daily Living... Vol 11 - Bible devotionals: Excursions in daily living - bible devotionals, #2
Ebook59 pages21 minutes

Excursions in Daily Living... Vol 11 - Bible devotionals: Excursions in daily living - bible devotionals, #2

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About this ebook

Daily life events inspired Ann to write compositions about little aggravations, irritations, & catch 22's of getting through each day. Ann then researched King James Version scriptures in the Bible to provide Bible guidance for dealing with her life events.

PublisherAnn Evans
Release dateJun 20, 2013
Excursions in Daily Living... Vol 11 - Bible devotionals: Excursions in daily living - bible devotionals, #2

Ann Evans

A lifelong procrastinator, Ann spent twenty years polishing up the same story. With a loving push from friends and family, she finally walked into a local Romance Writers of America meeting to find out how to submit her work to a publisher. "I almost couldn't do it. I'm irrationally intimidated by women in hats, and one of the members was wearing a snazzy little red one that practically shouted Professional Writer. I was afraid they'd laugh me out of the room for daring to think my writing could be taken seriously. Lucky for me, they were a great bunch of people who made me feel right at home." They also helped her to see all the things she was doing wrong - "like having no conflict and no plot." With the help of a strong critique group and generous fellow writers, Ann began to understand just how a book ought to be structured. A year later she won the Golden Heart from Romance Writers of America for Best Short Contemporary of 1989. Since that time Ann has sold regularly to the Harlequin Superromance line. She swears she's not a slow writer, just a slow typist. Ann loves writing for the Harlequin Superromance series. "They publish the kinds of books I like to read, so what could have been a better match for me?" Born and raised in Florida, Ann lives in Orlando where she continues the love/hate relationship with her computer. She adores bobbing around in the pool, hot fudge sundaes, collecting antique postcards and finding any excuse to travel. She still hates hats and refuses to own one.

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    Book preview

    Excursions in Daily Living... Vol 11 - Bible devotionals - Ann Evans


    Excursions in daily living…

    Vol 11 - Bible devotions

    little aggravations, irritations, & catch 22’s

    ‘pass it on’ series – life event compositions with Bible devotions

    Published by Ann T. Evans

    Smashwords edition

    This book is available in print.

    Copyright 2013 Ann T. Evans


    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.



    My compositions are inspired by events that happen in my daily life. My "Excursions in Daily Living" started as simply compositions I emailed to family and selected friends. Eventually one of my high school friends, Margie Cox, suggested that I publish the compositions. So after careful research and thought, I self-published a number of books just for fun. That was the beginning of my adventure in being an Independent Author. Another friend, Janice Davis, later encouraged me to compile a devotional book. Special thanks to them and to my other family and friends who have encouraged my writing excursions by simply reading them.

    In this series of writings once I completed the composition, I then researched to find Bible verses that help me make sense of my daily life events.

    Since each composition was written at various ‘between’ times during my daily life, I hope that you will find that reading any one of

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