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Tips, Tools and techniques to Start and Run a Jumping Castle Business
Tips, Tools and techniques to Start and Run a Jumping Castle Business
Tips, Tools and techniques to Start and Run a Jumping Castle Business
Ebook67 pages40 minutes

Tips, Tools and techniques to Start and Run a Jumping Castle Business

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Are you wondering what it takes to start and run your own inflatable business? This book was written by The Bluff Jumping Castle owners, it is packed with valuable information on how to start and Run your own Jumping Castle business. If you want to start your own Jumping Castle business, you need this book.
You will learn:
How to buy a jumping castle, care and cleaning of your castles, Tools and supplies needed, mistakes to avoid, what to expect when dealing with clients, Marketing ideas for your business, an entire list of all equipment needed to get started and much, much more!
We have been running our business successfully for almost 5 years now, and what you will learn in this book from our personal experience will put you on the right track from the start, you will not make any of the mistakes we made in our early days, YOU will be a professional!!
As we were writing this book, every chapter that we wrote, we said to ourselves “They have to know this”, so really, we hope you do use this book. You will find, lots of personal experience stories, great tips, things that you wouldn’t have thought of when starting out, as well as the business side of things.
We wish we had this kind of knowledge when we started out; we could have avoided so many mistakes.
It is always good to learn from other peoples mistakes. We share with you our working ethics, day to day routine (always good to have a routine).
I’m sure you will find a lot of information on the internet, about how to run your own jumping castle business, but most of those articles you will read, are written by people who don’t even own a jumping castle business, or have never done anything like this before. Trust us, we have been there and done all that, so you are getting our first hand experience and so much more. Give yourself a good foothold when starting out, if you want to be successful, and if you want to be professional, you need all the guidance and inside information you can get. A lot of business owners don’t give out their tips on how to be successful and what to avoid doing, they are scared of competition. We want you to succeed, it’s a great business to be in for anyone wanting to earn some extra cash, or going all out.

PublisherJulia Slater
Release dateJun 22, 2013
Tips, Tools and techniques to Start and Run a Jumping Castle Business

Julia Slater

Julia Slater is a South African small local business owner who has mastered hypnotherapy and gardening and many glorious pursuits of diverse ingenuity.

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    Tips, Tools and techniques to Start and Run a Jumping Castle Business - Julia Slater

    Tips, Tools and Techniques to Start and Run a Jumping Castle Business

    Julia Slater

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 Julia Slater

    E-book ISBN: 978-0-620-57170-8

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter One - Where to begin?, Planning guide for your jumping castle business, Earning Potential for your Jumping Castle Business, Financing Options for Jumping Castle business, Your inflatable Jumper Business and insurance, Where to obtain insurance?, Marketing ideas for your inflatable rental business.

    Chapter Two - Buying a Jumping Castle, Care and cleaning of your inflatable and Equipment, Tools and Supplies useful for your jumping Castle business, Mistakes to avoid when starting your Jumping Castle Hire Business, The Admin side of things.

    Chapter Three - Understanding Clients, What to expect when delivering and setting up, When collecting your castle from your client, Make sure you get the correct information you need over the phone, When you’re Client Collects and Drops off from your premises, Our Day to Day Routine on a Saturday, Frequently asked Questions, A list of all the items needed for start up


    Chapter One

    Where to begin?

    How do I start my own jumping castle business? Whether you are planning your party rental company as a full time venture or interested in supplementing your current income. You can begin your jumping castle business with relatively low start up costs. With as little as one inflatable it is possible to have your business up and running Whether you start small and expand or begin with more inflatable’s the rewards generating an income while being your own boss are immeasurable. Having the resources available to help in answering questions and with proper planning, you can be on the road to becoming a successful inflatable jumping castle party rental business owner.

    The first questions you ask yourself when thinking of starting is: How much money can I make? Where do I get good quality jumping castles from? How would I find people to rent my castles?

    Okay, first things first, do your research.... but luckily you have this book.

    Planning guide for your jumping castle business

    What is your target market?

    The best market for a new jumping castle rental business will be home or park birthday parties. School and church carnivals, day-care and pre-school functions, store promotions, picnics and fairs are also a good area to target. You should determine how far you are willing to travel to make your deliveries. If you start with fewer inflatable’s you may be willing to travel greater distances. However, with more inflatable’s to deliver, the time involved in travelling limits the amount you will be able to accomplish.

    What are your start up costs and other expenses?

    Start up costs will include and not limited to, business licenses, transportation, insurance, contract liability waiver, business cards, website, advertising, and your inflatable’s with the accessories needed for setting them up. Yearly costs include liability insurance,

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