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Ebook37 pages31 minutes


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Zuleika has secrets to keep, and a small magic with which she keeps her world in order.

This is a 2000-word short story, and this e-book also contains the story "Cave of the Oracle."

Release dateJun 22, 2013

Edwin C. Mason

Edwin C. Mason was born in 1964 in a house half full of books and dedicated his early years to similarly filling the other half. Now he dreams of filling other people's houses the same way. He started writing in 1977 after reading "Pirates of Venus" by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and in the intervening years he has made every mistake it's possible for a writer to make. He lives in Toronto with his dreams and delusions.

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    Cards - Edwin C. Mason


    Edwin C. Mason

    © 2013 Edwin C. Mason

    all rights reserved

    GND Publishing

    Toronto ON, Canada

    Smashwords Edition

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    Cave of the Oracle

    Also Available by this Author

    About the Author


    Be quiet now, child. Zuleika said, her voice sharp. This is serious.

    Anaitis closed her mouth and moved aside as Zuleika rose to meet the riders.

    Where is he? the first rider asked as the men behind him fanned out among the tents and wagons.

    Zuleika smiled and kept her hands at her sides, but she turned toward the caravans and called, Come, my people.

    They emerged, a dozen men and women, travel stained, dark and wary, dressed in gaudy rags, and unarmed as law and custom demanded. The children came as well, thirty of them in all stages of growth.

    She heard mutters of Gypsies! and Breed like rats! from the armsmen. She had heard it before, and she paid it no mind. They were put on this good earth to wander, to enjoy the mountains and the forests, to live in the byways.

    I am Zuleika, and these are my clansmen. As you see, we have nothing to hide.

    The lead rider swung off his horse. He was wide and fair and armed in metal. His broad face bore scars, and part of his nose was gone. I will determine that. His men dismounted behind him, and some took charge of their comrades’ horses. Where is he? That is the second and last time I will ask. It will be hard for you if you conceal him further.

    She kept her smile calm and pleasant, her voice gentle as she asked, Whom do you seek?

    He sighed, his teeth clenched, and looked about clearly considering starting the slaughter now rather than later. Search the tents! he shouted, not bothering to turn to his men. There were many more men than tents and wagons, and Zuleika wondered if he would wait until they were done before answering her, but he didn’t. "Bertil Lassessen,

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