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Wacky News Names: Monikers that make you smirk
Wacky News Names: Monikers that make you smirk
Wacky News Names: Monikers that make you smirk
Ebook99 pages31 minutes

Wacky News Names: Monikers that make you smirk

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"For those of us with distinctive surnames, Wacky News Names will reassure that many others feel our pain. When asked how often people comment about my name, my response is, Do you mean daily?"

Richard Frankenstein, MD

Release dateJun 24, 2013
Wacky News Names: Monikers that make you smirk

Stephen Busalacchi

Stephen J. Busalacchi is writer and interviewer in Madison, Wisconsin.

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    Book preview

    Wacky News Names - Stephen Busalacchi


    Wacky News Names: Monikers That Make You Smirk

    by Stephen J. Busalacchi

    Published by:

    Stephen J. Busalacchi on Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Stephen J. Busalacchi



    All rights reserved

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    ISBN-13 978-0-9794222-7-0

    Illustrations by Anthony Schmidt

    Art direction and page design by Jason Warholic


    Your name isn’t necessarily your fate, but it’s something you have to live with all the same

    —The Language of Names, Justin Kaplan and Anne Bernays


    Table of Contents

    Foreword, by Dr. Frankenstein


    Chapter One: Destiny

    Chapter Two: Topical Speaker

    Chapter Three: Name Blame

    Chapter Four: Opposites

    Chapter Five: Brand Names

    Chapter Six: Sources

    Chapter Seven: Bylines

    Chapter Eight: Politics as Unusual

    Chapter Nine: Best Medicine

    Chapter Ten: Wild






    I am Dr. Frankenstein, but no, I do not have a large, fearsome patient who sports neck bolts and massive facial scars.

    After surviving elementary school, my distinctive moniker has been an icebreaker nonpareil, which I have mercilessly exploited. Friends have pointed out that my surname is an internationally-known brand, but until you have walked a mile in my shoes, you just can’t imagine just how much fun it is.

    When I read through the PDF of Steve Busalacchi’s manuscript I could hardly keep my fingers on the keys because I was laughing so loudly. It was nice to be reminded of how many others also have names that trigger guffaws.

    So, come along with me, perhaps on a plane trip. Even before boarding a pre-dawn flight, bleary-eyed from the truncated sleep schedule required, I’ve probably shocked, amazed or amused at least a half-dozen people. There’s the valet parking attendant, the shuttle driver, the ticket agent, the club receptionist, the podium attendant, a restaurant worker or two—well you get the idea. Best of all, I always know when the gate agent is about to call my name over the loud speaker for a better seat assignment.

    It’s just a kick to watch that person’s smile slowly develop before he or she calls for Dr. Frankenstein. Once I’m paged, the departure lounge fills with laughter and wonder. At a charity event, I met someone handling tickets at the door, who later in the evening asked me if I really was Doctor Frankenstein. He eventually became my best friend! It is unlikely we would have met otherwise!

    My career choice was obviously pure destiny, even if

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