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Hunting Henry
Hunting Henry
Hunting Henry
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Hunting Henry

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Re-release of the same title, if you have the previous version please do not repurchase.

Henry’s painful past had him keeping everyone at a distance. Settling into life in the pack was the only thing keeping him sane. When a broken-hearted wolf with the shape of a human comes seeking sanctuary, Henry can’t resist.

Dakota had never wished to be human. The victim of a mad scientist Dakota had transformed from a happy wolf to a miserable man. Will the big scarred chef be able to make everything all right or will he always long for his four-pawed form.

PublisherAmber Kell
Release dateJun 24, 2013
Hunting Henry

Amber Kell

Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head for as long as she could remember.She lives in Seattle with her husband, two sons, three cats and one very stupid dog. To learn more about her current books or works in progress, check out her blog at fans can also reach her at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Awesome book, Dakota is an amazing character, hope to see him again

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Hunting Henry - Amber Kell


Lorus Korl looked at the vial of blood, examining it for flaws .


After a year of careful research and experimentation, he’d finally found the perfect animal test subject. All the results corroborated the small, white wolf in his cage had a shifter somewhere in his family tree. Looking over at the beautiful creature who watched him with uncomprehending blue eyes, Lorus almost felt sorry for it, but science deserved no boundaries. Besides, the fae kingdom couldn’t be overthrown with only the meager amount of mutants he currently had under his control, and the pool for conversion kept getting smaller.

Sorry, pal, but you’re the next step now that those damned shifters are starting to avoid me. He’d exhausted most of his genetic master list to find this particular animal. Alerted to his experiments, full shifters were now guarding their more distant cousins. Except this guy, he was an anomaly. Lorus had captured the entire pack, because indications said they might have genetic material to convert to mutants.

This wolf was one of a handful left.

Setting the blood sample aside, he reached into the mini-fridge and pulled out the conversion liquid. If this worked like it should, the little wolf would soon be a large mutant.

Punching a needle through the serum’s vial, he pulled back the plunger and filled the cavity with yellow fluid. Holding the needle carefully, he indicated to his helpers to grab the wolf.

One of his mutants reached in to grab the animal. The wolf whimpered as they put him on the operating table. Its claws scrabbled for purchase. Shhh, little guy. Lorus pushed a bit of calming magic at the creature. It would be too difficult to inject the wolf if he moved around. With careful precision, he plunged the needle into the meaty part of the wolf’s thigh.

It let out a high yelp.

Put him in the big cage, Lorus ordered. We’ll name him Dakota. After all, they found him in that particular state.

If the wolf turned out as big as he hoped, they’d need a larger cage for this new strain of soldier. Giving a triumphant smile to his assistant, he tossed the needle in the sharps container.

Should I get the next wolf prepared?

Ah, Blake, one of Lorus’ greatest successes. Blake was one of the few Lorus bothered to know, the mutant was a good second in command, making sure everything went smoothly.

No. Let’s see what happens with this one. We don’t want to inject a bunch of wolves at once before we know their reaction time.

What are you going to do if he transforms? Blake asked.

Start a new army. A few hundred mutants are no match for the king’s fae forces. We must recruit others to our cause. You were the first step. This wolf is our next. Then we need to persuade more shifters of the benefit of being a mutant. If I can convert at least one werekin pack, I’ll have the upper hand. I’m hoping to get the Moon pack on board. Once I depose King Linnel, I’m going to need a new figurehead. Anthony Carrow will be the perfect king, and once I have his mate under my control, he won’t be able to say no.

The beauty of controlling Silver would be having a ready-made pack to convert and holding the desired king by the short hairs. Yes, Anthony will be perfect. Whistling under his breath, Lorus leaned over his chemistry set, ready to make more serum.

He woke up shivering, with no fur.

A whimper escaped his throat like a trapped fox with nowhere to go. Where was his coat?

Shhh, take it easy, a deep voice murmured.

The sound calmed him a bit. He understood what the poor almost-wolf said. Blinking, he tried to adjust to the bright world around him. Wh-what’s going on?

You can talk! The mutant leaned close to the cage. Your name is Dakota. Listen to me very carefully. If you want to survive, this is what you’re going have to do…

Chapter 1

Henry Moon slid a pecan pie into the oven and closed the door. He knew his boss’ mate, Anthony Carrow, would give him a pleased smile when the demigod got a look at the dessert for the night; it was his favorite. If the alpha mate worked late, well, Henry would send it by courier to his office. As the main cook at the pack house, Henry took his responsibilities seriously .

He had heard Silver Moon, the pack leader, telling Anthony to hire an assistant. Henry hoped the alpha mate listened. Silver might be the wolf alpha, but Anthony could just as easily take someone down and do it with a charming smile. The demigod used his charisma to coax people to do things his way while Silver used the strength of his alpha abilities to bend others to his will.

Henry rubbed his neck, pleased at the slight tingle. A few months ago, Anthony learned he could place a lightning bolt brand on pack members to call them to him in times of trouble. Last night, Henry had requested Anthony mark him. Anthony complied, knowing how much Henry needed to feel like he belonged with the pack. Now Henry felt like one of the family. Not the pack. If he could, Henry would leave his wolf part behind forever. Being a wolf had never brought him anything but scars and grief. However, the Moon pack was more than a group of wolves, they were a family who took care of each other and supported their community as a group. Henry could do enough to pay back the people who took him in when he was battered and broken.

Silver had saved him.

When the Moon pack alpha discovered Henry’s former pack leader’s abusive ways, Silver had dismantled the entire pack and allowed Henry to kill the alpha himself. For that act alone, Silver would always hold a special place in Henry’s heart, even if Henry felt more comfortable around Anthony.

In general, Henry stayed away from the others unless they needed something to eat. He wasn’t a recluse, he mingled with others when they came to the kitchen, but he didn’t go up to the club. Ever. The feel of hundreds of bodies surrounding him on all sides brought back memories better left in

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