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The Rose (A Lady Katherine Novel)
The Rose (A Lady Katherine Novel)
The Rose (A Lady Katherine Novel)
Ebook144 pages2 hours

The Rose (A Lady Katherine Novel)

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When thirteen-year-old Lady Katherine sailed away from her home in the Caribbean for school in London, she didn’t expect a brutal pirate attack. Nor did she anticipate ridicule and exclusion by her peers, or harsh punishment by the headmistress and the princess House Assistant in Emerald House. Far from her mind when she boarded the ship was a murder mystery to solve. Don’t get her started on the ghost. Her biggest surprise came, however, from a slip of the tongue by the Earl of Oxford; one that could have history changing implications.

PublisherDennis Berry
Release dateJun 25, 2013
The Rose (A Lady Katherine Novel)

Dennis Berry

Dennis berry is a retired air force officer. He practiced as a physician assistant in Family Practice, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, and Correctional Medicine. After retirement, he and his wife, Linda, traveled the highways and byways of the U.S. and Canada as full-time Rv'rs for almost nine years. While on the road, he took up writing. He and Linda are now settled in a house that doesn't rock in the wind in Roseville, California, with two dogs, four koi, and a group of goldfish that they fine hard to keep up with. Numerically, that is.

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    The Rose (A Lady Katherine Novel) - Dennis Berry


    A Lady Katherine Novel

    Dennis Berry


    Copyright 2013 by Dennis Berry. Smashwords Edition. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American copyright conventions. By payment of the required fees you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read this novel. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage or retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical now known, or hereinafter invented without the express written permission of the author.

    Editor: Cindy Vallar

    Cover Design: Linda Berry

    Formatting: Sandra Pimienta


    ISBN: 9781301690275


    For Linda: Forever.


    Writing a novel is not a singular achievement. As in everyday life, many people are involved in one way or another. Top of the list is my wife Linda for her encouragement and the beautiful cover she designed. Without the sharp eyes of my friends and critique group in Hemingway Hall at Writers’ Village University, Dave, Marli, Diana, Jane, Josh, and Amoca, I could have never reached this level of writing. A special thanks goes to good friends Dean and Carol Elliott whose encouragement through the past several years has kept me going. Tom Pimienta has provided me invaluable IT help with my website. Sandra Pimienta, my daughter for her formatting skills. My editor, Cindy Vallar, deserves a galleon-load of thanks for the wonderful job she did on a manuscript that was far from ready for publication. I also would like to thank all of you who read and enjoyed the unedited version of this novel on my blog,

    Any errors of fact in this novel are strictly mine.

    Dennis, May 2013






    The bustle and noise of Port Saint James swirled around me.


    A series of loud booms split the air, and nearly burst my eardrums.


    I swiped at my tear-streaked face with a blouse sleeve, then pulled myself up from the deck.


    I cannot believe we’re here.


    I sat in the carriage facing forward.


    The footman extended his hand.


    Mistress Orinda spread her arms wide.


    Pounding on our chamber door rocked me awake.


    Students, I want your attention.


    Did you like the rose, Lady Katherine . . . the rose . . . the rose . . .


    My hand shook from such fright, it cast wavering shadows.


    Three days had passed since my encounter with Treise, and her part of our deal was set for today.


    Millie’s lips were compressed thin, her brow wrinkled.


    The investigation into the Princess Incident was underway.


    How wonderful to sleep a little longer the next morning.


    The twenty-year-old groundskeeper’s son, Oswyn, stood a few steps below me, his naturally grotesque face made even more so by the flicker of the torchlight.


    After Treise’s revelation about Mistress Mildred’s theft, I tossed the whole night.


    Millie made a hurry-up motion with her hand.


    I wanted to scream.


    The following day, I sat in front of Headmistress Orinda’s desk.


    I yawned and stretched my arms wide, then overhead.




    The bustle and noise of Port Saint James swirled around me. Shirtless black slaves swarmed over the dock. Their bodies glistened with sweat while they lifted and hauled heavy freight. Their calls to one another joined with the cacophony of other sounds filling the air. Others grunted as they heaved on thick ropes attached to winches to pull heavier boxes aboard the British East India Company’s Anne. Passengers mingled with families and friends while screeching and laughing children played all hid amongst the stacked crates. Dust plumed above Harbor Road, kicked up by latecomers’ horses and wagons as they hurried along.

    A tall, severe man doffed his tricorn hat and waved it about, in his usual manner, emphasizing whatever he was saying to Father. It was the Puritan minister, Mr. Jenkins. He wore all black clothing except for the white shirt beneath his waistcoat.

    Farther down the jetty, a British man-of-war was also being prepared to leave. Anne was well armed, as were all East Indiamen, but she merited a special escort due to her precious cargo. When I queried Father about what the precious cargo might be, he merely smiled and said, Don’t worry yourself over such. Try to enjoy your trip.

    I walked ahead of my parents, fascinated by the hustle and bustle of the common people who surrounded me. The adults mostly wore what I took for their best clothes, although patches were apparent on some, and the children ran about barefoot.

    Lady Katherine . . .

    When I glanced back to determine who had called, a gust of wind tugged at my bonnet. I pushed down firmly to keep it on my head.

    Look out!

    Roderick Cash III ran toward me with a package in his hand. Halfway to me, he threw it to the ground and continued running.

    Hi Roddy! I waved, completely bewildered that he didn’t slow down. His sweaty brow and wild eyes unsettled me. Roddy, what in the world—

    He slammed into me with the energy of a rampaging horse. He wrapped his arms around me, and we flew through the air. I landed on my bottom and screeched.

    A large crate crashed to the spot where I had stood.

    My eyes widened and my heart raced. I gasped to catch my breath.

    After my near brush with death, only a single, muted word escaped my lips. Oh.

    I took a great gulp of air as terror brought on by the incident faded. I’m surprised you came, but quite glad you did.

    He stood and brushed himself off, then clasped my hand and pulled me to my feet. Yes, well so am I, he said, then added in a lower voice, Katherine.

    I brushed away some of the grit from my skirt. Are you all right?

    Of course, why wouldn’t I be?

    You do seem a bit off, and—

    Wait. He ran back and picked up the package.

    When he returned, he shoved it into my hand. It had fallen into a puddle and the paper it was wrapped in was wet and torn. Mother insisted I bring you a departing gift since I missed your bon voyage party last night.

    I scrunched my face at the package’s condition. Peeking out through the tear was a slightly soiled, from the accident, green, silk handkerchief. I tore open the package the rest of the way. It was beautiful. Thank you, it’s—quite nice of you.

    The clang of the ship’s bell, calling everyone to board, interrupted me. Oh, I must get aboard. You’re my hero. I kissed him on the cheek, and his face flushed.

    By this time, a large crowd surrounded us. All were talking at once. Father’s voice sounded over the din. "Move aside, let us through.

    Are you alright? he asked as the tide parted before him and Mother.

    Yes, Father, I’m fine. Roddy saved my life. I took my friend’s hand and his face turned even redder.

    Good job, Master Cash, we shall talk about a reward later. Father turned to me before Roderick could speak. Come, we must get you aboard. She’s set to sail, and I don’t believe you want to miss her.

    On no, Father, I simply would die if I weren’t able to reach London in time for school. Our Lady of the River School for Young Ladies took only 13 to 16 year old ladies of peerage and royalty, and this was to be my first year there. Actually, my first trip back to England since my family left when I was a small child. If I were to miss the ship I would have to wait another year, until 1675, and miss my first year. That would be entirely unacceptable.

    Mother, a tall, slender woman with long, red hair, smiled at me. Her emerald eyes twinkled in the bright, Caribbean sun, which gave her smile an extra sparkle. She put her arm around my shoulders and gave me a gentle squeeze. Don’t worry, dear, they wouldn’t dare leave without you.

    Father, the Duke of Saint James and Lord Governor of Saint James Island, was a sharp contrast to her with his rotund figure and nearly bald head.

    I bid Roderick good-bye, then skipped ahead of my parents to board the ship. The aptly named Miss Winifred Grimmer of Suffolk, England met me at the gangplank with her usual disapproving frown. She would be my paid chaperone for the trip. You should not run so near the water. You might fall in, and I do believe your father would be quite displeased.

    And if I drowned, you wouldn’t get paid to go back home, Mother Grim. I’m only 13 years and soon to be received in court, where I’ll meet all those gorgeous and most brilliant young men of my class. I’m the happiest girl in the world. So stuff that in your common heart, you old witch.

    What I actually said was, Yes, ma’am, and curtsied slightly. No need to give away my adventurous, tomboyish manner, as Mother refers to my behavior—not yet.

    We waited for Mother and Father at the boarding ramp. They climbed aboard first, followed by me, then Mother Grim.

    I stopped halfway up and looked over the side of the gangplank’s rope banister. Water sloshed gently against the ship’s hull. Although early in the day, the humidity glued my chemise to my skin. I yearned to dive into the clear bay water and swim with the large fish.

    A bump from behind awoke me from my reverie. I glared at the sight of Miss Grimmer’s downturned mouth.

    My apologies, Lady Katherine. Perhaps we should actually board the ship. We might arrive in England faster.

    Apologies my . . . My hands curled into fists so tight my nails pierced the gloves, I reluctantly pasted on a false smile. Goodness yes, what a brilliant idea.

    But once at sea, curbing my tongue would be the last thing I intend to do.

    When I boarded, Father conversed with a tall, thin man. He waved me over to where they stood. "Katherine, I want you to

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