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How To Adore An Older Woman
How To Adore An Older Woman
How To Adore An Older Woman
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How To Adore An Older Woman

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A pair of short novels that explore a richly sensual relationship between a dynamic, dominant woman and a much younger submissive man.

In Obeying Margery, Kenneth White is only 18 years old, a slender, handsome youth with remarkable sexual stamina. He becomes enthralled with his mother's lesbian partner, Margery DeGrange, a beautiful woman 14 years his senior. To keep Ken from the clutches of immoral, young, college girls, Margery initiates a program of regular sexual relief, masturbating Ken daily. But when Margery moves out of the household, Ken falls into dangerous a downward spiral, arrested only when she returns to him as a specially appointed guardian and revives her program of sexual relief, combined with a strict new regimen of corrective discipline.

In Gratifying Gretchen, Kenneth, now forty-one, drifts into the hands of the older and very dominant Gretchen Brantwell, who immediately recognizes Ken's submissive nature. As soon as her control over Ken is firmly established, she begins distributing his oral services to other older women who share her unique female supremacist viewpoint and modern neo-pagan faith.

Release dateJun 26, 2013
How To Adore An Older Woman

M. J. Rennie

M.J. Rennie Author BioM. J. Rennie is a prolific West Coast author of fictional erotica, mainstream fiction, and non-fiction. Under both his real name and his M. J. Rennie pseudonym, the author continues to probe internal and external sexual realities, issues, conditions, and alternatives.He is the author of many singular erotic novels and story collections, including HOW TO ADORE AN OLDER WOMAN, PLUS SIZE SIGNE, PERMISSION, and the landmark Femdom novels, MALE CHASTITY and WORSHIPPED WIVES.Since its paperback success in 1999, Rennie's legendary Masquerade Books classic PERMISSION has become a recommended title on dozens of adult literary web sites, including Aimee's List, The Erotic Book Society, Planet Eros, Fiction on the Fringe, Artemis Creations, Femdom Links, Odress Suggestions, QSM, The BDSM Bookshelf, and Sole.One reviewer said that M. J. Rennie's stories are "haunting and well-written, chronicling the relationship between an eager, submissive man and a dominant, sophisticated woman."BIBLIOGRAPHYStories“Darlene’s Permission - Part 1,” WEST COAST SWINGERS, June, 1996.“Darlene’s Permission - Part 2,” WEST COAST SWINGERS, July, 1996.“Lacy Sunday,” SEXY LETTERS, June, 1997.“In Front of Others,” KINKY, August, 1997.“Down Home Girls,” PENTHOUSE LETTERS, December, 1997.“Bottoming Out,” HOT STUFF, June, 1998.“To Be Properly Trained,” PINK FLAMINGO FREE STORIES, December, 2000.“Cruising with Vicki and Marge,” LEATHER, LACE, and LUST Anthology, VENUS BOOKS, November, 2003. (republished) BERKLEY HEAT, December, 2005.“Unfolding Her Wings,” PINK FLAMINGO FREE STORIES, September, 2008."The Thrill of the Chaste," PINK FLAMINGO FREE STORIES, May, 2011."My Own Little Alcatraz," BONDAGE BY THE BAY Anthology, RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, July, 2011.Novels – Story Collections“Permission/The Perfect Wife,” MASQUERADE BOOKS, April, 1999.“How to Adore an Older Woman,” PINK FLAMINGO PUBLICATIONS, January, 2001.“Plus Size Signe,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, November, 2003.“Permission,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, (republished) December, 2003.“The Perfect Wife,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, (republished) March, 2004.“How to Manage a Man,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, July, 2004.“Slit Pantie Honeymoon,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, August, 2004.“Submit, My Lovely,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, November, 2004.“Hold Nothing Back," RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, January, 2005.“Absolute Submission,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, May, 2005.“Male Chastity,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, October, 2006.“Worshipped Wives,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, February, 2007.“Alternate Eros,” PINK FLAMINGO PUBLICATIONS, March, 2008.“The Alien Aphrodisiac,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, September, 2008.“Sex And Sexibility,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, December, 2008.“Menage A Troll,” RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, June, 2010“Total Femdom,” PINK FLAMINGO PUBLICATIONS, May, 2011."Best of M. J. Rennie Volume 1," RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, October, 2011."Best of M. J. Rennie Volume 2," RENAISSANCE E BOOKS, October, 2011."Manhandling," Pink Flamingo Publications, XXX, 2012.

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    How To Adore An Older Woman - M. J. Rennie

    How to Adore

    An Older Woman

    By M. J. Rennie

    ISBN: 978-1-954079-65-6

    A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

    Copyright © 2021, All rights reserved

    Smashwords Edition


    I had affairs with a few girls of my own age, and they taught me that no girl, no matter however clever or warm-hearted, could possibly know or feel half as much at twenty as she would at age forty.

    ―Stephen Vizinczey, In Praise of Older Women: The Amorous Recollections of András Vajda, 1966

    Book One: Minding Margery

    Chapter One

    In Need of a Firm Hand

    After four years of home school, Miriam White decided to enroll her son Kenneth in a public junior college. Miriam sought to further Ken’s education in business accounting.

    Kenneth, I know your ambition is to become a writer, Mrs. White said. However, by developing your skills in accounting, you’ll learn how to manage my investments. Handling money is a heavy responsibility, you know.

    Yes mother, Ken answered. He had long ago learned that deferring to his mother’s stern but loving authority was not only proper, it also helped him avoid a whipping.

    Still, Ken looked forward to at last being away from his mother’s watchful eye. He hungered for freedom.

    On the morning that he was to begin junior college, Ken carefully selected the outfit he planned to wear. He set his clothes out on the pastel blue chenille spread that covered his spartan single bed.

    After much thought, Ken settled on a pair of neatly pressed tan slacks, a long-sleeved white cotton shirt, a gray cashmere V neck sweater, and dark argyle socks to go inside a pair of burgundy colored penny loafers.

    The collegiate look.

    In the bathroom, Ken showered, shaved, and brushed his teeth. He splashed a lavender-scented cologne called Hardwood on his face and daubed liberal amounts of deodorant gel between his legs, on his chest, and under his armpits.

    Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Ken saw an earnest young man with bright blond hair, handsome facial features and deep-set blue eyes, wearing only a t-shirt and underpants.

    A bit under six feet tall, Ken was slender and well built, strong but not overdeveloped. Only a sparse tuft of pale hair adorned his otherwise bare chest, a collection of soft curls that nestled between his tiny pink nipples.

    Ken’s lean legs were long, his bottom rounded, and his manly parts firm, nicely formed, and exceptionally large. Unlike most young American males, Ken’s penis remained uncircumcised, the elegant engine exactly as the Mother Goddess intended it.

    Following his birth, Ken’s mother Miriam rejected the circumcision procedure, declaring that she would not let a corrupt medical establishment mutilate her precious son.

    But it’s necessary for good hygiene, the doctors and nurses assured her. Besides, he’ll be teased by the other boys in the school locker room if it isn’t done, they added.

    That may be so, Miriam answered, but I don’t care. Leave my baby boy’s penis alone!

    The interval of eighteen years from Ken’s birth to the present had resulted in a manly organ of surpassing beauty. On the critical issues of size and symmetry, Ken’s penis was a singular specimen. Indeed, the natural state of his equipment did nothing but enhance the appeal of his overall genital package. The hood of pink partially covering Ken’s cock adorned the shapely head like a fleshy necklace.

    Reaching into his underpants, Ken took his penis in hand, retracting the foreskin on the dangling column. He enjoyed playing with himself while completing his toilet. Snatching a rat tailed comb from the dresser drawer with his right hand, Ken attacked his blond hair, working the comb from front to back.

    Meanwhile, with his left hand, he idly pinched the head of his cock. There was a knock at the bathroom door.

    Kenneth—it’s me. I’m coming in, said a Feminine voice. It came from his mother’s partner, a woman Ken had known since childhood as Aunt Margery. She opened the door and briskly entered. Ken hurriedly reached for a towel to cover up but Margery put her hand out to stop him.

    Don’t bother covering yourself, Kenneth, Margery said. I’m here to examine your body. Leave the towel on the rack.

    Ken left the towel on the rack and turned to face her. His jaw fell open as he realized that Margery was wearing nothing besides a lacy white lingerie set and high heels. At age thirty one, Margery was thirteen years older than Ken, a remarkable woman at the peak of her physical allure.

    Margery faced him directly, a statuesque golden-haired beauty who stood slightly taller than Ken at a full six feet in height. Ever since Margery had entered their lives, Ken had secretly adored his mother’s lesbian lover.

    Ken had many good reasons to adore her. Margery’s dazzling figure was a classically sculpted wonder of lovely curves and soft, inviting crevices. Her gorgeous hair was cut in bangs straight across her forehead, medium length at the sides and slightly longer in the back. Her smooth, clear skin exuded robust health and Feminine sleekness beyond all concept.

    Ken did not know it, but there was another woman she resembled closely, the 1950s magazine model, Betty Lake. The physical resemblance between blond Betty Lake and Margaret Ann DeGrange was positively uncanny.

    Kenneth, what have you been doing in here? Margery asked, in a gentle tone.

    I was—uh—combing my hair, Ken said, showing Margery the rat-tailed comb. See?

    Ken frequently became quite tongue tied in Margery’s presence. He never knew what to say to her or how to say it, generally stammering banalities to conceal his nervous excitement.

    Hmmm, Margery said, smiling as she looked him over. Your ablutions this morning do seem above average. You are freshly showered, deodorized, and appropriately but not too heavily scented.

    Ken continued to stare at Margery, his mouth agape. She wore a high-waisted satin panty accented with lacy side panels, a matching bra, a pair of white garter-less stockings, and a pair of white high heels that emphasized Ken’s slight disadvantage in height.

    Standing so close, Margery seemed like a vision in a dream, a pure fairy angel, hovering nearby in her ravishing underclothes. Because Ken rarely saw Margery in a state of undress, the sexiness of her intimate attire excited him all the more intensely.

    Ken’s mouth grew dry as he gazed at her. It took nearly all of his strength to keep his knees from buckling. As if it had a mind of its own, Ken’s outsized penis began to rise and stiffen. Mortified, Ken blushed a scarlet red.

    To an inexperienced youth like Ken, his Aunt Margery constituted an overpowering presence. She was fully in control and Ken never even considered the possibility of disobeying her.

    Reaching out, she drew the waistband of his underpants down and took his penis in her strong right hand, slowly stroking him.

    Ken gasped in surprise and cast his glance down and away. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her, as he was too embarrassed. His penis, on the other hand, responded with enthusiasm.

    Look at me, Kenneth, Aunt Margery said, in a low, compelling voice. I want you to look at me!

    Ken’s eyes rose, pausing at the sharply pointed satin cups encasing Margery’s breasts. Then, with one supreme effort, Ken brought his gaze level with Margery’s.

    The heady fragrance of Margery’s magnificent breasts filled Ken’s nostrils in the close confines of the bathroom. Sensory input invaded the complex contours of Ken’s brain, swiftly encouraging reproductive readiness. In seconds, his swelling penis was at maximum pressure.

    Ken had always been fascinated by Margery. One night after his mother took Margery as a lover, a twelve year old Ken stumbled into his mother’s bedroom. A thunderstorm had frightened the timid lad from his bed.

    Shocked but intrigued, Ken watched them making love, Margery and his mother Miriam, soundlessly but with great intensity. The two were locked in what is popularly known as the 69 position, with Margery below.

    A bedside lamp on the nightstand revealed everything to the impressionable youth. Rubbing his eyes, Ken observed for several minutes, fascinated by what they were doing. His mother could not see Ken, as her silver-haired head faced away from him, her tongue busy in Margery’s trim, blond gash.

    Ken recalled with pleasure briefly seeing the triangle of golden hair surrounding the narrow slit at Margery’s center. His mother’s tongue circled it round and round, teasing Margery’s clitoris. Ken remembered wishing it were he, not his mother, whose tongue was attending Margery’s inviting bud. While he looked, Margery turned her head and saw Ken. For a brief, fleeting moment their eyes met. Margery smiled and winked, almost imperceptibly.

    Suddenly feeling quite ashamed, Ken raced back to his room. There in the darkness, as the storm thundered outside, Ken feverishly frigged his juvenile penis until he fell into a restless, fitful slumber.

    Since that memorable night, Margery bewitched Ken with her beauty and personal charisma. He often fantasized about marrying Margery when he grew up. The difference in their ages made no difference as far as he was concerned. After puberty arrived, Ken knew his dream was impossible but still he continued to adore her.

    And right now the woman of his dreams, Aunt Margery, stood right in front of him, stroking his penis! Could it be happening? Could it really be happening?

    Tell me the truth, Kenneth, Margery said, were you playing with yourself in here this morning?

    Ken’s mouth fell open in alarm.

    No, he lied.

    Margery raised her clipped blond eyebrows, obviously doubting his truthfulness. She put her left hand on her hip.

    Your mother asked me to supervise you this morning, to make sure you are properly settled before you leave for school.

    Properly settled? Ken said. What do you mean by that, Aunt Margery?

    Margery laughed merrily. "You’re going to need regular sexual relief because you are going to be around young girls at college, Kenneth. Young girls. They can be tremendously promiscuous."

    Shoot, I don’t go in much for girls, Ken said, bravely. I try to avoid them.

    Margery sighed. Kenneth, it is one thing for you to be at home with us, your mother and myself, where we can keep an eye on you. It is an entirely different matter for you to go out in the world, exposed to heaven knows what. Your mother is concerned that you might end up in the clutches of some slutty college girl with low morals and substandard personal hygiene. It’s been known to happen to sheltered young fellows like yourself.

    But Aunt Margery, Ken said, must I masturbate right now, in front of you?

    Really Kenneth, Margery said impatiently, why do you think I’m dressed like this? I’m here to help you. Now turn around and face the sink.

    Because he was accustomed to being told what to do, by a woman particularly, Ken did as Margery said. As he faced the sink, Margery moved behind him, still holding his penis. Her left hand went between his legs from behind, cupping and confining his testicles.

    It isn’t morally right for a boy’s mother to handle him in this manner, Margery said, as she caressed his genitals. Under our state’s laws, consenting adults, meaning anyone eighteen or older, are free to have sexual relations with each other. Of course, you may not marry anyone who is directly related to you in your primary family. The taboo forbidding incest is strong, and exists for good reasons. Many an idiot has been born of incest. You are very fortunate, my dear Kenneth, to have a woman in the home who can skillfully relieve your burgeoning sexual desires.

    Margery tightly gripped his penis, bringing it over the sink. Slowly, she ran her sharp red fingernails up and down its length, a caress that sent Ken’s pleasure sensors plunging headlong into the red zone.

    Oh, Aunt Margery! Ken said. Ooouuuuhh!

    Margery deftly retracted the foreskin, revealing the red, bulging head, corona, and frenum. Ken’s organ reared up like a bucking bronco, the knob at top as big and shiny as a Yakima Valley plum.

    Your big stiffy is quite attractive, Kenneth, Margery said, releasing him momentarily. She smeared a dollop of lubricant on her hands before taking hold of him again. You’ll make some lucky woman an excellent husband.

    The motion of the lotion on his penis was thrilling. Ken tried to say something, but no words came out. Margery quickly finished slathering him with a fragrant lube gel and again began fondling him with her strong right hand.

    Into the sink, Kenneth, Margery said. I want you to ejaculate. Let’s see you expel those male juices you’ve got stored up inside you.

    Ken thrust his pelvis in a rhythm matching the caress of Margery’s strong, long fingered hand. Her brightly painted red nails slid up and down, up and down, as Ken’s mouth went slack and his eyes closed in absolute rapture.

    Oooooooh… Ken emitted a long, blissful groan.

    As his climax neared, Margery forced Ken’s legs apart, sending the well lubed middle finger of her left hand into his rectum. Ken’s body jerked as her middle digit wormed inside, pressing his prostate gland.

    An electro chemical reaction similar to lightning ripped through Ken’s neural pathways. His brain went suddenly aflame in a burst of energy so blinding it seemed to blot out everything in existence except for Margery’s hands and his upright cock.

    AAAHHH! Ken screamed. UUUAAHH!

    Semen spurted from Ken’s penis with explosive force, firing over the sink to spatter the bathroom mirror, a full eighteen inches away. Still another voluminous spurt was followed by a series of lesser spurts, until it all slowly tailed off. Ken whimpered mindlessly as Margery pinched, pulled, tugged and squeezed, milking every seminal strand from his virile young glands.

    When it was over, she released Ken’s shrinking organ and withdrew her finger from his bottom with a pop. After washing her hands, she patted him on the rump, kissed his forehead tenderly, and said:

    That’s a good boy, Kenneth. We’re going to do this every morning before school. I’ve always been bi-sexual, and you can see I know what I’m doing. You’ll like having me masturbate you, won’t you?

    Ken could hardly believe his ears.

    It was a dream come true!

    Yes, Aunt Margery, he answered. Yes, Ma’am.

    Margery pulled down the cups of her gorgeous satin bra to expose her creamy nipples.

    Your mother said I could let you suck my nipples a bit, if you wish. Would you enjoy that?

    Ken trembled at the sight of the succulent points. In six years of daily contact, he had never before seen them.

    Until now.

    Yes, Aunt Margery, Ken breathed. I’d love that.

    Margery allowed Ken a few tentative kisses and a small amount of exploratory sucking, before he settled down to fasten on them like a baby, first one and then the other. The disappointment on Ken’s face was plain when she abruptly closed up shop.

    That’s enough for now. Finish up in here and get ready for school. Before you go out, be sure you clean the mirror. Your mother has a nice breakfast of bran cereal, milk, fresh apricots, and lemon yogurt ready for you.

    Half in a daze, Ken cleaned the mirror with a washcloth and completed the remainder of his toilet. During breakfast, there was no discussion of the new morning arrangement. The only remark came after Ken had left for school. Miriam told Margery that sons evidently followed their fathers in certain intimate matters.


    Ken was in his senior year of college when his mother perished in a traffic collision, leaving a substantial estate behind. Miriam White’s will stated that her partner Margery would inherit one third of her property and her son Kenneth the rest.

    At the funeral, Miriam’s son and lover shared tears and a pew closest to the bier. The mourners included dozens of members of the Church of Cybele, the Gyneco-supremacist neo-pagan faith that counted Miriam White as a respected and influential parishioner.

    Beyond that, there were relatives and a large coterie of grieving friends. Among her other charities, Miriam White had been a dedicated champion of Women’s Rights.

    As it happened, Women outnumbered men at Miriam’s funeral service by a ratio of nine to one. Although most of her adult life had been devoted to Feminist causes, those who knew Miriam agreed that she had been a wonderful, doting mother to a sensitive boy like Ken.

    After the reading of the will, Ken and Margery parted company. Nevertheless, Margery promised to keep in touch with him as circumstances permitted. Margery always felt that her first loyalty was to Miriam, her lover and patron. Still, she had grown very fond of her lover’s son.

    The year before she died, Miriam had asked Margery to let her son try to manage on his own, at least for a while, in the event of her untimely death. Though given to mannish attire and a short, boyish style to her greying locks, Miriam White had been the Wife in their gay marriage.

    There is one more thing, Miriam said to Margery, as they prepared for bed one evening. My will states that Kenny can’t claim his full inheritance until he shows that he can properly submit to a woman, just as his father submitted to me during our marriage.

    It shall be as you say, Margery answered, smiling at Miriam. Ken’s mother leaned forward, kissing her spouse passionately. Their tongues went in and out of each other’s mouths. Breaking the kiss, Miriam said:


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