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1984 Erotica
1984 Erotica
1984 Erotica
Ebook28 pages25 minutes

1984 Erotica

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About this ebook

It is 1984,when life was carefree and fun and the best club in town was the Orwellian sounding Sex is Love. Two of these short stories feature Max and his antics with the ladies, the final story shows a totally different part of life, and yet the basic sexual needs still provide the same end result.
A look back in time when the music was better in one of the most carefree eras in human history.
If you weren't out and about in 1984 having a f**king great time, read the adventures of those who did.

Below are some reviews of his works...
"This was well crafted to highlight the trials of boys growing up with raging hormones!
The look into what might happen behind closed doors growing up male."
When i started Camming i tried to research as much as i could. when i saw this available digitally i got it, read it in about a hour. Great perspective from the audience point of view.
This great little collection contains two stories, not just one, excellent value! Both stories are about women who have husbands and their cuckold fantasies, and the very hot fulfillment of those fantasies in action. Two very hot stories that get right to the action. I really enjoyed reading these from the perspective of the two women, very satisfying.
Thank you soooo much for the very best laugh of my life! I will definitely be purchasing more of Mister Average's books!

Release dateJul 2, 2013
1984 Erotica

Mister Average

Mister Average is a pen name of one of the most prolific writers of erotic short stories. Most of my stories have a message, or a question. Yes, they are naughty, but they often also present a dilemma. Most contain some love and romance, most of them reflect what we are like in our average lives. The characters are generally normal, average, people - like me and you in realistic situations, in realistic fantasies. I write about the kinds of things you fantasize about. If you follow me on Twitter you will find out about free days and discount coupons that I send out from time to time and you will see every new release. Enjoy.

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    Book preview

    1984 Erotica - Mister Average

    1984 EROTICA


    Mister Average

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    Published by Mister Average

    at Smashwords

    1984 Erotica

    Copyright 2013 by Mister Average

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    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    Image licensed by eaniton

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    For my other eBooks, please go to the end of this book.





    1984 EROTICA


    The nightclub resounded to the deep, thumping beat of Frankie Goes to Hollywood as the patrons danced away in the early hours of Saturday morning.

    It was the kind of song where you rubbed yourself against your dancing partner; it was the kind of song that made you want to cum.

    For Max it had started as a typical Friday after

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