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The Captain, The Wench and Sometimes Shorty
The Captain, The Wench and Sometimes Shorty
The Captain, The Wench and Sometimes Shorty
Ebook132 pages2 hours

The Captain, The Wench and Sometimes Shorty

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About this ebook

A husband and wife's spanking good sexual romp through good times and bad. He is a larger than life personality and she likes him that way. She is anything but meek and he likes her that way. The duo make for highly charged sexual play, no matter where they are. The house, the barnyard, the woods and even in Washington. A first person story makes you, the reader, a very saucy lady.

PublisherF.M. Toft
Release dateJul 3, 2013
The Captain, The Wench and Sometimes Shorty

F.M. Toft

F.M.Toft lives in the Midwest with the love of her life, her husband of 30+ years. They both grew up close to each other in the same neighborhood. They went to the same schools, although he was ahead of her by a few years. They married and made their permanent home not far from where they grew up. She has always been a day dreamer, loves to write stories and poetry and is the proverbial hopeless romantic. The poetry came first when she was a lot younger. The stories came much later and quite recently. She has no formal education in writing, but reads voraciously. Her biggest hope in her writing endeavor, is that you as a reader, enjoy the story.

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    Book preview

    The Captain, The Wench and Sometimes Shorty - F.M. Toft

    The Captain and the Wench

    And Sometimes Shorty

    By F.M.Toft

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    The Captain and The Wench and Sometimes Shorty

    Copyright 2013 by F.M.Toft

    ISBN: 9781301773183

    Smashwords Edition, License:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Cover Art:

    By F.M.Toft

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - The Noise

    Chapter 2 - The Incident

    Chapter 3 - Shorty meets Sir Pirate Captain

    Chapter 4 - What a Bazaar Day

    Chapter 5 - In The Beginning

    Chapter 6 - Mirrors, Mirrors

    Chapter 7 - How does he do that?

    Chapter 8 - Entertaining is Entertaining

    Chapter 9 - If It Ain’t Ice Cream, It’s Gotta Be Horseshit

    Chapter 10 - The Captain’s Full of It, Common Sence That Is

    Chapter 11 - Riding the Rail, He’s Right Again

    Chapter 12 - There Are Consequences to playing Peek-a-Boo

    Chapter 13 - Washington Week, A Bit of an Ouchy We Didn’t Expect

    Chapter 14 - What The Hell, How Can I Get My Pictures Now?

    Chapter 15 - Who’s The Mother Hen Now?

    Chapter 16 - Home Again Home Again, Jiggley Wiggley

    Chapter 17 - What a Great Idea For Therapy

    Chapter 18 - What An Explosion!

    Chapter 19 - The Glade, Wild in the Wild


    This book is designed for the reader to assume the role of first person female. Descriptions of people, places and their surroundings are minimal so the reader can project his or her own embellishments and imagination into the story farther than you might otherwise. I hope you enjoy this premise and the principal character…You…And aren’t you just a saucy little thang.

    The Captain, The Wench

    and sometimes Shorty


    F. M. Toft

    For my husband,

    The Captain of our ship

    and the only Pirate I’ve ever known.

    Chapter 1

    The Noise

    There’s that damn noise again, it always seems to start about this time of night. What is it, and where the hell is it coming from? I know I should look around, but trouble always happens in a movie to the person who goes looking.

    We bought this place about two months ago, and it seemed to be just the right location for our get-away-place, the rooms are fantastically large. It only took one showing and we fell in love with it. It reminds me of the old manors in England. He said it was somewhat like an old pirate ship. The rooms are loaded with woodwork around the floor and the ceiling; the doorways, the windows all have wide woodwork as well. I was glad the wood had never been painted. I detest painted wood. Almost every room has a fireplace in it, but the building has since been updated with a gas furnace and air conditioning (the latter being a must). The draperies were old and heavy, but very well kept, so were the sheers that matched. That’s another strange thing; it seems there’s nothing I have to redo, it’s all very perfect, yup almost to perfect. I can’t believe I just said that, this is getting to sound like one of those silly movies you watch from behind a pillow at night.

    So here I go trying to find that noise (stupid). I walk out of our den on the second floor where I was writing on my computer. I hear the grandfather clock striking 8 bells, where the hell did the time go? I should have been done making dinner; I haven’t even started; it should always be on time. I slowly descend the circular stairs to the foyer (told you it was like a manor), the noise is getting louder, and it seems to be coming from the kitchen. I round the bottom of the stairs and walk towards the kitchen at the back of the house. I slowly open the door, he swings round as he hears the door squeak; there he stands, tall and large. I realize my mistake. I turn and try to run, but he catches me and wraps me in his arms, reaching down he slaps my bottom a couple of times.

    Ouch! I yell.

    He looks down at me, raising one eyebrow he growls,

    Where’s me grub Wench?

    The way he spoke, he sounded like a pirate and I started to giggle. He spanks me again.

    You think this is funny? he growls.

    I‘m laughing out loud now, I rub my bottom as that last one stung a bit because all I’m wearing is my panties and a tee shirt.

    I say Those words coming from a man dressed in a 3 piece suit just don’t cut it. However, Sir Pirate Captain, (rubbing) I get your point.

    Still in his arms, he grabs my bottom and pulls me into him, from his chest to his thighs I can feel his hardness. He starts moving back and forth and we start dirty dancing, somewhat. I have my hands on his shoulders as he leans down and starts kissing my neck.

    I respond, Mmmm I’ll have you know Sir Pirate Captain, my husband will be home shortly.

    He mumbles into my neck, He can’t possibly do to you, what I’m going to do to you, if he’s a Shorty.

    Laughing I say, SHORTLY, SHORTLY, and what have you in mind then, oh tall one?

    Without saying a word he starts moving us around the kitchen, grinding against me. He nibbles on my neck; I start to undo his tie. We stop dancing, he gently grabs my hands and places them back on his shoulders, he moves his head back and forth slowly, meaning no. He puts his hands on my back again, slowly he moves them up then down, he slides them lower, and slipping under my panties he cups each cheek. Lightly grabbing he pulls up on them, continuing to fan the flames he’s started. Sir Pirate Captain pushes my panties down as he almost kneels on the floor. My panties are down around my feet, I step out of them, he picks them up and tucks them into the breast pocket of his suit leaving a bit showing, on purpose I think. His face is nearly level with my pussy and he’s looking at me with his devastating smile. He starts rising slowly. What feels like sweat between my legs is not. He puts the palms of his hands on my hips and slowly slides them up each side of my body, my tee shirt drapes at his wrists and it comes up as he rises, kissing my mound, my tummy, my cleavage sliding over to my left breast then lightly flicking his tongue over my erect nipple. When he reaches full height he looks down and stares directly into my eyes. The slightest inkling of a grin starts to form on his luscious lips. I raise my arms and he slips my tee up and off pushing it into his back pants pocket leaving some of it hanging out, he puts his arms around me and with his hands on my bottom he draws me into him again. Sir Pirate Captain directs the sway of our bodies, I am so burning with desire being totally nude and he is totally dressed, 3 piece suit, tie, my panties for a pocket square and cufflinks on his white shirt sleeves, man what a steamy sensation that creates. Then in one movement he stoops, picks me up putting me over his left shoulder saying,

    See, there’s no way Shorty, or whatever his name is, could possibly do this and the rest of what I’m going to do to you.

    SMACK SMACK SMACK. Spanking me hard on the right cheek of my bare bottom.

    OUCH! WATCH IT, you pirate. I cried.

    I certainly would if I could, and by the way that’s Sir Pirate Captain,

    He says with a laugh and another hard spank. He starts walking out of the kitchen with me over his shoulder and my now partly pink bottom is bare and sticking up in the air. I think to my self it’s a good thing I had the forethought to close the drapes earlier.

    It’s a good thing you had the forethought to close the drapes he said. (Yeah, great minds)

    He suddenly stops in front of the foyer door with my bottom pointing at it, and says,

    What do you suppose Shorty would do if he caught you like this?

    I’m not really sure, you know Shorty, I mean my husband. What do you think he’d do?

    I’m thinking he’d probably punch me in the nose and turn you over his knee and spank your bare bottom until it was as red as a warning beacon on a pirate ship.

    SMACK SMACK SMACK, punctuating his words with a few more spanks on the left cheek this time.

    Ouch! I cry and kick my feet a little, Quit that! I’m pretty sure he’d punch you in the nose if I don’t do it first, but Shorty would never give me a spanking, I’m a good girl Sir Pirate Captain, in your swashbuckling 3 piece suit.

    Sir Pirate Captain says, Good girl?, I’ll be the judge of that, turning he starts up the stairs with me over his shoulder, I say,

    Umm…Sir Pirate Captain? (I giggle) If carrying me up the stairs is too taxing for you, I would be more than happy to walk.

    "Oh now I know for sure you’re going to get your bare bottom spanked, and

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