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Two Short Stories...

Part One – Will Roberts can’t trust himself to spend six months in paradise with the boss’s daughter, but since Liam Bryson is asking, not telling, Will doesn’t have a choice. He just hopes he won’t live to regret the decision.

Abby Bryson is tired of her father questioning her judgement about business, and he’s really crossed the line this time... Hiring a babysitter to accompany her to oversee their latest resort project in the Caribbean. Her father might call Will a consultant, but she prefers to think of him as the enemy.

Part Two- Melanie McCall and Mitch Anderson have a couple of things in common: their distrust of the opposite sex and their intense attraction to each other. Mitch’s ex-girlfriend cheated on him, leaving him to wonder if all women would do the same. Melanie’s married to a loser who is only after her money and refuses to give her a divorce.

Can these two find a way to get over their past so they can build a future together?

Release dateJul 4, 2013

Cheryl Douglas

Cheryl Douglas is a USA Today bestselling author who kicks back in the country, surrounded by farm land and nature. Her life revolves around family, country music, travel, caffeine, chocolate, and deadlines.Visit Cheryl at

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    Imagine - Cheryl Douglas

    Family Tree

    Nashville Nights Family Tree

    The Turners

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    The Coopers

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    Nikki Spencer – Luc’s daughter / Nashville Nights, Book Five, Relentless

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    Anna McCall – Ty and Avery’s daughter / Next Generation, Book Five, Fast Track

    Nick McCall – Ty and Avery’s son / Next Generation, Book Six, Time Out

    J.T. McCall – J.T. and Derek’s brother / Nashville Nights, Book Five, Relentless

    Nikki Spencer – McCall – J.T.’s wife / Nashville Nights, Book Five, Relentless

    Lauren McCall - J.T. and Nikki’s daughter / Next Generation, Book Seven, Face Value

    Derek McCall – J.T. and Derek’s brother / Nashville Nights, Book Six, Heartless

    Ashley McCall – Derek’s wife, Jay and Mike Cooper’s mother / Nashville Nights, Book Six, Heartless

    Part I

    Chapter 1

    Six months in paradise. Tucker Brooks laughed. I can think of worse things.

    Will could too, but he felt guilty abandoning his business partners. Tucker and Lauren were having a baby in less than five months, and Will knew they would want to spend more time at home. They couldn’t do that if Will was in the Caribbean.

    Yeah, but the timing sucks, Will said, sliding his hands down his face. He was dead-tired from pulling fourteen-hour days on a commercial building project, and he couldn’t leave until after his meeting with Liam Bryson. The owner of the hotel and resort chain wanted to hire him as a consultant on their latest project.

    Man, this would be good for us. Think about it—a project of this magnitude could really put us on the map.

    His best friend was right. Will had been Tucker’s right hand man until Lauren and Tucker married and decided to merge their businesses. Between Tucker’s construction business and Lauren’s real estate investment business, they had had more work than they could handle. Will stepped in to offer to ease their burden. He’d received a multi-million dollar inheritance from his paternal grandmother, and he didn’t need to work anymore, but he enjoyed his job. He knew he would enjoy it even more if he had a stake in the company.

    Lauren and Tucker had jumped at the opportunity to have Will as a partner, and things had been flowing smoothly. The last thing Will wanted was to make a decision that might warrant resentment. He and Tucker were as close as brothers, and Will adored Lauren.

    Have you talked to Lauren about this? Will asked. His cell phone rang with a call from his mother, and Will hit ignore. She was probably calling to ask for more money. If he didn’t miss his guess, she’d blown her cash at the casino again.

    Yeah, she agrees with me. We both think you should do it. Tucker’s fingers flew over his keypad as he spoke. He was probably texting Lauren to let her know he’d be home soon.

    Will was happy for his friend, but he was a little envious too. He’d been married once, but he quickly realized happily ever after was a fallacy, and he abandoned the dream. Most days, he was content with his life, but sometimes, especially when he saw Tucker and his wife together, he wished for someone like Lauren to come home to.

    I don’t know. Will tipped his head back and closed his eyes. I’ll listen to what Liam has to say, but I’m not making any promises.

    That’s not what I want to hear.

    Will jumped up when he heard Liam’s voice. He stood in the doorway behind them, one hand on the frame, the other in the pocket of his tailored dress pants. In spite of the fact they had met several times at social functions, Will couldn’t help but be intimated by the billionaire. Liam seemed down to earth, but he was still one of the wealthiest men in the country.

    Will stood and offered Liam his hand. It’s good to see you, Liam.

    You too. Liam smiled at Tucker. You said you were going to help me convince him. He doesn’t sound convinced.

    Tucker lifted his hands. I tried. Pushing away from his desk, he stood and reached for his truck keys and cell phone. What can I say, buddy? Will has a mind of his own.

    Liam moved out of the way so Tucker could leave. The two men shook hands before Liam asked, How’s Lauren doing?

    She’s good. Tucker smiled the way he always did when someone mentioned his wife. She has me working on the nursery this weekend, if you can believe that. I told her we have months to worry about that, but she doesn’t want to wait. She’s pretty excited.

    Will could understand Lauren’s excitement. The odds of Tucker and Lauren being able to have a child together had been slim. Tucker had two children from his previous marriage, but he wanted Lauren to experience being a mother to their child.

    Whatever she wants you to do, just do it. Liam grinned and slapped Tucker on the back. I remember what those pregnancy hormones are like.

    Tucker laughed. Yeah, she just texted and asked me to pick up peanut butter chocolate ice cream on the way home.

    Best not forget it, Will said, smiling. She’ll have your ass if you do. Will liked teasing his best friend about being whipped, but he wouldn’t mind being whipped by someone as sexy and smart as Lauren. No doubt about it, his friend was a lucky man.

    Tucker rolled his eyes. I suppose you’re heading over to Jimmy’s when you leave here?

    Will would love to go have a beer with the boys, but he was too tired. Nah, I’m gonna take a pass tonight.

    Probably a good idea. You look like hell. Tucker laughed when Will frowned. See ya in the morning. Shaking Liam’s hand again, he said, Good to see you.

    You too, Tucker. Give Lauren a kiss for me.

    My pleasure. Inclining his head toward Will, Tucker said to Liam, Even if he tries to turn you down, don’t take no for an answer. Tucker pointed at Will’s olive skin. Look at him, all pasty white. That’s just nasty. A few months in the sun would do him some good. Maybe then he could get a woman to give him a second look.

    Will chuckled and said, Get outta here. I’m tired of looking at your ugly mug.

    When Tucker closed the door with a smile, Liam wasted no time getting down to business. Did you have a chance to review my proposal?

    Will gestured to one of the guest chairs as he claimed the swivel chair behind Tucker’s desk. Since Tucker’s office was neater than Will’s, which wasn’t saying a lot, they usually used his space to entertain clients. I did. It seems fair, but to be honest with you, Liam, I’m not sure I can take on a project like this right now.

    Really? Liam sat and propped his ankle on his knee. Tucker and Lauren seem to think you’d be perfect for this job.

    I don’t know why. We’ve never taken on a job of this magnitude before. Will was a straight-shooter. He wouldn’t exaggerate his abilities, and if that meant Liam chose to find someone more suitable, Will would be spared a difficult decision.

    You can’t deny it would be a great opportunity to put your company on the global map, Will. I know that’s what Tucker and Lauren want.

    Tucker and Lauren had started to talk about broadening their market. Will didn’t want to hold them back, but he was satisfied with how well they were doing. He’d never needed to think big to be happy.

    But that’s not what you want, is it? Liam asked, regarding him carefully.

    Will didn’t want Liam to think he wasn’t emotionally invested in his work, because no one worked harder or was more meticulous, but having a beer with his buddies was his idea of a good time, not jetting off to some exotic island for half a year.

    Honestly? No, I don’t think it is.

    Liam sighed. Look, I didn’t want it to come to this, but would you consider doing this as a personal favor?

    Will was confused. Why would Liam need to ask him for a favor? He had resources and connections most people could only dream of. I don’t know what—

    Do you remember my daughter, Abby?

    She wasn’t an easy girl to forget. Will had met her last year during her summer break. She had been finishing up her M.B.A. at some Ivy League school and was visiting her family when their paths crossed at Tucker and Lauren’s house. She was perhaps the most stunning woman Will had ever met. And young. Too young.

    Um, yeah, I remember her. What does this have to do with Abby?

    She just started working for me. Liam smiled. She’s book smart, but she doesn’t have any real world experience yet. At least, not in business.

    Is Abby going to be working on this project? That was another reason for Will to turn down Liam’s offer. Will had never been very good at resisting a beautiful woman, and Abby Bryson was one beautiful woman he would have to resist. One thing was clear: Liam was fiercely protective of his only daughter.

    She is, but I’d like her to have some backup. I want someone I trust to help her smooth things out when problems arise.

    Will was flattered Liam trusted him, but that didn’t mean he would accept his offer. Isn’t there someone else you could ask? Someone who works for Bryson’s?

    There are plenty of people I could ask. Liam looked him in the eye. But I’m asking you.

    Will barely resisted the urge to squirm. He knew Liam Bryson wasn’t used to taking no for an answer. This isn’t my area of expertise, Liam. We’ve never built a resort before.

    I know that. We’ve got a competent crew lined up. I just want someone who knows the construction business to be there to help Abby when, not if, problems arise.

    A project of that magnitude couldn’t go off without a hitch. They both knew that.

    Maybe it would be good for her to stumble and fall a few times. Will was losing ground, but he wasn’t willing to go down without a fight.

    She will. I just want someone there to pick her up when she does. Liam gave him a look that brooked no argument. Can I count on you, Roberts?

    Will knew there was no way out without disappointing Lauren, Tucker, and Liam. Okay, count me in.

    That’s what I want to hear. Liam smiled and extracted a business card. He laid it on the desk. That’s Abby’s business card. You have a meeting with her tomorrow morning at eleven. Just one thing—she doesn’t know about it yet.

    Chastising Liam for assuming he would take the job was pointless since it was a done deal. Why doesn’t she know about it?

    I, uh, made the appointment with her assistant. Let’s just say my little girl won’t be too happy about having a shadow on this project.

    What does that mean? Is she going to give me a hard time?

    Liam laughed. You can count on that, my friend. But don’t worry. I picked you because I knew you could handle it.

    After Liam left, Will muttered a curse. He did not need more aggravation in his life. His self-entitled mother treating him like an ATM was more than enough retribution for any sins he may have committed.

    Abby frowned when her assistant told her Will Roberts was waiting to see her. She’d met Will once in passing and hadn’t thought about him since. Okay, maybe she had, but just a time or two.

    Did he say what he wanted, Brenda? she asked, cradling the phone against her shoulder as she looked under the desk for her missing pen.

    You have a meeting scheduled with him.

    But we didn’t.

    Your father set it up. Brenda cleared her throat. He didn’t want me to say anything about it until it was too late for you to cancel.

    What is he up to now? Abby pinched the bridge of her nose as she tried to tamp down her frustration at her father’s constant meddling. He claimed he didn’t want to be involved in day-to-day operations anymore, but he sure had a funny way of showing it. He questioned every decision she made. Why didn’t you tell me?

    He’s my boss, Brenda said meekly.

    No, I’m your boss, and don’t you forget it! Abby immediately felt guilty for taking her anger out on Brenda. Abby took a breath to calm herself. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout at you. But if I can’t trust you to be honest with me, then how can we work together?

    I’m sorry, Brenda said quickly. Please don’t be mad at me.

    Brenda was a soft-spoken, waif-like woman who was afraid of her own shadow. Intimidating her didn’t make Abby feel better. She would pick on someone who could handle it… someone like Will.

    Send him in. Slamming the phone down made Abby feel marginally better, but Will stoked her anger again when he walked into her office without knocking. Abby glared at him. Didn’t anyone ever teach you to knock?

    He had the nerve to smirk at her! Abby was having the day from hell, and it was only eleven o’clock in the morning.

    Your assistant said I could come right in. At least, I think that’s what she said. It was hard to understand her through all that blubbering.

    Abby immediately felt as though someone had kicked her in the stomach. She didn’t mean to make Brenda cry. I have to go and talk to her.

    Will reached for her arm as she walked past, and she tried to ignore the electric current sizzling between them. They had chemistry, plain and simple. He was a ridiculously good-looking man. Tall with dark hair, emerald green eyes, huge shoulders, narrow waist, powerful legs, the longest eyelashes she’d ever seen… Abby blushed when she realized she was inventorying the man.

    I don’t mind waiting if you’d like to finish me off. His lopsided grin knocked her off balance, not to mention his arrogant taunt. She wasn’t really crying. I was just joking.

    Who did he think he was to mock her in her own office? That’s not funny. Abby shook her arm loose. She hated to see people cry, especially when she was the cause. She didn’t often cause such a strong reaction though. She preferred to venture on the safe side of interpersonal relationships.

    I just wanted to know if you had a heart under that ice shield.

    I don’t have time for this. I assume you’re here for a reason. Tell me what it is so I can get on with my day. Abby wasn’t usually so abrasive, but the man rubbed her the wrong way—or the right way.

    Your father asked me to come. He walked around the spacious office and paused to look at her collection of framed photographs of friends and family.

    Abby didn’t appreciate him making himself at home in her office, and she intended to tell him so when he said, The redhead’s cute. She live around here?

    Unable to believe his boldness, Abby opened her mouth and snapped it shut, unsure of how to respond. She wasn’t used to dealing with such brazen men. Most of the guys she knew were polite and cultured, on the fast track to success. Will was raw and rough around the edges… and she suspected he was a tad uncivilized.

    Chuckling, he said, Man, you’re easy. This is gonna be fun.

    He was baiting her again? She knew she would be in over her head if she challenged him, but she’d die before she’d back down. I don’t have time for your immature mind games, Mr. Roberts. She could compete with him on a level he wouldn’t understand: propriety. Kindly tell me why you’re here. She consulted her slim diamond watch. I have another meeting in less than thirty minutes.

    Will picked up a framed photo of Abby with her younger brother, Trey. They were caught in a candid moment of laughter. He said, I don’t have any siblings. What’s that like?

    Abby was caught off guard by his personal question and the softness she hadn’t expected to see in his striking green eyes. He’s a great kid. We’re close.

    Yeah, I’ve met him a few times. He replaced the photo and picked up another one of

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