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You Shall Recover "It" All: After the Abuse
You Shall Recover "It" All: After the Abuse
You Shall Recover "It" All: After the Abuse
Ebook49 pages18 minutes

You Shall Recover "It" All: After the Abuse

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In this book, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks tells what will happen after God have delivered you out of the bondage of abuse. Dr. Hooks states, "Just because you were abused does not mean your life is over; you are NOT what you went through – it does not define who you are or who God is! There is life for you after the abuse – your life is not over; it is just beginning. God has so much in store for you; He has predestined you for greatness. Therefore, get up, allow God to take you to your next dimension in Him because your life is not over, it has just begun. Embrace your journey of freedom today"!!

Release dateJul 25, 2013
You Shall Recover "It" All: After the Abuse

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks is the driving force behind her organizations and fills the Chief Executive Director role. Dr. Hooks is an Author, CEO/Founder and qualified Christian Counselor who specializes in abuse recovery for battered/abused women and their children in Lake County FL. She is also an overcomer by the grace of God from the bondage of domestic violence/abuse herself; so she can identify with abused women. Not only did God deliver Dr. Hooks from the bondage of domestic abuse but from childhood issues (abandonment, rejection, sexual assault, etc.) which caused her to become a co-dependent and allow herself to become a victim of domestic violence. Now, Dr. Hooks has been blessed by God with two organizations (The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc. - a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit & Abused Woman Ministries, Inc.) which help abused women and their children recover from the bondage of domestic abuse.Dr. Hooks was recognized by the State of Florida’s Attorney General’s Office as a Designated Victim’s Advocate, has completed the State of Florida’s Foster Parent Training, is a Radio Personality, and Speaker. Dr. Hooks also conduct training workshops, group trainings, individual training sessions and counsel women via telephone/email domestically and internationally, to educate women on abuse and how to recover from it using her program, “Abused Woman Recovery Program” (AWRP).Dr. Hooks formed The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc. and Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. in Lake County because of her goal to see people set free from bondage; especially, the bondage of domestic violence. She is passionate about helping the homeless, women of domestic violence and their children, divorced women, unwed teenage mothers, and teenage high school dropout girls.

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    It was a great book and I loved the healing confessions!

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You Shall Recover "It" All - Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

You Shall Recover It All: After the Abuse

Smashwords Edition

Copyright© 2013

Published by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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"And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…Joel 2:25.


You Shall Recover It All: After the Abuse EBook

ISBN: 978-1-301-83773-1

This work is also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Scripture references are taken from Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, the Old and New Testaments, with Notes, Concordance and Index, printed in 1988.

Today I Choose to Heal confession, healing prayer, and healing scriptures reference are the property of Pastor Sharon Riley and cannot be used without her permission.

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Dr. Dorothy E.

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