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Writings From a Young Soul
Writings From a Young Soul
Writings From a Young Soul
Ebook167 pages1 hour

Writings From a Young Soul

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The author takes the reader along his journey as he grew from a young guy, to a man in his 40s. Background information is included for each poem, but the reader is encouraged to interpret freely. Read the first poem from 1990 until the latest in 2013, and one will see a young soul maturing and baring all.

PublisherDaniel Starks
Release dateJul 29, 2013
Writings From a Young Soul

Daniel Starks

Daniel was born in a small town in Southwest Michigan. To the shore of Lake Michigan the family would travel frequently during warm months. Many winters were spent building elaborate snow forts and climbing huge mountains of snow left by the plows. His snow forts, built with his brother’s help, were so well constructed, he is certain at least one still stands if only in his mind. Daniel doesn't miss the large snow storms any longer. The family moved when he was still young to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. His parents divorced shortly after which changed him in ways still being realized. Not the best for a kid, but as an adult he accepts and has grown from it. After a 20 year span in Iowa, Daniel moved to East Tennessee where he has a new home and has established strong roots. With ancient mountains nearby, there has been a sense of belonging wash over him. He lives with his two dogs; Casey, a 14 year old yellow Labrador retriever, and Lily, a six year old black Labrador mix, who has a curly tail. That cute tail Lily has often smacks glasses off tables and hits Casey squarely in the face. Daniel has learned the sound of happy dog tail contacting every surface in his humble home.In late 2012 Daniel left his job as a telecommunication technician to work on writing and explore a new career path. His numerous interests and hobbies will surely lead him down many different roads to marvel and find his niche.While Daniel is a rather private individual, he would like to hear feedback on his book. Constructive, insightful comments and questions are always welcome.

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    Writings From a Young Soul - Daniel Starks


    I have experimented with writing since a kid. To take the reader on a common journey yet in a unique way was fulfilling. Wrap words around to make a new scenario even if only in my mind was something enjoyed. This has evolved from penning some silly and humorous stories to where I delve into the human experience. We absorb life differently and with various intensities. A simple like to write has become a desire, a love to write. If I had musical talent, some of these would be songs. Maybe one day some will marry with music and fulfill yet another dream.

    Coasting in a realm never realized is another part of this project. I say project not in a way meaning work in a traditional sense, but rather the notion of collecting my thoughts and putting them into a concise format to share. I don't divulge much of my inner workings, so this may be considered a revealing glimpse of how one rather humble human sees this existence we call life.

    There are folks who have entered and vanished through my journey who inspired me to publish what you are about to experience. Two people stand out as primary influences. One is a dear friend, Gail, in Toronto, Canada. The other is an amazing singer/songwriter, Corey Hart. Gail, for her relentless support and ability to show me clear skies when it seemed storms ruined my goals. She pushed me to start and finish this book. Corey Hart inspired me to write down intelligent and meaningful words; to write what is inside and to share thoughts and feelings we all tend to bury and hide.

    We are all touched by those around us every day in ways perhaps not realized at first. Those who connect and understand you or share the human experience with you leave a permanent mark on a person. As in anyone’s life, some have been bad, some good, some profound. For me, those two folks mentioned are profound in a positive way, which I cannot put in to words. Thank you.

    Thanks to my family and friends for the encouragement as well. Without your support I would still wonder if such a thing were possible. It is now possible and tangible. Thank you all.

    I wrote background stories on all writings to share the thoughts that drove each. Since not reading many of these for years, it was difficult to recall some details. You may identify with some of these in ways not imagined by myself.

    I chose to not use much, if any, punctuation in my writings. To me, this would force the reader to interpret things my way. These should be subjective and free to interpret and feel them as you may. After working on this, it is amazing how a single comma or such can change how it is read.

    Writings from a young soul means just that. I tend to learn many lessons later on and after a few examples and repeats of scenarios. Clearing a path to discovery are my words to convey that writing allows me to move on to better myself.

    Find a bit of quiet time and reflect on my words.

    Daniel A. Starks

    Never Was Never Will Be

    All the love

    All I need

    All I want

    All I hear

    Not enough

    Never was never will be

    Go anywhere

    Be anyone

    Do anything

    See any place

    Not enough

    Never was never will be





    Won't be enough

    Never was never will be





    Still not enough

    Never was never will be

    October 1990

    Background: Learning how some successful people have it all yet follow a path of destruction was and still is not appealing to me. A person may have many material things in life, but it's what is true to heart that matters. This is my reflection; that even if you supposedly have it all, it still isn't enough until you discover who you are and do what it is you love. The writings evolve as you read further and perhaps you can follow subtle and some obvious changes.

    Not for Me

    Thinking as I sit here

    What made me call you dear

    It seemed so right then

    But my broken past has yet to mend

    Trapped in a dangerous situation

    So many different choices

    All less than my expectations

    Speak in similar voices

    Looks should not matter

    The choices make me sadder

    Left over from last night's dinner

    Just once I'd like to be the winner

    Pretending to care and love

    You said I'd make a lousy actor

    Fooling you has been too easy

    You forgot to count experience as a factor

    My deep loneliness is my fault

    Until the one someone finds me

    I won't be satisfied

    Till inside I can say I finally won

    Not one not two but more than three

    It boggles my mind

    The reason why

    I can't find beauty

    The kind that's silver lined

    Selfish one may say

    This whole thing is not for me

    October 1990

    Background: When a person thinks they are all that, they are making up for a serious lack of depth and compassion most times. This was my way of venting about such a person I met.

    I'm Not Used to Being Me

    For the longest

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