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18 Hours 40 Min till War
18 Hours 40 Min till War
18 Hours 40 Min till War
Ebook243 pages3 hours

18 Hours 40 Min till War

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With much of Al-Qeiada dismantled and Bin Ladens death, history, none of the then centralized effort of world terror and Jihead has effectively diminished. Now decentralized and spread throughout much of the third world, countries of Muslim sect and including even a home grown variety, in it's current form, it is only weeks, months, perhaps a year until a serious and deadly nuclear or radiological

PublisherGuy Herman
Release dateJul 30, 2013
18 Hours 40 Min till War

Guy Herman

Guy Herman gained his formative training from Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Plato, Nietzsche, Darwin and Freud. Raised between the Crown Colony Islands of the Caribbean and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Herman received formal training in Latin from Charles Jenney, politics from Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Political Science, revolution and civil disobedience from Howard Zinn and Psychology from Bruno Bettelheim, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Little is known of his current whereabouts but for occasional sightings to and from the offices of the Nobel Committee in Oslo Norway.

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    Book preview

    18 Hours 40 Min till War - Guy Herman

    18 Hours 43 Minutes Till War

    Internmenting Iran, Syria & Yemen


    Guy Herman


    * * * * *


    Sextant Pocket Press

    Guy Herman on Smashwords

    18 Hours 43 Minutes Till War


    Yemen, Syria & Iran

    Copyright © Guy Herman

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN Galley Proof


    Sextant Pocket Press


    Good Evening.

    I come before you all with a heavy heart.

    I am fearful but not afraid.

    I am pained, but not overcome.

    We have suffered unconscionably by the hand of terrorists in a fashion I will promise you now will never happen again in our lifetime.

    Let me speak first to the survivors and victims’.

    Our Department of Homeland Security estimates more than 13,000 are known to be dead. We have hundreds, thousands more who are in need of immediate medical care.

    Original estimates were significantly higher than appears the case, but we are learning facts on the ground minute by minute.

    It is true a radiological bomb was set off in the Chicago Metro.

    It appears not all of the firing devices worked making the explosion worse than the actual release of the radiological material.

    The quality of the device, though lethal was poor and we think saved tens of thousands a worse fate.

    We have mobilized more than 200,000 National Guard, half of whom are within hours of being on site, the remainder to follow within 12 hours.

    We have 357 local hospitals receiving victims and another 300 field hospitals being set up by the 101st Airborne, half of which are functional already. We have every able bodied armed service member within the lower forty eight who are not dispatched to homeland preparedness and national security, reporting to Chicago Command.

    Evacuation units and first responder’s numbering 14,000 already from within neighboring states are on site and we expect another 14,000 before this time tomorrow.

    There are already in excess of 847 triage centers. If and as Department of Homeland Security, local or state officials call, we will have as many additional field clinics needed.

    We have listed on the web, in all of the center pages of all the major newspapers much of the detail for immediate help, immediate aid, triage and ongoing 24/7 health centers.

    We have a call center on line as of 8:00 o’clock this evening with a thousand federal state and emergency employees, many of whom are 911 first responders so please call….our first priority is to help every single person impacted by this savage act of terror.

    There is a set of 800 numbers listed below which will remain on the networks all night and during all tomorrow’s programming. I encourage anyone needing any help to call.

    While you are writing down the numbers below, let me share with you some of the issues we as Americans and I as your President face.

    We have been attacked.

    The explosion in the Chicago metro is an act of aggression no less significant than the attack on Pearl Harbor, the attack on the World Trade Centers, the attack of our embassy in Lebanon or any other act of terror on our soil or upon our citizens.

    In 2001 we believed our enemy was the Taliban. We had direct evidence the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11 were begun and carried out by the Taliban and Al-Queida and we struck back, in war, with an aggressive and determined effort to capture or kill any who then were involved.

    We believed, readying to leave Afghanistan, the sanctuary of the Taliban, we had captured or killed the leaders, Bin Laden and most of the senior rank and file who were then and or could have been a threat to the United States.

    We were wronged, our mission was righteous and in the instance of that narrow conflict we thought ourselves to prevail, or at least stabilize.

    We have learned much but clearly not enough. Our efforts in an asymmetric war, in which we had to be right every time and any single error would have and did lead to this horror in Chicago, has left us knowing the uncertainty of a new type of war but never having to reckon with the determination of the peoples of the enemy in such a fashion as we do now.

    The last war we fought, threatening millions of American service men and woman in Japan and Europe with choices for a protracted war or a terrible but ultimately lifesaving solution was no more or less than a nuclear weapon costing the lives of nearly two hundred thousand of our foe.

    The calculation then was by all accounts one to two hundred thousand potential victims of the most horrible device, which would certainly end the war immediately or the likelihood of another one million of our men and women at serious and likely lethal risk. I don’t think anyone yet knows if we are in the same position now, and it has been longer ago than most of us have been alive, when the better of two bad options was the promise of nuclear retaliation.

    My countrymen and women; we have suffered dreadfully and have immediate choices to make.

    The outcome of rogue and renegade forces detonating nuclear devices in our homeland and causing the deaths of thousands cannot go unpunished.

    My administration has concluded we have three immediate options to secure the safety of our people and our homeland.

    We can employ the mentality of retribution and destroy most of the country of Yemen which we know to be the origin of the terrorists, and any others who may see fit in time to act similarly toward us, or we can quarantine the whole of the population in such a fashion as to neither kill nor maim, but so to have daily, active, real-time knowledge of any potential assassins whereabouts, communications and activity. If we choose the latter of these options, we must be clear the terrorist’s cells in Yemen who struck the very heart of our homeland were encouraged, financed and trained by militant leaders in Iran.

    Many will say this will be a police state and there will be some truth to that assertion.

    Many of our foreign neighbors, friends and enemies alike will say such an act of control and invasion will violate the very attributes of democracy we have proclaimed and whose virtue we have extolled for centuries and they will be correct.

    For America, we have two choices; one to destroy our enemy, in what, I believe would be a more horrific and heinous act than has been committed by them to our people this morning in Chicago, or alternatively, with every bit of technology, our armed forces, and international reach may command, make certain, no differently than we do with anklets for offenders at home who have violated our own laws, to track and know the whereabouts and communications, with every electronic transmission recorded and identified, so they may not commit this or any like atrocity again.

    America has never believed in colonialism or an offensive war or a modern intrusion or violation of a countries fundamental freedom.

    We have no interest in policing Yemen or any other country in the world, but we are not willing to sustain another loss of our civilians. To our mind, the question is; what is a better and more humane alternative to a bomb blast tenfold the strength of Hiroshima and 100 times as lethal.

    If the international community is put off by this type of incursion being less than politically correct, the United States is willing to forgo such an action, but only, and I stress only and after there is a unilateral agreement, enacted and verifiably adhered to by all parties, without abstentions, to manage and control the terrorist states or persons in such a fashion as to guarantee such an outcome as Chicago, impossible.

    The United States has always sought to be a good citizen of the world and has always been a champion of human rights, freedom of movement and speech, but such action as occurred in the early hours of this morning make this and our safe co-existence, impossible.

    Finally, to underscore the seriousness of the position of the United States, I have ordered the Joint Chiefs to draw up a list of the most important military bases, command and control infrastructure, economic targets of highest order richness all, with the least collateral human damage, to be destroyed.

    We will publish this target list in time for evacuation where applicable, however the world will know we will not ever again, regardless of the cost to our reputation, be subject to such terror without the whole of the country of origin or attribute being held responsible and with consequences enormous and wide reaching.

    We will commence our border control and interdiction within hours as I have already signed an executive order instructing all branches of our services to close the borders of Yemen, including ports, air, bus, train, traffic arteries, bridges, harbors tunnels, and I have instructed the CIA to oversee the management of the fingerprinting and GPS tracking capability for all citizens between 18 and 60, commencing immediately with the executable endpoint being our ability to identify every single member of this population and have access to every communication whether by cell phone, semaphore or smoke signal, and unless or until the International community can or does offer a better solution, we will insert a standing army of police and a nationwide system of monitor and collection, big brother style as would dwarf any previous culture’s efforts of control, as the world has never seen.

    The only people, who can stop rogue terrorists and enemies of the state, are other terrorists and other enemies of the state.

    By midnight tonight, we will commence in the destruction of the highest yield targets posing the least risk of significant collateral damage and we will continue until we exact some form of promise from enough governing bodies, internationally, that what occurred at 2:17 this morning will not happen again.

    We will speak often and regularly and I promise we will not stop until every would be terrorist or subaltern who would even consider thinking or doing ill to America will fear his countrymen brothers and wives more than the tip of our nuclear spear.

    God bless America and my fervent hope and prayer will be, someday we will look back and say, this is when the United States finally got it right.



    For a minute, Charles Jenney lay enough awake to know the rhythmic thrum in the distance was the unmistakable beat of helicopter rotors. Vibrating up the valley and across the high plateau, the deep resonance of beating wings spoke clearly of immanent change.

    In the next minute, fully awake, he saw the small red blinking light of his blackberry, which may only have originated from Langley, his direct supervisor David Hume or White House.

    Dr. Jenney, the camouflaged, face painted ranger spoke, hunching some, avoiding instinctively the swoop of the helicopter’s blade and addressing Charles Jenney in a voice loud enough for Jenney to know he was being formally retrieved for something more than a minor international incident.

    Excuse me Sir for the intrusion, but Director Hume has requested that we get you, as quickly as possible and despite any protest you may lodge, he was adamant and unambiguous. Sir.

    Charles Jenney, having read the dispatch in the Blackberry knew he was headed to Langley with all due haste or perhaps straight to the White House. Something truly terrible had happened.

    Captain, give me four minutes, he shouted backing away from the helicopters blade in the clearing at the edge of the high meadow in front of his mountain eerie.

    Shouting to be heard, he saluted the Delta Force marine, turned and ran to the house quickly making an inventory of what he needed and how to take his leave.

    Upstairs, he peeked into his young son’s room to see if he still slept undisturbed and then down along the hall to Rachael, Rene’s full time, inseparable nanny. Stepping quietly inside, he whispered to see if she were awake.

    Dr. Jenney, I am awake, wait just one second, she said and in that moment turned on the table light and sat up in bed.

    Rachael…Rachael, he repeated softly as he approached her bed.

    "Something quite terrible has happened.

    "I don’t know many of the details, but I have to leave right away for Washington, and there is nothing now that will harm you or Rene.

    Tell him I had to go… have this number…..tell him it is just regular work, call if there is an emergency and I will be back or get someone here to get you and he.

    Rachael, sleepy eyed but sharp and used to these unexpected midnight drills, nodded, knew the protocol and, despite herself, remembered too vividly when she and Rene fled Manhattan the morning his mother died in the World Trade Towers. She nodded affirmatively, taking hold of Charles Jenney’s arm. Peering into his eyes she said,

    Please be careful.

    "Rachael, I will be sitting in my office…I will be fine.

    He put the small satellite phone into her hand, walked quickly to his room, retrieved his emergency and always ready ditty bag and in less than a minute, was back out with the Special Ops commander who respectfully awaited his return.

    This way Dr. Jenney, the Ranger said, moving him to the front of the chopper and into the starboard entryway.

    The ranger checked his belting and harness and when done asked, Do you need a SatCom Sir.

    "If you don’t mind and its 126 bit encrypted.

    Of course, Dr, Jenney, everything here is encrypted. Our station chief does not even know we are here and could not trace us if he did.


    I want to know what kind of madman could even think this way.

    The President glowered at the cabinet as if, absent answers, they were, in some measure, responsible for what happened.

    I want answers, he repeated, standing, sitting, and pacing around the Diaz behind the leather chair in the situation room.

    Most of the people, men, woman, generals, chiefs of staff, and cabinet officers knew, when this President got this exorcised, anyone might be the lightening rod for his near fanatic anger, and the only antidote, for whoever received it’s strike, was to speak forthrightly and intelligently.

    Mr. President, this is work of AQAP. It is the same group who bombed the hotel in Mumbai and the Embassy in Istanbul. Even if Bin Laden were not dead, this does not have the signature of any of his direct affiliates. These people are no strangers to us and we have reasonably good intelligence proving their origin was in the Peninsula or on the Horn and more specifically, we think Yemen.

    You’re telling me this has happened before, that we know about these bastards and have done nothing about it.

    David Hume pushed the papers in front of him away, a personal habit helping clear his mind and collect his thoughts, carefully.

    Mr. President, Hume began, the quiver in his voice reflective not of his cowardice nor the Presidents menace, rather his own rising anger for the pernicious attack just sustained and the lessons he had tried, a hundred times, to teach his President before.

    Mr. President, until we change the way we deploy our forward operating groups, if poverty is the rule and eternal life with Allah is more valuable than anything they might do or get on earth….. this is the way it will always be.

    The President, tired of an answer that had no immediate solution rose, waving his hand dismissing his friend and colleague.

    He looked down the length of the conference table for any others who might offer a more satisfying answer.

    This has deep historical roots, Mr. President, David Hume continued, deepening his voice and projecting, by timbre a more forceful and commanding voice, and all they have done, in their own fashion to us, is, in truth, no more or less than what they think we would or have already done to them.

    The moment he spoke, he felt better and the silence around him indicated not only the President but many others took pause to listen.

    A hand turned at the wrist and waved curtly, the President signaled Hume to speak no more, that he was done with the subject and concluded with a brief, hissing declamation please see me after,.

    Gentlemen, the President continued, we have lost ten to fifteen thousand lives and who knows…good god who can even guess the extent of the collateral damage. We have work to do.

    As he spoke, and settled his twisted and clearly anxious soul into the dark leather chair, once again he rose to his feet to steel himself for the exigencies of the here and now.

    Who wants to go first?


    Oh my, the nanny said seeing, between house chores and cleaning breakfast dishes the plume of smoke rising from what must have been one of the tall skyscrapers near Wall Street.

    She felt a thud she had thought belonged to the freight elevator or from all the construction that was forever being done somewhere in the subterranean worlds of Manhattan, but this was different. This sound had a vibration and ripple she could feel in the soles of her feet.

    Eyes to the television whose volume was down, but turned on to get the weather and know how to dress the young’n for their morning perambulation, she saw again the fiercely chilling image of a building that appeared burning, smoking, billowing, a rocket from the space center readying to take off, but no space shot; she knew this was an enormous structure dying in the downtown, in plain view of the whole world and about to explode.

    Rachael studied the television and tried, peering out the window, to see if what she saw was the surreal image of a television station struggling to get good advertisers or if indeed, this crazy and nearly chaotic world was more confused and in more trouble than even she had admitted to her own pastor in Sunday church.

    She looked at her charge, still playing, quietly engaged, and then past him through the large living room window.

    When the phone rang, she stood transfixed, looking alternatively from the television, whose volume was muted, to the images outside the window, from where increasingly she heard rolls of muffled thunder, sirens and all the noise and foreboding of terror.

    Rachael, have you heard from Mrs. Jenney.

    The silence she and Dr. Jenney both heard, too clearly spoke the answer.

    Listen to me, he resumed immediately and in a voice and tone Rachael had never

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