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Biting Off More Than He Can Chew
Biting Off More Than He Can Chew
Biting Off More Than He Can Chew
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Biting Off More Than He Can Chew

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Trust Fund Baby, Harrison Branford is a spoiled, 19 year-old college teen that attends an exclusive private college in Connecticut. Instead of traveling to Europe with his best friends, Harrison has to spend the summer at his family estate in rural Virginia. What he thinks will be a bleak and boring summer becomes much more interesting when young Harrison spots the sexy new groundskeeper, Jack. Jack, a masculine and aggressive ex-convict, makes the three months an experience that Harrison will never forget and one that changes the boy forever.

This short novella is approximately 13,000 words. This work contains rough sex, dominance, submission, bondage, raunch, foot play, and hot bareback action. All characters in this novella are eighteen years of age or older.

Release dateAug 2, 2013
Biting Off More Than He Can Chew

Keegan Kennedy

Originally hailing from Mississippi, Keegan Kennedy is a writer based out of Memphis, TN. He's a self-described, ‘aging, former sex symbol’ with a kinky imagination. Keegan is fascinated with the natural power exchanges between dominant and submissive males, and his stories reflect that fascination. The fantasies that he shares are full of adventure, peril, bondage, and a dry wit. And he has a knack for uncovering love and romance in the darkest of places. With a tendency toward the melodramatic, he does more than arouse or excite the reader - he engages them.Author of Homecoming: International Number One in four countries: The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. Author of Homecoming: International Number One in four countries: The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. Author of eBook Number Ones: The Substitute Wife, Magnificent Pretense, Captivated, Ganymede 4, West Texas Rivalry, Taken, The Christmas Bottom, The Party Favor, Stupid Jocks Make the Best Submissives, College Endowment, Who Wears the Pants in the Family?, Saving Drake McKenzie, Heisting Hogan, Half Past Midnight, Crossroads, and Man of the House.

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    Book preview

    Biting Off More Than He Can Chew - Keegan Kennedy

    Biting Off More Than He Can Chew

    By Keegan Kennedy

    Copyright August 2013

    Smashwords Edition

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher or author.

    Prude alert: This is a work of fiction. This work contains sex and various fetishes. Places, events, and situations in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is coincidental.

    The opinions and comments made by the characters are not necessarily indicative of those of the author, Keegan Kennedy, the publisher, Kennedy-Empire Media or the e-Book platform from which this work was published.

    Table of Contents

    Biting Off More Than He Can Chew

    Other Titles from Keegan Kennedy

    About the Author

    Biting Off More Than He Can Chew

    I just knew that it was going to be a horribly boring summer.

    Originally, I had wanted to spend the three-month break from college traveling Europe in style with my best friends from school, Blaine and Wallace, but my father shot down that idea like a clay disc at a skeet shooting competition.

    When I asked his permission to go, my father rudely told me that I was spoiled and pampered enough already, and that he was already paying over a hundred thousand a semester for me to attend Wellington University in Connecticut. So, the old miser had informed me that I would be coming home to sit on my ass for the long break, and that I would not be costing him any money for a few months.

    I supposed that he had every right to do so. After all, my father would have been the one bankrolling the entire five-star dream vacation that my friends were embarking on the very same day that I was to be shipped back to my family’s estate in rural Virginia.

    My father was the president and owner of a very successful private insurance corporation in Richmond, and my mother was a socialite, who was constantly traveling. Since she would be away for the majority of the summer and my father spent almost every night in Richmond, I knew that it would be just the servants and me for a solid three months.

    Still, I did not think it was fair. My family had more money than Blaine and Wallace’s, and they got to do whatever the hell that they wanted. My life totally sucked!

    Most nineteen-year-olds who had to spend their breaks from college at home at least had old friends and schoolmates that they could hang out with, but I did not even have those. The closest town to our estate was a little pothole in the road called Newton and that was ten miles away from the mansion. Having gone to private all-boys boarding schools since I was six, I knew none of the locals in the area, and my nearest acquaintance from college, Natalie, would be over three hundred miles away. It was as if I were going were spending three months in solitary confinement.

    The flight from Hartford landed in Richmond at 7:20 on that fateful Monday morning. When I walked out of the terminal, the limousine was waiting for me. Hindley, our family’s 75-year-old chauffeur, greeted me.

    As soon as I stepped outside, the late spring humidity made me almost gasp. Since it had been 65 degrees in Hartford earlier that morning, I was dressed in jeans and a short-sleeve polo. I could feel sweat already breaking out under my light brown hair that fell into my eyes.

    It’s so good to see you again, Master Harrison, the very proper British native said with a genial smile.

    Good to see you again too, Hindley, I offered disingenuously.

    It was not because I did not like the old gentleman; I just had no desire to be there.

    Where’s the rest of your luggage, Sir? He asked, taking the single carry-on bag that I had brought with me.

    All the trunks and luggage should arrive at the house tomorrow, according to that horrid airline! I declared as he took the bag from me. It was far too much to deal with, so Father decided to have all my things shipped instead.

    Very well, he said simply, opening the back door of the limo.

    Tossing my hair, I climbed into the back of the luxury car,

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