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Friends Forever Gang
Friends Forever Gang
Friends Forever Gang
Ebook105 pages2 hours

Friends Forever Gang

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About this ebook

The saga of four friends - love, teenage angst, breakups, marriage.
Spans 20 years of the teens' lives.

Each teen goes through a variety of coming-of-age-issues including, love, love lost, teen angst, jealousy.

Release dateAug 5, 2013
Friends Forever Gang

Colleen Robinson

An aspiring writer since I was a youngster. My first poetry book is a bunch of poems written starting in the early-mid 1980's. Some of the books/stories have been works in progress for years and with multiple tweaks I finally did it and got them published. The 2nd poetry book is more current - strictly 2013 works. The Animal Patrol Anthology is another work in progress finally completed - started off as a project for school (the first story - in 1993) and then the anthology grew.An animal lover - my dream is to win the lottery and purchase space for a great humane society where the Animals are not in tiny cages. They would be in larger cages and furthermore there would be much more advertising for adopting these 'unwanted' pets. All I know is that I want all pets to be loved and wanted. With my humane society - there would be not many "homeless pets" I know I can't house every homeless / feral pet but with my humane society my staff and I would do our best. I would have a team of staff that strictly foster animals - especially those not ready to be re-homed. Ahhh I am a dreamer but that is what I'd do...

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    Book preview

    Friends Forever Gang - Colleen Robinson

    Through the Years: The Saga of the Friends Forever Gang

    Colleen Robinson

    Published by Colleen Robinson at Smashwords

    Copyright ©2013

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents




    Part One: Elementary School

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Part Two: Junior High and High School

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Part Three: College Years

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Part Four: Adut Life

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen



    Dedicated to my Father Rick and my Brother Michael, and my Grandma Annie Vinokuroff.. In Special loving memory of my mother, Verna Robinson who submitted my poem A Chance For Life to the local newspaper and started me off as a published poet back in the late 1980s. I’ve always enjoyed writing and although my first publication was a poem, my mom was responsible for giving me that opportunity.

    In loving memory of: Dorothy & Fred Robinson, Alfred Vinokuroff. It is dedicated to my friends Stacey Platt, Melinda Wight., Karen Pilkey, and all my Facebook friends from near and far., It is Dedicated to my God Mother Donna Balfour. .Also dedicated to my huge extended family. Also to my co-workers at Spriggs Insurance Brokers. Also dedicated to my huge enormous family from cousins, to second cousins to further down the family line. This includes step-cousins who I consider cousins. None of you are left out.

    Another special thank you and shout out to the best guy friend a gal could ever have – Derek McDonald, who I have known since 1986. We’ve been through so much together over the years and I have included him as a character in two of the stories.

    About the Author

    Since I was a youngster, I’ve had a vast imagination. I have always enjoyed writing. My forte of writing includes mostly children’s stories as well as young adult fiction.

    In the second grade, I was diagnosed with a learning disability, but thankfully, through many years of encouragement and extra assistance through elementary and high school, I overcame that. My learning disability was in the subject of English. Yet I managed to get through my High School English courses with no real big issues.

    Currently in addition to having this work published I am having my poetry anthology; Reflections: Poems from the Heart published as well.

    I work at a local insurance brokerage as administrative support and write my poetry and stories in my spare time.

    For inquiries or ordering information please contact me at:

    Prologue: 1972

    A set of fraternal twins girls were born in the local hospital in Cobourg, Ontario.

    But before they were born, months before the doctors did the ultrasound.

    Here's the first one, she's looking very healthy, and her heart is beating at the proper pace. Unfortunately though the second one isn't doing so well. Do you have a history of Cancer in your family?

    No - I don't think so the mother replied.

    Your second child may not be as healthy as your first, I see some brain scarring and a few benign Cancer cells. Do you want to abort her?

    If you say benign - I believe you, I don't believe in abortion. the mother said.

    This child may also be mentally slow, I did see some brain scaring

    Nobody is perfect! said the mother.

    Later the father remarked to the doctor.

    I hope we made the right decision

    "Don't worry; chances are this child will live at least 25 years even with the Cancer cells......

    Present: 1998

    Sara Campbell awoke to the sound of the doorbell. She had fallen asleep at her computer again. Groaning she walked to her intercom.

    Who is it she said groggily.

    Jaime was the reply.

    What is it Jaime? I have a very important presentation to make in 9 hours she said.

    It is Saturday Sara! Jaime said.

    I work Saturdays she muttered. But then she continued. Okay okay! I'll let you up

    Jaime came running up the stairs making a whole lot of noise.

    SSH! My landlord will have a fit if you're loud It's eleven o'clock, my landlord goes to bed early!

    Jaime didn't reply.

    What's the matter, why did you come here? You know I'm not supposed to have guests in after eleven. My landlord has rules! Sara said.

    Jaime became very quiet. Julia is on the brink of death

    Sara began to choke on the chip she had just put in her mouth. Sara & Julia were very close, they were cousins.

    What happened?

    Jamie's eyes welled up with tears and she turned away. The doorbell rang and after handing Jaime a tissue she went to the door.

    Who is it?


    Sara buzzed Annie in and when she did Annie spilled the beans. I can't believe she did it! Annie said.

    Did what? Who? Sara said.

    Julia what Jaime didn't tell you about Julia? Annie said.

    She told me she was on the brink of death, but didn't tell me why

    I couldn't she wept.

    What happened to Julia! Sara demanded"

    She is in the hospital; the doctors don't think she has a long time left.

    Did she attempt to end it again? Sara asked bluntly.

    Sara! How blunt! Her mental stability is fading. I think that maybe she felt she had no one to talk to

    What about me? I'm her cousin! We have known each other for over 20 years.

    Sara, she tried, but you have been too busy with your job! Jaime said with significant anger. Sara ignored Jaime's tone and turned to both of them.

    I'm sorry if I've been a little inattentive, but unlike you I don't live at home with a loving family. I have a full time job and live in this apartment. I have rent to pay and obligations to fulfil.

    Sara, you could have talked her out of it... Annie began.

    Sara held

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