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The Human Soul: Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail
The Human Soul: Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail
The Human Soul: Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail
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The Human Soul: Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail

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Jesus describes how emotional addictions affect our lives and our relationship with God, how to identify our addictions, and how spirit interactions occur through addictions.
Document source filename: 20110319 The Human Soul - Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail.
This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by Jesus (AJ Miller) on 19th March 2011 in Murgon, Queensland, Australia, as part of The Human Soul series.

Release dateAug 8, 2013
The Human Soul: Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail

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    The Human Soul - Jesus (AJ Miller)

    The Human Soul:

    Addictions & Bribery, Fear, Threats & Blackmail


    Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Published by

    Divine Truth, Australia at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Divine Truth

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered on 19th March 2011 in Murgon, Australia by Jesus (AJ Miller) 
as part of The Human Soul series. In this seminar Jesus describes how emotional addictions affect our lives and our relationship with God, how to identify our addictions, and how spirit interactions occur through addictions.

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    Table of Contents

    Addictions and Bribery, Fear, Threats and Blackmail: Part 1

    1. Introduction

    2. Anger, addictions and fear cover our true self

    3. Layers around our true self prevent our relationship with God

    3.1. An illustration of how little time we spend in our true self connecting to God

    3.2. A Padgett message from Jesus about receiving Divine Love

    3.3. Prayer and the layers in our soul

    3.4. An example of Christians receiving Divine Love

    3.5. A Padgett message from Jesus about receiving Divine Love (continued)

    3.6. Feeling a lack of desire after hearing Divine Truth

    3.6.1. An example of AJ previously eating ice cream

    3.7. A Padgett message from Jesus about receiving Divine Love (continued)

    3.7.1. Coming to see ourselves as God sees us

    3.8. Spirits influence us through our fear, addictions and anger

    4. Audience questions

    4.1. Divine Love is the only substance that flows from God that transforms the soul

    4.2. Spirits can influence us positively as well as negatively

    4.2.1. An example of spirits connecting to people drinking alcohol on Earth

    4.3. Self punishment is an addiction which is worsened by evil spirits

    4.4. Gaining faith by receiving Divine Love

    4.5. All addictions are harmful

    4.6. Spirits use us to satisfy their addictions

    4.7. Praying for help in dealing with anger and addictions

    4.8. We need a desire for God to deal with every addiction and fear

    4.9. Gaining faith that God is good and God loves us

    4.10. Dealing with disillusionment about failing to find truth in the past

    4.11. Connecting to God while taking responsibility for our lives

    4.12. Both removing addictions and developing desire are required to connect to God

    4.12.1. An example of acting in fear vs. desire in preparation for Earth changes

    4.13. Baptism is not an effective way of removing unlovingness from ourselves

    4.14. Developing a desire for God

    4.15. Following loving desires leads us to God

    5. How addictions affect our lives emotionally

    5.1. Expectations and demands result from our addictions

    5.1.1. An example of blaming the government for natural disasters

    5.2. Our addictions make our happiness dependent upon our environment

    5.3. Our addictions prevent us from connecting to God

    5.4. Fatalism is a way to avoid our emotions

    6. Others manipulate our addictions through bribery, threats and blackmail

    6.1. An example of a participant wanting her ex-partner to still be in love with her

    6.2. An example of spirits bribing people with money

    6.3. An example of controlling family members using threats

    7. How addictions affect our lives emotionally (continued)

    7.1. Anger towards God and others indicates addictive demands

    7.2. Identifying and working through our addictions

    7.3. Anger is never righteous

    7.3.1. An example of Christians believing they’re doing God’s Will

    7.3.2. An example of people rebelling against being told they’re not capable of success

    7.3.3. An example of AJ not responding to attacks on the Internet

    7.3.4. An example of people rebelling against being told they’re not capable of success (continued)

    7.3.5. An example of using righteous anger to justify violence

    7.4. All addictions are unloving

    Addictions and Bribery, Fear, Threats and Blackmail: Part 2

    8. Mary’s personal experiences of working through addictions

    8.1. Addictions can make us feel good despite our causal pain

    8.1.1. An example of addictions of pleasing others

    8.2. Addictive happiness is shallow and keeps us away from joy and God

    9. How to identify when we’re in addiction

    9.1. We first resort to bribery when our addictions are not met

    9.1.1. An example of not being truthful about being bored in an interaction

    9.2. We secondly resort to threats when our addictions are not met

    9.2.1. An example of threatening to leave a relationship

    9.2.2. An example of Mary’s previous relationship

    9.3. We thirdly resort to blackmail when our addictions are not

    10. Audience questions

    10.1. It is possible to falsely perceive that others are using bribery, threats and blackmail

    10.1.1. Focusing on our own emotions when falsely accused

    10.2. Becoming aware of control and addictions in society

    10.2.1. Our addictions prevent us from being sensitive to others’ emotions

    10.3. Giving up addictions and getting into fear and grief

    10.3.1. With God’s help it’s possible to release addictions in very short periods of time

    10.3.2. Separating our emotions about our parents from our beliefs about God

    10.4. We need to release emotions to view our parents and God differently

    10.5. Difficulties in romantic relationships stem from parent-based injuries

    10.5.1. Friendships are often based around addictions

    10.5.2. Addictions relationships create intense attraction followed by lessened attraction

    10.6. Emotional injuries towards men are imparted from both parents

    10.7. Focusing on unloving emotions rather than causal emotions

    11. Spirit interactions with addictions

    11.1. Our expectations and demands constantly emanate from us into the universe

    11.2. Spirits hook into co-dependent addictions with us

    11.3. Spirits use bribery, threats and blackmail to maintain addictive relationships with us

    11.3.1. An example of Mary’s co-dependent addiction with male spirits

    11.3.2. An example of spirits encouraging people on Earth to rape and murder

    11.3.3. An example of being open to hearing truth

    11.3.4. Breaking the addiction with spirits by feeling our true self

    11.3.5. An example of mishearing what AJ says

    11.4. Seeking truth is the way to discover our addictions with spirits

    11.4.1. Identifying what feelings we give to spirits

    12. AJ addresses the audience response to the subject matter

    12.1. The power of waking up to our addictions

    12.2. Addictions with others drain our energy

    13. Closing Words

    Addictions and Bribery, Fear, Threats and Blackmail: Part 1

    1. Introduction

    Welcome along. I'm Jesus, and this is Mary. I've been doing this travelling around teaching now for nearly six years. Mary's been joining me for the last two or so.

    The subject today that I wanted to talk about is a part of the human soul series of talks and this discussion is something that I feel has been happening for many of you for the last six months, and so I want to talk about that. It begins with the addictions, and we've talked a little before about addictions, and bribery and fear, threats and blackmail. That's a long winded topic, isn't it? Addictions and bribery, fear, threats and blackmail.

    One of the reasons why I wanted to talk to you about this subject is I can feel that many of you are still in the addictions with regard to your development towards God. And what I wanted to do today is firstly explain to you how addictions interfere with your relationship with God. And then after we've talked about that, we'll talk about these other aspects of bribery, threats and blackmail; how we emotionally engage these things constantly. What we often do before we realise it, we're bribing someone emotionally or we're even threatening them emotionally, or we can even get to the stage where we're blackmailing them emotionally just to get our addictions met. And so what we want to do today is talk about how our addictions actually pull into us all of this very unloving behaviour and remember every time we engage in unloving behaviour we're affecting our soul. Our soul condition is degrading, becoming darker. And it's the addictions actually too that many times prevent our relationship with God. So what I want to do first is just remind you of how the relationship with God is established and it's the same kind of material we've looked at before. [00:06:52.10]

    2. Anger, addictions and fear cover our true self

    So we start with God and here’s our soul, and this time instead of drawing the half soul as I normally would, either the male half or the female half, let’s just draw my soul, my true self as a circle.

    Our soul is our true self that connects to God

    Now my true self isn't the person that I want to look like to everyone else. It isn't the person that I want everybody else to perceive me to be. It's actually the person that God sees. That's our true self. But then wrapped around our true self there are layers of wrapping. You often refer to them as like onion layers that you're digging down through emotionally.

    You could say our true self is full of what you would call causal emotions or emotions that are the real emotions that prevent our relationship with God. They're there in that true self. So the first layer above our true self, and around our true self there is a layer generally of fear. So the fear is blocking us from accessing our true self. The fears might be, I'm afraid that you might see me as a terribly bad person, and so what I do when I'm with you is I put on a front so that you see a different person than what I perceive myself to be or of what I really am. Now that's my fear that I'm not allowing myself to feel. That fear is dictating that action and I'm afraid of you seeing me as I truly am so I now put on a front and the fear is the thing that allows me to put on that front.

    Usually these fears were all created of course during our childhood and our

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