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Waiting for Godonlyknows
Waiting for Godonlyknows
Waiting for Godonlyknows
Ebook28 pages24 minutes

Waiting for Godonlyknows

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"At last, someone makes sense of Waiting for Godot!"- Times-Colonist review.

With blind optimism, and stubborn ignorance, Gough and Dee wait by a tree for godonlyknows who to come and tell them how the world will be saved. Or not.

Gough's childlike innocence and naivete are countered at every turn by Dee's cynical advice. This pair can't live with each other, but daren't live without each other in a callous, hungry world that is bulldozing its way to self-destruction. When words come, internal rhyming makes it difficult to read the message, but so easy to want to shoot the messenger.

Sometimes it's hard to find wisdom and philosophy in the wilderness, and sometimes you trip right over it.

PublisherDave Preston
Release dateAug 13, 2013
Waiting for Godonlyknows

Dave Preston

Dave Preston is a writer and musician, born in North Yorkshire where he lived on a farm and was raised by a mother who worries too much. After studying agriculture, engineering, and computer science he leapt across the ocean to live and work in Canada.He is the author of five books (and contributor to several others) and four plays, as well as hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles and columns. He's an award-winning brewer and winemaker, and also admits to writing poetry.Weekends often find him playing guitar and singing in a rock and roll band (though his mother worries that he's getting too old for all this, and his knees often agree).He lives on Vancouver Island, BC, with too much garden, and almost too many dogs.

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    Waiting for Godonlyknows - Dave Preston

    Waiting for Godonlyknows

    A play by Dave Preston

    Published by White Rose Content at Smashwords

    A Division of White Rose Consulting, Inc.

    © 2018 Dave Preston

    ISBN 978-0-9699540-3-3

    Discover other titles by Dave Preston at

    The author and publisher disclaim any liability in

    connection with the dissemination of this work.

    Waiting for Godonlyknows

    By Dave Preston


    [DEE is inconspicuously asleep on the ground. GOUGH enters looking around and slowly makes his way up to the tree, which he talks to]

    GOUGH: [Whispering, getting louder] I'm not lost. I'm not lost. I am not lost, I'm just here. Here is a place. It's the same place I'm at, here. Everyone has to be somewhere, and no one is lost. I'm not lost, I'm here…

    If you get lost, stay where you are. Stay here...

    Don't move away, you'll get lost. Stay here. If you get lost in the forest, hug a tree. [louder] If you get lost in the forest hug a tree!

    Hug a... [reluctantly he hugs it] a tree!

    DEE: Are you lost again?

    GOUGH: Oh! Wow! Er, no. Dee? Dee, it's you! Dee, Are you lost too?

    DEE: My dear Gough, if the good lord were to drop me naked and starving into the Sahara desert with nothing but a blank map, a broken compass, and a lame camel with alzheimer's disease, I wouldn't be lost. And you know why?

    GOUGH: Why?

    DEE: Because as soon as I turned around I'd see a landmark as familiar to me as last week's underwear. Your ugly face.

    GOUGH: At least we're together again, Dee.

    DEE: Oh god...

    GOUGH: My foot still hurts.

    DEE: I told you, you should wear proper bloody boots out here, not those airy fairy flipper flopper Berkencrapper things.

    GOUGH: I like these sandals, they're cool, and they're biodegradable.

    DEE: So is your brain and it's degrading a

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