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Bad Boys Escort Service Bronner McCray Book 1
Bad Boys Escort Service Bronner McCray Book 1
Bad Boys Escort Service Bronner McCray Book 1
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Bad Boys Escort Service Bronner McCray Book 1

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About this ebook

Bronner McCray is a hired escort for the Bad Boys escort service. He has been and escort of 15 years. He now is 35 and wondering, if it time for a change in life. Then Jackie Mallory comes long and makes his decision clear. Can he have a normal relationship with a woman? Since he has never had one. Can a man give up being with many women to being with just one woman?

PublisherSally Lovell
Release dateAug 14, 2013
Bad Boys Escort Service Bronner McCray Book 1

Sally Lovell

Live in small town in Michigan. Owned Hair and Tanning Salon for 15 years. Decided to try my hand at writing e-books. Which has been a trip. It is exciting and frustrating all in one. But I love it. With the help of my family, which is two teenage daughters and my husband and two dogs, they have been vary patient with me. It especially with all the frustration of the formatting of the book.

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    Book preview

    Bad Boys Escort Service Bronner McCray Book 1 - Sally Lovell

    Bad Boys Escort Service

    Bronner McCray

    Book 1

    Sally Lovell

    Bad Boys Escort Service

    Bronner McCray Book 1

    Sally Lovell

    Copyright 2013 Sally Lovell

    Published by Sally Lovell in Smashwords


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    Chapter 1

    Bronner McCray is a hired escort or male gigolo for the Bad Boys Escort Service in Rawlins, Wyoming. Women of all ages between 20 to 80 years’ old hired escorts for a no strings attached dating or to have their fantasies fulfilled. Bronner, now at the age of 35, had been an escort since 20. He was tired of feeling used and wanted more than just sex with a woman. Bronner was ready to settle down and have a wife and children. Besides escorting, his cattle ranch was making a nice profit. His stud service with his prized stallion Badass was taking off.

    Bronner drummed his fingers on the steering wheel of his black Escalade truck while driving to his first appointment of four for the day in frustration. His first appointment was with an old lady named Bernice Collins. He had serviced the woman many times over the last couple of years. Constantly the same thing was cleaning her fucking pool butt ass naked.

    Bronner snorted in disgust at the thought. It was an easy job for $1,000.00 for two hours standing naked in front of a 70-year-old woman. No sex, no touching; she just wanted to watch him clean her pool butt ass naked.

    Bronner reached down and turned the air conditioning up in his truck. The day was already smothering hot at 10:00 a.m. He sighed in relief as the cool air pumped out of the vent. He almost missed his turn and hand to make a sharp hard right turn on Grassroots Street. He had been thinking about how the number of stud appointments for Badass made many stud appointments for Badass. Bronner snickered. Badass was in the same profession as he was, making a shit load of money and making the woman happy and satisfied. Badass was a horse whore.

    Bronner reduced his speed as Bernice's house came into view. The older woman was loaded. The enormous white Victorian house stood back in the distance from the street. The perfectly trimmed shrubs that lined the driveway were immaculate. Bronner pulled his Escalade up to the tall black iron gates and stopped. He rolled down his window. The muggy air hit his face with a blast. He leaned out the window to press the speaker box. The intercom squawked out as Henry the butler's voice came booming out of the box.

    Can I help you? Henry asked.

    Bronner McCray, here to see Bernice. Have an appointment at 10:00. Bronner replied in the speaker box. He heard the gated unlock and squeak as they disengaged.

    Please pull forward, Henry stated.

    Thank you, Bronner replied.

    Bronner pulled up to the house in the circle drive, took a deep breath, and exhaled. Bronner waited for the gates to open, rolling his window back up, then pulled forward, slowly pressed down on the accelerator. Glancing around at the manicured lawn, he notices the grass is emerald green and plush. There was not even a weed or dandelion, and the grass was cut perfection.

    This is the last fucking time cleaning your pool, old lady, he muttered. He opened the truck door and slid out, the muggy air wrapped around his body. He shut the truck door and rolled his head side to side, releasing the tension.

    God, I fucking hate this, he mutters as he edges towards the colossal oak front doors. He shook the grim look off his face and put on the self-confident, arrogant smile.

    Bronner reached up and pushed the doorbell button. He heard the loud chime of the bell inside the house. He waited patiently for the older man Henry, the butler, to open the door. The vast oak door finally opened. Henry, the butler, stood to the side of the door with a scowl on his face. He gestured with a wave of his hand for Bronner to move inside.

    I know don't approve, Henry, Bronner said smiling. Henry snorted.

    The lady of the house is out on the patio waiting for you, Henry stated, standing still by the front door.

    Nice to see you again, Henry, Bronner said smiling. Henry gave him a thin smile and turned quickly on his heels.

    You know the way, Henry replied, gesturing for him to walk forward.

    Thank you, and I do know the way.

    Bronner hurried to the French doors to go out to the patio. He wanted to get this done quickly. It wasn't that he didn't like Bernice; he was just tired of being an escort. Bernice had always treated him with kindness and respect.

    He would rather stay in the house where the air conditioning was on. The big house was nice and cool inside. Being outside for a few minutes, he was already sweating. Bronner opened the French doors and strolled out to the patio. Once again, the muggy air wrapped around him.

    Bernice was already out by the pool, relaxing on the lounge chair. She turned her head to the sound of the door opening, giving Bronner a smile and a small wave. Bronner gave her a hundred-watt smile and waved.

    Bernice stretched out, sitting on the white wicker lounge chair. She had a white lacey cover-up over her one-piece black bathing suit.

    Last time, last time, he muttered to himself as he strolled towards her. He bent his head down and kissed her old wrinkled hand. Bronner had a shudder run through his body as he gripped her wrinkling, dry hand into his.

    Lovely as always, Darlin, Bronner said, smiling.

    Oh, you are my charmer, Bernice replied, smiling, and patted his arm with her other hand.

    Bernice gripped his arm, pulling him down closer to her. Bronner knew what she wanted. He cupped her jaw in his hand, planting a quick kiss on her thin, dry lips. She hummed her approval. Bronner stood up quickly before she could lock lips with him.

    You are lucky I am not 40 years younger, Bernice snickered and patted his leg.

    You would take a roll in the hay with me, right? Bronner wiggled his eyebrows at her. She giggled at him.

    You betcha I would. It would have lasted all day too!

    Vixen, Bronner winked at her. Bernice gave him a come closer finger, and Bronner bent down to her. Bernice whispered in his ear.

    I would have screwed your brains out more than once, Bernice patted his cheek. Bronner chuckled at her comment.

    Now go get undressed. He stood up and patted her on the shoulder.

    Just for you, Darlin Bronner turned on his heel and strolled to the pool house. He could feel Bernice's stare as he walked away.

    Last time kissing them old dry lips, he muttered as he opened the pool house door. He walked inside and shut the door.

    The pool house had a bathroom and two changing rooms. He walked inside the room to the right. He sat down on the bench to pull off his cowboy boots. He pulled them off, setting them down next to the bench seat. He then removed his socks, stuffing them inside his boots.

    Bronner stood up, pulling his t-shirt off over his head and throwing it on the bench. Unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, sliding them, off-putting them on his t-shirt. Next, he slid off his boxer briefs. He now stood in the changing room butt-ass naked. Taking a deep breath and exhaled, already sweating

    from the muggy air wrapping around his naked body.

    Walking into the supply room, he spots the pool vacuum and attachments. He grabbed all the hoses for the vacuum and wrapped them around the vacuum. He had everything he was going to need to clean the pool.

    Most of this was just for show because the pool was never dirty. Bernice had a regular pool boy that was a teenager that came twice a week to clean the pool. Bronner was her once every two weeks adult entertainment.

    Last time to see me in all my glory, he muttered as he walked out of the supply room. His cock bobbed back and forth as he walked. He stopped at the door, sighing heavily. He reached down, grabbing his limp cock.

    Come on, wake up. We have a job to do. Bronner started to stroke his cock firmly from base to tip. After a few minutes of firm stroking, his cock was still soft.

    Going to be difficult today; come on, this is the last time you have to show yourself to the old lady, Bronner muttered in frustration. His back and forehead started to sweat from the heat. He reached his other hand down, cupping and rolling his balls as he stroked his cock faster. He closed his eyes and pictured his dream woman.

    His dream woman has dark curly hair and luscious full lips for kissing. Her body is shaped like an hourglass, slim-figured with nice-sized breasts. Long shapely legs that a man would die for to have wrapped around his waist. Her voice was soft and sultry as she whispered in his ear what she wanted. Bronner moaned as his cock finally hardened. He opened his eyes, letting go of his semi-hard cock. Reaching up with his hand, he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

    Works every time. He opened the pool house door and strolled out towards Bernice and the pool.

    He could see the smile on her face as he strolled toward her. She wore sunglasses on her eyes, but Bronner knew her eyes stared at his cock. His body shuttered. He also knew what she was going to say to him. Then she would cup her old sagging tits with those wrinkled hands and wiggle in the chair.

    Bronner was glad he had on his mirrored sunglasses so she couldn't see the distaste in his eyes. He slowly strolled over to the pool with the cleaning supplies. Hooking the hoses to the vacuum, then bending down to pick them up, he hears her voice.

    Bronner, you have a nice tight ass, not even an ounce of fat on that body of yours, Bernice called out. Bronner rolled his eyes and softy mimicked her.

    Bronner, you have such a nice tight ass, he said sarcastically. Typically, he wasn't an asshole, but he wasn't feeling it today. He took a deep breath, laughed aloud, and looked over his shoulder at her.

    You like what you see, Darlin?

    Yes, very much. You are a nicely built man. Bernice replied, smiling.

    Bronner grabbed the vacuum and began attaching the hoses to it. When he had it together, he dropped the vacuum in the water. The splash of water felt good on his hot skin. Reaching down, he flipped the switch on and vacuum hummed softly.

    Bronner stood at the edge of the pool, moving the vacuum back and forth, cleaning the bottom of the pool. The sun glared off the water was bright on his eyes, even wearing sunglasses. The one perk of the job was he got to take a dip in the pool after he cleaned it.

    The sun beats on his naked body, making his skin heat and sweat. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the sweat trickle down his back. He reached up with his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. Today was going to be the most extended 2 hours of his life.

    Damn, Darlin, it is hot out here today. I hope you put sunscreen on that delicate skin of yours. Bronner said, turning his head towards her looking over his shoulder with a huge smile.

    Oh honey, you make me hot, not the sun.

    Vixen, Bronner forced out a loud laugh.

    I'm not dead yet, Bernice said, snickering, fanning herself with her hand.

    Hell, you are too spunky to die.

    God won't take me, and the devil is scared of me, Bernice stated firmly. Bronner laughed at her comment.

    The Lord doesn’t turn away nice ladies.

    I am not nice. I am a wicked old woman who still likes to see naked young men.

    That is not evil. You appreciate a good thing when you see it.

    Yes, I do, and I appreciate looking at you.

    Glad to be of service, but today is my day. I am leaving the escort business and sticking to running my ranch.

    Oh, that is a shame because I look forward to our time together.

    The service will hook you up with a new younger hunk.

    But I enjoy you. You have always made me feel comfortable.

    Thank you, Bernice, but after today, I finished. I am ready to settle down and have a wife and kids. I can't find a woman if I keep doing this business.

    Well, I am sad but happy for you for wanting to settle down and have a family. If I were 40 years younger, I would want to be that lucky woman you chose.

    You could be my sugar momma, Bronner said, smiling. Bernice giggled and waved her hand at him.

    I can't give you babies, but I could make you filthy rich man if you are interested.

    Sorry, Darlin, but I want babies.

    Not money?

    I have more than enough. I want the white picket fence and all that goes with it.

    Damn, I was willing to be your sugar momma.

    Bronner laughed and finished cleaning the pool, sweating like a stuffed pig, unattached the hoses, rolled them back up, then laid them down on the cement. He put the vacuum next to the hoses, turned towards Bernice, and smiled.

    Time to cool off, join me? Bronner asked, smiling. Bernice waved her hand to him, smiling, shaking her head no. Are you sure? It is hot out here.

    You go ahead, silly man.

    Bronner grinned and moved to the pool's edge, removing his sunglasses and setting them on the pool edge, arching his body, diving into the water. Swimming under the water, the whole length of the pool, it felt nice and cool over his heated skin. He surfaced to the top and brushed his hair back, wiping the water off his face.

    Damn, that felt nice and cool. Bernice, come in with me.

    You are silly. I can't swim. The pool is for my grandkids.

    Bronner swam a couple more laps before climbing out of the cool water. Slowly pushing his naked body up onto the pool edge, knowing Bernice liked to watch him climb out of the water letting the water run off his body.

    He bent down, grabbed his sunglasses, put them on then strolled towards Bernice. He could feel her eyes travel over the whole length of his body.

    Bronner stood next to her, bent down, giving her cheek a quick kiss. Bernice slapped him on the ass after handing him a towel. Bronner grabbed it and dried his hair, wrapping it around his hips.

    Vixen, Bronner said, chuckling with a huge grin.

    Bronner, thank you for making an old lady happy. I have enjoyed you.

    Thank you, Bernice. I have also enjoyed our time together. Bronner said sincerely.

    Bronner bent down and cupped her jaw in his big hand. He pressed his lips to her dry lips with a gentle kiss. Bernice's hand came up, patted his hand, and then cheek. Bronner pulled his lips from hers.

    Take care of yourself, Darlin, he whispered, looking into her old tired eyes.

    She closed her eyes for a second and nodded her head. Bronner stood up, turned on his heel, and strolled towards the pool house. He stopped, glanced over his shoulder at her, and pulled the towel off his hips. Swaying his ass from side to side, giving her another peek at his ass. He heard Bernice laugh as he walked into the pool house.

    He sighed, relieved to be done. Bernice was a lovely old lady, but he was glad it was his last time with her. Bronner grabbed his clothes and dressed. When he came out of the pool house, he noticed Bernice was gone. Henry went around the corner and held a white envelope in his hand as Bronner strolled through the french doors.

    Bronner, this is for you, Henry said, handing him an envelope he was holding. Bronner gave Henry a puzzled look.

    What is this, Henry? Bronner asked, confused. Henry shrugged his shoulders.

    The woman of the house told me to make sure I gave it to you before leaving.

    Thank you, Henry. This will be the last time we shall meet. Bronner said, reaching out to shake Henry's hand.

    Thank you for making Mrs. Bernice happy, Henry said, smiling at Bronner.

    Bronner nodded his head, putting the envelope in his back pocket. He followed Henry to the front door. Henry opened the door, and Bronner walked outside. Bronner breathed in the muggy air, smiling; one down, three more to go until he was done escorting. He opened his truck door and climbed in. The air conditioning blasted him with hot air before turning cold after starting the truck for a few seconds. Bronner put his vehicle into gear and pulled out of Bernice's driveway to the road.

    He turned the radio up loud with Uncle Kracker's song, You make me smile. He drummed his hand on the steering wheel to the song's beat. He hoped he would feel like the song for a woman.

    Bronner drove back to Bad Boys building. All the escorts had private rooms available to them. They kept changes of clothing for in-between dates there. He glanced at the clock on his dash; he had an hour before his second date.

    Bronner's second date was with another older woman of 55 named Janet Smith. She hired him to escort her to the Memorial Hospital fundraiser for a new children's wing. Again, this was a no-sex or touching date. He just had to be her arm candy for two hours for $1000.00.

    Bronner pulled into the parking lot, parked, climbed out, locked the doors, and made his way towards the building, walking briskly. He entered the office and waved to Carrie, the office manager, on his way through. Carrie waved at him with a smile. Bronner turned to the left and headed towards the elevator.

    He pushed the button for the elevator. The door whished opened, and he moved inside. The doors closed, and he pushed the button for the second floor. The elevator jerked, then rose quickly up and stopped at the second floor with a chime.

    Bronner walked out of the elevator and strolled to his room. Digging the key out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and entered his private room. Throwing his keys on the counter, he remembered the envelope in his back pocket and retrieved it from his pocket. Opening up the envelope, he could see a lot of money inside.

    Holy shit! Broner exclaimed in surprise. He thumbed through the wad of money, and there were hundreds. Bronner pulled the cash out with a note wrapped around it. He unfolded the letter and read it out loud.

    My dearest Bronner, you have made an old woman pleased. Take this money and buy our woman a beautiful ring or something nice. I will miss you, your sugar momma. Bronner read and chuckled.

    He refolded the note, setting it on the counter. He picked up the money and counted it. He counted $50,000.00.

    Holy fucking crap! Bronner exclaimed, his heart racing from the shock of the generous gift. He started to feel guilty for any mean thoughts of Bernice today. Now he felt like an asshole.

    Damn, Bernice, he whispered. He glanced at the clock on the wall, needing to get ready for his second date.

    Shit. He put the money back inside the envelope and hurried towards the bathroom. He needed to shower and change his clothes. Bronner turned quickly and sat down on the footstool to remove his cowboy boots and socks. He pulled them off, dropping them on the floor next to the footstool.

    He stood up, quickly walking to the bathroom. He quickly shed his clothes, leaving them on the bathroom floor. Reaching into the shower to turn the water on, he didn't wait for the water to get warm and jumped inside. The cold water felt good on his slightly burned skin. He poured the soap into his hands and quickly scrubbed up. He rinsed off and then turned the water off.

    Bronner grabbed a towel off the towel rack and wrapped it around his hip, grabbing another one to dry the rest of his body off. He towel-dried his hair as he walked into the bedroom. Throwing the towel inside the hamper, he opened the closet door, grabbing his black suit.

    Bronner tossed the suit on the bed and grabbed a white dress shirt from the closet, tossing it next to the dress suit. He walked over to the nightstand, opening it. He pulled out a pair of black briefs and black socks.

    Bronner dropped the towel at his hips and slid on his briefs. He sat down on the bed, pulling on the black socks. Standing up, he grabbed his pants and pulled them on. Next, grabbing the dress shirt from the bed, he slid on the white shirt. He buttoned it up and tucked the hem inside of his pants.

    He didn't want to wear the suit jacket in this heat, but he knew he had to. He decided to wait until he got to the hospital to put it on. He sat back down on the bed and slid his black dress boots on. He glanced over at the clock; he had about 15 minutes to get to the hospital.

    Shit! Bronner hurried out of the bedroom. Grabbing his truck keys and hurried out the door, locking it behind him. The elevator door opened, so he rushed inside quickly and pushed the lobby button. He was half-running to his truck a few seconds later, unlocking it and jumping inside.

    Bronner had fifteen minutes to get to the hospital. He squealed out of the parking lot onto the road. Lady luck was on his side, drumming his hand on the steering wheel; all the traffic lights turned green. He made it to the hospital on time.

    Bronner parked his truck, grabbed the black suit coat, and slid it on. He locked his truck doors and hurried across the parking lot with long fast strides. As he got closer to the hall, he spotted Janet Smith. She spotted him at the same time, waving to him.

    Janet Smith was 58 years old with voluptuous curves. Her hair was short, with gray speckled through the blonde. She had crinkles at the edge of her gray-blue eyes, laugh lines at the corners of her mouth. She was wearing a knee-length black dress with sequins. The dress plunged at the neckline to show a generous amount of her cleavage. It showcased her best asset nice sized breasts.

    I thought I was being stood up. I told your office I needed you to be here a half-hour early, Janet barked at him.

    I am sorry, I couldn’t find a place to park, Bronner lied to her.

    Well, what matters is you made it here. Now let's get inside; the luncheon will be starting. Janet said, snippy.

    Bronner held out his arm for her to take. She gave him an annoyed look, then looped her arm through his. She pasted a smile on her face as they entered the hall.

    Just stay by my side and look good. Keep your mouth shut and smile. Janet whispered.

    Whatever you say, Bronner replied smartly.

    Bronner did what Janet asked, following her like a very well-trained dog.

    Janet led Bronner to the table. About ten other people were sitting at the table. The men dressed in black suits and women in expensive sparkling evening gowns. Janet smiled at everyone. She did not bother to introduce him. Everyone looked at him with curiosity. Bronner smiled back, pulling out a chair for Janet.

    Thank you, Janet replied, sitting down in the chair.

    Bronner pulled out another chair for himself, sitting down. Janet turned her back to him and started a conversation with the lady next to her. Bronner sat down, and people watched. He could tell the majority of the people were either Doctors' or worked in Administrations for the hospital. He snickered to himself because he had just bought the same amount of money as a doctor or maybe more with being an escort and running his ranch. Janet turned around towards him, giving him an annoyed look. She had heard him snicker.

    What do you find so funny? Janet asked softly through clenched teeth.

    Excuse me? Bronner asked, confused.

    You were snickering. What do you find so funny? Janet asked again, annoyed.

    Nothing, I am sorry, Bronner stated.

    Your tie is not straight. Go and get it fixed before someone else notices. Also, remember most of the people here make more money than you will ever see in your lifetime, so mind your manners, Janet said sarcastically.

    Whatever you say, Bronner replied, pushing his chair back and standing up.

    Well, you get that issue done, bring me back some champagne, Janet stated.

    Bronner nodded his head, leaving the table, and walked towards the large doors remembering he had seen signs for the restrooms. Walking into the bathroom, he straightened his tie in front of the mirror. Running his fingers through his hair and smiled in the mirror. This date had just started, and Bronner was already to end it.

    You are done after today. No more of this shit. Bronner said to the man in the mirror.

    He headed to the door, walking out of the restroom. Walking back into the hall, he saw waiters walking around with trays of champagne glasses. Spotting the bar in the corner, he walked in the direction of needing something more potent than champagne. Bronner walked up to the bar. The bartender smiled at him.

    What can I get you, sir? The man asked, smiling.

    You have bourbon? Bronner asked. The man nodded his head yes. I will take one on the rocks, thank you.

    So, I see you are with the amazing Janet Smith. A young woman with blonde shoulder-length hair asked Bronner.

    Excuse me? Bronner asked, looking down at the attractive woman.

    You are with Janet Smith. The woman replied.

    Yes, do you know her? Bronner asked, smiling.

    Yes, she is not a very nice person. How did she end up with a man as handsome as you?

    The bartender put ice onto the glass and then poured the bourbon over the ice, handing it to Bronner. Bronner down the glass of bourbon in a couple of swallows before answering the attractive woman. He smiled at the bartender handing him that glass back. The bartender refilled his glass, handing it back to him. Bronner pulled out his wallet, and the man shook his head no to the money. Bronner pulled a $20.00 out of his wallet and put it into the man's tip jar.

    Thank you. The bartender said, smiling.

    You didn't answer my question; how do you know Janet? Bronner asked, smiling.

    I, unfortunately, work with her. She has never said she is in a relationship with anyone. The woman said, smiling at Bronner.

    I am just a friend. Bronner started smiling. She looked up at him with disbelief on her face.


    I am just a friend. It was nice talking to you, but your highness will be very annoyed if I take too long. If you want to get a rise out of her, ask her Monday about her date and make sure you tell you talked to Bronner. Bronner said smartly, winked, and gave her a huge smile. The attractive woman laughed.

    Bronner grabbed his glass and then grabbed a flute of champagne as a waiter walked by. He took a deep breath and walked back to the table where his date was sitting. He arrived at the table.

    Here's your champagne, Bronner said. Janet turned around and grabbed the champagne out of his hand.

    Your tie looks better. I hope this will be your only drink, Janet stated, looking at the drink in his hand and annoying him.

    I wouldn’t dream of having another one without your permission, Bronner said sarcastically.

    Great because I didn't pay to have a drunk date, Janet whispered back.

    Bronner sat back down in the chair next to her. He was so annoyed with Janet and wanted to leave. Looking down at his watch, he still had an hour and a half to go. He had only been here a little over half an hour. He sighed in frustration.

    The food was starting to be served. The dinner was prime rib, baked potato, garlic buttered green beans, and a dinner salad with a dinner roll. Bronner thought as least he was getting great food instead of a great date. He was unsure what the conversion was at the table; he just ate his food in silence. He heard Janet a few times joining in the conversation but didn't listen to what was discussed.

    The food was getting cleared off the tables as people finished eating. The auction was getting ready to start. The auctioneer stated what was up for auction and starting bid price. Bronner could not believe what some of the items were going for, thousands of dollars.

    Janet had bid on a complete spa package at a local business and paid $10,000.00. Janet had acted like she had won a couple of million on a lotto ticket when she won just a spa package. Bronner figured everyone was just trying to show they had money to waste. He knew the money was for the new addition to the hospital, but why not just donate the money instead of having an auction.

    The auction finished, and the guests walked around and congratulated the ones that brought the items for sale. Janet beamed in delight when the guest noticed her spending money. The auctioneer thanked everyone for coming and spending money. The hospital administration went up on stage and also thanked everyone for coming. They could stay and mingle for a little longer if they liked.

    Thank you for being my date, Bronner, but I am staying a little longer. You can leave. Janet stated.

    Thank you, Janet, for the lovely afternoon, Bronner said and bent down, planting a kiss on her cheek.

    Bronner was so relieved that it had come to an end it was a very unpleasant date. Quickly walking out of the hall pulled off his suit coat and undid his tie as he walked out to his truck. Bronner unbuttoned the dress shirt halfway down his chest when he got to his truck. He unlocked the door and climbed inside. The air conditioner blew cool air out, making him sigh in relief. He tossed his suit coat and tie on the passenger seat.

    It was too hot and muggy to be wearing a suit. Bronner pulled out of the parking lot and headed back to the Bad Boys building. The clock on the dash read that it was now 3:45. His following date, number three, was at 4:30p.m; at the Four Seasons hotel. He knew this one involved sex since he met her at a hotel and went nowhere else.

    He pulled into the parking lot of the Bad Boys building. His long hurried strides carried him inside the building. Again he waved at Carrie as he hurried to the elevator. He waited for the elevator; when the doors opened, he moved inside, pushing the second-floor button. The door chimed and opened. Bronner slid out of the door and ran into his cousin Keller.

    Whoa, Bronner, where's the fire, Keller chuckles, backing up a few steps from Bronner.

    Sorry, Keller, I have another appointment at 4:30p.m; to get ready for, Bronner replied, stepping to the side of Keller.

    Looks like you just finished one, Keller said, smiling.

    Yeah, I did have a fundraiser at the Memorial Hospital for a new children's wing. I was arm candy for a very rude woman to fuss over.

    Damn, I hate those kinds of dates. They are so boring.

    Yes, it was definitely boring.

    Next one more exciting, I hope, Keller said, wiggling his eyebrows.

    Probably; I'll catch you later. I need to get changed.

    Later, Bronner, Keller said, walking inside the elevator.

    Bronner turned and headed for his private room. He unlocked the door and walked inside, closing the door. Entering the room threw his keys on the counter and glanced at the clock; it was now 4:15 p.m. He quickly hurried to the bedroom, throwing his suit coat and tie on the bed, untucking his dress shirt. He unbuttoned the cuffs of each arm, then unbuttoned the shirt the rest of the way. He shrugged out of the shirt and threw it on the bed.

    He sat down on the bed and pulled off his shirt. He

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