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Empress's Endgame (Book 5 and final of the Death Incanate Saga)
Empress's Endgame (Book 5 and final of the Death Incanate Saga)
Empress's Endgame (Book 5 and final of the Death Incanate Saga)
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Empress's Endgame (Book 5 and final of the Death Incanate Saga)

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About this ebook

Home had never been sweeter for Cage. Three tall beautiful women, two stepdaughters, a foster son and a whole flock of new beings.
That was good, but after the latest prophecy, much work would be needed to end the four thousand year conflict and that of the mastermind who it tempting fate with powers she cannot control. It is time to end it all or be ended.
Time to unite and feel the rush of battle.

Adult themes.

Release dateAug 15, 2013
Empress's Endgame (Book 5 and final of the Death Incanate Saga)

H. Lee Morgan, Jr

I'm Lee, As a child I've always had a vivid imagination, but it wasn't until I was in a swimming accident and becoming paralyzed due to having my neck broken at the age of 14 that I could bring my imagination to life, through writing. My life has undoubtedly been harsher than others, being forced to live in a wheelchair and all, but my imagination, personality and drive to continue has helped me to write. It's impossible to know if I'd still write if not for being a quadriplegic, but I've come to enjoy writing and sharing my passion and stories with others.

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    Empress's Endgame (Book 5 and final of the Death Incanate Saga) - H. Lee Morgan, Jr

    Empress’s Endgame (Book Five of the Death Incarnate Saga)

    Published by H. Lee Morgan at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 H. Lee Morgan

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Thank you for downloading this free ebook. original form. If you enjoyed this book, please return to to discover other works by this author.

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    For a map of Raliea go to my page


    My Lady, Paola… Kep cried profusely enough the drops landed on her bloody brow to wash the crimson stains away. Her ancient and youthful body lay in shambles after a confrontation that saved only him, but cost her these final breaths and the loss of his friends, family and people. What am I to do? I am the last and I cannot seem to stop the bleeding.

    Paola’s one remaining arm raised from her gaping torso to caress Kep’s haunted expression as a mother would console a frightened child. As in all life, it is now my time to fertilize the land for the next crop to grow strong and bountiful, Kep. My young sapling, it is now time for you to grow out from my shade. Her voice barely a whisper as coldness crept deeper inside with each fading heartbeat. No longer did pain cause her agony, it was far beyond all feeling other than cold. You are not the last, but my being harvested will allow me to be with the Wise One again. Flee now. The beast is gone, but it will return. My death will make it stop chasing the mirage. Find the harvester and cultivator… Tell him what happened… before it’s… all… haaa… her final breath passed and a shuddering roar ripped through the forest as her hand slipped from his cheek.

    Kep wailed in agony as new tears flowed and he ran, but his cry was overwhelmed as trees toppled and brush was trampled by the white demon. He knew he had to flee and leave. If his leader, in all her great might, couldn’t make a scratch, what chance did he? Not even the slimmest.

    The sense of magic disappeared as he broke through bramble that shredded his cloak. Just then a pale face barely peeked through the trees over twenty feet off the ground as the young third class sorcerer surrounded himself in magic and left the massacre of his village as they made forth their first pilgrimage from the safety of the mist that protected them in the Oak Tree River for over two thousand years. Kep couldn’t get the image of the beast out of his mind, as it ripped apart and devoured his people one at a time and nothing slowed it down. That pale body, three large nostrils, rows of triangular teeth, four legs attached to a spiderlike abdomen and two thick arms with three serrated claws for fingers meant for only eviscerating meat. Out of six hundred mages and nearly five hundred Familiars, it had killed all but him.

    Out he came from teleporting to a section of river none but he knew about as tears burst. Alone and hurt, he fought to heal his right arm that bled. Again and again the harvesting of his people replayed, their screams, pleading, being eaten, fighting back. It went beyond a massacre. It was a total and all consuming harvest of flesh, blood and bone. The only moment of salvation was being forcibly moved out of the beast’s line of sight before his leader sent it chasing after an illusion. His leader barely managed to draw it away after everyone was either eaten or could no longer move. It was only the two of them left, but he didn’t see her mortal injuries till it was too late as she collapsed before him moments ago.

    Why Paola?! Why did you lead us in there?! he shouted and began mumbling. She had felt the use of great magic first and led his people up the side of a forested mountain to discover the source, not realizing what waited beyond it. The greater cultivators determined it was a magical fence, keeping and hiding what lay inside secret, but animals no larger than a bear could leave yet all could enter. Curiosity led to a complete downfall and barely had he managed to pass back through and teleport before being eaten as well.

    He curled into a ball to cry and mourn for hours to come.

    I must send word… Kep sniffled as he brought a ball of light to life in the secret hiding spot and pulled out paper, a finely tipped stick and ink. He grimly dipped the stick into the ink and began the difficult task of writing to one who would kill him likely as soon as laying eyes upon him again. Not knowing what to say stilled Kep’s shaking hand. The images hadn’t gone away and fear unlike anything he had ever felt in his sixty one years made it impossible to even keep it remotely steady. He accessed his magic to delve into the processes of his brain, something he alone had mastered in the entire village, and began excreting hormones and chemicals while reducing synaptic firing in the emotional sections of his mind.

    Shaking slowed to a complete stop. Fear, pain, loss, all was reduced to the point Kep desired nothing, his memories were too distant to grasp and affect him emotionally anymore till he withdrew the very specific spells. The only drive left was to complete his leader’s final request. The stick fell to the paper to begin.

    ‘Harvester and Cultivator,

    My name is Kep, a sapling cultivator. Forgive this interruption, but we are the last. Though you might not remember me, not a day passes I do not think of you. A short time you spent in our village, but the impact was greater than your knee breaking my nose as I roused you from the fog’s influence.

    After your departure the crops were culled one final time before the fog around our village lifted as winter lost its strength and we ventured out for the first time in two thousand years.

    We traveled for several weeks before coming upon a small village by the name of Araa and learned how differently they treat outsiders. They didn’t try sacrificing a single person to fertilize their fields before offering shelter for a short time. We learned some new affairs that had changed in the world, but could not believe how generous they were. I personally was humbled and was able to see why you and that yellow clothed woman were so upset.

    As nearly all our people could use magic, Araa requested we venture further north to find out why their neighbor five days away had not come for Spring trading and our wise leader Paola, agreed. We found the village soon enough, but it had been abandoned, or so many assumed.

    As we camped, Paola began to feel what no other could, and as the leader with most power, in the morning we followed her as she lead us into untamed forests and mountains. I felt the presence of magic many hours later, where she had the entire time, but now, if you are still reading this, means you believe me.

    In our village, we follow Paola, and we came upon a magical barrier of great magnitudes the strength of which I’ve never known possible. We were allowed entrance and all followed her, only to be led to our doom.

    Less than a quarter mile in we were attacked by a single white demon with blue lips. Many tried Jumping out, but the magic we passed through would not allow us such abilities. Those others tried holding it off while our Familiars fought valiantly for a brief moment.

    Nothing so much as slowed it down. But when magic was broken, many cried out and clutched their heads as if in great pain, making them easy prey since they could not move. It actually went into a frenzy as it drew our people’s blood and ate them. No magic would slow it and our animal protectors could do nothing. Some ran, but were killed nonetheless. Paola saved me before making the demon chase after a spell of a large, bloody man. The bait worked. Only she gave her life. By that time I was alone and as she died I heard it roar and fled.

    Chase was given, but I barely managed to run past the barrier put up which trapped the demon and I Jumped. I barely made it out. Now I sit here writing this so you understand this thing must be slain. This beast is unnatural, too fast, strong and bloodthirsty. It made me feel like grain as it was a scythe.

    I wish to speak to you, but considering our first encounter, I would personally risk chances with the white demon again… so I’m sending this. Do what you must, but I’m not asking you avenge us. We do not deserve it. I now see my village’s crimes by what we did to all outsiders who floated in. Others though need to be warned. Should that giant beast manage to escape… horrors I dare not imagine will likely result.

    Believe me, Harvester and Cultivator. On the backside of the sheet is the image of the creature and I hope this arrives in your hands.

    Kep turned the sheet over and used magic to make a highly detailed image of the thirty foot tall beast, embellishing nothing as it looked next to a full grown pine and that of a scale proportional human.

    Carefully the letter was rolled up as a wooden tube grew from a small cypress sapling’s branch through magical manipulation. The letter slid inside as he broke off the carrier and made a seal from wet clay to harden it all over a fire.

    Kep sighed, allowing some emotion to return, but not enough to overwhelm while holding the sealed letter. With this, I’m finished.

    You certainly are. Came a smooth voice from behind. Before Kep could turn around or his heart would resume beating, a horn pierced through his heart as Colm the longhorn bull silently charged. Kep was dislodged against a tree, but half his chest clung to the horn as he looked up in so much pain, everything being too sharp. The night’s darkness did not hinder him as a large man in a white robe came forth and knelt before him. "I will take this if you do not mind. General Adair said as he plucked the tube from Kep’s numb hand, broke the clay seal and withdrew the letter. I must say I’m impressed you got away, but unfortunately you saw a bit too much. The glowing sorcerer’s deep voice and casual tone told Kep he was about to die and join his people and the demon was somehow apart of this man’s ambition. Adair though continued reading the letter. I do not know this code. Who is it you work for, Young Sorcerer? Who is this Harvester and Cultivator? I’ll end your suffering that much quicker if you tell me. As it is, I’m the only thing keeping you alive. Which was true as blood didn’t saturate the ground, but he wasn’t being healed and remained in such pain he could not access his own magic. Come now, I know you can speak if you try."

    What was…

    Uh Uh. Adair waved his finger before the hooded man. You made me track you down all the way out here. I want my question answered. And to prove his point he spoke a spell which would allow only truth and immediate answering. The longer silence remained, the greater the pain. Kep’s low threshold had him yell That is how he is known to our people.

    Harvester and Cultivator? What backwater village did you come from? You’ve not been to Twilight, but I cannot sense where you come or learned of your enlightened existence. Answer me.

    Now Kep knew where he had now faced danger, but he would not betray his only hope for retribution. Already the pain grew, but he had a plan with minimal success. He bit a tiny pocket inside his cheek that contained thousands of deadly spores ever since his leader made the village do so as protection from situations exactly like this. He barely could draw breath as blood and spores mixed in his mouth before he spat, aiming at the glowing man’s face.

    Success proved a failure as a barrier lifted and intercepted the poisonous spit and Adair clicked his tongue in irritation. Child, you are a thousand years too young to think I’m not protected from every fungus, spore and poison on all of Raliea. Too bad though, you had such promise.

    Kep’s eyes rolled up into his head as the fast acting poison took his life.

    Well Colm, Adair stood and threw the paper into the fire. we need to mask the mana output holding my pets. We almost let information slip past our fingers.

    What are you going to do with him? Colm snorted and gouged the dirt with a hoof.

    Adair lifted a glowing gem. Oh, he didn’t go anywhere. It was a soul gem the necromancer used to steal Kep’s spirit before it had time to flee. I’m going to get my answers one way or another. I want to know where so many mages sprouted from, how they entered the empire without setting off our wards and who this person or persons are that could make this fool risk facing my pet, even jokingly. One way or another I always get answers.

    Very good, Old Friend. Send me to the Empress. I will tell her of this.

    That is most kind of you. You may have your choice of slave for tonight’s meal. Mind-link if any further issues arise. Colm dipped his huge head with one crimson stained horn as he was enveloped in a sphere of pure white light and vanished as he was returned back to Laqura Castle, eager to taste fresh flesh while Adair got started torturing Kep’s soul while on the way to correct issues to the barrier containing all of his pets.

    Chapter 1

    Good, that’s it. You’re all doing great… Poli ease up, Cage said to the silver dragon laying just behind his three stunning women as they sat on a soft cushion just outside the dragon lair. Poli looked at her claw where she held very still while touching Tohka. her blood pressure is rising and will pass out.

    Thank you. The nurturer softly said with her eyes still closed as the growing headache caused by extra mana from her friend diminished.

    Cage stood before his spirit mates rigidly, staring at how their mana moved while they sat comfortably erect, taking his advice in using a meditative position. Their eyes were closed, allowing their newly discovered mystical abilities to take over. Alright, I can tell you are ready to begin again. Remember, to first learn about magic, you must understand your own bodies. It is easier to look into another when learning this. Remember, do not force your way inside me. Concentrate on the sound of my voice. His awakened abilities watched as the almost translucent strands of magic came right at him. Slow down, Brooke. He coaxed and the tremendous green power began to relax. Meeka and Tohka aren’t as strong as you and too much magic will make their efforts harder. Try to match their output…

    Sorry, Loves. Brooke apologized.

    It’s okay. Meeka smiled, but didn’t relax her concentration. We’re all a bit zealous about learning magic. Tohka agreed.

    That is good. All three of you are about the same. Now send it to my mouth. Feel the air I breathe in. How it flows down my throat and into my lungs and is exchanged with stale air my body had used up. How as it comes back up, muscles in my throat vibrate to make waves with which you hear me talk. The awe on all three of their expressions were genuine. A brief thought and a burst of mana copied their image onto a blank page so he could remember this moment and show them later. It was so fast they barely realized what he did, but didn’t say anything as his new mind could do over four hundred things simultaneously above what is necessary for day to day activities. Now follow the air back into my lungs and feel how the tiny sacks take it and feed the red blood cells. See how they are pumped through tiny veins that go to more and circulates to my heart. See how the precious air we breathe feeds our muscles and organs. The chemical energy makes my body heat. Follow along and see how most of the oxygen feeds my brain. The brain requires the most air, blood and nutrients for it to keep us alive. It is by far the most complex part within our body and is vital to continue living…

    Love, Meeka asked as she tilted her head and her loose golden locks tumbled over her shoulder, then she and her sister-mates smiled as they noticed how his heart gave an involuntary kick, realizing why it did. the brain, in my mind it looks like a violent lightning storm, but I just checked my own mind and it isn’t so… chaotic I can only say.

    "It is my synaptic nerves firing. The reason mine looks like a lightning storm is because my ascension gave me greater access to my full potential. It is how I can do so many spells at the same time as I’m talking to you, thinking to Daku and monitoring the island. I can say with certainty your mind is working just like Tohka’s and Brooke’s brain. Don’t worry about how strong my mind is working. Right now just understand how my body is working. Leon and Colby are working to get you anatomy books to associate with what you are feeling inside me. He relaxed his rigid posture. Instead of focusing on the tiny details, follow how my body reacts when its moving."

    Each flinched as he began slowly walking, but followed along, seeing inside him more accurately than any scanning equipment. He walked for ten minutes in silence while making sure Tohka wasn’t hurting. Brooke and Meeka have spent almost all their lives having their mana stolen and had a natural resistance to tiring whereas Tohka recently gained her powers and needed Poli’s help to give her a constant stream of energy, otherwise she’d pass out too soon.

    Silence ended as Brooke said Cage Love, make your lance hard. and he stopped to see her eyes open, staring those twinkling chocolate eyes right back.

    Meeka laid a hand on Brooke’s naked thigh and knew right where to grab without needing her eyes. Not yet, Brooke. We can learn how his lance stiffens and how it works through each of us when we go home. Please give me time to learn this. I’m now starting to understand what he’s been teaching me for almost a year.

    The former priestess huffed. Fine. And kissed Meeka’s cheek. For you, I can wait, but when we get home I want to have him in you so I can know how you feel.

    The healer smirked and said Cage, keep going.

    Yes, please. This is fascinating. Tohka beamed, cracking an eye and gave Meeka a grateful squeeze for handling their assertive woman so well.

    Cage resumed walking around in circles, slowly adding different movements when he noticed them losing interest. Brooke in particular. He knew she had a deeper understanding of human movement as a great huntress and powerful dancer. Tohka lacked the most, but put forth extra effort to catch up to those she can no longer live without. Meeka though zipped through him, taking in everything like a giant sponge. Being a healer by trade and passion, she now saw the body through new eyes and was fighting against overexcitement to not miss anything.

    Three hours later, noon came with the warm sun overhead. Since you’ve seen how the male body moves… he looked over his shoulder. Chala! the new chief’s spirit mate approached from where Xamii and Moril laid and talked. Can I get you to walk around.

    This will be an excellent exercise for you as well, Moril Two-legs. The former general of the Blind Mountain’s colony rumbled. She tilted her canary yellow head to her new human partner.

    "Xamii, just Moril. Not Moril Two-legs." The chieftain said as she hurried over and sat next to Tohka on the cushion. The dragon grunted.

    Give her some slack. Cage said. "It isn’t easy for her to speak in this tongue. Every word she thinks is in Draconian and believe me, he smirked. Xamii’s shortening your title. Their language is critically specific. How she really calls you is Moril Two-legs with black hair, copper epidermis, two nipples mammal female with four limbs, no wings and has birthed two daughters and a son."

    Really? Why two nipples though? This insight into draconian had every human’s attention though only ten or so were here where Ulon and Poli took up permanent residence on the south face of the island.

    Because for mammals, most have six or more nipples. Cows have four and horses have two. To have nipples in your title means they serve a function, to make milk and feed your offspring. Dragon’s do not have nipples so it distinguishes our peoples. He touched his chest. My full accurate name in Draconian is Cage Two-legs great elite warlock with big phallus, Summoner of White King Daku, owner of Cage Island, male of Brooke, Tohka and Meeka Two-legs large breast two nipples… yadda yadda. It is lengthy for another translation. But in Dranonian it sounds like this. He switched to what he heard as mandarin. Rook natin malllo vqqum. He growled. It’s not easy to fully translate from Draconian.

    Truth all, Cage Two-legs speaks. The large yellow female supported. Many words are backwards and often too general to comprehend without focus.

    Sorry… I didn’t realize. Moril began apologizing and stopped as a giant hand waved her off.

    Learn I still do. Feel better it will make you to be so short a identity, I will try to oblige. Cage two-le… Xamii corrected herself. Cage, proceed.

    Alright, he turned back to the four new mages as Xamii laid beside Poli and touched a claw to her human partner. a man and a woman walk quite differently all because of our hips. As you can see, mine are narrow while Chala’s is round. It’s because her pelvis and hips are wider for giving birth. Men are more rigid for strength while hers will sway. He gestured and she began walking slowly, not really feeling anything as he though saw and felt four strands leaving those seated as they looked into the youthful woman. See how her muscles tense and relax while pulling on her bones so she can walk. Her swinging arms aid balance, but focus on her butt. That is the largest section of muscles in the human body and without it, we would find it near impossible to walk upright without a tail. It is why dragons still walk on all fours and, to use their hands, they need to be stationary, using their tails to keep from falling back on themselves. Chala’s toes flexed to limit the impact of walking while each step causes vibrations that are reduced by the cartilage between bones. It is the softer stuff that bones need to bend.

    Love, you are as beautiful on the outside as you are inside. Moril called out and her woman smiled a bit bashfully, but it put a bit of spring into her step. Oh, now your breasts are bouncing the way I like. This made all the women laugh.

    But your eyes are closed. Challa retorted as she noticed all their eyes closed.

    Just keep walking. I have a meeting tomorrow with all the Rex’s to discuss solving that very issue. Cage said and began walking beside her. Now watch us together to compare. And to Chala he spoke where they couldn’t hear and hadn’t quite learned yet how to understand vibration patterns to hear without actually hearing. I’m trying to also work with Xamii’s sister-mates and man so all ten of you stay together. It will hold less conflict and is good as not only is Moril the most dominant of your mating group, Xamii is also the dominant of hers. You got quite lucky. It all evens out. I’m going to need to do a lot of negotiating tomorrow so be a little patient. You will not be left behind for long, even if I must make a few Rex’s submit.

    Xamii heard it all and snorted ten feet of bright yellow flame. Warlock confidence hasn’t diminished.

    That’s a good thing for what is coming, don’t you think? He asked and she gave him a considering look. Can’t have leaders who will piss all over themselves at the first sign of trouble. You need someone who laughs in the face of danger and kick it square between the legs… er… I guess for your people it would be someone who will cloud fly regardless if a mountain is in there so long as the enemy is hiding nearby.

    Xamii gave him a toothy grin only a dragon could pull off as she understood. Truth. Rex Gralla did as you say before she laid my egg as a rogue egg breaker hid in clouds. She killed him in thick clouds not moments before a cliff rock tore her wing. He was readying to Jump to another world, but my mother not kind to egg breakers.

    Good to know Gralla is so vicious. He grinned.

    A moment later Moril asked Cage, what are those bubble objects up inside Chala’s flower. It splits, but there are two.

    Essentially they are her eggs. All of those bubbles hold the potential to become a baby if your man’s seed fertilizes it.

    But I cannot count so many! the chieftain’s eyes opened wide. So you’re telling me that if our man spills his seed in her she can birth…

    Potentially every single one. He finished and nodded. Yes, she could give birth to tens of thousands of babies if she didn’t age. It’s why our large friends limit their population. Just fifteen females can potentially overpopulate this planet. Heads jerked up to the two giant females. Both of whom gave a simple nod. As it stands, it won’t happen, because this is the complete best case, but I’ve counted up Brooke’s, Meeka’s and Tohka’s eggs, and combined, the four of us could have a maximum of six hundred and ninety one thousand, two hundred and seventy nine children.

    We certainly will not! Brooke declared as the number settled in her mind.

    Her expression sent all who listened into a fit of laughter.

    Tohka piled on by saying Come now, babies will slide straight out like the children do all day at the bridge. After the first thousand you will not feel a thing.

    Brooke shuddered.

    So why do you think I’m starting your training this way? Cage said as he knelt before the two new sorceress’ and two first class witches. He held up another finger. Healing. Moril, you and Brooke remember labor pains, but now with your powers you can make your body fell almost nothing, even pull and cradle your baby from birthing without any help. Remember Jada? he said and Brooke brightened with understanding, but before she could say anything he continued driving the point home. The baby’s cord wrapped around her neck and endangered both Jada and her child. If I didn’t use magic back then I would have needed to reach inside to fix the issue, even if I needed to knock everyone out. But now with your newfound power to use magic you can personally see to it no baby is ever strangled in the womb and dull the pain of birth to make it a much more enjoyable experience. And if you four were all were pregnant right now you could always feel your baby within you and keep it from all harm, just do not place magic on the child. And to further just how profound magic is, you can give birth alone, without pain and not need anyone at your side. You can hold a new baby in your arms and walk away in ten minutes, heal your flower and show off your new treasure all without fearing something could go wrong.

    The five women and a few other tribal people around sat in silence as the full weight of such words settled on their shoulders.

    Moril looked around and said If you had sooner told me this I would have been more serious.

    Anyone can blow shit up, but healing your body and knowing just how it works is more critical to my methods. And now that you look eighteen again you need to realize your again in your physical and sexual prime. If you worked magic the other way around and blew off your arm without knowledge of what I’m teaching, well… you’d bleed to death. You and Tohka might have trouble starting out, but with your current powers you can heal yourselves for over a week on what would have killed you on the plains.

    If only there was a faster way to not pass out without our partner’s help. Moril patted Xamii’s claw.

    There is, but right now all my crystals are in use keeping our land safe. I’m having more bought to teach what my diamonds do for me.

    Oh, I sometimes forget you are quite capable.

    A protector has to protect. Meeka quipped and lightly kicked her man’s knee.

    His smirk lasted as he stood up and turned back. But before we call it a day and you four do this same exercise on your own time, you need to see how the body reacts to physical damage. Cage held out one finger and instantly created a sharp black spike and drew it across his chest, opening a four inch wide wound down his sternum for about a quarter inch depth. He accepted the bite of pain though it didn’t show. Focus not only on the injury, but also my brain as it feels pain and works naturally to seal it.

    Your mind has become stronger with more lightning. Meeka was the first to understand and voice an observation. And what are those cells doing at the very edges of the wound doing?

    Clotting. He answered. Just like you would put pressure on a gaping wound to stop bleeding, it is doing the same. Contact with the air will harden those cells to eventually scab. As for pain receptors, pain wakes the mind to make damn sure you know you’re injured and wants you to avoid making matters worse. I’m going to go slow, but do you best to see magical healing at work.

    A blue glow grew in the middle of his chest, deep beneath the skin. A second or two would have done the job, but his promise to go slow wasn’t a lie. It took ten minutes. All that remained as the final section of skin kited back together was a bloodstained naked torso and thigh which was dried out by then.

    Love, can you do it again, but heal as fast as possible. Tohka requested.

    No problem. The next cut was healed as fast as the wound opened.

    Amazing! She breathed through those sinfully full lips she moistened with her tongue. Her innocent and more timid chocolate eyes opened in a squint as sunlight stabbed them for a few moments.

    Meeka suddenly drew one of her knives and before anyone could stop her or say anything, she drew the razor sharp edge across the pad of her thumb and winced as the bite slid into the tender and sensitive flesh. Large, but focused blue eyes focused on the thumb as it bled. Suddenly she willed her abilities to feel the damage a moment before it glowed brightly blue, a slightly lighter shade than her naturally affinity’s coloring.

    Five seconds later the glow dimmed and in its place was a faint pink line the eye would miss if not through close observation.

    Squealing in delight, the blond bombshell showed off her victory after wiping blood off in the sand. I did it! Look. Meeka beamed with pride as both her women each had a turn. Cage, now I can understand all your lessons in healing.

    Natural mender you are. Xamii said in a low tone, but for a five hundred foot long dragon, to human’s it was louder than the surf crashing on the beach. Never have I seen someone new to their potential do as you have.

    Aside from myself and Granny, Meeka has the most intensive knowledge in healing. Cage boasted, proud to have such amazing women. I’m not too surprised she has a knack for this. I bet in a few short months she will surpass my talents in this area.

    The buxom woman blushed at such praise and returned her dagger back in its sheathe strapped to her tone thigh. She eventually smiled when both cheeks were kissed at the same time by the two women she loved. I need to go check on Ananna. It’s time for her feeding.

    We will all go home. Brooke said as she stretched her aching joints. I believe we could all do with a distraction. I will take time with our daughter and Ulon before coming home to get what I want. Her eyes lingered on his orgasm inducing lance without care of who watched. After he teaches me to do that sticking spell on my own I will come home to continue our plan.

    Enjoy yourself, Brooke Love. Tohka said with a yawn.

    Brooke close her eyes and held very still to access her mind-link to her companion, the rose colored behemoth, Ulon. She had been practicing on this skill ever since she had bound to him more strongly, able to hear his thoughts. She felt almost giddy, but held completely still since it took every grain of concentration to access that elusive string. When she had it she thought Ulon, are you still over at the beach with my children?

    A loud, male voice thundered in her mind. Indeed, but Sean Two-legs has gone with hunters to locate a missing mare. Rena Two-legs is swimming with other hatchling females with loggerheads.

    Loggerheads? Even her own thoughts sounded confused.

    Ocean turtles. During the dark part of the planetary rotation, many swam ashore and laid eggs. Those that remain are entertaining the hatchlings. I am watching over them closely.

    Would you kindly Jump me to your side for awhile.

    One moment. In her head she imagined his long neck and huge head swerve around as if looking at her, but rather than envelope her to transport over immediately he simply plucked her off the ground from over a day’s walk away with magic. She simply rose into the air and sped over to where he stood at the top of the bridge, looking over the water where two dozen young, but physically strong children swam with the turtles who were harmless. It took only four minutes to travel through the air. Brooke leaned against the rail and spent some time simply admiring the simple and beautiful moment down below.

    The others flew back home, taking time to enjoy the forest below. Meeka’s back leaned against him while Tohka’s leaned back as well. He asked So what did you girls think of this lesson?

    Much better than our first. Tohka admitted honestly. "At least this time I didn’t pass out. But if not for Poli’s help again, I would have. It was an amazing experience though… almost as profound as what we’ve done every night for a week since you and Daku came home. I just never knew how small things really are or how complex our bodies truly are. They seem so big when you look real close, like those cells. And when I looked closer there were these connected round objects and focusing further I found they are even smaller and when I went in search of one beside that one, it felt twenty miles away. I always felt small in the tribe on the plains, but now I’ve found things I cannot even see…"

    I’m glad you’ve had such a life changing experience. I too feel the same each and every time I focus. I’ll explain later all the names you want answers to.

    And I can only imagine how to heal everyone in the coming months. It was so easy healing myself I know I can truly save more lives. Meeka crooned.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are going to hate me.

    Why do I not like the sound of that? Meeka peeled herself from his front and turned. Tohka too showed concern.

    "Because you avoid pain when you aren’t sparring. But trust me, I really hate even considering this because I don’t want you hurt, but to be an effective healer you need to first know how to take control of pain and own it. Brooke and I are accustomed to it, as you’ve seen when we fight. It proved my point when you cut yourself before. You sliced fast to limit pain and winced. Cage sighed through his nose. Tohka is worse than you, but as a dedicated healer, you cringe and cannot properly function. That would make helping others beyond challenging. Yes, I know you won’t die so long as one of you five do, and as the designated healer of your team, if you cannot control pain, you cannot overcome it. His penetrating black eyes bored into both beauties. Ulon and Poli agree that in a fight, she and the two of you will support from the rear. Tohka is already overprotective of you Meeka and will be your shield while you work. Your healing skills will always be in greatest need and if you are the only one still alive in your group and are wounded, wracked with so much pain you cannot focus and bleed out… well you know that outcome.

    What the Great Prophet did to you and Brooke by making a spell that bound you two to Ulon and Poli as they made the modified human’s summoning ability spell, bringing Tohka along to stay together, might have a good reason. It might come down to you saving them all.

    Me? But Brooke is stronger than Tohka and me put together and few could match Ulon in strength…

    "That is exactly why. He took her hands in his. Brooke and Ulon are too aggressive. Together they are a strong force, but it will draw attention. One mistake and they will fall. As a healer, your first priority is to stay at the back of conflicts. Yes, you are also a damn ass kicking warrior few could match anymore, but even Tohka knows you are the most important female in our whole family. We need you to be the best healer possible."

    He’s right. We all love you, but it makes sense. You are the most loved in our family. We would all keep you safe, me especially. If not for you and your kindness, I would not have Brooke back or have a man who makes me sing to the spirits every time I wrap my legs around him. Brooke and Cage Love are our best fighters. I might not be stronger than you, but I’m working on defensive magic to keep you most of all safe. You are pivotal to all of us, as you’ve always been since you came to the village by killing my stupid cousin. None were sad to see him die, but you… I dare not dwell you getting hurt.

    Meeka’s eyes dropped as her silky bronzed cheeks reddened. I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was your cousin.

    Tohka rested her chin on Meeka’s shoulder and wrapped her arms beneath those full breasts she enjoyed caressing. I was not sad. Few knew he tried challenging me and my sister when we had our first moonflow, even against our traditions and laws. He didn’t win since my first mate challenged me before Brooke and the elders and won me. He also enjoyed collecting bits of flesh from outsiders who trespassed and were guilty of hunting our buffalo herds… I found this out when his one mate tried disposing of the flesh. Again, you killed a stupid man and saved us from stupid children.

    If he didn’t strike Cage down, none of this would have happened.

    But it did and I for one am beyond grateful. I get a man with a lance that he has used on me every night and two beautiful sister-mates with large breasts like me and can kiss and make love like nothing I’ve ever experienced. And most importantly, I feel for the first time I can become a mother because of this. But you will not feel pain alone. Cage Love, I wish to share what Meeka will experience.

    No, I do not want you to suffer, My Love. Meeka shook her head as wind blew their long, unbound hair.

    "My decision. I am doing this. I won’t be as great a healer as you, but if what he said happens to me and I must save you, I will endure anything you will. And you won’t persuade me otherwise. Tohka kissed her woman’s pouting lips as she spun around. I will cut you if you try further."

    Thank you. If you are there with me I know I can do it.

    That’s the spirit. Cage said as he wrapped his long black arms around the pair.

    When they separated Meeka wanted to change the subject and asked How is Daku doing? He hasn’t been home for four days? And how are his mates? Have they named themselves yet?

    Poor guy. He laughed slowly that it progressed into a deep belly laugh that had the two exotic women joining him without knowing why. Cage wiped a tear from the corner of his eye before tapping his temple. He’s having a difficult time dealing with nearly four hundred babies and two of whom are testing his patience by constantly flaunting themselves and wanting him to mate with them.

    I do not understand. Meeka voiced.

    Let me put it this way. Three hundred and ninety three tricksters were all born here a week ago. They devoured several fully grown wyverns and slept the rest of that day. Since then Daku has isolated himself with each and every rambunctious griffin.

    We know all that. Tohka said to get right to it.

    Well it is taking every ounce of willpower not to dominate their wills and get them under control. White kings like himself can force them into submission with a certain kind of shriek, but they are all so young. They do not have their mothers, just a king. All they want to do is play games on each other…

    Doesn’t sound so bad. Tohka said in blissful ignorance.

    There is a good reason why I’ve not spoken of it, but the games Daku played when he was bored was harmless. Young griffins test themselves by fighting. Imaging all the times Daku and I fought and apply that to a bunch of griffins who’ve yet to grow one hair or feather. It is why Daku asked Nattan and me to create that aviary next to the smaller island where the livestock live. We had to make the walls higher than they can climb and smoother than glass so they can’t climb or fly out. Imagine these size changing newborns testing themselves against our tribe. They have no control.

    Why then doesn’t he do this ability he has? The copper skinned nurturer asked.

    Because it hurts them. They cannot resist the power of the white kings or queens. Even if they all matured and attacked as a group, they wouldn’t get far. It is also instinctive to follow his lead. Yes they all have their ancestors’ memories, but then again they are like every other newborn. They are physically weak and grow up by testing themselves against others. It will be another two or three weeks before Daku will even consider introducing some to the tribe. He took a breath and looked over at the aviary island, half the size of the one beside it, but perfectly circular with walls over sixty feet tall all the way around, but built inside is many small nests and plenty of griffin approved playing equipment. Laying on the flat rim of the wall was the large black dragon Mox as he was quite well versed with easily excitable and dangerous griffin cubs. Besides, his scales were the best defense in their tender age. They cannot grow much larger than his two females did when they hatched and snuggled to him, so they are contained. When they tire themselves out he tells them what has changed in the past two million years, since they’ve missed so much since their mother laid their egg. He smirked and chuckled again. The most incorrigible are his mates. They tease him constantly by walking past, making sure he sees their swollen flower ready to take him.

    Oh, so that is why you were laughing so hard? Meeka wondered.

    "Sure was. He’s got it bad. His instinct to mate them is very strong, but again, they aren’t mature. He’s had to separate some because they were already mating as soon as their eyes fell on each other. Much of his time is occupied, but his girls make you two seem harmless. Brown eyes met blue before each raised a lone, delicate eyebrow. He won’t consider doing what he wants till they become their own person, not easy when you have millions of years of memories. I’m always in constant contact through our minds, helping out where I can. But there is nothing I can do to ease his burdens… even if he is happy to have his flock brought back from extinction and not be completely alone after a thousand years. But let me tell you, the moment he thinks they are ready to be seen as mature enough, those two beauties will be laying his eggs left and right. From the way they’ve spoken of their parents and ancestors, those two female griffins have an extremely fertile lineage, more than half their ancestor’s becoming pregnant in their very first coupling."

    Well after all this time alone, he deserves many cubs. And it is good to know he finally has his own kind. He so deserves all this. They were so adorable I want to hold them for once, but we should honor his wishes. Tohka said.

    He just told me to thank you for thinking of him and says his life has new meaning again. A burden like this is nothing to being alone. Last of a kind. He misses all of us dearly and will allow just the four of us to meet at the aviary before our meeting first thing in the morning. Cage relayed the changed decision.

    Tell him we’ll be there and ask if he needs anything.

    The warlock shook his head a moment later. He says not at the moment and asks you give the kids a hug from him. The nurturer smiled adoringly.

    And keep weapons close. Two of the cubs have gotten into the habit of pouncing on others from above. Daku warned through their mind-link. Mox is healing all the injuries, but if the cubs get riled, your protective magics will not protect them. Thankfully you’ve trained your females well.

    They both still want to come and see how things are going. Tohka’s promising to sharpen her dagger, but hopes it won’t be needed. And don’t you forget to get some rest too. Tomorrow will be a big day for us.

    I promise. I’m working them extra hard so all the cubs are too tired to do anything other than sleep all night long.

    How are the meat levels? They still downing over a hundred pounds each a day? Cage inquired mentally.

    Their hunger is still great, but has begun settling. Half is required now and Rex Hessan on the other side of Ralia is using his colony to keep supplying us either Wyvern or Wyrm meat for as long as we require. The rather tough meat helps the cubs’ beaks stay sharp while strengthening their necks and jaw muscles.

    I’m going to kick back and get some rest too. Give a nudge if you need anything. I’m stretching myself thin again and can feel the strain. I can sense you are in the same predicament.

    I cannot deny that fact. This week has been hard, but thanks to you I have cubs playing before my eyes. The first hatching in four and a half thousand years. And now I have near four hundred. I can never thank you enough.

    You know what I want. Besides, I’ve got a few things to show you in the morning.

    Look forward to it.

    With matters settled, Cage intentionally pulled his mind back and allowed most of it to relax. No longer did her constantly scan the island or work spells back home while talking to Daku mind to mind, grow food, add new spells to the island’s wards as they came to mind or make sure the aviary was safe all at the exact same time without sleeping at all this week since the hatching.

    Now to just enjoy the moment. He thought peacefully without transmitting. A great weight seemed to have been lifted. So much so he could again fully enjoy where he was.

    Two beyond beautiful women leaning against him as they flew gently over the peak of the

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