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Sorority Pledge 2: Bad Girl on the Rise (BDSM Erotic Romance)
Sorority Pledge 2: Bad Girl on the Rise (BDSM Erotic Romance)
Sorority Pledge 2: Bad Girl on the Rise (BDSM Erotic Romance)
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Sorority Pledge 2: Bad Girl on the Rise (BDSM Erotic Romance)

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NOTE FROM THE DOM, LOGAN THORNDIKE: Addison is still reeling from my dismissal ten days later and finds an outlet for her craving to submit and get kinky at a wild frat party. But it turns out to be way more than she bargained for and she ends up leaving in tears because she did a very, very bad thing. That little brat just can't seem to stay out trouble. This story contains group play (you can sort out the twisty combos, attempting the task makes my head hurt), spanking, temp play, strong language and other salacious situations to tingle your bits, but I'm not spilling on everything because unknown zingers can be so titillating. Please be at least 18 and not opposed to bad girls, gumdrops or pain. If you're empathetic, you might experience a chill and a scorching sweat while reading, so go get some hot chocolate and an iced tea before diving in.

* * * This 18,500-word novella is Book 2 in the 10-part Sorority Pledge Saga, a serialization that follows a rocky romance centered around the edgy bliss of Domination and submission. 18+ please. * * * (Based on industry standards, this book is about 79 pages.)

PublisherDaizie Draper
Release dateAug 20, 2013
Sorority Pledge 2: Bad Girl on the Rise (BDSM Erotic Romance)

Daizie Draper

I am a two-time USA Today Bestselling author. I love sensuality, kink and beauty and write books that are kinda sorta naughty in the BDSM way.

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    Sorority Pledge 2 - Daizie Draper

    Sorority Pledge 2 Copyright © Daizie Draper 2013

    Published by Pink Cocktail Publishing

    Cover Design: Daizie Draper

    First Smashwords Edition, 2013

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means–electronic, photocopy, recording, scanning or other–except for brief quotations in reviews or articles, without written consent from the publisher.

    Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

    License Note: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

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    About Sorority Pledge

    1 Climbing the stairs to a sexual precipice, I was smacked by a twinge of guilt, but I didn’t know why. Despite the dirty notes I’d tucked into Logan’s backpack when he’d been animatedly engaged in football chat with other dudes and all the creative reasons I’d constructed to bend at the waist in short skirts around him, that idiot hadn’t given me so much as a wink since he’d torn me out of my chrysalis ten days ago. As he said, You and I were never a THIS. Right. We were never a THIS. So why did I feel like I was kinda sorta cheating on him? I wasn’t. We were nothing! Absolutely nothing. He spanked me and kissed me and, yeah, made me juice up and spill like a pomegranate, and that’s it. He clearly wanted nothing to do with me. I needed to forget him. I did. Somehow. Screw you, Logan.

    Once my roommate, Shayna, and I reached the top of the stoop, I straightened my white feathered mask and fluffed my sparkly, layered skirt and dangling snow crystals.

    Music, laughter and screams of agony throbbed and thumped on the other side of the off-campus, mansion door. Were we really doing this? I don’t know about Miss Prim-and-Proper here, but I had to. Not only did I want to knock off the two weeks of hazing in December we were promised as a prize for crossing this threshold, I was also pretty starving and pissed from the dozens of dismissals from Logan Thorndike. He was such a jerk. A jerk whose deep, sexy voice and scorching gaze haunted me every waking minute of the day. And many sleeping minutes too, honestly. I wanted to be taking orders from him. I wanted him grabbing fistfuls of my hair while he pummeled me from behind with all the force he could muster. I wanted to call him Sir, my Sir. I wanted to scream it, in pleasure and pain, and to know the heights he could bring me to, but that clearly wasn’t going to happen. I needed to shut him up and kick him out of my head. At this Close-to-Sex party, some touchy-feely action would be coming my way. Lots of it. Perversion diversion. Perfect. I can do this. Just don’t come. Don’t come. Get hot. That’s it. After my torturous week and a half, I deserved some fun and heat, dammit! I buzzed with excitement and anticipation at the unknown possibilities here in this den of debauchery.

    I clutched Shayna’s hand as she hesitated at the door. "Again, I’m going to stress, you don’t have to do this. You look like you’re gonna puke." I was about to say that the best part about this whole thing was that no one except button-lipped DeGas, or maybe close friends, could ever be certain we were here, but a one-over told me that it wasn’t true in her case. While I beheld at least some shred of mystery as a snow queen with my platinum blond wig of ringlets and half my face covered with a bird mask, she looked like … Shayna.

    Bead necklaces and sunglasses aside, not only was she not in any real costume, she’d done nothing to disguise herself at all. For these types of things, not all disguises worked that was true, but you had to at least try to be anonymous and put in an effort. She did not at all. She was a string bean of hot pink. The ankle-skimming skirt and plain-Jane hair would give her away in an instant to anyone who knew her.

    The blond locks of her perfect bob swayed as a single unit when she shook her head. It’s just ... God’ll hate me, Addison.

    This poor, sad-sack Christian was so, so out of her element. I couldn’t believe she came. I felt torn between not wanting to do this alone due to fear of the unknown and wanting to be free of her leech hold so I could explore a place that sang to my soul without her judgmental attitude and sneers getting chucked in my face. "Huh, well, God surely already hates me, but I’m not worried about that. The only deities I’m hoping to impress are the ones in Delta Gamma Manor. If you’re gonna feel guilty about this, which I know you will, then just bolt. I won’t even tell Brianna you were here."

    She sighed

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