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New Beginnings
New Beginnings
New Beginnings
Ebook42 pages43 minutes

New Beginnings

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Steve and Tina have a wonderful and not unique marriage. It is traditional in the very traditional-sense. Steve is Tina’s supervisor. Tina’s job is their home. Steve has a career that affords them a privileged lifestyle. Tina enjoys her job. Tina, like every other housewife from days gone by, does not receive a regular paycheck. She is given a certain amount of money from Steve’s personal account to handle household affairs. She has certain things to do daily. Steve loves Tina and pampers her regularly. He also disciplines her when she doesn’t follow the rules or slacks on her job. This is the beginning of their story.

PublisherRene Spivey
Release dateAug 21, 2013
New Beginnings

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    Book preview

    New Beginnings - Rene Spivey

    A New Beginning

    by Rene Spivey

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 by Rene Spivey

    Cover Art by:

    Sarah Spivey &

    Rene Spivey

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes


    Published by Rene Spivey at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Rene Spivey

    ISBN: 9781301911486


    This work of fiction is intended only for mature readers over the age of 18 years old. The story contains sexual, spanking and domestic discipline action. All participants are adults over the age of 18.


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This is a work of fiction. The people and places are made up and any resemblance to a real person living or not is entirely coincidental and unintentional.


    Steve and Tina have a wonderful and not unique marriage. It is traditional in the very traditional-sense. Steve is Tina’s supervisor. Tina’s job is their home. Steve has a career that affords them a privileged lifestyle. Tina enjoys her job. Tina, like every other housewife from days gone by, does not receive a regular paycheck. She is given a certain amount of money from Steve’s personal account to handle household affairs. She has certain things to do daily. Steve loves Tina and pampers her regularly. He also disciplines her when she doesn’t follow the rules or slacks on her job. This is the beginning of their story.


    I’m supposed to be going to sleep, but I can’t. I’m stuck in a mind groove, remembering the first time Steve dragged me out of a bar close to our college. I’m thinking about our beginning. When Steve came in, I had three guys buying drinks for me and waiting to see which piece of clothing I would lose next. I’d already shed my shoes and pantyhose. My skirt was too tight and too short and climbing toward my crotch. My blouse was indecently undone showing my pink lace bra which didn’t hide anything. I was beyond drunk and still drinking. I was smoking and shaking everything I had to a Top 40 hit that I hated. I was just too drunk to care. The guys were touching me and encouraging my impromptu striptease. I was underage for the liquor in the drinks the guys were buying me.

    None of those things were stopping me from continuing to knock back the shots and lose my clothes along with my inhibitions. I’d had a bad week at school. I’d failed an important exam and lost an essay that had taken three weeks of work and accounted for 30 percent of my grade in Ancient Mythology. I was just trying to forget about those things. I should be allowed that much on a Friday night.

    My evening of entertainment and forgetfulness was brought to a screaming halt by the appearance of my friend and enemy (he’s both, trust me), Steve Paulson. Half of the bar was watching me and my new friends at a table away from the dance floor. It was in a rather well-lit corner near the pool tables. That means I had plenty of light to show off my

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