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Swapping: Book Six
Swapping: Book Six
Swapping: Book Six
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Swapping: Book Six

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Book Six of my Swapping series contains four steamy tales of sharing your partner. Featured are four independent stories: My Boys Of Summer, You Just Never Know, Bridesmaid Fun, and Have You Ever Seen A Naked Girl?

Our first story is about a husband who wants to add a new guy for his wife to enjoy. It becomes four instead and we all get to watch, too. Next is a spouse-swapping story that will make you want to join in, it's that good.

The third story is about a bridesmaid whose husband tells her to have a good time and that she does. So do the three groomsmen. Our final story concerns a high school senior who stops by to sell some tickets and gets invited in for much, much more. You're invited as well.

Release dateAug 28, 2013
Swapping: Book Six

Reese Cantwell

I know why we all love to read naughty stories and I write them just so you can have that special intellectual, emotional, and, yes, physical pleasure that is its own special reward from reading stories that arouse and excite.I have now listed over 450 of my books that have gained 4- or 5-star reviews from my readers from my sales sites and Goodreads to help you easily find them ( Of course, there remain a great number of my books, though, that have gone unreviewed so there are certain to be many others which are waiting to be discovered. Happy reading.You can share your experience with the author at reesecantwell@gmail.comYou can follow my blog at:

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    Swapping - Reese Cantwell


    Book Six


    Reese Cantwell

    Copyright 2013 Reese Cantwell

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Table of Contents

    Story One: My Boys of Summer

    Story Two: You Just Never Know

    Story Three: Bridesmaid Fun

    Story Four: Have You Ever Seen A Naked Girl?

    More Books by Reese Cantwell

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Story One

    My Boys of Summer

    I was as surprised as you might be when my husband of three years suggested that he arrange for a teenage guy who'd been ogling me at the pool be invited up to our apartment to get to know me better, much, much better. What he doesn't know is that afterward the guy bragged to three of his friends who wanted to know me rather better themselves.

    Chapter 1

    George and I have been married for just over three years. We both have busy careers, like to travel, like to eat out, enjoy concerts and shows, and, yes, we like to fuck, too.

    Ever since we met five years ago, I was just twenty-one, he was twenty-three, we were in each others pants on the third date. We like a bit of variety in our sex and have had a few threesomes with a college buddy of George's who visits several times each year. I think he now mostly comes to fuck me rather than relive the old college days, but, no matter, it's fun when Bart comes to visit. I sure don't get much sleep.

    So, we're not exactly old-fashioned when it comes to sex and George has often mentioned getting me a young guy to fuck while he watches. Don't ask me why, he just seems to think that's super hot, well, I do too but since my perspective is from the receiving end, you can't blame me, right?

    We live in an apartment complex which has some very nice amenities, especially the pool, and George had noticed a young guy at the pool when we would be out there who seemed to take a definite interest in his wife. We were out at the pool one afternoon, and George leaned over and whispered, That's the guy. The one that keeps looking at you. I think you have an admirer.

    Geez, hon, how old you think he is?

    I dunno, maybe seventeen, eighteen. He's cute, don't you think?

    Well, yeah, he's actually kind of 'hunky-cute.'

    Hunky-cute, huh? Think you'd like to fuck him?

    He has a nice build, and, yes, he's pretty cute, you really mean this don't you?

    Yeah, as long as I get to watch. It's making me hard even talking about it.

    So I see. I suppose you'll want a fuck or a suck when we go back inside, huh?

    Either one, hon, you're great at both. Well, should I get to know young 'Mister Hunky-Cute?'

    You want to watch him fuck me, right? And what if I really enjoy it, really get off on this kid, kiss him, suck him, what if he wants to fuck me three times, these young guys have stamina, you know. Ready for that?

    You're making me even harder, yes.

    Well, if it gets your cookies baked, sure, go talk to him or whatever you plan on doing. I'll be inside waiting for your nice, hard dick. See you inside, I told him and I got up, picked up my towel and things and went inside to wait for my crazy husband.

    About ten minutes later, George came in, all grins.

    Oh, get ready, babe, for a nice, young dick. His name is Brian and he's coming over tomorrow afternoon. He doesn't exactly know why, but he knows that you've seen him watching you and that you want to meet him. I checked just for you, hon, and at the end of our conversation, he had quite a bulge in his trunks. Oh, and he's eighteen, just out of high school, going to college in the fall.

    Well, good for you. Now, what is it you want, a blowjob or a fuck?

    The next afternoon, I was rather nervous, I mean, after all, I was waiting for a guy I didn't even know to come over and fuck me while my husband watched. I had on one of my smaller bikinis, a bright red one, which I thought showed off my C-cups pretty well and contrasted nicely with my tan and blond ponytail.

    It was Saturday and exactly at one o'clock there was a soft rap at our door and George opened it and let his new friend, Brian, in.

    Brian, this is Rita. I think you've seen her at the pool, right?

    Oh, yeah, I'd never forget that red bikini. Hi, Rita, he said rather nervously.

    We all sat down and Geo began, Brian, I think you'd agree that Rita is a very sexy woman, I've noticed you looking her over at the pool.

    "Oh, I didn't mean anything by it, I, um,

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