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Trixie's Crew
Trixie's Crew
Trixie's Crew
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Trixie's Crew

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He gives me a yacht and seven women, each more beautiful than the next. If he expected that surrounding me with women would keep me virtuous, well the man has a lot to learn, especially as my crew has not problem giving and taking pleasure, whenever and however they see fit. Imagine the games we can play, not to mention the satisfaction we can enjoy!

Release dateOct 11, 2013
Trixie's Crew

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    Trixie's Crew - Trixie T

    Trixie’s Crew

    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright September 2, 2013 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    I blame it on the man. The man who last night gave me a dam fine night of lovemaking. The man that refuses to take no for an answer. His name is Julian Morales and he is apparently too dam rich and too dam arrogant for his own good.

    Julian is the majority shareholder of one of the most successful corporation in Spain and my brother’s boss to boot. The first time I met him was at a party he was hosting and I swear if he wouldn’t have called me a bitch, I wouldn’t have hit him. Okay, so maybe I didn’t stop to ask him how much English he understood before I slapped him, but then that’s why he has Delfina, to keep him from making those slips.

    Who knew that almost slapping a man’s head off in Spain was the prelude to him trying to marry you; at least that seems to be what this frustrating man seems to think. The man has known me for less than a month and is has set his mind on marrying me, and he just won’t take no for an answer.

    Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t like the man and the evening we spent making love still has my legs trembling, but I’m only twenty for fucks sake and not even close to being ready to marry. Apparently that does not matter to this frustrating man.

    So now what? What happens when you keep saying no to a Spanish man that is bound and determined to make you his wife? Julian’s solution is to give me a freaking yacht with a name I can hardly pronounce. I mean who would call their boat Llamada de Sirena anyway and what is it with the smiles whenever someone mentions it in my presence.

    When he gave it to me this morning, it required a call to his personal assistant Delfina to get what the hell was happening straightened out. I have to give it to Julian he is a crafty one. No wonder he is head of a successful corporation for if he deals with others the way he dealt with me…my oh my.

    I got the freaking yacht and what did he get…everything he wanted I bet. I did not get the yacht without responsibilities or a business agreement apparently, because along with the yacht he made me responsible for the seven crewmates and produced a business agreement.

    Not bad you say, but wait…how am I pay the crew. It’s not like I have a million dollars stashed away somewhere. Well it seems the business agreement that Julian provided is the answer to that problem.

    Julian is giving me the yacht, but his company still has need of such, so once a month I am to personally host a company gathering on said yacht and bill the corporation an exuberant amount. Of course, he suggested to me the outrageous amount I am to charge him, which of course I intend to tack on another twenty-five percent. Dam it! I have no doubt that the crafty man knew I was going to do that also.

    Note, I said personally host so that means Julian gets me back in Spain once a month, giving him yet again another shot at asking to marry me…and just who the hell gives away a million or whatever dollar yacht for any reason! He does apparently.

    Don’t get me wrong. Julian is a very nice man and other than a couple of language slips he has been very respectful towards me. In fact, he has spoiled me as I have never been spoiled and had never dreamed of being spoiled and the sex….oh god the sex was great, but I am not even close to being ready to marry and when I do it surely will be with someone that I know for more than a month.

    So those are only a few of the thoughts that are making my head spin as I make my way to my cabin later that night. The worst part is that right after dumping everything on me, Julian had to fly back. Yes that’s right he had a freaking helicopter come and get him and there is no freaking way he is going to get me to take that thing. Anyway, he had to go back to take care of business so I don’t even have him here to yell my frustrations to.

    It is these thoughts that are making my head spin when I pass Callida’s open bedroom door. What I see inside makes me do a double take, effectively suppressing all the frustrations of the day.

    Oh sorry for not introducing her properly. Callida is the yacht’s captain and a Spanish beauty the likes of which I have never seen. Before meeting Callida I would have bet that Julian’s personal assistant Delfina was the most beautiful Spanish lady I have seen and don’t get me wrong she is truly beautiful, but Callida…wow in so many different ways.

    There is no doubt that Julian loves beautiful things. This very yacht proves it for I have seen houses that are decorated less beautifully than his yacht… no make that my yacht. That beauty extended to his pick of the crew and here is where he made his one true mistake.

    He has not told me and I am sure he would never admit it, but I am certain that he crewed the yacht with only females so as to minimize the men he would have to compete with in trying to get me wedded. If he had bothered to get to know me better, he would have realized just how badly he had miscalculated for his love of being surrounded by beauty extends to the crew.

    What Julian considers beautiful in a lady, if the crew is any indication is a lady shaped much like me; meaning long hair, large breasted, narrow waist, wide hips and shapely legs for every one of the ladies manning this yacht is almost a mirror imagine of me, shape wise that is.

    Oh, how he made a big mistake there. Okay, so maybe he didn’t actually set this up for me personally. The little I learned from Delfina is that he is constantly scanning the database of a charitable organization he is sponsoring and that it was from this database that he came up with these ladies. This organization assist women from all walks of life and throughout the world escape unbearable situations. When he comes across a lady he likes he interviews her and if he likes what he sees and hears, he offers her a job and now he had just plunked me right in the middle.

    And these ladies are getting my juices going, just as the sight of Callida bending over the leg she has resting on the edge of her bed as she draws up her stocking is getting my juices flowing.

    You enjoy view? Callida asks me without looking up.

    Si, and if you wanted privacy you should have closed your door. I reply honestly.

    Who say I want privacy. Only when Mr. Morales here do we women think privacy. When just us women, doors open always.

    The only clothing Callida has on is a sexy black bra, blue bikini panty and one stocking and god does she look hot. Her long dark wavy hair flows down her back, her large dark, almost black eyes flash with mischief, and her so finely chiselled face with high cheekbones, shapely chin, and full lips are so enticing. Her breasts, yes as large as my own 38D, her waist not quite a narrow as mine, but close and those long legs….how fine and shapely they look, her ass so round I can hardly keep myself from taking hold of it. She is most likely five or six years my senior, but there is no telling that by the body.

    The hell with it!

    I come up behind her and take hold of that firm ass I was just admiring then bend over to kiss her shapely shoulder.

    In that case how about if we…

    Complacer no…please no. Callida cuts me off short.

    Stepping back, I am quick to apologize. I’m sorry; I thought you wanted me, at least that is what it looked like last night when you watched me make love to Julian. You know, I think you are the first person to ever reject me. I give my captain a surprised look at that thought.

    I no reject, I ask you to wait. Tonight not good night for you and I have to go to bridge. You messed up, a lot happen today and now you think too much. Tonight you get some sleep and tomorrow we talk…you talk to crew, get to know us. Si?

    Okay call me shameful, but knowing that she is not going to be the first to reject me comes as a big relief. She is just saying not tonight and yes she is most likely right for my head really is spinning with more than desire right now.

    I think maybe that you are wise so I will listen to you tonight…why the stockings? Isn’t it too hot to wear those?

    Si. Not too bad at night. Day is worst but Mr. Morales say we must wear…part of uniform he calls it.

    Mr. Morales is no longer your boss so if you do not want to wear stockings then don’t.

    Callida gives me a long look then comes to me. The sight of her full lips parting paralyses me. My heart beats faster as she draws closer to me. I feel her breath tickling my face. The lips she finally plants on top of mine are hot and moist, the tongue that probes into my mouth a few seconds later even more so on both fronts. The kiss turns out to be fiery and full of lust. It tells me how much she wants me, tells me that she thinks I am just as hot as I think she is.

    She kisses me until my head begins to spin for a very different reason than it has been since Julian gave me the yacht. Her tongue explores my mouth and she becomes very knowledgeable of just how long and active my own tongue is.

    My knees begin to tremble and breathing becomes difficult. So difficult that I have to pull my lips free from hers and rest my now sweaty brow on her shoulder. This gives me a direct view of her heaving chest and I am pleased to see that I am not the only one gasping for breath. For a long time I rest my head on her shoulder to get my breath back and all along she strokes my long black hair.

    My watch comes now. I must go relieve Jasmina, but we all talk tomorrow Si? Jasmina is Callida’s first mate and as the yacht is still making its way leisurely around the Mediterranean someone has to be at the wheel I believe is what they say.

    Si. I say after pulling my head from her chest and my eyes from her breasts.

    Callida gives me a smile that so totally lights up her face that it actually makes my breath catch. She then moves away from me to finish dressing and I watch appreciatively as she does so. So beautiful she is. I only hope I am half as beautiful when I am her age.

    After she has dressed she gives me one last kiss on the way out and I swear it is all I can do to keep from tearing her clothes off her for the captain outfit she has donned makes her look as sexy as she had looked with just her bra and panty.

    I sigh as I watch her make her way out, and when my eyes come back into focus I notice Sabrina giving me an apprising look.

    Now here is another thing. Apparently Julian believes that I require a personal bodyguard and as such has appointed Sabrina to be just that. The way he tells it, is that once it becomes known that he is perusing me it will no longer be safe for me to be unguarded as there are those that will not think twice of using me to get some advantage over him. So even though I am now technically her boss…well the boss thing only seems to go so far.

    Whereas Callida and Jasmina are both darker of skin, being from Spain and Morocco respectively, Sabrina is from Argentina and is a fair haired, lightly bronzed skinned lady with sparkling blue and much too serious eyes. Her build reminds me of those Amazon women they show in T.V. including the high cheekbones, femininely muscular body, large breasts and long legs. Her eyes tell it all, if a person cares to look that is. They are stunning eyes. Totally captivating they are, but look deeply enough and you can see that there is something in her past that has made this young twenty-two year old lady much older. Looking at them now, I suddenly become determined to bring the joy that is so obviously missing back into her life.

    What? I give her my best smile.

    You like? She gives me that smile that never reaches her eyes and nods in the direction that Callida just disappeared.

    Duh. Do birds fly?

    Don’t any of these ladies speak English? I see her trying to decipher my meaning, trying to figure out how the conversation went from Callida to birds.

    I mean don’t you think she is beautiful?

    Ah, yes she is beautiful. Beautiful like you.

    Thank you, that is so nice of you to say.

    Before she even has time to react, I have her in an embrace and I am giving her as good as Callida just gave me. Her body starts off stiff and her mouth unyielding. I don’t push her. I have never been refused and I am not about to let this poor heartbroken lady be the first to do so. Therefore, I kiss her gently and seductively.

    You are mine. You want me just as I want you. Mine!

    A small whimpering starts deep within her. Her body melds against my own and her lips part for my probing tongue. This beautiful lady has a world of hurt inside her and it is not yet time for me to push for more than this acknowledgment so once she melds against me I take hold of her upper lip gently between my teeth and pull on it as I pull away from her hot and I mean temperature hot body.

    You too are beautiful Sabrina. No, don’t shake your head like that. You are beautiful inside and out and I will prove it to you.

    She is having trouble breathing so her response takes time. I am no fool. I know that only half of that difficulty is due to the kiss I just gave her for I see the inner turmoil boiling inside her. My job is to protect you. She finally manages.

    And I have determined that mine is to make you love yourself.

    She gives me a strange look. That look that tells me she is trying to once again decipher the true meaning of what I just said.

    Come. Callida was right. Today was a very emotionally tiring day for me and I need to get some sleep.

    I know she does not understand everything I said, but she gets the gist of it and falls in behind as I make my way to my bedroom. I am so ready for bed. This morning’s emotional upheaval, then most the day getting things straighten out with Julian, and finally trying to come to grips with what that frustrating man has done to my life has left me drained.

    Entering my room, I see Felicita waiting for me and please don’t confuse her with Felicia, who is the mechanic for this tub. Felicita is from Brazil and she is so, oh my god beautiful. I know I sound like a broken record, but fuck…beauty if beauty. I am certain that she is even younger than I am, even though her eyes, much like Sabrina’s show a world of experience. Julian outdid himself with her. She is a dark haired, large breasted beauty with a very narrow waist and perfect hips. Her skin has the healthiest bronze glow I have ever seen and there is not an ounce of fat on her, not anywhere and I know this for a fact as this morning she insisted on preparing me for the day, which started with a shared shower. Her breasts sport large areolas with stiff puckered nipples, and like mine she keeps her pussy shaved. What surprised me the most this morning was discovering that the fine golden chain that circles her narrow waist is attached to a ring firmly implanted into the nub of her pussy.

    The thought of a pussy ring makes me lonesome for Sina; my girlfriend waiting for me back home. I love Sina to death and even these beauties I have surrounding me will do nothing to diminish that love. The love I have for Sina is a love that I hope will eventually lead me into forgetting about my first love Susan.

    I make you ready for bed? Felicita tells me with a wide smile.

    Thank you, but I can make myself ready for bed.

    I am sure you can and do before and will again when you leave my grace, but now you are mine unless you want to take my job from me. What Mr. Morales do with me then?

    Julian is no longer your boss I am. I tell her with a toss of my hair.

    It is no secret that Julian has given me the yacht as well as made me responsible for those who crew it. It is also no secret that Julian and I spent a long mutually satisfying night fucking for we fucked all over this boat and I am dam sure every one of them saw us doing it. It is also no secret that he asked me to marry him and that I have told him no and no and no again.

    So now you boss, you don’t need. What I do? Felicita question snaps my wandering mind back to the present.

    I sigh and hear a chuckling behind me. That chuckling melts my heart for this is the first time I have heard any sort of joy coming from Sabrina.

    Maybe I should make her your personal valet. I tell my chuckling bodyguard.

    Oh, that sobered her up real quick like and she is all business again. It makes me sad to see for I was hoping that she would come back with some smart remark that we could play with. Sighing at my gaff I turn back to Felicita.

    I suppose we can start with a bath then.

    Si bath and then massage to make you sleep well.

    Si. I agree giving in.

    I allow Felicita to undress me and okay I’ll say it, my heart is thumping wildly. This morning Felicita showed me that she is definitely into women and she seems to be all about giving pleasure. Therefore, I am so freaking sure that this bath is going to be so much more than just a bath.

    This morning she showed restraint, now there is nothing holding her back and she lets her hands and mouth wander haphazardly over my body as she undresses me. My body has no choice but to respond to her, for not only is Felicita a true beauty, she knows it. She has probably been a beauty since the day she was born and I have no doubt that it is that beauty that is the cause of her aged eyes.

    What is it that happened to you Felicita and what can I do to help you?

    Oh god Felicita that feels good! I mummer to the lady that is younger than me in every way, except maybe in life experience which the shadows lurking behind those eyes of hers seem to suggest.

    You need to relax Perda. You are all tense.

    Of course I am tense. You would be too if you… I take a deep breath and then an even bigger one when Felicita’s finger slips between my thighs. If she meant to shut me up, well she certainly accomplished that.

    Si, I need to relax and a bath is certain to help.

    Giving me her winning smile, she pulls her fingers free from between my thighs and then takes me by the hand to lead me to the bath. It seems she knows me already for a hot steaming bath is waiting for me when we enter the bathroom in a bathtub that I took little notice of this morning. At first the tub seems obscene to me. It is rimmed all around with a wide landing. To get into the tub a person has to take one step up onto that landing. The tub sits level with the landing and the rest is sunken into the floor. The tub itself is huge and lavishly decorated, overly so I think at first, but then revise that thought when I consider the rest of the dam yacht.

    I have already realized that Felicita is the most outgoing of my crew and I have gotten to know her much better than the other crewmembers. For her it is all about the giving of pleasure. It is this giving that seems to bring her joy. I’m sure she will gladly take pleasure in return, but to give to others, that I am already certain is her forte in life.


    Felicita’s voice cuts into my contemplations. Trixie. Please call me Trixie.

    Trixie then. Come bath is ready.

    I realize how far I had gone into my contemplations when I notice that Felicita is now as naked as I am and let me say that I really want to follow that golden chain down between her thighs. I once stated that I would never get myself pierced, but seeing that slender chain wrapped around that narrow waist and disappearing between her legs makes me think twice about that decision for it looks so dam inviting…it makes her look even more womanly than her perfect body does and inspires the eyes to follow.

    Instead of following my animal instinct, I allow Felicita to lead me to my bath and sure enough, I can tell that this is going to be a bath the likes of which I have never experienced. To start with, the purpose of the huge bath and her nakedness becomes apparent when Felicita climbs in with me.

    As I stated the bath is obscenely huge and takes the two of us easily and I have barely settled myself down into it when Felicita goes to work. Her hands are a wonder as she washes my hair and then my body. I so could become accustom to being spoiled like this. How easy it would be to say yes to Julian and never again have to worry. How easy it would be to live like this…

    Relax Perda…Trixie. Stop thinking and relax.

    Si…you keep that up and I will. I have to wonder if you treated Mr. Morales the dame way?

    Felicita not tell. You would not be happy if I blab to others all about you would you, well me not blab about Mr. Morales and you still think and talk too much.

    Felicita had cradled me in her arms as she washed me so I lean back against her warm body and try to command my body to relax.

    Felicita, where did you learn to do this?

    She is quiet for some time before she answers. So long in fact that I am beginning to wonder if she has any intention of answering. When she does, she starts slowly and haltingly. "When I am young, younger than I really remember I was given to woman and she teach me everything I need to know. My parents are

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