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How to Drop Your Misery and Suffering
How to Drop Your Misery and Suffering
How to Drop Your Misery and Suffering
Ebook73 pages52 minutes

How to Drop Your Misery and Suffering

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This Book treats the following important points in the course of discussion of the subject. Longing and Expectation Memory and Imagination Misery on the physical plane Misery on the mental plane Mind’s role in misery Dying to the past and living in the moment The journey of misery Misery and aggression Misery and intimacy The nature of an ideal decision Structure of security and misery The significance of death Misery patterns Misery Index and its Treatment Why misery Causes of Misery Courting an emotionally inconsistent person Living with persons incapable of fulfilling Finally it gives practical insights of wisdom and methods of change to overcome misery and suffering.

Release dateSep 6, 2013
How to Drop Your Misery and Suffering

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    How to Drop Your Misery and Suffering - Delvensoft

    Title page

    How to Drop Your Misery and Suffering

    by Delvensoft


    Copyright © 2013 Delvensoft

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Table of contents

    Title page


    Table of contents


    Memory and Imagination

    Misery on the physical plane

    Misery on the mental plane

    Mind’s role in misery

    The journey of misery

    Misery and aggression

    Misery and intimacy

    Misery patterns

    Misery Index and its Treatment

    Why misery

    Dealing with misery


    Life and living are never free from misery. Misery exists at every state and stage of life. If an unsettled individual is miserable, even the so-called settled are equally miserable, although with difference. People have a unit like family with unchanging members in it. They carry this unit wherever they are. There are people who do not have such unit. Their unit or units are on the change. It has variation in it. But, either way there is inevitable misery.

    Here is misery. It is borne in a let-go. Still the objective aspect of misery remains where it is, in spite of subjective strength to show indifference to it. It is effort on the subjective aspect.

    There is misery. A person makes efforts to end it. The efforts are to change the outside context. He tries to add something. Or he attempts to remove something. Within these efforts, there is misery--- during the activity and if it fails. Until the point of success misery persists.

    While the former example of subjective side is inactivity, the latter objective side is activity. The two different ways of dealing with misery.

    Emphasis on the fleeing nature, that it cannot last long, or that one's destiny is something else, and one has to go somewhere else—and this is only a waiting period helps to tolerate the misery; it is a survival measure.

    A single man may not have any family unit either by blood or by marriage. Or he may have the unit related by blood but not as yet, the unit related by marriage. If any existing unit is misery-causing because of lack of fulfillment of many needs and aspects of the individual personality, there is misery.

    The unbridgeable gulf between the degrees of awareness, depth of experience of life, ways of living and ways of thinking, differential approaches, everything when certainly incompatible and unadjustable, there is misery. The generation gap! The communication gap! No changes from both sides. No accommodation and no flexibility from either side, cause misery.

    Since the fundamental standpoints differ, there is no point of communication. Even attempting it would be felt futile. After tasting the delights, pleasures and fulfillments of the communion and harmony, with certain individuals, getting along with the un-fulfilling lot is definitely miserable.

    Just momentary interaction is so miserable with such persons who are divergent in every way. What to say of living together with them? If with them one is miserable than without them one can be non-miserable.

    Misery is a common phenomenon. Rarely anyone is totally free from misery, despite his or her differences in age. Their eyes show their misery. Sleeplessness or unfulfilling sleep due to the tensions and stress caused by misery. The anxiety for the uncertain and insecure future or the agony of the painful or glorious past creates misery on psychological plane.

    Basic units of misery

    Misery is essentially a mental game. Mind has certain set of language through which it plays the games. There are certain basic units for making or building the misery phenomenon.

    The major such items are (1) sleep disturbance (2) peace deprivation both due to thoughts of (3) memory of the past, and (4) fancies of the future, creating (5) expectations from the outside forces, like people, life, situation, opportunity, event, etc., and (6) longings that are built up within the mind, from the inside.


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