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Hester: Volume 2
Hester: Volume 2
Hester: Volume 2
Ebook37 pages29 minutes

Hester: Volume 2

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About this ebook

After the Ceremony Hester will become all things to all men...
Whatever their desire... whatever their perversion... she is there to accommodate them - ALL

This time it's the naughty sessions for Hester and her clients; every misdeed must have a consequence!

Teacher’s Pest
She knew that she was in trouble – AGAIN!
Lazy Lynette
“So that is three misdemeanours.”
She slapped the flat handled hairbrush into the palm of her hand a couple of times, and the maid swallowed as she heard that familiar thwacking noise.
“Take the position please.”

Nasty Nina
"Good evening Doctor Rogers – the ward is ready for your inspection.” she looked so prim and proper in that uniform that he just wanted to...
Her voice was quiet and calm, and as impeccable as that uniform...

Erotica - please be aware that there is sexual content between adults over the age of 18 throughout this novel, and therefore it is only suitable to 18 years and older.

Release dateSep 7, 2013
Hester: Volume 2

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    Book preview

    Hester - Adelaide Black


    Volume Two

    (The Naughty Sessions)


    Adelaide Black

    Please note that the characters in this story are entirely fictional, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

    HESTER Volume 2 Copyright© Adelaide Black 2012

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Teacher’s Pest!

    He just loved the outfit she had chosen for this evening.

    The short black skirt with the pleats so that it flared out whenever she moved, it showed off the length of her stocking clad legs, which he could not help but admire...

    His eyes started at the black stiletto shoes, to run all the way up as her skirt fanned out once again.

    He caught the flash of the red knickers, all frilly and lacy and just asking to be ripped off!

    It showed the matching red suspender belt which gripped the stocking tops, just like he wanted to grip her…

    His eyes drifted over her bare midriff, to lock on for a moment... to the knotted ends of her blouse… just like how he wanted to tie her up…

    The top was fastened by just two pathetic little buttons, which looked to be straining to hold in those gorgeous tits of hers. The buttons looked like they were going to ‘pop’ at any moment now…

    She was wearing a bright red bra under that thin white shirt, and her nipples were hard as she felt his hot eyes on her…

    She always managed to make herself look much younger than her actual years... much more innocent – than she actually was...

    Yes… he was going to get her… but good!


    She knew that she was in trouble – AGAIN!

    She had tried so very hard to behave; but as always her grumpy nature had gotten the best of her, and now she was held behind and waiting for ‘sir’ to come in, and begin her detention…

    He walked into the room with an air of arrogance that she knew boded ill

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