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Naughty Girls New Adult Boxed Set
Naughty Girls New Adult Boxed Set
Naughty Girls New Adult Boxed Set
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Naughty Girls New Adult Boxed Set

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Let Kitten, Rebel, Lyric and Jennifer take you on a passionate ride through their uninhibited lives. Full of emotion and twists and turns, this box set contains four of Lola Swain’s best-selling books in one hot collection. Filled with steamy tension and fiery release, from heartache to happiness, Naughty Girls gives you a sexy view into the lives of these four adventurous heroines. So blow off some steam and experience the naughtiness...because nice is dull. This book is meant for mature readers. All characters are eighteen and over.

PublisherLola Swain
Release dateSep 13, 2013
Naughty Girls New Adult Boxed Set

Lola Swain

Lola Swain is a best-selling author of erotica, erotic romance and mainstream fiction. Her works include the wildly popular Ties That Bind Chronicles, the To Protect And Service series, the Eight Maids A Milking Steampunk fairy tales and the Fifty Shades of Gay series. Lola Swain’s books appear digitally and in print on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,Apple and other retailers worldwide.If you would like to receive information on new releases, promotional codes for free or discounted books or to chat with Lola Swain, drop her a line at and sign up for her mailing list. You can also catch up with Lola Swain by visiting her blog at or on Twitter @LolaSwainAuthor.Viva La Kink!XOXO

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    Naughty Girls New Adult Boxed Set - Lola Swain

    Naughty Girls

    By Lola Swain

    Copyright 2013 Lola Swain and Pulp Friction Publishing, Inc.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen and over.

    Naughty Girls is volume one of the bundled edition of four best-selling books by Lola Swain featuring some of the sexiest women in fantasy, erotic romance and erotica. There’s something for everyone here and hopefully you’ll find a new something too. Check out the companion anthology: Naughty Boys Volume One in release here at Smashwords. Enjoy! xoxo

    Naughty Boys Volume Two is in release here at Smashwords

    Naughty Girls Volume Two is in release here at Smashwords

    Volume One includes the following titles:

    I AM My Brother’s Keeper from the Ties That Bind Chronicles

    Stone Cold Ass from The Bad Girls’ Club

    Wicked Playmates from The Master Captive Chronicles

    Restraint: The Billionaire’s Humiliation from The BDSM Billionaire Erotica series

    Lola Swain is a best-selling author of erotica, erotic romance and mainstream fiction. Her works include the wildly popular Ties That Bind Chronicles, the Fifty Shades of Gay series and the To Protect And Service series. Lola Swain’s books appear digitally and in print on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Apple and other retailers worldwide. To read additional books in Lola Swain’s catalog, click here for Smashwords.

    If you would like to receive information on new releases, promotional codes for free or discounted books or to chat with Lola Swain, drop her a line at and sign up for her mailing list. You can catch up with Lola Swain by visiting her website at

    Table of Contents

    I AM My Brother’s Keeper

    Stone Cold Ass

    Wicked Playmates

    Restraint: The Billionaire’s Humiliation

    I AM My Brother’s Keeper

    My stepsister Jessica and I didn’t speak about what happened at Susie Baker’s house until a few nights later while we were in our bathroom.

    The reactions we received from Susie and her maid after we finished was something completely unexpected to Jessica and I. They had a problem with something they did or something we did, that much was obvious. But why they had a problem, well, I’ll never know. I choose to only remember the good parts of that afternoon.

    During my shower that evening, I remembered what Jessica and I did with Susie Baker and her maid Mattie. And I did it in one of my favorite ways.

    I lie down on the floor of the tub, scoot my ass all the way to the drain and put my legs up against the shower wall so my pussy is positioned directly under the tap. The water is nice and warm and cascades down to my pussy in a steady, gentle stream.

    I thought about Jessica and I eating each other out, she sucking at my clit, me nibbling and tonguing her clit. I turned the hot water tap so the water was warmer and flowing quicker and lay back on the floor of the tub. I spread my legs wider so the water hit the hood of my clit and I pulled up on my pussy and exposed the little bud that brings me such pleasure.

    At the Baker’s house, my Jessica and I grinded our pussies together, scissoring, and thrust back and forth on Susie Baker’s bed as Susie watched us and rubbed her own soaking wet cunt. Jessica and I felt our clits twitching against each other after we came. It was intense.

    I sat up on my elbows in the tub and watched the water beating down on my pussy and my clit grew before my eyes. I braced my legs against the wall and lifted my hips higher toward the faucet. I felt the orgasm build in my clit and was just about to cum when the water went shockingly cold and I slid back from the faucet.

    Someone flushed the toilet in the bathroom.

    Jessica ripped the shower curtain back and looked down at me and smiled.

    Oh, did you fall, Kitten? Dropped the soap? Am I interrupting something? Jessica said and laughed.

    You know exactly what you are interrupting. I can’t believe you did that. What do you want? I said.

    I didn’t know what you were doing, Jessica said. I didn’t mean to bother you, so don’t worry. I want cock.

    Well, I don’t know what you’re doing here, I said as I stood from the tub and got out.

    My clit felt like what I imagined a cock felt like when it couldn’t come. Big and hard and throbbing and painful. I hate that ache. I always feel it and am always looking for a way to get rid of it.

    I’m going out tonight to look for cock, want to come? Jessica said as she brushed her long, wavy hair to selfish to care that she interrupted my masturbation session.

    No, I want to finish my homework, I said.

    What the fuck is wrong with you? Jessica said flung her hairbrush across the vanity and stared at me.

    Nothing. Just hand me a towel, please, I said.

    Oh, I get it. Kitten’s pissy because I interrupted your cum. Well, deal with it. Or better yet, let me make you cum, Jessica said and grabbed my arm and sat down on the floor.

    No. I don’t feel like it now, I said.

    You know, I was thinking about how amazing it felt when we were grinding our pussies together at the Baker’s house. I swear it was the best orgasm of my life, she said and pulled me down on the furry bathroom carpet next to her. Was it the best of your life?

    Yes, I lied.

    Lay back. I want to make you feel as amazing as you made me feel earlier, she said.

    Jessica grabbed one of my ankles and hung my left leg over the tub. She grabbed my other leg and hitched it onto the vanity and knelt between my legs. She unbuttoned her silk blouse and took off her bra. Her beautiful breasts bounced down and back up as she shifted.

    She opened the pocket door that led to her bedroom and lay down on her stomach, her legs half in her bedroom and half in the bathroom. I stretched out on the floor and relaxed.

    What a pretty pussy you have. Kitten, Jessica said as she parted my pussy lips with her fingers and blew softly on my clit.

    I shivered and felt the juices of my cunt flow. I squirmed and raised my hips beckoning her to suck my pussy.

    Jessica, fucking suck my cunt, I said.

    Kitten wants it bad, Jessica said giggled. "Ooh, I can see how bad you want it. You’re so fucking wet."

    The ache was unbearable. If my legs weren’t spread so far apart I would have slammed my knees against her head and drew her face into my pussy.

    Come on Jessica, please? I said.

    Beg, slut, she said.

    Jessica brought her lips to the point where I could only barely feel them against my pussy. I tried to lift my hips so my pussy lips hit her mouth, but she pinned my thighs down so I couldn’t move.

    What did I say? Jessica said.

    I felt the warmth of her breath on my pussy lips and my clit felt like it would explode. She dug her long nails into my thighs and she brushed her chin back and forth one time against my clit. My clit throbbed as it grew bigger and lifted on its own from the hood.

    Look at that clit. It’s like a little cock. Do you want that little cock of yours sucked? Jessica said.

    Yes, please suck it, I said.

    Jessica lifted one of her tits from underneath her and rubbed her hard nipple between the folds of my cunt. She swirled it around my clit and I felt a jolt in my lower back branch out to my inner thighs and hit my pussy with a shock. I struggled against Jessica’s hands, trying to lift my hips to force her mouth on my achy clit.

    "Then I want you to say it, Kitten. Say: Jessica, please suck my little cock."

    She flicked her erect nipple back and forth against my erect clit while she dug her nails deeper into my thighs. I twisted my right nipple between my fingers while I brought my other tit into my mouth and sucked on the nipple.

    Say it Kitten or you’re not going to get this little cock sucked, Jessica said and rubbed her nipple faster around my clit.

    Jessica, please suck my little cock, I said.

    Jessica took her hands off my legs and grabbed her hairbrush off the vanity. She ran the bristles of the brush against my pussy and purred.

    Does sissy like her pretty kitty brushed? Jessica said.

    Yes, I said.

    Maybe sissy should get her pretty kitty fucked, Jessica said.

    Jessica slid back slightly on her stomach away from my pussy and turned the handle of the brush toward my pussy.

    Pull up on your pussy so that little cock doesn’t hide from me, Jessica said.

    I reached down and pulled up with both hands as Jessica inserted the rubber, nubby handle of her brush into my wet pussy. She twisted the handle and moved it slowly in and back out of my pussy. The walls of my cunt gripped the handle and I felt every ridge, bump and nub of the rubber as she slid the brush handle in and out of my pussy.

    Jessica came up on her knees and bowed her head and put her glossy lips around my hard, throbbing clit while she fucked me with the brush.

    Harder, I said and moaned. Suck my little cock harder!

    Jessica tightened her lips around my clit and sucked harder as she moved her head up and down as if she was giving a blow job.

    Fuck yeah, I said. Fuck me harder, Jess! Fuck me harder!

    Jessica plunged the brush handle into my pussy and twisted it two or three times before she pulled it out. She did this over and over again as she sucked harder and harder on my clit. I lifted my hips and widened my legs as I raised my body into a back bend on my shoulders. When I turned my head to the side and opened my eyes, I saw his legs.

    I looked up and my stepfather Michael stood over and me.

    Naked and yanking on his big, beautiful cock, Michael watched his daughter fuck his stepdaughter with a brush and suck on her clit like a cock.

    I felt embarrassed at first until I concentrated on Michael’s hand sliding up and down his cock faster and faster. I watched his stomach muscles tighten as he pounded his cock harder. He looked down into my eyes once and then looked back to watch Jessica eating me out while he masturbated.

    Jessica sucked and fucked me harder and I felt the tingling intensifying as the wave of orgasm lifted me up. I watched the sheer bliss on Michael’s face while he watched his two girls and jacked his cock. He knelt down over me and straddled my head until his balls were right above my mouth.

    Suck them, he said.

    He looked into my eyes and I brought both his balls into my mouth and sucked as hard as Jessica sucked on my clit. He hammered at his cock faster as he tensed up and ripped his balls from my wet mouth and let out a long, low moan. He came all over my tits and then bent down and kissed my nipples. I arched my back as my orgasm exploded in my clit and screamed.

    Fuck! I said as I squirted into Jessica’s mouth.

    She lapped it all up and took the brush handle out of my pussy. She stood from between my legs and put the handle in her mouth and sucked all my pussy juice

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