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Married to the Trillionaires
Married to the Trillionaires
Married to the Trillionaires
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Married to the Trillionaires

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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One hundred years after the decision to outlaw childbirth and move to a more humane form of procreation, the earth has very few females left. Most of those are unable to become pregnant, due to a faulty system. Trillionaires Bill, John, David and Steve band together and bid on an auction for one of the few “breeding females” left. They plan it out as coldly as they would any other kind of business deal, knowing that down the road, they will eventually sell off any daughters born of the union.
April, a young woman sheltered from the outside world, is told by her father that he needs money and will be selling her at an auction to the highest bidder. He does his best to protect her in the auction, but she has no choice in the matter. April goes into the situation with a positive attitude, not expecting to fall for the men so quickly. When she finds out her plans for the future of her children, she must decide if her love of the men is stronger than the love of any children she may bear.

Release dateOct 3, 2013
Married to the Trillionaires

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Reviews for Married to the Trillionaires

Rating: 3.95 out of 5 stars

20 ratings3 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a strange and unconventional romance that keeps them engaged. The author's writing style is described as clinical and sharp, which some readers find to be a drawback. However, the book is highly recommended for fans of multiple partner relationships. Overall, the book is described as very hot and romantic, leaving readers wanting more.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    VERY HOT! Woo! I couldn't put it down...more romantic than I thought and hot sex...I want more! ?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a naughty, sexy read that had me flipping the pages and staying up way too late. My only issue was the author seemed afraid of her own voice. If I can explain it correctly, I was too clinical the writing style. To sharp and proper. It's unconventional romance, let it go and allow it all to happen. Other than that, good read. Highly recommend for the multiple partner fans.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    What a weird ending to a strange book.

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Married to the Trillionaires - Ella Mansfield

Married to the Trillionaires

Book One of Ménage for Mankind

By Ella Mansfield

Copyright 2013

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

One hundred years after the decision to outlaw childbirth and move to a more humane form of procreation, the earth has very few females left. Most of those are unable to become pregnant, due to a faulty system. Trillionaires Bill, John, David and Steve band together and bid on an auction for one of the few breeding females left. They plan it out as coldly as they would any other kind of business deal, knowing that down the road, they will eventually sell off any daughters born of the union.

April, a young woman sheltered from the outside world, is told by her father that he needs money and will be selling her at an auction to the highest bidder. He does his best to protect her in the auction, but she has no choice in the matter. April goes into the situation with a positive attitude, not expecting to fall for the men so quickly. When she finds out her plans for the future of her children, she must decide if her love of the men is stronger than the love of any children she may bear.

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Chapter One

Bill tilted onto the back two legs of his chair facing his three closest friends. I wish there were some of those around who were younger. He sighed as he gestured to a woman in her mid-sixties taking turns dancing with all the men in the bar. He lifted his glass in a toast. To women.

The other men lifted their glasses and repeated after him. To women!

Bill was thirty and had only touched a couple of women in his entire life. He’d never had the opportunity to make love to one, no matter how much he wished he had. Three generations back, it had been decided that there was no need for women to go through the difficulties of childbirth any longer, so they’d gone to a pod system. The eggs were removed from women in a painless procedure, and only the smartest men were allowed to donate sperm. The eggs were fertilized by injecting one sperm into each egg, and the embryos were then placed into a pod. It saved women from the dangers of childbirth.

It wasn’t until they were ready to start the second generation of babies, when the first of the girls born in the pod came forward to donate their eggs that they realized their mistake. Yes, they knew that there had been less girls than boys born, but it had been a few years before they realized how frail the pod girls were. And even worse? Every single one of them had been sterile. The doctors were uncertain why it had happened, and they didn’t know what to do to prevent it. Now, all the surviving women were in their sixties and up, and there was no hope for any more females to be born.

There were only a few small religious pockets of people on earth who had refused to stop real childbirth and now those few girls they’d given birth to were in high demand. Bill had a plan, though, and with the help of his friends, they could make it happen. He just had to convince them.

He looked out over the others. John was a former football player. He was tall with dark hair and eyes. He liked to play and laugh, but like the others, he refused to turn to men for his sexual needs. He preferred his fist over the butt of another man. He now coached college football there in Dallas.

David was tall with blond hair and green eyes. He and John had met in college, and he’d been John’s agent when he’d joined the World Football League. He’d picked up other clients here and there, and had soon made his first trillion in agency fees. Bill had known both David and John for over five years.

Steve was the only black man of the group. Most people weren’t a specific race anymore anyway, because of all the racial mingling, but Steve was definitely of African-American origins. He was a botanist and had developed a plant that grew complete nutrition, but tasted like chocolate. He’d quickly cornered the diet market and several trillion dollars later, was sitting in an upscale Dallas bar with his friends.

Bill cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. I know you’re all wondering why I asked you here this evening. Every eye was focused on him, just as he preferred when he held business meetings. His friends didn’t know this was a business meeting yet, but they were about to. I’ve heard about an auction that’s about to take place in Wisconsin. He rested on his elbows, leaning forward onto the table.

There were quizzical looks on the other men’s faces as he said that. What could they possibly need that they could get in Wisconsin and not in Texas? Wisconsin was a backward place with only a couple of large cities and lots of farmers. He pulled a photo from his pocket and threw it down onto the table. The smiling face of a pretty blue-eyed blond girl stared up at them all.

David was the first to grab it. He stared down at the picture and swallowed hard. Pod girl? he asked as he passed the picture on.

Bill shook his head. She was one of the few women born in secret to some religious nuts. The father is ready to retire now, and she’s finishing school tomorrow. He grinned as he watched his friends’ reactions to the beautiful girl. She’s ready.

John couldn’t take his eyes off her innocent, pretty face. How much are we talking about? John was obviously interested in the girl, but he was very much about his bottom dollar.

Bill shrugged. There’s never been an auction like this. The girl’s a virgin. Her father says she’s never even been kissed. I had the medical report sent to me, so I could be certain. She’s twenty-one. From what I can tell, she has no clue she’s one of a few fertile women left. He studied his friends’ faces as he gave them all the information he had. Were they as interested as he was?

What’s your guess? Steve asked. Bill was the accountant for the other three, and his guesses were usually spot on.

I’m thinking she’ll be upwards of five. He wasn’t going to lie to his friends. He wanted them to be fully aware if they went into this venture with him.

Steve made a face. Five billion? That’s a lot of money. Even for men with our wealth.

Bill shook his head. Five trillion. He watched as the other men stared at him in shock. None of them would pay five trillion for a girl. That was crazy! I have a plan. He pulled open his briefcase and gave them each a contract, explaining what his proposition was. He sat back and watched as they scanned it.

David was the first to finish. So, you’d be married to her, but we’d all get an hour with her every night? He looked thoughtful.

Bill nodded. That’s right. Would they each be willing to pay a trillion to get the rights to time with a girl?

Steve looked at bill. And we’d all profit when the daughters were sold? He wasn’t sure how he felt about that part of things. The others would never be sure if a daughter was theirs or not unless a paternity test was done. It would be obvious with him.

That’s right. We’d make sure we all knew who had fathered each son, but the daughters? We’ll sell them all as soon as they’re of age. Bill hated the idea of selling off their daughters, but it made the deal so much more of a business proposition and not one of just four horny men trying to score with a pretty girl.

John finally looked up. So you’re saying I can stop using sex toys and my hands? I can have sex with this girl every single day? No one will stop me? He lifted an eyebrow questioningly. He wanted to make sure he understood where his money would be going.

That’s the idea, Bill told him. It’s a huge investment to start with, but we all get a girl we can screw regularly, and then we get our money back when we sell her daughters in twenty years. We can all afford to wait for that. He knew each of their financial situations as well as he knew his own.

David crossed his arms over his chest thinking about it. It makes sense. I’m in.

John looked at David. You’re my agent. It’s your job to read contracts for me.

David shrugged. John is in, too.

Bill laughed. You two were an easy sell.

David shrugged. I think we’re all starved for more than just the old holos of women we have at home that we masturbate to. He looked over at Steve. You in?

Steve nodded slowly. If I know one of the girls is mine, and I don’t want to sell her, what happens?

Bill pointed to a clause at the end of the contract. "I had a feeling you’d wonder that. ‘Paragraph seven, section c) in

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