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Tithing- Robbing And Stealing From God's People
Tithing- Robbing And Stealing From God's People
Tithing- Robbing And Stealing From God's People
Ebook114 pages2 hours

Tithing- Robbing And Stealing From God's People

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Brother Amartey’s book, “Tithing – Robbing And Stealing From God’s People is one of, if not the best, book I have ever read on tithing and why it is not a principle which should be taught in the Church today! It is a book about “the deceit, the sophistry, the manipulation and the harassment of the redeemed of the Lord by greedy dogs, and it must stop!” While it takes money to support and fund the actions of the church, as Brother Amartey agrees, this is no reason for “preachers” to be placing burdens, threats, intimidation, condemnation, guilt or pronouncing a curse upon God's ( YHVH’s) people simply because a person does not tithe.
"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." Revelation 12:10.
The Levitical Priesthood had become as corrupt and greedy as man could be and for this God (YHVH) spoke forth a curse upon them. Satan is the accuser of God's( YHVH’s) children but today many “preachers” serve him as they bring forth accusations against Christians in respect to the tithe. As these “preachers” bring forth their accusations and curses they unknowingly bring God's ( YHVH’s) curse to the Levitical priesthood upon themselves.

The shaming, the cursing and the raping of God's ( YHVH’s) children via the tithe has to stop and it has to stop today!
Brother Amartey’s book is a step in that direction. It behooves all of God's ( YHVH’s) children to read this book and to present a copy to their pastor and all of the church board members as well.

Dr. Eric F. Aschendorf DD, DCS
Rabbi, Pastor & Founder of:
Tree of Life Ministries Association
Association of Completed Jews

We've heard about the blessings of tithing and the curses
which come upon those who don't tithe. We're told that when we don't prosper or succeed or whatever problem we face in life, it's all because we don't tithe. Greedy and unscrupulous preachers have misapplied Scriptures to manipulate and coerce Christians to pay tithes as a condition for blessing and success in life.

Tithing is a religious scam that has been perpetrated on Christians for generations by greedy and unscrupulous preachers to rob and steal from God's people and this book exposes all the lies of tithing and demolishes them by the Word of God. It is written in a simple and straightforward manner so that the reader could understand and make an informed decision about tithing, and not live under a burden of guilt, shame or curse.

Most importantly, this book shows what the Lord Jesus has accomplished for us through His redemption and resurrection and all the blessings, power and victory we have through Him, thereby encouraging believers to give cheerfully to the Lord's work through the living way of giving.

Tithing puts Christians back under the old covenant and it is time for the people to know the truth to set them free from the lies, deceit and manipulation of greedy and unscrupulous preachers and to enjoy the freedom, victory and blessings we have in Jesus Christ.

This book will help you to understand tithing and why it's not relevant today.
It exposes the lies, deceit and manipulations by greedy preachers.
It demolishes the lies of tithing with the Word of God.
It helps you to understand the blessings, victory, power and authority we have through Jesus Christ.
It gives you understanding so you could support the Lord's work cheerfully,abundantly and conscientiously.
It helps you to know the truth so you could be set free in the name of Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world.

Release dateOct 1, 2013
Tithing- Robbing And Stealing From God's People

Brother Amartey

Brother Amartey is an ordained minister called to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the founder of Gospel Faith Revival, an evangelistic and teaching ministry in Ghana, West Africa.He is currently in the United States as an African missionary to America, proclaiming revival, preparing and stirring up the saints for revival through repentance and intercession.His first book is Tithing: Robbing and Stealing from God's People, a must-read for any Christian who wants to understand biblical tithing and how many false preachers today are using tithing to rob and steal from the redeemed of the Lord whom He has bought with His own blood.He lives in Atlanta and is available for speaking on revivals, and can be reached through

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    Book preview

    Tithing- Robbing And Stealing From God's People - Brother Amartey

    Tithing -

    Robbing and Stealing From

    God’s People

    By Brother Amartey

    This book is the sole property of Brother Amartey. No reproduction is allowed without written consent of Brother Amartey. You can contact Brother Amartey at You can follow him on Twitter @Revival4Now.

    Tithing - Robbing and Stealing From God’s People

    Written and Published by Brother Amartey

    Formatted by Christine Keleny of CKBooks Publishing

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and you did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is dedicated to all those who are seeking the truth about TITHING and are willing to search the Scriptures for the truth. The word of God is truth, and you would know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32; John 17:17.

    Please have your Bible with you as read this book so you could check the Scriptures for yourself. Scripture references in this book are taken from the King James Bible.



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6


    About Brother Amartey


    Ever since the article, TITHING IS ROBBING AND STEALING FROM GOD’S PEOPLE appeared in the Ghanaian media, I have been bombarded with several emails from around the world. Many of the letters are seeking clarification about tithing. Others came with their views supporting tithing, while some asked for copies of the articles to be sent to friends and families to enlighten them on the subject.

    As would be expected, tithing proponents were mad at the publication, but none of them could offer any evidence from the Scriptures that tithing is for the church today, except to say that, The tithe is the Lord’s (Leviticus 17:30). Or that tithing is God’s way of blessing or the connection to the covenant blessing. Some even asked me to pray to God for a revelation about tithing! Some charged that I made references to the New Testament while ignoring Old Testament Scriptures, and that we have to consider the whole counsel of God, and not just the New Testament. Here, now, we have the whole counsel of God regarding tithing, from Genesis to Revelation.

    My teachers taught me tithing and I have taught and preached tithing, and when I did, I got results! Very early in ministry, I was very much into the prosperity gospel, but I soon realized it was all a sham! It began when I read Acts 17:10-11, and I started to examine the Scriptures by myself. And now, I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation (Psalm 119:99).

    Tithing is a big con game, a religious scam that has been perpetrated on Christians either through ignorance or greed or both! It is robbing and stealing from God’s people, by manipulating and twisting Scriptures, coercing, threatening, intimidating and cursing the Lord’s people into bringing their money, supposedly to support the church. Many false prophets and teachers are in the church today, robbing and stealing from God’s people and amassing wealth on the backs of the people. Today the church is more about money than about souls and the greedy preachers cannot get enough. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: They all look to their own way, everyone for his gain, from his quarter (Isaiah 54:11). And it is time for a reawakening, for the Lord’s people to begin to study and understand the Scriptures so they don’t become easy preys to wolves in sheep’s clothing. It is time to understand the glorious benefits of our salvation through Jesus Christ, and that true blessings come from obedience and faith in Him and not through tithing.

    Some of the letters I received were couched in a language that could easily confound anyone who is not well-versed in the Scriptures, and this is how the greedy prosperity preachers are able to deceive multitudes with their lies, deceit, manipulations, sophistries and doctrines of men to rob and steal from God’s people. Therefore, this book is about expounding and explaining the whole issue of tithing, so the ordinary believer could understand and make an informed decision about tithing.

    I have tried to answer every conceivable question in the light of the Bible and to put this matter to rest, once and for all. As you read this book, I exhort you to have your Bible with you to check the Scriptures for yourself to see how the false doctrine of mandatory tithing for believers is exposed and demolished. This book will help you to refute the claims of tithing proponents with the word of God. It will help you to demolish their arguments and expose the nakedness of their deceit and lies. Most importantly, it will help you to see what the Lord Jesus has accomplished for us through His redemptive work on the cross and His resurrection and to support His work cheerfully and conscientiously.

    Greedy preachers have replaced giving by the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit with a principle of tithing which is not relevant to the church today, but a means to manipulate people through their deceit and sophistries to rob and steal from God’s people. This book is about renewing our minds about the false doctrine of tithing to the new and living way of giving in Jesus Christ. It’s about being led by the Spirit of God instead of being driven by the lies, deceit, manipulations and sophistries of greedy preachers who cannot have enough.

    Many Christians have heard about paying tithes as a condition for blessing, prosperity, success, breakthrough, victory and breaking curses upon our lives....

    We’ve been told that when we don’t get that promotion, when we don’t get married, when we don’t have children, when things are not working well for us, it is because we have robbed God and are cursed with a curse, but these are all lies, lies, lies!

    Tithing is not only a problem for the church in Africa, but also in America, Europe, Asia and the whole world, and it is my hope that this book would throw much light on the subject in accordance with the Bible. It is time the people know the truth of the gospel, and the truth shall set us free indeed, in the name of Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith and the Captain of our salvation (Hebrews 2:10; 12:2).

    This is a simple and straightforward book that expounds and explains the teaching on tithing.

    1. It helps you to understand tithing and why it's not relevant today.

    2. It exposes the lies, deceit and manipulations by greedy preachers.

    3. It demolishes the lies of tithing with the word of God.

    4. It helps you to understand the blessings, victory, power and authority we have in Jesus Christ.

    5. It helps you to know the truth so you can be set free in the name of Jesus Christ.

    6. It gives you understanding so you could support the Lord’s work cheerfully and conscientiously.

    Brother Amartey,

    Atlanta, Georgia.

    September 13, 2013.



    To begin our discussion on tithing, we need to go back to the beginning, to Genesis, the book of beginnings. Please take your Bible and read Genesis 14:1-24. This is where we find the very first record of tithing:

    And blessed be the most high God who has delivered your enemies into your hands. And he gave him TITHES of all (Genesis 14:20).

    In these verses, we learn that Abraham was returning from war. With the help of his allies and some three hundred and eighteen trained servants, Abraham defeated the kings who had earlier conquered Sodom and Gomorrah and taken the people captive, including his nephew,

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