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Embracing the Light
Embracing the Light
Embracing the Light
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Embracing the Light

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The toddlers are spending the day at Gabriel and Eden’s and as they gather they find a new speed... supersonic... in the way of toddlers the world over there is nothing slower, and they are ready to challenge the world. Marious’ sons are there, proving the adage, “like father like sons” and Gabriel’s sons, are another chip off the block. The girls are not going to allow the boys to show them up, and are quite capable of rising to the challenge. It doesn’t take long for the competition to begin. Of course there are those who don’t feel the need to compete, they are just there for the fun. Some may even get a glimpse into their future, and others are already showing signs of being haunted by powers they will never be able to live with easily.

As the day progresses Daroth begins to welcome his guests to the festival as everyone is interested to see what this new tradition is all about. They have heard a lot about this festival of Daroth’s. Will it live up to their expectations? Would the people in their Kingdoms enjoy it too? All these questions and more are answered in this wild romp as Marious and Branith lead their band of merrymakers into the crowd for a little fun, and with those two in the lead you can’t help but ask, is anyone safe? The toddlers are definitely ready to join the celebration as they follow their leader into the spirit of the season as they all prepare to ‘Embrace The Light’

PublisherM.A. Abraham
Release dateNov 15, 2013
Embracing the Light

M.A. Abraham

I don’t really know what to say about myself. I have been writing books since before I became a teenager. Most are still hidden in the closet. I used to make up my own stories as a child, everyone used to act them out while we were playing outside. As a teenager someone issued me a challenge. I told her that her stories stunk, she told me to do better. My job growing up was to play guardian to my little brother, keep him safe. That meant I ended up getting into more fights than enough – makes sense now that I write about warriors. My family will try to tell you that I’m not innocent, I have a personality that keeps them on their toes. Over my lifetime and theirs I have earn several nicknames – The Godmother, The Evil Christmas Elf (comes from making my nieces wrap their own Christmas presents), Mistress of Ambush. My favorite response to them when they try to get me into trouble is just to look at them with a wide doe eyed expression and say “Moi?????” I have a seal point Siamese cat named Snoop, named after my favorite cartoon character and hobby. I have a “healthy” but small collection of Snoopy memorabilia. He is a character alright; never met a cat who can talk back like he does. He expects daily dosages of adoration on his schedule when he wants it – not when it’s convenient for me and he HATES snow. I come from a very large family (mostly brothers) and I could outrun the whole works of them (I’m the shortest!). It was called survival. This book has been in the making for a long time now. Over a half a year to write it, about the same amount of time to edit it, and probably about the same amount of time to get the art work and website! I have learned you can’t control the timelines of other people – Murphy likes to step in. So for now I am setting up good luck charms everywhere... didn’t know I had that many stuffed Snoopy’s. *Fingers, legs, toes, eyes and anything else I can crossed*

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    Book preview

    Embracing the Light - M.A. Abraham


    Published by M.A. Abraham

    Copyright 2013


    I would like to take this time to thank my editors, Eniko and Morganna for their continued support and efforts in correcting my poor grammar and literary efforts. Without them my books would be unfit for reading. I would also like to thank Candice for her proofreading ability … she continues to catch what everyone misses. A good backup team is priceless and I hope someday to be able to find a way to repay each of you for your support… and Becca… what can we say, you continue to be my foremost reason for being out in the public eye, your talents are endless.


    Do you hear what I hear? Eden murmured sleepily as she cuddled in closer to Gabriel under the covers.

    Gabriel gave a resigned sigh as he groaned. Yes, he heard. Unfortunately. Their nice, warm, comfortable bed was about to be invaded by six rambunctious Elven toddlers.

    I am on it.

    A quick spell uttered in haste as the door to Gabriel and Eden’s sleeping quarters slammed open barely beat their two sets of triplets to their destination. They were not going to be caught naked in bed by their children. Within moments, their squealing, giggling, and bouncing toddlers smothered Gabriel and Eden. The attack had been led by Gildren and planned by Jerrol. Gabriel knew exactly who had set up the strategy and who directed the maneuver.

    Eden was quick to react to the attack, which was a good thing as Eärwen lost her balance and almost went over the side. She gave a giggle as her mother caught her around the waist and pulled her back onto the mattress. Ennacas jumped on her and she regained her balance. Ennacas showed no more regard for safety than her sister.

    Gildren and Jerrol grabbed the pillows that had been left vacant by Eden and started pummeling each other with them as they tripped and fell over their father. When Gabriel reached out to capture them, they shrieked and dove to attack him. Their two brothers were right behind them. Gabriel laughed as he attempted to control his sons and objected through his chuckles.

    No fair. Four against one.

    Defend your territory or surrender. Gildren crowed as he jumped on Gabriel’s stomach, landing on his small bottom.

    Prepare to go down in defeat, Gabriel warned as he took the blanket that had kept him warm earlier and covered the four boys with it.

    No fair, Timorean objected before calling in reinforcements.

    By this time, Eden had both Ennacas and Eärwen as subdued as two squirming, giggling girls could get. She knew what was going to happen next. One of the boys would find a way out from under the confining cover and reform a counter attack.

    Eden didn’t count on a second and third strike attack force getting in on the game. She had not been paying attention to what was going on in the rest of the house and only had a moment’s warning before another eight Elven toddlers invaded the room. The arrival of more children so early in the day meant it was second middle week, their turn to spend the day with the Eagle Claw group.

    Auntie Eden, Larien screamed her battle cry as she tackled Eden from behind the knees and Eden went down like a pile of bricks.

    Eden felt the impact, felt her knees buckle and knew she was about to fall. To prevent injuries, she tossed Ennacas and Eärwen onto the bed as she flailed with her arms to catch her balance. The girls screamed in glee as they flew through the air before racing to help their new comrades at arms rescue their brothers. When they had achieved that objective, they turned their attentions back to their mother. Ennacas sounded the order.


    Gabriel suddenly found himself the focus of nine tiny Elven Warriors and noted things were about to get serious. Gildren grabbed a length of his father’s rope and, with a few quick orders he had heard Gabriel use in the past, he tied Gabriel’s feet together. Gabriel was more than a little shocked that his son knew the order to make the rope work. Where had he learned that? He took a quick look at Eden and noted she was having her own problems.

    Five Elven girls were bouncing all around Eden. She was pinned to the floor. Ennacas was sitting on her mother’s abdomen and Larien was sitting on her chest. The other three were crawling all over her as they laughed and joined in the fun. Eden left it go on for a little while longer then decided it was time to bring the game to a halt.

    Maple butter pancakes for breakfast. Help your father and uncle break free from the boys. Show them you are just as powerful as they are. Attack. Eden ordered.

    Five screaming, giggling female Elven Warrior toddlers scrambled off Eden to climb onto the bed to attack their brothers. Soon, Gabriel was covered in tiny Elven bodies battling for supremacy. Five girls versus the nine boys, the boys didn’t stand a chance. Gabriel was on the bottom of the pile and every now and then, you could hear him give off a gasp as a foot or elbow landed in the wrong place, or a small body would overbalance and land on him.

    Eden got up, dusted off her clothing and turned to face four smiling parents.

    Pancakes for everyone? Eden offered.

    Marious leaned back against the doorsill and laughed harder while Torrent asked.

    You are not going to leave Gabriel like that are you?

    Like what? Eden asked innocently.

    He is on the bottom of that pile of barbarians. Torrent spoke as if he was slightly outraged, but the grin spread across his face told the real story. He was having the time of his life.

    "Gabriel is a big boy

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