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It's Mine
It's Mine
It's Mine
Ebook39 pages37 minutes

It's Mine

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This was described to me as a fun story of action and adventure. A man sees a meteorite hit the ground near him, only to discover that it is a mystical gem from outer space. This is the first time humans realize that there are things, not of this earth, more precious than diamonds, more alluring than any gem, any gold. All he wants is to keep it for himself. Although, keeping it is not that easy, as anybody that sees it, tries to take it away from him. Will he be able to keep it? The chase is on, the battle begins as he runs for his life, desperate to keep the gem. Although, his is not the only one. But in his situation, the other gems do not matter, as they are unknown, not yet realized to the people around him. All they want is his. It is a desperate situation for anybody that possesses one of these gems.

PublisherG. G. Gregory
Release dateSep 23, 2013
It's Mine

G. G. Gregory

I am originally from Michigan, and now live in the great state of Oregon. I spend a lot of time hiking and snowshoeing in the Cascade Mountain Range. I always wanted to be a writer. I was given many clues that I should pursue that dream. When living in Michigan, one day I walked into a Psychics Boutique looking for self help books. The lady that owned the store, walked up to me and asked what I was doing here? I answered looking for a book. She said no, what are you doing here? You do not belong here. You should be on the west coast somewhere doing something artistic, like writing music or books. You do not belong here. As strange as I thought that was, I took it to heart and moved. Being on the west coast is very insperational for me. They say writers write, and I do that every day. Some of my stories come from personal experience with a twist. I watch people in situations, and then I twist them into stories. I have dreams that wake me, and send running to my keyboard, or, jotting the idea on paper. Some people think I am insane, crazy, and they ask, "How do you come up with this stuff?" Maybe I am a little crazy, or totally nuts. My mind is always looking, going over the scenes, running through dialogue. I love hearing , "Oh, I was not expecting that," or "That's scary. What if it is true." My friends are always asking when I am going to be done with my next story or novel, because they know I will let them read it the day after I publish.

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    Book preview

    It's Mine - G. G. Gregory

    It’s Mine


    G. G. Gregory

    Published by

    G. G. Gregory on Smashwords


    Smashwords Edition

    It’s Mine

    Copyright © 2013 by G. G. Gregory

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your retailer, and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents

    Part One

    Part Two

    The End

    Part One

    I always loved stargazing, and watching for a falling star. Often at night after getting off work, I would drive my custom silver 1973 Chevelle into a vacant field surrounded by forest. The field was close to home and it gave me the best view of the sky. Tonight, I was alone, like most nights. My girlfriend Chrissie had to work, like usual.

    It was the beginning of fall; the air was cool and the mosquitoes were not out to bother me. The sky was clear; easy to see the falling stars, and this was the time to watch. It was the season and there were plenty. Some of them were big and long lasting, leaving long light streaks across the star littered sky. Most of them were orange or white, but occasionally I would see a green or blue one.

    Then from the north came a giant bright orange fireball. Pieces of it broke away from the main ball. I watched in awe; eyes unblinking as the main ball flew over and disappeared in the southern sky. It had to have been a monstrous asteroid.

    I could have sworn I heard the roar of its flames as it blazed by. It might have been one piece that broke off that I heard; still aflame as it pounded into the ground no more than 100 feet away from where I had parked. Holy shit!

    I ran like a little boy at Christmas time to claim my present, and found that it was still glowing bright orange. It was the size of my clenched fist, shaped like a russet potato, and radiated heat as hot as a burning coal in a fire pit. I waited until it cooled down. Minutes passed as I sat there on the ground with my legs curled under me. I stared at it, jittery and anxious to claim it.

    It was no longer a burning orange, but it still radiated a lot of heat. I started thinking of a way to pick it up. Then I thought of radiation, radioactive material. What if it had been a satellite that spun out of control, went blasting across the sky, bounced off of the atmosphere and lost a piece of itself; its power source, its nuclear power source. Do they even use nuclear stuff to power satellites?

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