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Bad Boys Escort Service Grant McCray Book 4
Bad Boys Escort Service Grant McCray Book 4
Bad Boys Escort Service Grant McCray Book 4
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Bad Boys Escort Service Grant McCray Book 4

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About this ebook

Grant McCray feels something is wrong with him, all his clients are older women. He meets a vibrate sexy woman and has fanatic sexy with her. She becomes obsessive and screams abuse at him. He confused by her behavior. He has never abused a woman in his life. Will she destroy him with the accusations of abuse, not only once but twice?

PublisherSally Lovell
Release dateSep 23, 2013
Bad Boys Escort Service Grant McCray Book 4

Sally Lovell

Live in small town in Michigan. Owned Hair and Tanning Salon for 15 years. Decided to try my hand at writing e-books. Which has been a trip. It is exciting and frustrating all in one. But I love it. With the help of my family, which is two teenage daughters and my husband and two dogs, they have been vary patient with me. It especially with all the frustration of the formatting of the book.

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    Bad Boys Escort Service Grant McCray Book 4 - Sally Lovell

    Bad Boys Escort Service

    Grant McCray Book 4

    Sally Lovell

    Bad Boys Escort Service

    Grant McCray Book 4

    Sally Lovell

    Copyright 2013 Sally Lovell

    Published by Sally Lovell

    This e-Book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. If you would like to share this e-Book with another person, you must purchase an additional copy for each reader. This e-Book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

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    Chapter 1

    Grant McCray and his brother sat in LaRaido’s Bar, having a few beers and relaxing after cleaning the barn and stalls. Grant heard a familiar laugh seeing Jackie, his sister-in-law and soon-to-be sister-in-law Jennifer, who was marrying Sawyer in a couple of weeks. They walked towards him and Harley with Trish, Jennifer's sister, and two other women.

    The women were carrying drinks in their hands. Grant figured it must be a bachelorette party for Jennifer since she was wearing a sash that said Bride to Be. They were all chattering as they walked by Grant and Harley, not even noticing them. Harley reached out, slapping Trish on the ass.

    What the fuck! Trish exclaimed in surprise, looking over her shoulder to see who the balls to slap her on the ass.

    Hello, ladies! Harley said, laughing.

    Grant, Harley, what the hell are you doing here? Jackie asked.

    Just having a few beers and relaxing after cleaning out the barns, Grant said, smiling.

    We are here to have some fun with the Bride-to-be, Jackie stated.

    Jennifer can’t drink, Harley stated.

    Well, I know that, Harley. Jennifer doesn't need to drink to have some fun, Jackie stated.

    I will drink for Jennifer, Trish said, laughing.

    I am sure you will, Trish, Jackie replied.

    Do you have a table? Grant asked, looking around, not seeing any empty tables available.

    Hey, Trish, do you have a table for us? Jackie asked.

    No, and I don't see any empty table either, Trish yelled back.

    You ladies can sit with us. We have the room. We just have to find a couple extra chairs, Harley stated.

    Great! Trish replied. They found a couple more chairs not being used, pulling them up to the table.

    Jennifer, are you ready to marry our bother in a couple of weeks? Harley asked, smiling.

    More than ready. I can't believe we only have a couple of weeks left. I am getting really nervous too. Jennifer said, trying not to remember the last wedding that was supposed to happen but didn't because Bo McCray died in a car accident.

    Nothing will happen to Sawyer, Grant said softly, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze.

    I hope not because I couldn’t go through it again, Jennifer replied.

    Okay, enough of that thought. You are here to have fun with your friends. Grant said, smiling.

    You are right. I am sure my sister will make an ass out of herself tonight, Jennifer said, looking at her sister.

    So when are you going to settle down? Grant asked Trish.

    Ha, ha, you are a funny man, Grant McCray. I haven’t found a man that can keep up with me, Trish stated.

    I bet I could if you gave me half a chance, Harley said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

    Unfortunately, Harley, you are ten years too young for me, Trish remarked.

    Age shouldn’t matter if I can satisfy you, Harley said, smiling.

    Baby, I am too hot for you to handle, Trish remarked, winking at him.

    No, I think it is the other way around. I am too hot for you to handle, Harley retorted.

    You want to bet on that, mister, Trish said, smiling.

    What do you want to bet? Harley asked.

    Hey ladies, let's go out and do the cupid shuffle, Jackie said, breaking the conversation up between Trish and Harley before it went any further. Trish didn't like backing down to anything with her competitive nature.

    Whoop, whoop, let's go dance, Trish yelled as they all stood up and headed to the dance floor. Harley took pictures of the ladies dancing and sent them to Sawyer and Bronner.

    I tell you, Grant, one of these days, I will have Trish's legs wrapped around my waist doing the nasty with her, Harley stated, watching the girls dance.

    Yeah, right, I don't think it will happen any time soon, Grant replied.

    She is such a challenge. Jax told me is a hell cat in bed with biting and scratching, Harley stated.

    How does he know that? Grant asked curiously.

    What? You mean you didn’t know Trish hired Jax as an escort before Jackie met Bronner. Harley said surprised

    No, I didn't, Grant replied.

    That is how Jackie got hooked up with Bronner because of Trish, Harley said.

    I knew that, but I didn't know she hooked up with Jax first, Grant stated.

    That is why I can’t figure out why she always throws my age at me. Jax is the same age as me. Harley stated.

    It is probably because you are Jackie's brother-in-law, and she doesn't want to cross that line, Grant stated.

    Well, it fucking sucks because I really want to give her a wild ride, Harley said. The ladies made their way back to the table, laughing and chattering. They all sat down.

    Let's do some blow job shots, Trish said. Emily and Betty nodded their heads in agreement. How about you two?

    No, thank you on the blow job, but I will do a fireball shot, Harley said, laughing. Trish flagged the waitress down and ordered the shots.

    I sure wish you could drink with us, Trish whined, looking at Jackie and Jennifer.

    Sorry, I don't want the baby doing break dancing in my stomach, Jennifer replied.

    I know, but this little party is for you. You are the one that is supposed to be getting drunk, Trish said with a sad face.

    When have you ever seen me drunk? Jennifer state.

    Well, that is true. The answer is never, Trish said, laughing. How many times have you seen me drunk?

    Too many to count, Jennifer replied, laughing. The waitress brought back the shots setting them on the table. Trish passed out the shots, then held one up in the air.

    To true love! Trish laughing. Trish, Betty, and Emily put their shot glasses on the table after bumping them together for the toast. Jennifer and Jackie held up their glasses of coke. They bent their heads down with hands behind their backs. Then they opened their mouths, wrapping around the top of the shot glass, throwing their heads back, and swallowing the liquor. Harley and Grant downed their fireball shot.

    Holy shit, that was fucking hot, Grant said, taking a big swig of his beer and washing the hotness from his mouth.

    You should have done the blow job with us, Trish said, laughing.

    Nope, not into doing blow jobs, Grant replied.

    Don’t knock it until you try it at least once, Trish retorted.

    It will never happen, Grant stated. The waitress returned with a tray of some shots. She set them on the table.

    Where are all these shots come from, Trish asked.

    The first set came from the table over in the corner, the second set from the table over there, and the third set from that table, The waitress said, pointing at the tables where the shots came from. Trish waved at the tables that paid for the shots. She lined 3 shots each in front of the girls, plus Harley and Grant.

    Holy shit! Grant said with 3 shots sitting in front of him. I don't drink this much, hardly ever.

    Don't be a baby, Grant. Come on and drink up with us, Trish retorted.

    Come on, brother, let's make sure we don't let these women show us up with drinking, Harley said, laughing.

    Did you forget I drove here, Harley? Grant stated.

    We will call an Uber driver, Trish said, smiling. Grant shook his head, laughing.

    They did the shots one right after the other. Grant was feeling pretty light-headed after doing the shots. Emily and Betty talked him into going out on the dance floor with them to do some line dancing. Grant grabbed their hands, pulling Emily and Betty out on the dance floor. Grant showed them a few dance steps. Emily and Betty had a great time watching Grant sway his hips and feet doing the two-step. Emily and Betty kept him out on the dance for a couple more songs before returning to the table for a drink.

    When they returned to the table, more shots were waiting for them to drink. Four tables of customers brought them all shots. Trish lined four shots in front of herself, Betty, Emily, Harley, and Grant.

    Ready, ladies and gentlemen. Let's see who can down them the fastest, Trish said, laughing. On the count of three! One, two, and three!

    They began to down their shots. Harley was the first one to finish all four shots. Trish came in second, then Grant and Emily. Betty couldn't finish hers. Betty waved her hand and pushed three shots over to Trish.

    I am done. I can’t do anymore. Betty said, laughing. Trish grabbed the three shots and downed them.

    Wait, you cheated on the last three by drinking them with your hands, Harley said, laughing.

    Well, sometimes using your hands doing a blow job is better, Trish said, moving her hand up and down like stroking.

    Jesus, we need to get together, Harley said, smiling.

    Only in your dreams, Harley, Trish retorted.

    It will be sooner than a dream, Harley said, winking at her. Trish shook her head, laughing.

    The ladies went out on the dance floor and danced for a while before returning to the table. It was now 12:00a.m. Emily and Betty grabbed their purses, giving Jennifer a hug goodbye. Jennifer yawned and was also ready to go.

    I think I am ready also to go home to bed, Jennifer said.

    I am too. Are you ready, Trish? Jackie asked.

    Really, you guys are ready to go. I am having fun, Trish whined.

    Stay here with us, Harley stated.

    How will I get home? Trish asked, smiling.

    We will call an Uber driver, remember? Grant said, snickering.

    Okay, I am staying with Harley and Grant, Trish said, smiling.

    Fine, please make sure my sister gets home alright, Jennifer stated.

    Of course, we will, Grant said, smiling. Jennifer and Jackie headed out the door, leaving Trish with Grant and Harley.

    So what kind of shots do you guys what to do? Harley asked.

    Let’s do some Yeager bombs, Trish said.

    Nice choice, Harley replied.

    Harley, you do know I am much for liquor. I have had quite a few already, Grant said.

    Just loosen up a bit and have some fun, Grant. It is not very often we get to drink together with you always busy on the farm, Harley stated.

    That is true. Okay, bring the shots on, Grant said, laughing. The waitress walked up to the table.

    What can I get you guys to drink? The waitress asked.

    Long Island Iced tea, Trish said.

    Bud light, Grant stated.

    Bud light and six shots of Yeager bombs, Harley said.

    I will be right back with your order, The waitress started walking away.

    Remember when Alisa worked here? I wondered if Sawyer ever visits her in the ladies' prison, Harley said.

    Isn’t she the one that tried to hurt Jackie and was obsessed with Bronner? Trish asked.

    Yep, the one and only, Harley replied.

    I hate that girl for trying to hurt Jackie, Trish stated.

    Sawyer and Alisa were great friends for a long time, Grant stated.

    She can rot where ever they put her. She really did a number on Jackie's house, destroying everything inside. It looked like a tornado went through the inside, Trish said. The waitress came back with their drinks setting them on the table.

    Enjoy, the waitress remarked. Harley grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and handed the waitress money for the round of drinks. Harley slid two shots each to Grant and Trish with a Red Bull energizer drink.

    Okay, Grant, after you take the shot of Yeager, then you chase it down with the Red Bull, Harley instructed.

    Okay, what are we drinking to? Grant asked. Harley and Trish rolled their eyes at him laughing.

    Okay, Mr. Obvious, Trish said, laughing.

    To Sawyer and Jennifer, may they have a long, happy married, Trish said. Harley and Grant bumped their shot glasses to Trish's. The three downed their shots and then chased it with the Red Bull.

    Wow, that tasted like black licorice, Grant replied.

    Did you like it? Trish asked.

    It was alright, Grant said, taking a swig of his beer.

    A young blonde-haired girl approached the table smiling. The three of them looked up at her.

    Harley, will dance with me? The girl asked.

    Sure, Beth, let's go, Harley said, scooting his chair back. Harley left the table, following the young girl to the dance floor.

    I swear Harley knows every female in a hundred-mile radius, Grant said, shaking his head.

    Well, Harley and Jax have the highest ratings on the Bad Boys website, Trish stated.

    No shit, I didn't know there was a rating system for escorts, Grant said with surprise. Trish handed him her phone with the ratings on it.

    Well, I will be damned. Harley and Jax hold the number one spot for the most requested dates, Grant said, laughing.

    Do you want to know where you rate? Trish asked as Grant handed her back the phone.

    Um…am I at the bottom? Grant asked curiously.

    No, you about in the lower middle area, Trish stated.

    Well, I guess that is better than the very bottom, Grant said, smiling.

    Sometimes, the bottom is not a bad thing at all, Trish said, raising her eyebrows at him suggestively.

    That is true, Grant said, laughing. Harley came back to the table with a huge smile, sitting down.

    I went to high school with Beth. She actually was sad to hear Sawyer got married. Evidently, she had a crush on him, Harley said, laughing.

    I am sure there will be more broken hearts out there for Sawyer, Grant stated.

    Sawyer was number three, Trish replied.

    What are you talking about? Harley asked.

    Fuck, don’t tell him. Harley’s head will get bigger than it already is, Grant warned Trish. She started laughing.

    Fuck you, I always have a big head. That's what keeps the ladies coming back, Harley stated, grinning.

    See what I mean, Grant said, shaking his head.

    Come on, tell me, Harley said.

    Did you know the Bad Boys have a rating system for dates? Trish asked. Harley shook his head no.

    No, I didn't know that, Harley said.

    You and Jax are the most requested escorts, Trish said. Harley jumped up from his seat and did a sexy victory dance. Grant shook his head while Trish laughed and clapped her hands.

    Stop encouraging him, Trish, Grant said, laughing.

    Whoop, whoop, let's do our second shot, Harley said, grabbing the shot and holding it up. This is to myself and Jax for being number one.

    They bumped their shot glasses together, downed the Yeager, then chased with Red Bull.

    Oh yeah, that is good, Trish said, smiling.

    Let's get more, Harley stated, waving to the waitress. She comes over to the table.

    We need two more each of Yeager, Harley said.

    Are you driving? The waitress asked.

    Nope, we have an Uber driver, Harley replied.

    Okay, I will be right back, the waitress replied.

    Wait can we get an order of regular drinks also, Trish asked.

    Two Bud lights and Long Island iced tea? The waitress stated.

    Yes, please, Trish replied.

    So where did Grant rate? Harley asked, smiling.

    In the lower middle area, Trish replied. Grant shook his head, smiling.

    Wow, Grant, you need to learn a power thrust, Harley snickered.

    I don’t need advice from my little brother, thank you, Grant stated.

    Okay, but I could probably help get your ratings up, Harley said.

    See, I told you, he would get a big head, Grant stated.

    I have a big head, Harley said, laughing.

    The waitress returned with their drinks and shots, setting them on the table. Grant pulled out his wallet and paid for this round of drinks.

    Do you want anything else? It is 1:00a.m. The waitress asked.

    Yes, get us each two train wrecks, then that will be it, Harley said.

    Wow, you guys are partying hard, The waitress replied.

    What the fuck is a train wreck? Grant asked.

    You will like it, Harley said, laughing. Come on, let's go these shots first.

    Okay, toast to a fun night together, Trish said, holding up the shot glass.

    To a fun night together! Harley and Grant repeated. All three bumped their glasses together, downing the shot and then chasing with Red bull.

    Even better day tomorrow, Harley said, holding up the second shot.

    Even better tomorrow, Grant and Trish said, laughing, downing the second shot.

    Damn, I am feeling great, Trish said with a lopsided smile.

    I second that, Grant replied, laughing.

    Hell yeah, great feeling, Harley yelled.

    All three of them were feeling pretty good and having a good time. After doing two train wreck shots, they were having a blast. It was 2:00 a.m., and the bar was closing. Trish, Harley, and Grant went outside for the Uber driver. They climbed in the back seat, and the driver dropped them at Trish's house and left.

    Fuck, Grant, the driver left us here, Harley said, swaging side to side.

    Shit, I guess we are walking home, Grant replied, laughing.

    No, we are all sleeping together, remember, Trish stated, pointing to her house.

    Is your bed big enough for us all? Harley asked.

    Shit yeah, come on, let's go sleep together, Trish said, wiggling her fingers at them to follow her.

    Wow, Grant, I have never shared a woman with you before, Harley said, snickering.

    Me neither, Grant said, laughing.

    I have never shared either of you, Trish said, snickering. Come to my bedroom, Trish said, opening the front door. Harley and Grant followed her inside the house. Trish pulled her shoes off, and Harley and Grant did the same. Trish went into the kitchen and grabbed a whole bottle of Tequila.

    Come on, boys, let's have some fun, Trish said, waving her hand for them to follow. Grant and Harley followed Trish to the bedroom. They giggled as they started undressing.

    Tequila makes your clothes fall off, Harley sang as he undressed. Harley was the first one naked in bed. He grabbed the bottle from Trish taking a big swallow of the Tequila.

    Tequila makes your clothes fall off, Grant sang, taking a big swallow from the bottle and handing it to Harley. Grant was now naked. Wow, I don't think I have ever had two men in my bed at the same time and brothers at that, Trish said, giggling.

    Damn, girl, you are fucking sexy naked, Harley said, grinning, taking another big swallow of Tequila, then handing it to Trish.

    I know, right? Trish said seductively, then turned in circles as she drank from the Tequila bottle.

    Holy shit! Trish, get your ass up in this bed. I want to touch some of that sexiness, Harley laughed.

    I think Grant passed out, Trish said, giggling and pointing at Grant, who was snoring softly.

    Great, then I don't have to share you with him, Harley stated. Harley tilted his head to the side, looking at Trish, whose face went pale. Her hand went to her mouth, covering it, and she ran straight to the bathroom.

    Well, shit, that is my fucking luck, Harley muttered. Trish vomited a couple of times before going back to the bedroom. She climbed over Grant inside the bed.

    The following day, Grant slowly opened his eyes and then grabbed his pounding head, knowing that is why he didn't drink liquor very often. He groaned loudly, remembering all the shots Harley, Trish, and he had done. Grant then felt a warm body snuggle to his back and was startled by who it was. He then remembered he and Harley had been with Trish. No, they didn't, he thought.

    Grant opened his eyes wider, not recognizing the bedroom he was in. The walls were painted pink, and the dresser next to the bed was white. Shit, what the fuck did he do, and with who? Grant lifted the cover. Yup, he was naked and saw a small hand around his waist.

    Fuck, Grant muttered, then he heard another groan. Grant looked over his shoulder and spotted Harley on the other side of the bed.

    Holy shit, Grant muttered.

    Harley opened his eyes, groaning, and made eye contact with Grant. Harley's eyes widened in surprise, seeing Grant on the other side of the bed. Harley lifted the covers, seeing he was naked.

    Holy shit, Harley groaned out. He pointed to the middle of the bed, Trish?

    Grant groaned. Harley looked under the cover again.

    Grant, she is naked also, Harley said softly.

    Fuck Harley, what the fuck did we do? Grant whispered, feeling ashamed and nauseous.

    Well, I would say we had a threesome with Trish, Harley stated.

    Trish groaned, hearing voices in her bedroom. She then realized she was snuggled to a naked body.

    What the fuck? Trish said, sitting up in bed. She looked down, seeing Grant on one side and Harley on the other side of her.

    What the hell happened last night? Trish asked, concerned, pulling the covers up higher on her chest.

    Honestly, I don’t remember, Grant stated. Trish looked over at Harley. He shook his head.

    Are you both naked? Trish asked. Harley and Grant nodded their head yes.

    Shit, shit! Trish yelled. Did we have sex?

    Not sure, Grant replied honestly. Harley shrugged his shoulders.

    I don’t remember, Harley said.

    Shit, shit! Trish yelled.

    I don't even see our clothes, Harley stated, looking at the bedroom floor.

    I can’t believe we all slept together, Trish said.

    I wish I remembered it, Harley said, smiling. You have a nice sexy body, Trish,

    Harley, Grant said, shaking his head in disapproval.

    I am so embarrassed, Trish said softly. I never bring men home after drinking. That is how accidents happen.

    Trish, cover your head. I am going to get up to find our clothes, Grant stated.

    Trish pulled the covers up. Grant slipped out of bed walking out the door. Trish peeked over the covers to see Grant walk away. He had a nice firm round ass. Grant found their clothes in the living room. Grant quickly got dressed and then took Harley's clothes to him.

    They were scattered all over the living room, Grant said.

    Shit, I don’t remember a thing, Trish said.

    Well, there is an empty bottle of Tequila on the floor next to the bed, Harley said, climbing out of bed. He quickly got dressed.

    Shit, I do remember grabbing the bottle, but I don't remember us drinking it in bed, Trish said, pulling the sheet from the bed and keeping it wrapped around her naked body.

    Well, thanks for the wild night, Trish said smartly.

    Um…Trish, we have no way to get home, Grant stated.

    "Oh shit, that's right. Let me get dressed, and I will

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