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The City Girl Series: Dreams Do Come True
The City Girl Series: Dreams Do Come True
The City Girl Series: Dreams Do Come True
Ebook46 pages45 minutes

The City Girl Series: Dreams Do Come True

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About this ebook

Kate knew it would spell trouble the day she fell in love with her boss. Powerful, charismatic men like Daniel Bradshaw never go for girls like Kate. They go for beautiful, successful girls that have it all. Kate knew all she would get was a broken heart. When the phone calls began she couldn’t believe it was happening to a girl like her. Could the man of her dreams become a reality after all?

PublisherBecky Byrnes
Release dateSep 24, 2013
The City Girl Series: Dreams Do Come True

Becky Byrnes

Becky Byrnes is a freelance writer, ebook author and member of the HKWC. Her ebook "Dreams Do Come True" is the first of four romance stories in The City Girl Series. Becky loves to travel the world and divides her time between Europe, Asia and Australia. Her passions include coffee, chocolate and champagne. Becky was born in Melbourne, Australia and she currently resides in Hong Kong.

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    Book preview

    The City Girl Series - Becky Byrnes

    The City Girl Series

    Dreams Do Come True


    Becky Byrnes

    Copyright 2013 Becky Byrnes

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, Licence Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dreams Do Come True

    It happened again. Kate was haunted by yet another one of those amazing, sexy dreams. When she awoke in the morning she blushed recalling it, her heart racing a little. She felt deeply unsatisfied, to the point of frustration. The dream had become a regular nightly gig. She would fall into her pillow, utterly exhausted, and close her eyes and fall asleep. She was tired from her new job as a receptionist at an ad agency. She had only been at the new job a week. Kate loved the job and hoped if she worked really hard and proved herself she might be considered for a better position in the agency and get off the front desk. Even though she enjoyed the interaction with people and the busy atmosphere of managing the client traffic in and out of the office, she had high hopes that all her hard work at this entry level would eventually pay off. Kate’s ambition was to work with the account management team. She wanted the opportunity to take care of the clients needs. Kate loved looking after people. She hoped that after a year or so as a receptionist, with a lot of hard work and a bit of luck thrown in, she might realise her dream.

    She knew she would have to work hard as the job would be highly demanding. Kate always felt she needed to work harder than anyone else because she was aware that she was just a simple, plain Jane. She remembered at school how her friends would tell her not to worry about being so plain because she was nice. Who wants to be nice? She thought. Nice is boring. Kate would have rather been pretty or sexy. Last night she remembered that she had felt sexy - in her dream that was.

    It wasn’t that Kate was horrible to look at; she just wasn’t striking. Kate had straight, mousey brown hair and flecked hazel eyes that she found uninspiring. Her skin was clean and well scrubbed, and overall she enjoyed average, symmetric features. She always felt that her lips were too big for her face and as a child she had been teased relentlessly. Her delicate skin burnt easily in the sun and she had always been extremely cautious, resulting in a striking complexion with very soft, creamy looking skin. She was a little thick in the waist, which didn’t really bother her, as she liked to eat and didn’t want to be one of those skinny girls who snacked on raw carrots and lettuce leaves all day.

    Kate felt the main problem with her body was the size of her breasts. She knew that she had huge breasts and did everything she could to hide them. In fact, she hid them so well that no one even knew she had them! She wore loose fitting clothes to work and she always wore excellent sports bra’s the strapped them in and tamed them. At night, when she took off her bra and went to bed they would ache from being closed in all day and she would rub and caress them to

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