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A Fair Deal
A Fair Deal
A Fair Deal
Ebook31 pages26 minutes

A Fair Deal

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In high school, Jason promised Gloria that she would be his first lover and Jason always keeps his promise. Now years later, when Gloria visits Jason needing his help with a somewhat gruesome request, she finds out he has kept this promise. Now in order to gain his help, she has to convince him its a fair deal.

PublisherL.J. Longo
Release dateSep 30, 2013
A Fair Deal

L.J. Longo

Hiya, I’m L.J. a geeky, queer, award-winning author. I fully embrace adventure, magic, romance, and the power of escapism. If you aren't into any of those things... how did you find me?I have my MFA in Writing Pop Fiction from Seton Hill University, and I publish romance/erotica with Evernight Publishing. You can find more of my work on

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    A Fair Deal - L.J. Longo

    A Fair Deal

    By L.J.Longo

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 by L.J.Longo. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    A Fair Deal

    Excerpt from Evasive Love

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    A Fair Deal

    Everyone in Tuckerton knows that Gloria Hadsall is disaster incarnate. That was Father Ray’s personal phraseology for her, Disaster Incarnate. He christened her that after she set fire to the crucifix during the Easter services. Tuckertonians still talk about that Sunday. Jason Colm happened to be the acolyte bearing that flaming cross, and he’d continued down the aisle as planned and placed the cross where it belonged by the altar.

    Now, in 2013, Jason Colm sat waiting for Gloria in The Third Cousin’s Diner. He already downed three tall glasses of water just staring at the parking lot.

    When a tall blue tractor pull into the lot, he lifted his water to drink and over the rim saw Gloria step out. He noted her clear high-heels, the shorts so short they might have been underwear, but dazzlingly white and filled with lovely plumpness of her ass. The denim jacket hung around her thin waist and concave stomach, which was showing because she was only wearing a red bikini top under the denim. Her suitcase was a heavy black duffel bag which Jason knew she’d stolen from an Iraq vet.

    She strutted around to the driver’s side of the tractor and climbed up on the wheel. Gloria leaned in to kiss the man in the tractor, sticking out her little breasts and her round ass. Jason sighed and leaned towards her, laying his hand the smudged window.

    The man passed

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