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The Lily Bundle
The Lily Bundle
The Lily Bundle
Ebook88 pages1 hour

The Lily Bundle

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About this ebook

The Lily Bundle includes the first three books of the Lily series all in one place.
The series is a peek into the life of Lily. She's a buttoned up woman who has always kept her sexuality in check. Until now. Something has come loose in Lily. Maybe it's boredom, maybe it's rebellion, maybe the monster has finally gotten tired of hiding, no one can say for sure. But, Lily has definitely cut loose. The first volume sees her indulging her libido with a stranger in a movie theater while strangers look on.
The second book picks up right where the first one leaves off. Lily is not done having fun at the movies and she goes to town on herself while yet another stranger gets to watch. Once she gets home, Lily thinks she got it out of her system but a very erotic encounter with a female coworker in the office bathroom the next day proves her very very wrong.
Finally, the third volume picks up a week later. Lily has been good for seven days and she's pretty sure that she got her weird sexual fire out of her system once and for all. Fortunately for us she definitely hasn't. The events from the previous week come back to haunt her when she gets called into the big boss' office. He wasn't to talk about a very graphic conversation Lily had with a coworker. Lily hears him out before she both confirms everything that he had been told and adds a whole new experience on top. Needless to say, she manages to get out of the office without getting into trouble. But, she's more worried than ever that her sexual awakening may not be a passing phase but more a part of who she is now.
Enjoy the series as one solid read through and keep an eye out for new volumes as Lily makes them available with her naughty, naughty behavior!
Approx 25,000 words

PublisherMaggie Hale
Release dateOct 1, 2013
The Lily Bundle

Maggie Hale

Instead of saying 'I've always been good at writing' I'll say that I've always enjoyed writing. That should dodge some disagreement and criticism from people with too much time on their hands I think. Being generally unsatisfied with my job (clerical temp/administrative assistant) I started looking for creative pursuits to fulfill me. In a funny coincidence, it wasn't until my boyfriend and I split up that I decided to write. After a couple weeks apart I found myself trolling websites for a couple hours a day looking for something to get me off and nothing seemed to do the trick. I like to be able to picture the scenes and feel like I'm right there, like I might get a bit of cum on me if I'm not careful. Watching porn didn't engage me enough and most of the writing I found was too short or too much of the "then he banged her a bunch and they came all over, she owed him for such a good banging" variety. So, I resolved to write stories that interested me but also made me cum like a waterfall. In my Lily series, I give the power back to the heroine. However she finds she is still a slave to her ever increasing sexual madness. If you're in the mood for something darker and infinitely dirtier, check out my Taboo Tales series. Keep an eye out for new volumes as they should become available at least once a week.

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    Book preview

    The Lily Bundle - Maggie Hale

    The Lily Bundle

    Matinee, Workday, Apology

    Copyright 2013 Maggie Hale

    All Rights Reseved.

    Published by Maggie Hale on Smashwords

    Book design by Maggie Hale

    Cover Image Copyright, 2013 © Inna Astakhova

    For Links To Other Maggie Hale Titles



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    Lily’s Matinee

    Lily’s Workday

    Lily’s Apology

    Other Available Titles

    Lily’s Matinee

    Copyright 2013 Maggie Hale

    Another day in the office was done, the hour and a half commute completed, and the uncomfortable high heels Lily tried to wear as little as possible were finally coming off. Kicking the offending shoes into the corner near the door and immediately chastising herself for probably scuffing them again Lily shrugged off her dark blazer and dropped it onto the arm of her couch. The jacket slid off the smooth white leather and fell to the floor, an event Lily took personally.

    Fuck you after a heavy sigh was all she could muster before deciding to leave the jacket where it lay.

    The wood floor was cool against her feet and she took a moment to spread her nylon clad toes against it and stretch her thin, toned arms up to the ceiling. Fully extended, fingertips just brushing the light fixture above her, she gave a little wiggle of her hips and freed her silk blouse from the top of her skirt before crossing her small apartment to the kitchen.

    Outwardly Lily was certainly a buttoned up woman with her warm amber hair cut short in a trendy but clean and organized style. Her tops were always well fit around her medium but perky breasts. Delicately pale, apple sized, and perfect is how she liked to think of them. Her skirts: snug and hugging all the right places. Short enough to prove she put in her time on the elliptical machine but long enough to hide the lacy tops of her stockings. That was one area where Lily refused to compromise. Obviously there were plenty of days that just didn’t call for having her legs wrapped in a perfect silky blend of nylon and elastane but she never missed an opportunity when it presented itself.

    Feeling the wood under her feet turn to the equally cool linoleum of the kitchen floor as she reached the refrigerator Lily was considering her stockings, and enjoying the temperature change making its way up through her body.

    Elastane… Lily thought. E…las…tane… she said aloud, letting the word roll around on her tongue before falling out into the spotless kitchen. She wished she had never found out that was one of the materials in her favorite item of clothing. Part of her secret little indulgence. It was a bit like knowing how the sausage is made.

    But goddamn, sausage never felt this good. Lily again said to the empty apartment rubbing her slippery calves against one another. Lily laughed at her accidental double entendre. Not like I even remember how good a sausage feels at this point she lamented as she pulled the fridge open trying to remember if it was closer to four months or five months since she had a man in her bed; since she had a man anywhere for that matter. The refrigerator seal released with a sucking sound that was entirely too much like the tsk she heard countless times from her mother while she was growing up. ‘Everyone is a critic’ she thought to herself as she pulled a beer from the fridge, twisted off the cap, and tossed it into the trash can at the end of the counter. Letting the door pull her forward toward the fridge, Lily turned as she went and let her back fall against the refrigerator as it closed.

    Eeeep! escaped her as her back made contact with the cool metal front of the door. The shock straightened her toes and made her pull her shoulders back, thrusting her chest out and tightening her bra against her breasts. As she relaxed back onto the curved panel, enjoying the sensation, she could feel her bra sliding back into place and rubbing against her nipples as it went; nipples that hardened instantly from the surprise. It was a feeling that did not go unnoticed. With her free hand she pulled her short hair up from the nape of her neck and leaned her head back against the fridge door, unconsciously twisting to work her nipples against the fabric of her bra. Dropping her hand she snaked it up the back of her blouse and deftly undid the clasp. As the pressure around her ribs let off and her breasts dropped free Lily gave an audible sigh and relaxed deeper against the cold panel. With her eyes still closed, gently rubbing her back up and down against the brushed chrome, she slipped her hand through the half sleeve of her shirt and out of her bra, did the same on the other side and let it drop to the floor.

    The silk of her blouse slid back and forth like a soft breeze over her pink, hard nipples. A little bit larger than a quarter with proud little nubs that didn’t poke out too far but were incredibly sensitive, Lily’s nipples were a point of pride and great entertainment for her. The thought of leaning her head down and giving some much needed attention to her tits crossed her mind, as it often does when she gets turned on. But she knew, through experience, that she couldn’t reach. That’s the only time she wished she had bigger breasts, when she was horny and desperately wanted a mouth on them. She imagined her warm, moist breath against her tits, firm, insistent lips sucking on her nipples, her agile, rough tongue flicking across them, sending shocks through her body with every touch, and the hard edge of her teeth to bite them when she was in the mood. Visualizing it never failed to get her juices flowing, even if it all belonged to her.

    Lost in her fantasy, Lily’s hand cupped one of her breasts, gently squeezing and twisting her nipple wrapped in the burgundy silk of her blouse. Slowly her hand slid from her breast, down her ribs and across her taut stomach to the front of her skirt, pulling down the concealed front zipper as it went. It was only then that she realized she had been grinding the lower half of the beer bottle against herself for the last several minutes. It had found a perfectly fit home in the cleft between her thighs, pressed against the warmth coming from deep in her center. The front of her skirt was soaked and she was pretty sure it wasn’t entirely the fault of the condensation coming off of the bottle. Something else caught her attention as well, something catching under her fingers as she cupped her skirt against her swollen pussy lips.

    That definitely wasn’t part of her skirt, what the hell was that? Distracted now, she looked down to find out what it was that she was feeling.

    Fucking shit!! Goddamn it! It was all Lily could do to not throw her drink as she realized she had rubbed the label off of the bottle and had been grinding its gaudy gold and red into the front of her skirt for a solid five minutes at least. When she realized just trying to brush it away so she could get back to business was obviously going nowhere Lily put the beer on the counter, flipped on the hot water, and dropped her skirt to the floor on top of her bra.


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