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Caleb's Quest
Caleb's Quest
Caleb's Quest
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Caleb's Quest

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It is the year 1911 in the small town of Rosedale in British Columbia. A young woman by the name of Annabelle Huntington who works as a nurse for the town doctor has met her match. Dr. Caleb Brooks left his home in England to take over his uncle’s practice and arrives with a small boy who he had taken on after finding him aboard the ship he was on. Not long after Caleb gets settled in a wide spread smallpox virus ravages the Fraser Valley. Belle and Caleb work together, fighting the disease, the heartache and strong feelings they have for one another. But are they able to keep their faith in God during these dark times? Or will they lose all their strength and hope after losing so many loved ones?

Release dateOct 5, 2013
Caleb's Quest

Wilhelmina van Oort

Wilhelmina van Oort grew up in the small town of Rosedale, British Columbia. She is the eleventh sibling out of twelve and has always had an amazing imagination and would come up with wild stories even as a child. From a young age, she knew that she wanted to become a writer and practiced constantly. Later, she took writing courses at the University of the Fraser Valley and a few other correspondance courses. All these lesson prepared her to publish her first novel, "A New Beginning." She is currently working on the series, "Wild Rose County" which takes place in her hometown of Rosedale in the ealry 1900s.

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    Caleb's Quest - Wilhelmina van Oort

    Caleb’s Quest


    Wilhelmina van Oort

    Published by Wilma van Oort at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition 1

    Copyright 2013 Wilhelmina van Oort

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. Please note that it remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed for any commercial or non-commercial use without permission from the author. Quotes used in reviews are the exception. No alteration of content is allowed. If you enjoyed this book, then encourage your friends to download their own free copy.

    A special thanks to those who helped with the research for this new series. All your help made my dream come true!


    Caleb’s Quest


    Chapter One

    A light mist hung over the farms, homes and shops in the Fraser Valley. The forested areas were immense but were gently being chipped away by the many lumber mills in the area. Times were changing and so those living in the valley were changing with it. To meet the demands of population growth, lumber mills were considered to be the prime industry. They provided jobs for men of all races, cleared land for land owners, made cedar shakes, posts, fences and much more.

    Now, one of these lumber mills near the small town of Rosedale was owned by Mr. Robert McGuiver. To the people of the town he was considered to be an advisor, a friend, a fellow Christian and a family man. But what they never knew was his love of singing. His melodious baritone was often muddled by the machinery in the mill, but he sang just the same.

    It was at such a time when our story truly begins. Mr. McGuiver was working the saws, which splintered the logs in half, and was singing, ‘Morning Has Broken.’ It was a rather warm day, Robert and his eldest son Nathan had already put in nine hours and still had a few to go before the order was filled.

    A screamed came from across the lot and Nathan gestured towards his father to get his attention. Robert signaled for the men to turn off the saw.

    What’s going on?

    You didn’t hear that Dad?

    Robert shook his head, No, but it sure looks serious, it might be an accident with the machinery. Go to the house and call Nurse Belle, will ya? The new Doc shouldn’t be here for a few days yet.

    Very well.


    I suggest that you take one capsule three times a day with food. Your appetite should return with the additional ginger I gave you and you’ll feel better in no time. Nurse Annabelle Huntington handed the pills to the elderly woman seated before her. The day had started early for her. She had been alone most days ever since the Doc had passed away. Of course, a neighboring doctor came for the more serious cases. He was from Chilliwack, a much larger town nearby. However, a simple stomach bug, heartburn or a cold was easy for Belle to remedy.

    Iris Thompson patted Belle on the hand. Thank you dear. I must say, this is the worst I have felt in years.

    Belle smiled as she packed up the medical bag, Well, I am certain that even if you have felt poorly before, you would have muddled through it.

    Everyone knew how hardworking Iris was, she was a worker bee, constantly doing something. And from the looks of her small cottage, Belle could tell that even a terrible stomach flu could not stop her from doing her everyday chores. Not a speck of dust could be seen and everything was in its place.

    The sudden sound of hoof beats outside caused the two ladies to glance in the direction of the door. A loud knock sounded a few seconds later and Belle went to answer it, allowing Iris to continue to rest comfortably in her rocker with her crocheted blanket over her knees.

    A handsome, sandy haired boy stood on the other side of the door. He held a saddened look on his face and his breath was short from the ride over.

    Nathan, is everything alright?

    I tried to call for you but the postman couldn’t find you at the Docs house. Ma said Ms. Thompson was sick so I figured you would be here.

    For a boy of seventeen, Nathan was taller than normal and strong as an ox. He took the medical bag from her and gestured toward the horse, You have to come. One of the men collapsed at the mill. He’s really, really sick.

    Belle nodded and motioned for him to wait a moment while she said goodbye to Iris. Then she got Meg, her faithful mare, from the hitching post and rode alongside Nathan toward the Archibald’s General Store, the Chinese Laundry and the school house. Then turned onto the Main Street and then on past the Presbyterian Church, which they attended faithfully each Sunday. The McGuiver homestead was situated near the rolling hills further on.

    They rode up to the house. Robert was waiting for them on the porch and led them directly inside.

    He’s been throwing up a few times and has been crying out in pain.

    Belle took off her jacket and ran to the man’s side, immediately recognizing him as Mr. Gary Reynolds who was married to her friend Alma. She had never seen anything so gruesome as long as she had been a nurse. From the moment she saw the sick man who lay on the Huntington’s parlor sofa, Belle knew that she was way out of her element. A red rash covered his arms and face and he was sweating rather profusely.

    She looked at all the anxious faces surround the man and took a step back.

    Well? Robert inquired, What has he got? Is it some sort of reaction? Maybe an allergy?

    Okay, Belle, time to assess the situation.

    What had the Doc always told her? Take a deep breath, step back, send everyone from the room and check the vitals. If suspicions lead to something serious, call a doctor or send the patient on to the hospital in Chilliwack where better medical care can be given.

    I’m not sure, sir. I will have to do a preliminary exam first and check his vitals. However, to be safe, you should all scrub down and vacate the house. Belle sighed and glanced back at Mr. Gary Reynolds who was writhing in pain. It looks very serious. I have never seen anything like this before.

    Nathan shared a worried look with his father, Should I call for Dr. Fitzpatrick in Chilliwack?

    That would probably be a wise decision. See if he has had any similar cases out there.

    Alright, we’ll do as you suggested and wash up. Mr. Huntington exclaimed, gesturing for everyone to leave the house.

    Don’t just wash up, bathe from head to toe. We’ll have to move Mr. Reynolds somewhere secure. Do you have a vacant employee’s cabin?

    I believe we do. Why don’t we move him right away? That way I won’t have to bath twice.

    Belle got her things together and followed the men carrying her patient out to the cabin behind the mill. Nathan immediately left to call Dr. Fitzpatrick from the Archibald’s General store.

    By now, Mr. Reynolds had fallen asleep. His pulse was thready and his breathing shallow. He was becoming more ill by the minute. She looked around the small cabin for a basin and located one on the other side of the room next to the fireplace. She needed heat and water to try and keep his fever down, so she first built a roaring fire and then called one of the men to get her a bucket of fresh water from the well.

    For the next hour she monitored her patient’s health and waited patiently for Nathan’s return.


    The train came to a screeching halt. Dr. Caleb Brooks looked out the passenger window for his first look at his new hometown. When his uncle had sent for him to come he had felt relieved to have somewhere to escape too. The idea of an adventure in a new land was thrilling and he had left earlier than he had first suggested in his responding letter.

    Papa, are we there yet? Ezekiel asked, brushing a blonde curl out of his eyes.

    Yes, we are, my dear boy.

    The trip from London, England would have been tedious if not for his newly adopted son Zeke who he had met on the ship overseas. He had been a stowaway in Caleb’s cabin and they hit it off as father and son immediately. On the journey to British Columbia, Caleb had taught Zeke Bible stories, the alphabet and read to him constantly to get him ready for school. But, everyday Zeke had shown him just how incredibly intelligent he was.

    Come on son, let’s see our new home.

    They stepped off the train and Caleb took his first good look around. He looked down at Zeke who was staring off at the majestic mountains.

    Have you ever seen anything like it, Papa?

    Caleb smiled and shook his head, No, I have not. They certainly are a sight of beauty. But, we should settle in as soon as possible. We should find Uncle Charlie first. He should be at the office.

    Olaf Trensky, Caleb’s good friend and fellow traveler said he would get their baggage so that they could continue on. He was a tall, thin fellow, with curly red hair and freckles. He wore a knit cap, woolen coat and tall boots, looking more out of place than both Caleb and Zeke.

    Caleb had envisioned the town in his mind many times from what his uncle had described in his many letters. But the quaint little town in reality was much nicer. People passing them by nodded or said a friendly, ‘hello’. They wore simpler clothing and accessories then that of the latest style in Britain. But to Dr. Brooks it was refreshing. He no longer felt suffocated; life seemed to be streaming into his withered soul.

    The past year had been the darkest time of his life. At the beginning of the New Year, he had felt his life held promise. He had just completed medical school and started working as a general practitioner in the Bethlem Institute for the insane. He understood the patients there because his younger sister Anne would succumb to deep depressions off and on.

    At this time, Caleb met a young woman, Camille Badeau, at a church function. She was like a younger sister to him. Her brother Marcus was constantly involved in criminal liaisons and rumors and harsh words followed Camille where ever she went. Her parents had passed away long ago and Marcus had taken all of the inheritance for himself.

    One day, Camille showed up at Caleb’s doorstep. She was drenched from the spring rain and crying hysterically. Once he had the servant’s take care of her with dry clothing and a warm drink, he inquired as to why she was so distraught.

    She had then told him, in a trembling voice, that she was to be married to Sir Lionel Moore. Moore was a tyrant and a womanizer. Everyone in society knew about his evil escapades and partnership with Marcus Badeau.

    Caleb decided than that the only way out of the situation was to have her married before Marcus could make the plans. The man Camille married would have to be a person of means, strong, independent and ready to defend her at all costs. It had to be Caleb, and he knew there was no other choice.

    He then had sent Trensky, his footman at the time, to get the minister to perform the ceremony. However, after Trensky had left, Marcus and his men had shown up, demanding to see Camille. Although Caleb denied her being there, Marcus pushed past him into the mansion’s corridor and when he spotted Camille surrounded by Caleb’s parents, he barked at his men to get her.

    It had been a terrible ordeal. When Trensky had returned, Caleb was unconscious on the floor and Camille was gone. He had not remembered going Marcus with a clenched fist, but how else had he gotten that dreadful headache and black eye?

    They had searched for Camille for weeks, but it was to no avail. She was gone and so was her demeaning brother. For days, Trensky hardly said a word. Caleb knew that the poor man must have had feeling for the beautiful raven haired woman. The following week, his grandfather succumbed to a terrible fever and not matter what he did, Caleb could not save the beloved man.

    So, when he received that letter from his Uncle Charles, he was only too happy to escape. His family was sad to see him go, but he was content to know they had the protection needed to defend them if Marcus happened to return. Caleb had asked Trensky to come along and things seemed to be returning to normal once again.

    Now, Caleb took in a deep breath of the fresh country air and took in the sight of his new town. Yes, he would be quite happy here.

    Chapter Two

    Sunlight drifted in through the kitchen window of the Huntington farmhouse as Belle walked into the room, dressed in her favorite blue calico dress.

    Good morning, Belle dear, Her mother called out from where she stood behind the kitchen table kneading dough for bread. She was a large woman, with grey hair tied back from her glowing face. The hardship of life in the backwoods had caused her face to age more than normal but she had a happy smile on her face.

    Belle sighed and tied her hair up as she padded towards the table, Good morning, Mama. Where is Dad?

    He’s already eaten and has gone out with Simon to the barn to milk the cows, Catherine Huntington handed her daughter a cup of coffee, Are you going to the office to meet the new Doc? Word is he arrived last night with a little boy and another gentleman.

    "I guess I better go then! Is he staying above the office in his

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