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Lu samadhi
Lu samadhi
Lu samadhi
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Lu samadhi

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Lu samadhi self help non fiction is a inner guide to meditation inner being witness consciousness mirror like quality inner universal consciousness,awareness through meditation you rediscover your original inner being witness consciousness
mirror like quality inner consciousness, it happen simultaneous ,in the present in the moment a quantum leap into the vertical dimension of deeper and higher of your soul inner being and you have the experience of your inner being of your witness consciousness mirror like quality, inner consciousness awareness of non being incorporeal body that is timeless mindless space less , forms less in a word of eternity itself meaning no begin no end that is just an open relativity not absolute at all just an opening endless no size it vanish into infinity eternity is infinite freedom from all and everything time space forms duality of mind and dialectics of opposite complementary just freedom the true real freedom is infinite bliss silence within intrinsic zest peace ....welcome thank you Angelo Aulisa
Release dateJan 10, 2013
Lu samadhi

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    Lu samadhi - Angelo Aulisa



    Christianity: The Deadly Poisons

    I am going to make clear why I am not a Christian. The following are the main points on which I differ:

    One: The Vatican is, more or less, an association of criminals. They washed the dirty money of the mafia for dozens of years from dirty traffic in weapons, cocaine, and heroin, etc. It was the laundry of the mafia for years and, in my vision, this has nothing to do with spirituality, with bringing humanity to a conscious state. Instead, it is a great help in making humanity even more unconscious because taking drugs keeps humanity totally unconscious of what a man is and of the inner consciousness of human beings.

    They are pesticide poisons for the consciousness of the individual. This is the biggest crime, to keep a human being unconscious of whom he is, the worst crime. I do not care about money or anything, but keeping humanity unconscious through these poisons is a big crime and anyone who helps these people is also a criminal.

    Two: Christianity, with its archaic traditions, is responsible for one billion diseased people who are suffering on earth from Alzheimer’s, and cancer, etc. because this archaic tradition does not allow science to progress with research. There are a few new therapies, which would solve forever these diseases. Christianity is a big hindrance and so is responsible for the suffering of at least one billion people who cannot get this new medical care.

    Three: Christianity is responsible for the aids disease, which is a religious disease coming from monasteries. It is responsible for the perverted state of humanity. Imposing celibacy on priests has created perverted priest monsters and people of their doctrine too. They are all of them gays, because energy cannot be static by its very nature it is moving. You cannot build a dam. It overflows sideways. Imposing celibacy is one of the worst crimes, and so energy has to move. It circulates and not finding an outlet because of the imposition of celibacy, it takes on perverted ways as we witness daily in pedophile priests and perverted people.

    If the contacts of priests are all with men and not women, the energy will move through homosexuality. There is no other chance. If the contacts of nuns are all women, the energy will move through the lesbian perversion. Christian societies are prevalent societies of gays and they are very powerful in the main part of society. Christianity is responsible for this mad perverted state of humanity because of its archaic traditions, for millions of people suffering from this perverted disease. It is the result of imposing celibacy and this condition on marriage is the result. It is ugly and dangerous for the survival of humanity on this planet.

    Four: Aids is a deadly disease and this fanatic tradition of the past has to cease. You cannot build a dam to the natural flow of the river of life. It will overflow and take a perverted direction. I launch an SOS to humanity to stop this fanatic tradition of the Christians. All the priests of the world are highly dangerous for humanity. They can explode with the disease at any time as we see daily on television. To me, natural means complementary polarity and that is the way.

    Five: Abortion. Christianity is responsible for the suffering of billions of people who are starving. The world is overpopulated; the demographic explosion is a reality. This is the main cause of starvation especially in poor countries. The Pope’s stand against abortion is the reason many people suffer from starvation. It is absurd to be against abortion and against the use of condoms in 2010. I ask that he please come to his senses. They said that abortion and condoms would kill a possible life. That is a lie. Death does not exist and is not a joke because of the immortality of the soul. When we use condoms, we have just pushed energy back into the cosmic journey again, into the cosmic consciousness, which is eternal, without beginning, endless; therefore, no killing took place. The Pope should know about this. What kind of Pope is he if he does not know even about immortality of the soul?

    The world needs to control births for a few decades to bring the population imbalance into equilibrium. The world can afford one fourth of the current population. Therefore, since overpopulation is responsible for millions of people starving, we must change the situation.

    Six: The Christian religion has killed and butchered millions of people, more than any other religion, with the Crusades and the Inquisition. Various occult sects are operating even today and killing their opponents. This is a criminal association and not a religion in my understanding.

    Seven: The Holy Spirit and the birth of a man from a holy spirit, only one with no sister or brother, is a children’s fairy tale. I am in agreement with objective science in this regard when they say this is impossible.

    Eight: Jesus spoke only half the truth when he said that he is the only son of God. He should have said the truth, ber me ber te ber tutty noi, consciousness is nobody’s monopoly. His sayings have ruined the world for 2000 years, creating a hypothetical God in the sky, a kingdom in the sky, which is all nonsense. This idea has diverted the attention of humanity outwards to the sky instead of looking within the person. If you do not find the divine within you first, it is impossible that you will see him outside. The first quarter to see the divine is within you and then maybe you will see him outside. It is a great crime from my point of view in meditation that is concerned with the inner man, that Christianity diverted the attention to the outside. Jesus has done that along with many other charlatans.

    Nine: I accuse Christianity of the worst crime, dividing humanity, splitting human beings from consciousness existence to stand in between as mediator. We do not need any more mediation. Man has come of age, evolved, matures in the last 2000 years. Now he lives globally and is acquainted with all the philosophies of the world. He can face the sunrise of consciousness alone. His birthright is that he was born with a soul, which has been in mystical union with consciousness existence eternally and never has been nor will ever be divided from this for eternity.

    What the priests say is false, as they do not know even the ABC of God; they are just student teachers. For example, the absurdity of being against abortion because it is killing a human being is a big lie. Death does not exist; it is a lie invented by the priests to dominate the masses. With abortion, you not killing anyone, you just push the energy back into the source to return maybe tomorrow. That is it. Man is one indivisible with the empty consciousness existence, an organic unity, one with the organic whole, essentially an intrinsic part of the whole.

    Man is born with the seed of the soul as a potentiality. The 300 different religions in the world create the hindrance, the rocks, the doctrine, the blockage for the seed to sprout. The hypothetical God of religion is a falsehood; it does not exist. The world situation of today definitely proves that what I say is correct, you will agree if you just look around.

    Anyway, there is a good hope coming from science. Science is soon going to prove the existence of consciousness as a scientific reality. The Cern experiment is concerned with the plasma particle, the Gustav particle, which is consciousness proven objectively. To keep humanity ignorant and enslaved by falsehood is a great crime. There is no division anywhere; inner and outer are complementary of a higher synthesis, of a higher harmony consciousness.

    Ten: Prayer is a pathologic neurosis, hypnosis, opium for the mind. You can talk to any psychoanalyst or psychologist. He will say exactly what I am saying. It is talking to the sky or to yourself at the most and is this not a neurotic attitude? It is responsible for the neurotic state of humanity. He never mentions or says anything about meditation knowing that this word means the end of Christianity and the priests. Because, through meditation, which is the natural way to unite with consciousness existence and be one indivisible with deep roots into existence, into the cosmos, which means harmony. The Pope never says anything about this; that is exploitation of the masses of ignorant people, a criminal act toward humanity.

    Eleven: The most important item is the resurrection. It is an absolute lie, a laughing stock, this interpretation that one’s body is resurrected and in a hypothetical paradise or hell. Now, figure out if a man of 80 years, broken in pieces, diseased, not able to walk, with Alzheimer’s disease, visualize what he will do in paradise. The interpretation is that he will be trembling all day long. If that is true, then it is better to die when you are young and healthy. At least you will reach paradise young and you can enjoy a little. No, this is exploitation of the masses, to make people afraid, scared of hell and greedy for paradise, so they can dominate them, exploit them easily. The resurrection is spiritual. It is a spiritual alchemy of your soul with the infinity of consciousness, the refined and evolved soul of the Buddha.

    They will simply leave the body annihilated, dissolve their soul into emptiness consciousness, from where they began and have always been essentially, from light consciousness to light consciousness, from form to formless emptiness, infinity, eternally flowing with it for eternity to come. They leave the body and return essentially, where they have always been into the source empty consciousness where they originated. The circle is complete, nature existence has fulfilled itself and the source eternity is without beginning, endless, uncreated into eternal repose. To say return, coming back, is not right because in rare cases like that of a Buddha, the consciousness has already returned to the source, meanwhile the time when the body is alive is just the blink of an eye. Buddha is already there in eternity, in the immortal body.

    Immortality is not a joke; it is a reality, essentially a Buddha is eternal. The unrefined soul will have other chances, infinite chances for bodies until the potential of the broken seed is disclosed or the pearl is found in the shell of the soul. Otherwise, the Samsara, the will of reincarnated life goes on and on and you will have infinite chances until once you have the opportunity and awake to the reality. This is what I mean by resurrection, a spiritual alchemy either in evolution propulsion towards refinement or actual for the Buddha consciousness.

    Twelve: The Pope and the Vatican are responsible for the degrading status of women in the world. Christianity and other religions completely annihilated the figure of a woman. They do not even give them the status of spiritual beings, which is a human right in my view. It is unbelievable that they think women have no soul. They treat women poorly and do not give them any spiritual status. They repress and condition women in the ugliest ways. When the truth is neutral, women have as much spirituality as men and have a more receptive quality. Women are half of the population of the world and the ignorant Pope and the Vatican deny any spiritual right in this age of 2010. I say shame on them. Christians and other religions have completely misbehaved with women. The reason is that they are afraid of women feeling the enormous potentiality they have. Women in my view are the most spiritual beings, more sensitive, more intuitive than men and with much more energy to transform.

    Here I will stop; I could go on and on with my accusations, but this is enough for me to never, never be a Christian. I could say to the Pope, your religion is false, a fairy tale for children, superficial, full of

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