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Temptation by Fire
Temptation by Fire
Temptation by Fire
Ebook293 pages5 hours

Temptation by Fire

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In Temptation by Fire by Tiffany Allee, Ava has a vision of a man's violent death, and experience tells her she can't stop it from happening. For once, she's wrong. She saves him, but in doing so enters a world of manipulative demons and the men who hunt them.

Driven by the memory of his murdered family, Karson toils in the violent, thankless fight against demonkind. Masquerading as humans, demons are always a step ahead. But just when he thinks vengeance will be his, Ava shatters his plans and twists his focus.

Her powers have pushed her away from human contact, but this tattooed hunter with a battered heart draws Ava in. Working with the pretty little psychic is a challenge Karson can handle. But keeping his hands off of her is nearly impossible. With demons on their trail and Ava determined to make things right, keeping his heart safe will be just as tough as keeping Ava alive.

Release dateDec 30, 2013
Temptation by Fire

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book! It pretty much starts off right off the bat with the action. Karson and Ava have some seriously HOT chemistry. I found this book to be very refreshing and a nice change of pace from what I have been reading lately! If you have been in a bit of a reading funk, or are just looking for an amazing book with lots of action, lots of steam and the paranormal world thrown all together, then this is definitely the book you want to pick up!! I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Vivacious Valkyrie - Marta:*Copy gifted in exchange for an honest reviewThe name Tiffany Allee is a new one to me but one that I certainly won't forget. This, my first book by her, has definitely got her a new admirer! Fans of paranormal romance and urban fantasy should most definitely put this author on their must buy list . Fast paced and full of action Temptation By Fire is a book that's hard to put down.The story centres around Ava who has the ability ( although she sees it as a curse) to sometimes get visions whilst touching people. She's learned the hard way to avoid human contact as much as possible and really only fully trusts her best friend Miriam. Miriam is a medical student and whilst visiting her one day Ava meets two completely different men. Thomas, blonde and seemingly friendly and his darkly brooding companion Karson. She gets a terrible vision about Thomas burning alive and yet it's Karson who for some reason she can't stop thinking about.Ava is many things but she most definitely is not a coward and she sets out to find Thomas and do all she can to save him. What started out as a chance encounter is about to completely change Ava's view on life as she quickly finds herself drawn into a world of demons and those who hunt them. Her psychic gift is going to lead her into more danger then Ava's ever imagined but it's her heart that will be truly tested.Excellent story about demon hunting and yes I've read a few! What makes this book stand out for me is the quality of the writing as Ms Allee gives her characters a strong voice. There are many books that feature different points of view as the story unfolds but these two main characters literally seem to leap off the page. When I read a book of this type I usually imagine myself as the heroine falling for the hero but here I wanted to be the hero! The guys viewpoint is so strong that it didn't feel in any way like a typical paranormal type romance. Although I do have to say that it's a hot read and If this is a series then count me in! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and although I usually prefer a longer read would have no hesitation in rating this a five.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Psychic, Ava Keller, hates her gift, or her curse as she preferred to refer to it. Karson is a demon hunter seeking revenge for the death of his family. Together they need to stop two demons who threaten humanity. Being from Chicago, I always like when books take place there. I actually used to live in the same neighborhood where Ava’s house is supposed to be. So needless to say visualizing the neighborhood was pretty easy for me.The book and characters are well-developed and interesting. The story flowed well and was easy to follow. Temptation by Fire has humor which I always appreciate; it makes the dialog entertaining.I like that Ava and Karson both grow in the novel. I enjoyed both of their characters. I also appreciate the contrast of personalities between the two daemons.If you enjoy paranormal novels that keep you on the edge of your seat you should enjoy Temptation by Fire. ARC provided publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I. Was. So......Bored. After reading TEMPTED BY FIRE (which I really wanted to enjoy) that thought was about all I came away with. There is an interesting cast of characters involved and situations that make your heart pound. I just couldn't seem to get invested in the book and that was when my mind kept wandering.The good news is that it seems like I am in the minority so if you have been eying this book take a look at all the great reviews on the web.* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This intriguing paranormal tale of demons and demon hunters is exciting with some unique elements.When she suffers a horrifying vision of a man’s death, Ava Keller knows from experience that nothing she does can stop it from becoming reality. But a meeting with a strong, broken man makes her want to believe in second chances. Tortured by his past and consumed by vengeance, Karson has worked tirelessly to make the demons that killed his family pay. Ava inadvertently disrupts his intricate plan, his focus shifts. And now thrown together by fate, Ava and Karson must battle the demons that threaten humanity while discover new hope for the future.This fast paced and intriguing plot keeps the reader on the edge of their seat with action, suspense and romance. The vivid images painted by the author give life to the story and capture the imagination. The strong and compelling characters grab the reader’s attention and doesn’t let go until the very end. The story as well as the characters has some unique elements that add spice and excitement to the drama as it unfolds.The chemistry between Ava and Karson radiate heat from every page, but the relationship has lots of tension building hardships and emotional turmoil that the couple must overcome that adds depth to the story. The author ensures that reader can clearly understand the characters motivations while at the same time making them complex enough that they are not too easy figure out.Tiffany creates fascinating and entertaining worlds that keeps the reader turning the pages to the very end and this one is no exception. The only problem that I had with this one is the heroine was a little wishy washy at first and then abruptly does an about face and is ready to take on the world. But this did not really detract from the story and I certainly had to finish one I started. There was lots of interesting characters in the story that I would like to know more about and some elements that definitely lead me to believe that this could become I series. (I hope)

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Temptation by Fire - Tiffany Allee


Temptation by Fire

Tiffany Allee

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by Tiffany Allee. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

Entangled Publishing, LLC

2614 South Timberline Road

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Fort Collins, CO 80525

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Edited by Rochelle French

Cover design by Fiona Jayde

Ebook ISBN 978-1-62266-200-5

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition December 2013

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Nordstrom; Die Hard (movie); Cherry Coke; Pepsi; Lincoln Navigator; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Toyota Corolla; Facebook; Dollar Tree; Formica; Dumpster; Pizza Hut; Google; McDonald’s; Target; Froot Loops; Oscar; Sharpie; Home Depot; Sprite; Star Trek.

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen



About the Author

For George Allee

Chapter One

Monstrous. That was the only word for it. Deep reds and yellows flashed at me, hurting my eyes. The sparkles were almost enough to put me right over the edge. What the heck were those things? Rhinestones? Who wore rhinestones anymore?

Only Miriam.

What do you think, Ava? Miriam asked.

I bit my lip, searching my mind for a way to tell her that it was the fugliest thing I’d ever seen without offending her. I cast a quick glance about us. Thanks to the after-dinner hour, the hospital cafeteria where we sat at a chipped Formica-topped table was almost empty. No one else seemed to notice us, or the horrible dress that my best friend was waving around. But combined with the smell of disinfectant that clung to the stark white walls and pastel plastic furniture, the dress was enough to make me dizzy.

Nope. There was no way to be polite.

I think it’s horrible, I admitted. Miriam’s fashion sense tended toward the wild side, but that dress crossed a line. Besides the garish sequins, the neckline looked like it would hit her navel.

Really? Miriam held the dress at arm’s length and studied it with a critical eye. I thought it might be nice for the graduation party. I don’t graduate from medical school every day. Might be a good chance to wear something saucy.

I suppressed a shudder at the idea of wearing something so flashy in public. But that was Miriam. Brave and fun and willing to journey into the scariest places fashion offered. Despite our differences, we’d been best friends ever since the day in middle school when Miriam decided we would be.

Miriam got what Miriam wanted.

She was also my favorite person in the world. So it worked out pretty darn well for me.

Besides, once I start my residency, I won’t be out of scrubs for years, she said. There’s only so much you can do to make scrubs look good.

The ache that had settled into my chest ever since the reality of Miriam leaving had hit me flared into pain.

I was twenty-five for crying out loud, far too old to be using my best friend as a security blanket, even if she was leaving me alone in Chicago to pursue her dream of being a medical doctor in New York City. Mentally quashing the loneliness, I forced a grin.

My grin didn’t fool her and she frowned at me, then shoved the dress back into a Nordstrom bag. You’re tougher than you think.

I know, I said automatically. My fear of getting physically near people—heck, even being in the same room as large groups—was the source of many, many, many of our arguments. Especially lately. The last thing I wanted was to get into it again. Miriam was a gem, but she spent way too much time worrying about me.

Some things weren’t fixable.

I pushed down the self-pity the thought caused. The emotion was silly, self-indulgent, and unfounded. Sure, I wasn’t exactly sociable because of the constraints placed on me by my curse, but I still had a decent life. One that was a heck of a lot better than most people’s.

As long as I was careful not to touch anyone.

So, I need to get as much Ava-time in as I can before I go. What are you doing tonight? You should come with me to find something to wear to the party, since you have to compete against this amazing dress.

Compete against that? So not my style. The dress was a walking banner proclaiming Miriam to be vivacious and outgoing. And more than a bit of a daredevil. If my clothes had a sign attached, it would identify me as cautious, or just scream don’t touch. There was no competition. And shopping?

A sudden need to be out of this place, alone and in my own space, hit, and I tugged on my sleeves.

Miriam’s gaze shifted, just enough that I could tell she noticed. Awesome friend that she was, she pretended she hadn’t. Actually, I’m a little beat, she said. Maybe I could bring a movie over? Something filled with angst and love and Colin Firth.

Are you ever getting out of the Colin Firth phase?

She pushed up from the table, face serious. Colin Firth isn’t a phase, Ava. He’s a way of life.

He’s a tad refined for my taste, but— I stood and pushed my chair in—I wouldn’t want to deprive you of something so important.

Miriam turned to walk out of the cafeteria when she suddenly froze, her eyes widened, and her gaze locked on something over my shoulder. She let out a quiet whistle. Wow, cute. Forget Colin Firth.

As casually as I could, I snuck a glance behind me.

The man was anything but cute.

He could have been anywhere from his late twenties to midthirties. His good looks weren’t marred by the thick and ropey scar that ran down the side of his face and neck. I could see him playing Double Oh Seven, not Darcy. But the way he carried himself—arrogant but guarded—seemed out of place in the quiet hospital. His gaze weighed and categorized everything it took in and made my stomach clench and my heart speed up. Fight or flight?

I looked at Miriam. Quit grinning at him, I whispered. He looks like a thug.

He looks sweet.

Hardly, I threw out.

Oh, him? I’m not grinning at him.

It dawned on me Miriam was looking at the young blond man who stood next to the man who’d caught my attention. No wonder she’d said cute—this guy was pretty—in a frat boy sort of way. He didn’t look a day over twenty-one. Young, and without the intensity of his friend. How had Miriam even noticed him next to the darker-haired man?

They’re going to get the wrong idea with you gaping, I said, gathering my purse. The blond might be harmless, but I was certain the man next to him was anything but. Time to leave.

God, I hope so.

Movement caught the corner of my eye; the blond was swaggering toward us. Great.

Hello, ladies, the blond said, oozing confidence in a way that made me immediately want to get away. A chill ran over me, like the air conditioning had kicked on.

Hi. Miriam grinned, toying with her hair.

I’m Thomas. This is Karson. He jerked a thumb at the man I’d mentally labeled Tough Guy, then offered me his hand.

Instinctively, I stepped back, only to catch my foot on the chair behind me. I stumbled, and before I could move away, the blond man grabbed my hand to steady me.

Cold flashed up my arm—a sharp pain followed by a chilly, almost numb feeling, as if someone had dipped my hand into a vat of ice. It ran up my arm into the rest of my body. I shivered.

Then I burned.

I smelled the smoke first, searing its way up my nose and into my lungs. Fear started then, building from my chest and spreading outward into my limbs. Panic set in, and I almost couldn’t smell the smoke for how much the mind-gripping fear overwhelmed my senses. I wanted—no, needed to run, but couldn’t.

Couldn’t move.

Then pain engulfed the panic, driving it relentlessly forward. Sound roared in my ears—a thumping heartbeat and screams that had to be coming from my mouth. A thundering voice sounded like it was coming from my own mind, uttering foreign words that scared me even though I couldn’t understand them. I could smell again, the scent of ordinary smoke now pungent with another scent.

My burning flesh.

I blinked and tried to see, but couldn’t make much out through smoke and darkness. Only a flashing light touched my stinging eyes—a neon sign. The words were blurred by pain and smoke and I couldn’t focus, couldn’t see. I silently prayed for darkness. But darkness didn’t come. Only pain and fear.

Then, another sound, a voice. A voice reaching for me through the din.

A voice I reached for, desperate.

…You all right? Ava?


She was there, next to me. There for me.

I took a deep breath and leaned heavily against her. A few moments of confusion passed before I could orient myself. A hospital worker in a set of pastel scrubs walked by, a concerned expression on his face, but he didn’t stop. I swallowed the bile in my throat and looked at Miriam. Her face was pinched, eyebrows drawn together with worry.

Miriam? The hospital. I was at the hospital. Not tied up in a room. Not in pain. Not burning.

I’m here, she said quietly.

I pulled away from her, careful not to touch her skin to my skin, teetering a bit as I regained my balance.

Was it…you know? she asked.

Yeah. I swayed, and Miriam reached for my arm. I pulled away from her, leaning against the chair instead. I hated myself a little, for the hurt that flashed in her eyes when I rejected her help, but my special touch-me-not instincts were at an all-time high. I looked around the hospital cafeteria for the young man who’d triggered my curse, but didn’t see him or his intense friend.

Where is he?

Who—oh, they took off. His scary friend dragged him away when you started muttering about fires and burning and stuff.

Relief hit me so hard I sagged against the back of the chair I’d been leaning against. I didn’t have to face the choice. I didn’t have to debate whether to warn them about what I saw. I didn’t have to actually tell someone new about my curse.

Because every time I tried to tell someone what I’d seen, it never did a single bit of good. They still suffered whatever fate I witnessed in my vision.

What did you see? she murmured, gently.

I saw him getting burned alive. I saw him die.

Convincing Miriam that the middle of the hospital cafeteria wasn’t the right place to talk about my visions or about what I’d seen was tough. She wanted to deconstruct the entire series of events right then, right there. Convincing her that I was okay to go home alone was tougher. But after a few minutes, she relented, promising to be at my apartment in a couple of hours, with a Colin Firth movie in hand.

I walked out the exit door and halted. Leaning against the brick wall was the man I’d mentally dubbed as Tough Guy.

My mouth went dry and my stomach clenched, but I crossed my arms and didn’t look away from him. Wasn’t that how you were supposed to deal with scary people? Show no fear? Maybe that was dogs.

Face tight, he was as still as a statue. His friend had told me his name, but I couldn’t remember for a moment. Movement beyond him caught my eye, and tension cinched my shoulders into a tight knot when I saw the young man—Thomas?—come out from behind the larger man’s shadow. Thomas looked me over with a curious expression on his face.

Get me some answers. His words were for Tough Guy, even though he grinned at me in a charming manner. Everything about Thomas said California surfer: the dark tan, the big white teeth, the sun-bleached hair. The only thing that countered that image was the perfectly tailored suit he wore, which probably cost more than what I paid a year in rent. Charming, polite, and well-off.

Too bad the only thing I could think of when I looked at him was how his flesh smelled when it burned.

With the odd order still hanging in the air, Thomas turned and headed toward the parking lot, whistling, leaving Tough Guy behind.

Answers? If he wanted answers about what had happened to me—my vision—why wasn’t he asking me himself?

Paralyzed, I watched him walk away, leaving me alone with Tough Guy. My throat closed and for a moment I could taste the smoke again, feel the fire licking my fingertips. I half wanted to follow him, to tell him what I’d seen. But I couldn’t seem to make myself move. And I knew what happened when I tried to warn people about the things I saw in my visions. It only made things worse.

It always made things worse.

Tough Guy took a step toward me and crossed his arms. With his large frame, he towered over me, but thankfully he didn’t crowd me. His dark hair, cut in a longish, haphazard way, absorbed the light around it. And though his body was long and obviously well-muscled, it suggested bar room brawls, not a life spent working out at the gym.

Karson. That was it. Tough Guy’s name was Karson. Although Tough Guy seemed more apropos.

His intensity had my insides quivering. Whatever it was he wanted from me, there’d be no getting away from answering. But at least he didn’t seem to be trying to scare me intentionally—the man was just majorly intense.

Are you a Venator? he asked sharply, surprising me with the question.

Excuse me? Lame, I know, but I had no clue what he was talking about. I’d thought he’d be asking why I’d started muttering about fire and looking like I was in some other world.

Is this some kind of setup? Because I don’t appreciate you screwing around on my job. He shot a quick glance over his shoulder before turning back to look at me. He stepped forward, towering over me with his large frame.

His scent touched my nose, spicy and masculine. But he was too close. I stepped back.

Something in his expression shifted. Softened, but only a tad. Tell me what the fuck is going on, and cut the scared rabbit look. You know I’m not going to hurt you.

I knew no such thing.

I don’t know what you’re talking about—

The trancing out and muttering about burning. Ring any bells? Are you trying to get me killed? Eyes locked on mine, he took another step toward me, crowding me.

At least now he was talking about something I knew about. But the whole Venator thing? Screwing around on his job? Trying to get him killed? Very slowly, I repeated myself. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

He cursed under his breath. You’re lying.

I didn’t answer, but I didn’t look down, either. And I didn’t step back again. Miriam would have been proud. Or petrified for me.

He stepped back this time, and his lips curved into a slight grin. You’re a tough one.

Damn straight, I managed.

His grin widened into an all-out smile, and the world around us brightened.

My breath hitched, but not from fear this time. Just the small change in his expression made him more man than monster.

Just—just tell your friend to watch out for himself, I said. A wimpy-ass warning, but did I really know anything else that would be helpful? What could I say? Tell your buddy that if he knows anyone who likes to burn people alive, that he shouldn’t trust the pyro? Yeah, that would totally be helpful. And to stay away from neon signs.

I expected him to roll his eyes or laugh at my warning; it was such a weird thing to say. But his gaze rolled over me in a very obvious appraisal, and when he finally got back to my eyes, I gave him my best glare. After years of pushing people away from me, I’d gotten good at the whole steer-clear glare.

Keep your secrets, girl. But stay away from my job. With a final, lingering glance at me, he turned and headed the direction Thomas had taken.

He moved quickly, but with purpose, like some sort of jungle cat on the hunt. The man didn’t walk. He stalked.

Thank God he’d gone the bullying route. With a smile like that and enough testosterone to kill a horse, he could have charmed the truth out of me. But the weird word he’d used still ran through my mind.


What the hell was a Venator?

And did it have anything to do with my curse?

In my apartment two hours later, I almost jumped out of my skin when the loud knock sounded on my door. Had to be Miriam, but I still took a quick peek through the peephole to make sure. My hands were a little shaky as I struggled with the lock. The vision, that guy Karson’s weird statements, had gotten under my skin. Once I got the door open, her smile faded into a look of concern. Damn. I must look like crap.

Are you all right? Is it the vision?

I’m fine.


I almost laughed. Miriam never feared calling me out, no matter what. I beckoned her into the living room where we sat on my flower-print couch. I went through the encounter with the man outside of the hospital while Miriam listened intently.

That Karson guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk, she said. But I don’t think he’s what’s got you all shaken up.

I keep seeing that poor man. Thomas. I can’t get the image out of my head. Not to mention the sensations I’d experienced—as if I’d been the one being burned alive.

I think we should try to find him.

No. I told his friend to warn Thomas to watch out. How would being more specific help that? I leaped off the couch and paced next to it. I felt like something was crawling under my skin. The ache to find this man, to warn him more fully—God, I wanted to. But I knew with too much certainty what would happen if I warned someone about one of my visions. No way. You don’t understand, Miriam. It’s not just that I can’t prevent what I see in the visions from happening, but part of the curse seems to be that when I do warn people, it always makes things so much worse.

How could it possibly get more horrible for this guy than burning alive? Miriam pointed out.

Guilt rushed through me, and I bit my lip. The future couldn’t get more terrible for that man. But it could for me—it always did. Crap hit the fan and warning people always put me directly in the path of the oncoming shitstorm. And that thought, selfish though it was, made me want to run away and hide.

People never failed to look at me like I was some sort of freak when I warned them about my visions. Always.

Even my own family.

And they’d never stopped, really. Even though I’d kept my mouth shut for years. They just stopped looking at me. Stopped talking to me. Every single family member had rejected me because of the curse. At least, that’s the term I’d given it. The Curse. Because really, this thing that happened to me when I touched someone else’s skin had truly cursed my life. I’d lost just about everything, to the point that what I had left was Miriam.

You know what happened the last time I tried to warn someone, and every time before that, I said.

Pity touched Miriam’s expression, and I flinched. I didn’t want pity. I just wanted to be normal. To not have to worry about visions.

God, I was so freaking selfish.

I know, she said softly. You’ve never really…gotten over what happened. But you survived. And there’s a lot to be said for that.

This vision was far too similar to the one that had alienated my family. That had made me an outcast. Fire and screams and anguish had filled that vision, too.

I swallowed the acid climbing my throat. I can’t change what will happen.

But just because you haven’t been able to stop a vision from coming true before doesn’t mean it’s impossible, Miriam said.

I couldn’t breathe, and spots ran across my vision. I plopped back onto the couch and put my head between my knees. Miriam touched my shoulder and I jumped. She jerked her hand away.

So stupid. My visions only occurred when there was skin-to-skin contact, and even then, they weren’t exactly common. But they weren’t uncommon enough, and any kind of touching made me twitchy. Too twitchy.

I’m sorry, I said.

I know.

I just hate feeling so powerless, but I shouldn’t take all this out on you. Part of me wanted to curl up under a rock somewhere like a miserable coward. The idea sickened me, but what had I been doing all these years, if not hiding? I gave her a sideways look, seeking what—reassurance?

Miriam gave me a small grin. Of course you should take it out on me, that’s what friends are for. Do you remember how many boxes of tissues I went through here when Jimmy dumped me last year? Her smile faded. But I’m leaving soon, and I think maybe you need to start facing this gift of yours, start getting out of your shell a little bit.

Yeah, right, I choked out, meaning it as almost a joke.

I worry about you, Ava. Life is nothing without purpose. And ignoring your gift—what’s the purpose in that?

The conversation was suddenly too heavy for me. I needed some room to breathe. So you’re saying I need to quit being such a wimp?

She laughed. "Yep. Maybe we need to watch some Die Hard movies or something. Toughen you up."

Another thought hit. Venator, I said.


He asked if I was a Venator—the big guy. Karson. That’s the word he used.

Miriam’s face scrunched. Yeah, no idea what that is. Sounds Italian-ish.

"I don’t know,

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