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Story Box #2: Cat Island
Story Box #2: Cat Island
Story Box #2: Cat Island
Ebook71 pages55 minutes

Story Box #2: Cat Island

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Cat Island is a Mystery Story Book for Children.

What's on the inside:
Surrounded by a notoriously fierce ocean that few boats ever dared to cross there was an island. Although barely visible behind a cover of thick, murky clouds, rumors circulated amongst the outside world about the island’s existence and many had perished trying to find it. The ocean showed them no mercy as it destroyed their boats and watched them perish in its salty demise.

You may think that this island was so hard to reach that no humans had ever stepped upon on. If you thought this then you’d be wrong. Centuries ago a passenger ship was making the long journey home, when it got caught up in a terrible storm with waves higher than any mountains the people upon it had ever witnessed before.

So it came to be that these people made the island their home and centuries later they still lived there. They grew their own food, caught fish and ate beasty’s and they lived in huts they’d built.

Below the island they lay a cave that led into many passageways. It was a nine-year-old boy who everyone said was too small and little to achieve anything who was the first one to prove the existence of the creatures that lived within these caves; although the true extent of what lay beneath them was still open to be explored.

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Release dateOct 29, 2013
Story Box #2: Cat Island


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    Story Box #2 - Worlds

    Story Box #2: Cat Island


    Robert Sterling


    Worlds Publishing


    Smashwords Edition

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    Copyright © 2013 Robert Sterling and Worlds Publishing.

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    Description of Cat Island

    Surrounded by a notoriously fierce ocean that few boats ever dared to cross there was an island. Although barely visible behind a cover of thick, murky clouds, rumors circulated amongst the outside world about the island’s existence and many had perished trying to find it. The ocean showed them no mercy as it destroyed their boats and watched them perish in its salty demise.

    You may think that this island was so hard to reach that no humans had ever stepped upon on. If you thought this then you’d be wrong. Centuries ago a passenger ship was making the long journey home, when it got caught up in a terrible storm with waves higher than any mountains the people upon it had ever witnessed before.

    So it came to be that these people made the island their home and centuries later they still lived there. They grew their own food, caught fish and ate beasty’s and they lived in huts they’d built.

    Below the island they lay a cave that led into many passageways. It was a nine-year-old boy who everyone said was too small and little to achieve anything who was the first one to prove the existence of the creatures that lived within these caves; although the true extent of what lay beneath them was still open to be explored.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

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    About the Author


    The Cat Island


    Surrounded by a notoriously fierce ocean, that few boats ever dared to cross, there was an island. Although it was barely visible behind a cover of clouds, there were still rumors about its existence and many died trying to find it. The ocean showed them no mercy as it destroyed their boats and watched them perish in its salty demise.

    You may think that this island was so hard to reach that no humans had ever stepped upon it. If you thought this, then you’d be wrong. Centuries ago a passenger ship was making a long journey home. The Ship got caught up in a terrible storm with waves higher than any mountain. The people on the ship had never witnessed anything bigger than this before.

    Forty-one passengers awoke on a shore of dark brown sand. So it became that the only people to ever stumble upon the island did it unintentionally. As hard as it was to find this island, it was even harder to leave. A few who were longing to get back to their families, tried, but they lost their lives. Those that stayed were the ones that realized how fortunate they were to find the island.

    It was named ‘The Cat Island’ and soon the people who lived there started to forget about their old lives. They grew their own food, built huts and soon the island became so much more than just an island, it became their home.

    It was ten-years after they first came to live there, that a six-year-old boy named Victor was dared by the older children to explore the cave that rested just above the ocean’s surface.

    It was after weeks of pestering that Victor finally gave in.

    The children stood at the foot of the steep rocks and looked on with amusement as Victor stood there unable to move.

    Victor’s a wimp, chanted Casper, the biggest boy there.

    "Victor’s scared like

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