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My Favorite Sermon Vol 2
My Favorite Sermon Vol 2
My Favorite Sermon Vol 2
Ebook78 pages37 minutes

My Favorite Sermon Vol 2

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A collection of sermon outlines composed using the Homiletical principles. this is a series of 6 (six) books.

PublisherAlfredo Noble
Release dateNov 1, 2013
My Favorite Sermon Vol 2

Alfredo Noble

Apostle, Alfredo D. Noble ~ The Senior Pastor and Founder of Christians For Christ International Church is no doubt a phenomenal man of God. Pastor Noble portrays the heart of a shepherd, dedicated to the life of servant-hood and Gods’ vision for the Church. Pastor Noble was born in Colon Republic of Panama, the first born of four siblings. It was mid-June of 1956 when he moved here to the United States.Pastor Noble is viewed as a devoted family man, passionate husband and astonishing father. In the same way, he is viewed as an anointed multi-gifted, prophet, professor, counselor, teacher, entrepreneur, publisher, author, and song writer. Additionally, Pastor Noble is musically inclined in that he plays several instruments, as well as writes and produces his own music and much more.Pastor Noble began to pursue a higher education and sought sources such as: The Los Angeles Bible Institute, The University of Biblical Studies, and the American Bible University, Biola University, Glendale University. Pastor Noble later earned his Bachelor of Theology Degree, Master of Divinity Degree, Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Education, Doctor of Theology, along with the awarded Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from the School of Life.In December of 1984, Pastor Noble distinctly understood God had called him to establish Christians For Christ Baptist Church. Under the direction of the Holy Spirits, Pastor Noble and the congregation agreed in 1994 to change the name of the church from Christians for Christ B.C. to Christians For Christ Community Church, which in turn attracted persons in search for a community and family oriented place of worship.Continuously, God broadened Pastor Noble’s vision to see beyond the needs of people in this land and visualize the need to reach lost souls in foreign lands as well while maintaining his vision for lost souls in general. The opportunity presented itself for Pastor Noble to travel to Nigeria, Africa. Subsequently, it was upon this land that God deepened his burden for the thousands of needy souls that were hungry for Gods Word. The experience and outcome of his visit led Pastor Noble to establish CFCCC Number Two located in Africa, resulting in the final name change of the Headquarter Church, from Christians For Christ Community Church to Christians For Christ International.Pastor Noble, being a Church planter inquired and adapted the necessary course of action involved with being a church planter, resulting in his ordination in the office of Apostleship.Finally, Pastor Noble, being a seeker of higher education soon established the Christians For Christ International Church Nursery School in Nigeria, Africa, where with rapid pace there are currently over two hundred plus children attending. Additionally, Pastor Noble offers his teaching skills on a regular basis to the local congregations in Los Angeles, California, as Founder and Dean of the CFC International Ministerial Training Institute, also located in Los Angeles, California. Pastor Noble is also a profound Professor of the Greek Language at the Long Beach Bible Institute, Long Beach and The Ministerial Training Institute of Englewood, California.

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    My Favorite Sermon Vol 2 - Alfredo Noble

    My Favorite Sermons II


    Alfredo D. Noble

    Copyright November 2012

    All rights reserved

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    For information or to contact the author, write to:

    Dr. Alfredo D. Noble

    PO Box 75535

    Los Angeles, California 90037



    Cover design by Alfredo Noble

    Smashwords Edition: License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    1. Our weapons are mighty enough to pull down strong holds through Christ – II Corinthians 10:1-6

    2. Damsel Arise, Tail-I-tha-cumn-mi – Mark 5:38-41

    3. Becoming a barrier overcomer – Matthew 19:1-10

    4. Busy about everything but the Lord - Luke 10:38-42

    5. I’ll meet you on the other side – Matthew 14:22-25

    6. The death account – Mark 15:25

    7.. Could not thou watch one hour? – Mark 14:32-41

    8. When he came to himself – Luke 15:17

    9. Not my will, but thine be done – Luke 22:42-44

    10. There is nothing impossible for the children of God – Genesis 11:1-7

    11. God is faithful – I Corinthians 10:13

    12. Father the leader – Genesis 22: 1-8

    13. Put it on my account – Philemon 1:1-25

    14. Stop complaining and look for the light – Number 14:11

    15. The value of making a commitment – I Corinthians 12:12-27

    16. I will make a joyful noise unto the Lord – Psalms 100

    17. Prosperity is in thine hands – 111 John 1-4

    18. What does it take to be obedient unto death – Philippians 2:1-8

    19. This is the record – 1 John 5:11-13

    20. Teach faithful men to teach – 11 Timothy 2:1-4

    21. God is my power – Psalms 34:19

    22. To understand will, I must be filled with the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 5:17-20

    H1. Sermon Preparation Form/Step by Step

    H2. Sermon outline example

    H3. Sermon Outline Blank

    About the Author


    The challenge of the Gospel Preacher is one of the greatest endeavors that a man would ever hope to tackle. It calls for a total surrender of the candidate to the tasks as well as metamorphosis of becoming a living sacrifice for the work of God.

    The candidate must know above all the fanfare, remarks made in regards to the pushing to become a preacher by others, the prompting by grandmother or a loving relative who believe that the sign is on them. It must go beyond the prophecy proclaim by that mean well person.

    In essence, the candidate

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