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The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 5
The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 5
The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 5
Ebook32 pages25 minutes

The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 5

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About this ebook

Join Splot, the Floating Pink Blob as he travels on adventures to fight evil! In this collection, he'll go up against a prolific pen who can turn drawings into living beings, a lunatic tick who has stolen a young caterpillar's leaves, a simply quackers duck who has stolen Splot's cookie, a shelfish snail who wants to get to the grocery store before it opens by any means necessary and a pumpkin prankster who is ausing trouble because he's a sour loser. Does the young pink blob have what it takes to battle these foes? Read on to find out!

Release dateNov 12, 2013
The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 5

David Cathrine

I was born in Edinburgh in 1986. I studied Visual Communication - New Media at Edinburgh’s Telford College and I use the skills and knowledge gained there to help me illustrate some of my books. My other works include “The Year of the Snakes”, “A Fishy Tail”, “Bob Piercem’s Perplexing Quest” and the “Splot, the Floating Pink Blob Short Story Compilations”.

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    Book preview

    The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob - David Cathrine

    The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob - Part 5

    By David Cathrine

    Copyright 2013 David Cathrine

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents

    Splot, the Floating Pink Artist

    Splot, the Floating Pink Bug Catcher

    Splot, the Floating Pink Blob in - Fowl Play

    Splot, the Floating Pink Blob in - At a Snail's Pace

    Splot, the Floating Pink Blob in - A Punny Spooktacle

    About the Author


    Splot, the Floating Pink Artist

    While sipping his herbal tea in his nice herb garden filled with lush greenery…and herbs, a wise sage with a grey moustache and a brown walking stick, who looked like he was showing his age, was busy looking at a letter he had received from a random citizen.

    'I seed, I seed,' the sage said in his usual odd dialect as he finished reading the letter. 'It appears as though an evil pen has been spotted causing mischief in the forest, young Splot.'

    'Oh, no!' Splot said in shock. 'Not an evil, um, pen, Sage-ittarius! What should we, um, do?'

    'You must go to the forest and put an end to this evil pen's antics, young Splot.'

    'I shall, um, make my way to the forest now, um, Sage-ittarius!'

    'Farewell, young Splot!'

    With that, Splot made his way to the forest where the pen lurked.


    After several hours of floating over some pretty rough terrain, which had absolutely no effect on our hero, Splot, he eventually arrived at what seemed like a place with lots and lots of trees and a very

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